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Messages - California

Sounds fascinating indeed. If you ever care to write more about this you will have at least one eager reader. Is the area of consciousness you refer to analogous to the idea of parallel realities?


Very interesting, and thanks for your reply. Interestingly, I seemed to experience the pain reduction just yesterday. I have a very sore back, and when I went into meditation I seemed to be able to move it around and reduce it quite a bit. The reduction seemed to last for some time as the pain came back gradually over a few hours.

Actually, I had mentioned not being able to to waked up as an indication of how far away I seemed to be, and I guess I was trying to fit that into my understanding of the OBE/Astral experiences.

An example of this was when a car went off the road by the house next door in the middle of the night and knocked the support pillars out from underneath a two-car garage, which then followed the errant automobile down the steep slope. It made a tremendous noise which woke up the entire neighborhood. My awakened and shocked brothers tried to wake me up on their way out to see what had happened, but  I neither heard the great crash nor responded to their attempt to wake me.

Thinking again about the pain, it reminds me that when I was small, being the smallest of 4 boys, I took a certain amount of pounding, the way brothers often do. But at a certain point, I discovered I could start to laugh instead of feeling any pain. My brother would hit me and I would just laugh hilariously. This not only kept me from feeling pain, but it drove my brothers crazy and took the fun out of beating on me.

Another instance where I mentally deflected pain was when I fell off a big rope swing and sprained my ankle pretty badly. I thought it was hilarious, and I just couldn't stop laughing and singing songs. I couldn't stand up, so I crawled home on all fours, laughing and singing the whole way.

Thanks for reminding me of all that. As the back pain is keeping enough tension to keep me from relaxing enough to project, I will continue experiment with  how I experience it in my meditation, and pay a little more attention this time.

Hello Frank,

I've really enjoyed your discussion here. I read Jane Robert's books years ago and formed a picture very close to what your are describing.

I'm very curious, and if you don't mind my asking, how did you develop these ideas?

Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Hello Hypnotist1
January 30, 2005, 16:43:24
Hello Hypnotist1

I have a question you might have good insight into. When I was a kid, I used to:
-sleepwalk and talk
-sleep so deeply that people pounding on me could not wake me up

Can you shed any light on the states of consciousness involved in these experiences?

Seems worth mentioning that fairies, and other little people, have been seen by people around the world for centuries. What they are, I do not know, and I have not seem them, but I know many people have. In Northern Europe and Britain various mythologies have grown up about them over the centuries. Might be interesting to do some reading on the subject.
That's very interesting. Would it make any sense to ask:
a) did the enhanced energy enable more experience (time) than usual?
b) did the enhanced energy enable greater recall?

In any case, the experience seems to indicate a relationship between increased energy and increased awareness of experience in the alternate reality.

Thanks for posting.
Thanks for the welcome everyone! Very happy to be here.

I've ordered Astral Dynamics and Mastering Astral Projection, and am really looking forward to working through them. In the meantime I'm reading The Treatise on Astral Dynamics (excellent) online, have listened to the interviews and read various other tidbits on the main site. I really appreciate the work that has gone into all of this. I heard Robert Bruce on Dreamland and was very impressed indeed. That led me here.
My conscious introduction to the topic was a spontaneous onset of the vibrations and paralysis when I was very tired, at 19, about 24 years ago.
I worked on it, learned to initiate the vibrations, read Casteneda, Seth, Hermann Hesse, Pantanjali and Vivekananda and had some interesting results. I also came across a few negs and scared myself a few times.
I stopped more or less, more than 10 years ago, and have recently developed new enthusiasm. I have more context now, and hope I am better prepared. Finding this forum, Robert Bruce's work and some other materials online is so great! Things have really changed since I last checked-in to this subject. When I worked on it before I had no specific info to help me, and didn't really attack it head-on.
I had my first "new" OBE on my first try yesterday! and I couldn't be happier. Thanks to Robert Bruce and the good vibes on this forum. I induced the vibrations they way I used to using pranayama, and just stepped-out a couple of times and had a mildly amusing flying episode. It was not terribly exciting per se, but it was very satisfying and I am totally hyped to learn. My goals are:
-to develop spiritually
-to expand consciousness
-improve health
-take creative expression to a new level
-make practical use of expanded awareness in some helpful way

I believe expansion of consciousness is the evolution of man.

Hello People,

I'm so glad to have found this excellent resource. What a great use of the internet.

Renewing my interest in OBE and lucid dreaming which started spontaneously for me about 25 years ago, I'm just discovering the work of Robert Bruce and found this forum through his site.

I have not pursued the topic for over ten years and in that time have had only a few lucid dreams. I'm looking forward to getting out a bit more in the months to come!

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to read the book. It was just a bizarre, striking coincidence. I happened to be at an old hotel on the coast of Portugal in a situation where this book came into my hands. It was a beautiful, classic, hand made leather-bound volume. I was able to peruse the first few pages and I didn't make a record of the title or name. I was struck because at the time when I looked for books to read on the subject in bookstores I would try to find them entirely through intuition. And there on the first page of the book it started talking about how men through the ages have followed that sound.
Thinking about it know, I wonder if it was not a product of the European mysticism associated with the Rosicrucians or some similar society.
At the time I was learning as much as I could about the experiences and found I could initiate the vibrations by doing a yogic breathing exercise I learned from Vivekananda's Raja Yoga, then listening to the high-pitched sound and "following" it into the vibrations. I did not have any direct references or sources for astral projection, and was involved because they came to me and I had to figure out what was happening.
Hi Knucklebrain,

It's a great thing that you have found this forum. I am one, and there are certainly others here that have been exactly where you are. You are not alone, and I do not believe you are in danger!

I went through the same fear over 20 years ago, and at that time it was not so easy to find information as it is today.

Today, if I have any regrets about this experience, it is that I did not wholeheartedly embrace what I have come to believe is a great gift!

My first day home after a grueling finals week, at the end of my freshman year at university, I awoke in the middle of the night utterly paralyzed, with massive energy running through my body, a giant roaring in my head. I truly thought I was dying! Frantic, terrified, and with no access to my body, feeling like a giant electro-magnet being crushed by it's own force, I desperately focused all of my will on trying to utter a single sound, any sound at all...

This effort brought me control of my body: I was able to move a finger, ever so slightly. I continued to fight but kept being pulled back. Was I dying?! With a supreme effort I was finally able to regain control of the body but had to get up and move around to avoid going back into that hell.

It continued to happen and I did my best to read and find out what was going on. Of course, my doctor and my parents had no idea what it was and tried to minimize it which was less than helpful. They had no idea of the immense intensity of these sensations!

Having said that, I can tell you today, with absolute sincerity, that I came to believe this phenomena was and is a great gift! I learned to go into the experience and have found it life-altering in a profoundly positive way.

I don't want to say too much because I am no expert, but it is my wholehearted opinion that you HAVE NOTHING TO FEAR!

I am new to this forum and new to the work of Robert Bruce, but I am finding it very helpful, and you may as well. I have found it astounding and energizing to discover the experiences of others which are so similar to my own. I would suggest that you take a look at where Robert Bruce addresses very specifically your concerns about the racing heart an provides a great wealth of information.

You may find that your painkillers are directly related to your experiences because they induce physical relaxation.

You may find that sleeping on your side will prevent the vibrations from initiating when they are unwelcome. This has been true for me others I have read about.

It is my sincere hope that you will be able to explore this area further and grow from you experiences.
I don't know what the sound is but I hear it too. I learned to to concentrate on it and "follow it" in order to induce the vibrations. As the vibrations started and then accelerated, the sound would increase to a great roar in the head, like the sound of a jet airliner taking off, or a great waterfall. Then, as the sounds, vibration and rushing of energy peaked, any nearby sharp sound, such as the closing of a door, would pop me out.

Coincidentally, one day I randomly picked up an old book out of a stack being used as props in a photo. I opened the book (a leather-bound volume from around 1900) and started reading the first page. To my surprise, it described in flowery prose how following that sound leads to many wonders.
To anton1:

You may one day find that what you know is minuscule relative to what you don't know.
I would suggest that being strong entails facing the unknown with objectivity.

If you know what is real and what is not, please tell me. Tell me what life is. Tell me what time is. Tell me what energy and consciousness are, why they exist and where they come from. Tell me what dimensions are, and how you know what they are.

I don't know what life is. I don't know what time is, or energy or consciousness. So how do I know many how dimensions there are, or what dimensions are? Why does 2 plus 2 equal four?

As humans we have awareness, perception and thought. What else?

There is one thing I'm sure of: I'm not sure I know anything. I certainly do not know what is real.

Here are some quotes from Einstein:

"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods."
"In order to form an immaculate member of a flock of sheep one must, above all, be a sheep."
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe."
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."

I began to experience lucid dreams and OBE spontaneously and later had some success in initiating them.

During one experience, in which I seemed to be in the out of body state, moving around the room, a funny thing happened: the phone rang.

My object in this experience was to be as aware as possible of all details of my perceptions in order to later compare the perceived environment to the "real" environment.  So, when in the out of body state, floating near the ceiling of the room, I heard the phone ring, I wondered whether the phone was "really" ringing. I then heard the answering machine take the call, and the caller leave a message. I realized I could check this later.

Back in the normal waking state of consciousness, I checked the machine. The message was on the tape as I had heard it from the out of body state.
