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Topics - LightBeam

What a dream, I laughed when I woke up. I have no idea how this came about in my mind since I haven't thought, read or seen anything by these two celebrities in a very long time.

Basically, I was at a restaurant having dinner with my mon and sister and from somewhere Tom Cruise showed up, came to our table and said to me "Um, would you like to go out with me". He acted shy and unsure of what I was going to say. Then I thought about it for a few seconds and I said "Maybe" and smiled. he knew that this meant Yes, he smiled and disappeared.
In another scene, another celebrity asked me out, but I just don't remember the scene or who the celebrity was. I just remember blond hair and tan face.
In another scene these two celebrities were in hospital beds and I was telling them that I could not go out with neither of them. I told them that they were both very nice guys. They were both very disappointed. I don't remember the reason I rejected them thought LOL. I have no idea what this dream means, but it surely made me laugh. In real life I actually don't care for Tom Cruise.
I was just watching a documentary called Stories from the Stone Age and it is so fascinating to me how the first intelligent humans were evolving and thinking about making tools to hunt and gather, started building shelters, started farming and domesticating animals. But then I thought, all these creative ideas and evolving skills were happening mainly because they needed to find food. Everything they did was for the purpose of feeding. Most modern humans do today ultimately leads again to food supplies. So I wondered, what if humans did not have the biological need to eat. Where would our available intelligence have lead us to. What would the world look like today if we weren't focused on securing food for everyday survival, but focused on some other areas.
"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." – C.S. Lewis

Humans tend to associate getting older with certain limits like too late to go back to college, too old to raise children, too old to find love, no time to achieve this, too late to reset my health, and the list goes on and on.

The above beliefs themselves set the very limits we think of.  Part of it is established society expectations and norms for achieving certain goals by certain age. But I tell you, ignore what the mass beliefs and norms are, for they have been changing constantly since the beginning of our civilization. Jut go back through history and you will receive your proof.
This physical existence has been set up with a specific occurrence affecting our physical vehicles, and that is aging. The reason is that we were not meant to occupy these vehicles for too long at a time for learning purposes and the necessity to move to other levels of experiences, however, I think we can consciously at least slow down aging, improve our health, make ourselves more vital and energetic, just by changing our beliefs. Our beliefs alter physically our cells and DNA.

Besides the physical aspect, we can also change our perception of who we are and stop perceiving ourselves as people of certain age. Why can't we dream to write a book at the age of 90, why can't we dream of receiving a masters degree later in life, why not dream being over 100 years old and traveling the world.

Our minds drive our bodies, not the other way around. Dream always, set goals always, and know that nothing is impossible on the grand scale of the multiverse, not even here in relities that seem so limiting. We have heard of so many stories from all over the world that defy logic and laws of physics. Why not one of these people to be you with your unique story. Afterall, if you dont dream and set goals,most likely you will continue as you are, falling into the mass beliefs and going with the mass flow. But if you dream big at all time, there is a chance for some of the dreams to manifest. But more importantly, you will be HAPPY along the way until the end of your days here, istead of loosing hope and believing there is nothing you can do because that's just how it is. Even if we dream something that we know is way too far fetched, still, have fun, and know that every desire you create becomes real somewhere in the multiverse and one way or another, in this life or another, you WILL eventually experience it for real. We live in eternal world with no limits, just changing vehicles as we go along. At times, we cant comprehend this fact, but if we BELIEVE, our joy of knowing that we have EVERYTHING and our spirits never get old, just expand with knowledge, we will be at peace, no matter how close do we get to exiting certain realities. Live life to the fullest until it's time to cross to another adventire land and then another and another......

Often times, we forget too quickly the joy we feel when we achieve or receive something we wanted. While aimimg for new heights is a good thing, not giving enough gratitde for the things we have sets our energy too low, because we program our minds to always strive for more and more and never take time to enjoy the things we have.

If you take a few minutes everyday to evaluate what you have and how you felt when you did not ahve it, how uncertain you were and did not know if you will ever get it. Then transport yourself onto the moment of receiving, feel again how you felt back then. Embrace this feeling and be truly thankful. You believe that you have it, right? Keep that feeling alive for the next excercise.

Now, what do you currently want that dont yet have? Well, try to transfer your feeling from the moment ago when you were reliving your victory and feel the same way about the thing that you want now. Believe that you have it, because in reality this is true, just floating in the invisible side of our reality, but it is real. You have created it. The question is how strong do you believe that it can manifest on this side of reality.
Welcome to Dreams! / War and Peace
July 22, 2018, 21:08:36
I had a very interesting dream last night. Two groups of people were fighting. I was the leader of one of the groups and a black man was the leader of the other. The fighters looked  like ancient warriors. It appeared that we were at some place above earth, in a cloud like garden of some sort, like we were gods or something in Olympus LOL. I did not like that we were fighting and was trying to stop the fight somehow, when the other leader wrapped his arm around me and we went in front of the fighting man. They saw that their leaders show love and friendship to one another and they stopped fighting. It was a wonderful feeling.

Holding on to the past, feeling like a victim of the bad things that happened to you, the people that hurt you, will only reinforce negative emotions that will serve you no good, and they will continue trickling down to your present and your future and creating more and more of what are you focused on.

Yesterday has come and gone, we also need to let go of yesterday. But we can only receive peace and forget for good, if we FORGIVE. Forgive the poeple, forgive the circumstances, forgive yourself. It has to be sincere, not forsed. The sincerity comes from full understanding of the nature of existence, which we discuss here quite often, but I think it's necessary to be repeated many times to sink in, so we can truly grasp this consept. Our instincts are to see the popel that have hurt us, suffer as well and get what they deservce. However, if you wish that upon someone, it will fall back on you. Wish everyone love and light, truly, and let them go. Dont hold grudges, dont wish for fare judgement, that is not our job. Only then you can be free from the past and even from the now if you have to interact with someone on a daily basis. Keep sending them thoughts of love and soon you will notice change in circumstances. If we understand that these are the roles they had to take in this life, we will truly understand their behavior.

Bad circumstances - analyse them carefully and you will find exactly what was your lesson. Give thanks for the knowledge you have received and let go. There is no need for a repeat. Release your fears of yesterday. Enjoy the little thinhgs of today and expect great things for your future.

And what about the good things that happened yestareday? Embrace them fully an let them fuel your life. We are meant to have abundance, love and joy. These are the emotions you should be holding in your mind every minute of every day.

Hi all,

I decided to start posting each week one inspirational quote, analyze it, think about it each day of that week and have my mind accept it as truth. That way I am creating beliefs through repetitive thoughts, sort of programming my mind to think in certain ways. We all know many truths and wisdoms, but we don't think of them enough, therefore they get lost or diluted  in our consciousness and subconsciousness. By reinforcing their meaning, we raise their vibrations within ourselves and they become a part of our daily life, thus improving and manifesting our day to day experiences.

If anyone has gone to church, or watched a motivational video of any sort, at that exact moment they say, wow this is exactly what I needed to hear. This is so powerful. But then, the next day all these empowering thoughts are forgotten and we fall again to our daily routines, often lead by our most prominent state of mind, current worries and fears. But these day to day experiences that manifest themselves are a direct result to our most often thought thoughts and emotions. Why not intentionally schedule time every day to think about something inspirational and be empowered by it. Soon our thoughts may become automatically positive, powerful, fearless, creative without even further effort on our part.

So here is the first quote of the week. Please feel free to discuss these with me and try to analyze yourself the meaning. You can relate your desires that may come to pass if you apply this wisdom in your life. Maybe you think certain things are not possible or difficult to achieve. Feel free to express your deepest thoughts and feelings. This may even become like a free therapy session for some :)


If we dont apply something that we know, then knowledge serves us no purpose, especially when comes to helping others. Helping ourselves through our knowledge is easy, we do it automatically out of  self preservation instincts and our ego. Helping others when having opportunities, expand our spirits and add even more knowledge and wisdom. The core action of existence in the multiverse is exactly INTERACTION between consiosness. Constant interaction. Lets make all interactions the best possible through application of our knowledge.
Then, what we learn must be turned into actions, otherwise our knowledge serves us no purpose, nor does it bring success. Often times fears stay on the way to success. Fear of possible failure and the consequences. But if we never take chances and risks, we will never gain success to our full potential. We have been given opportunities here on this learning ground to experiment and try many things. It is free to do so, we have tools, we have imagination, we have knowledge. Lets put them to actions and see what happens. If you want to play safe, then think of ways to do so, but actions are absolutley necessary to get the full physical game experience. If you fall, pick yourself up and try again, and again, and again.... Dont worry about final results, the experience itself is the true treasure that you can ever find. Dont think that if you dont achieve certain results you have failed. This is sooooo far from the tuth. When you let go of the fear of lack of achievement, then there will be no more energy barriers and things will autimatically fall into place.
Also, wishing, daydreaming and positive thoughts are great, they are manipulating the raw energy and creating images instantly in the unseen realms just beyong our 5 senses; however, just wishing and doing nothing else, will not bring about those thoughts into manifestation. I can guarantee, once you start thinking the right way and apply intent, there will be opportunities coming your way, but you must be open to SEE and RECOGNIZE them. You must be willing to take actions and grab these opportunities. If you dont, they will pass and the images of your desires will remain there, in the unseen worlds.

HI all,

Well, suggestions and focus on certain things really manifest in some form either here or in dreams or OBEs. after our discussions about paranormal events, I started thinking more about what creatures could be here on earth but we just cant observe them. Maybe our reality overlaps in certain places and there are sightings. Last night it started as a dream, I was walking on some beach and suddenly it came to an end with a huge cave. I stopped in front of the cave and was hesitant t go inside although I was curious. At that moment I gained lucidity and I took over the experience. I was soooo excited. I looked around to see if anyone was nearby and then I heard voices coming from the inside of the cave. A little creature child like figure with very sweet face emerged, but he was very concerned and crying. He was dragging with something like a white sheet what appeared to be a large gold fish looking creature. The gold fish was as large as a dining table with pretty flowing fins, gold and shimmering color, but the fish was dying. The little creature saw me and said "My friend is dying, she can no longer survive here. I have called my planet to come and get her home. I said, "what, a spaceship is coming?" The creature said "Yes". He kept looking up in the sky waiting anxiously. The fish was rolling in what appears to be a small puddle of shimmering water beneath it, which was giving it enough "something" to stay alive. While we were looking at the sky, a human like person with dark skin got teleported next to us. He was from the ship that was coming. He nodded to the creature and turned to me. He smiled and said "You are very excited to see the ships. Right?" I said "I am ecstatic, are you kidding me. Can you give me a ride around or 5 minutes." He said "Of course". I cant tell you what emotions I was having at the moment. Me head was going to explode out of disbelieve that I was experiencing this. I asked him " I wish I can experience this with my physical body in my reality, not in the astral. Is this creature living in our earth and this is a duplicate reality?" He smiled and said nothing, but I sensed he wanted to tell me "You already know the answer". I remembered to ask him " So, spirits in the astral, do they help people in our reality. Guides, loved ones, angels, fairies. Are they around us, do they help us" He said " Only if someone wants to be helped, otherwise the energies wont be received"

At that moment two ships appeared in the sky and quickly landed in front of us. Thy were colored disc shaped, but they fly vertically and this is how they landed, not horizontally. The little creature and the man got the fish inside and they allowed me to board. I entered a large open area of the ship with large windows. There were many transparent things maybe equipment of some sort and like suspended in the air. I looked through the window and saw three local men. They looked like from Latin America, so I thought that this cave was somewhere in Peru. I thought they would see the ship, but they were looking through us and saw nothing. I realized that we must be shealed and invisible to the humans. That amused me, but one of them stopped and stared at the ships although I could tell he sensed something but could not  see. My next thought was, ok when are we going to take off, and then..... I woke up. I was disappointed that I couldnt experience a ride around the milky way, but oh well, that was such an exsiting OBE that I cant complain.

Welcome to Dreams! / Prison
June 24, 2018, 06:27:42
I had a rather startling dream last night, very straight forward but intense.
I was in prison for traffic violation and I couldn't understand why for simple traffic violation would I be in prison for 2 years. I was panicking. Then I realized that my dad was also there, but someone helped him and sneaked him out. I saw him with his back pack disappearing into the garden and the guards did not notice him. Well, my dad passed away 10 years ago, so I know he already escaped "prison" if you will. I am not sure of prison represented earth life. So, I asked someone to help me escape as well, they said yes, so I started gathering my belongings into my back pack, put on my tennis shoes, but I had some jewelry that I couldn't fit, so I asked a very heavy set guy to look after my stuff and I would get him out later when I escape. So, the time came, me and my guide walked out, looked into the garden, but the guards were there, they did not let us through. I realized that I will not be able to escape. I layed down tired to get some sleep and when I woke up (still in the dream) I looked in the mirror and I was a young black girl, very pretty with curly long hair and big eyes. I said, OMG who am I? I realized that I was looking in the mirror but I was a different person. I was pleased about how pretty I looked, but I was very confused at the same time about who I really was. Then I woke up.
I heard music again during SP. It was such a beautiful piano tune and I thought that if I was a musician, I would have been able to compose it in the physical world. I think it happened because right before bed I was watching Yanni live in the Acropolis DVD and I was amazed how musicians can think and compose such a beautiful music. One of my favorite songs of his is "Nostalgia"
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Doctor Strange
November 12, 2016, 22:43:35
I just watched this movie and it was so much fun. It touches the subject of multiverse and AP. Very Hollywoody, but very entertaining. I recommend it to everyone, but make sure to watch it on the big screen and in 3D, it makes a difference.   
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / SP Music
August 21, 2016, 01:19:02
Hi all,

I wanted to share something different that happened to me during sleep paralysis. I've always experienced static sounds, popping noises, voices, etc, but never music. Well, I woke up in the middle of the night a little before midnight, which is strange because I usually get SP around 3 or 4 AM. So, I must have slept for about an hour when I was awaken by loud music. I thought my neighbors were having a party, but then I realized that the music was in my head, so loud and vibrant. I realized I was in SP because I couldn't move, I knew I was laying on my side with my eyes closed. At this point I felt very awake and I felt my heart stating to beat faster because I've never heard music before during SP.  I said to myself, wow this is something new :). The music started to diminish as I was waking myself up because of the excitement. Then I thought about being calm and I focused on increasing the music. It came back again strong. Below is the link of the song. I have it on my Ipod and I love it. It was different though from the way I hear it in the physical. I felt I was the listener, the player and the music itself. It was unbelievable.
In a few minutes visuals started to form and I saw my kitchen. Then I "teleported" myself into the scene and there I was standing in front of the sink. To my surprise I saw a few dirty dishes. For a moment I was surprised, because I never leave dirty dishes, but I knew that the astral duplicates could be different than the physical. I started washing them and a thought popped in my head. These dishes have been there for a long time forgotten. Another thought followed, about a project I wanted to start and I have been putting it off for a long time. In this instant I knew what the dirty dishes represented. It was a reminder that I needed to get serious about this project and start it. Then I woke up, got up to get some water and the clock was showing 11:52 PM. Now, I am excited to start my project and see where it leads me  :-)
Hi all,

I wanted to hear your opinions on what individual spirits are when comes to occupying physical vehicles (human bodies, animals, plants, and everything that seems to be "alive").
We've had discussions whether during APs our spirits or parts of them actually leave our bodies. We came to a conclusion that we only refocus and don't leave in a  physical sense, but on the other hand when the physical vehicle dies, we cant animate it anymore, because our energy is gone. So it is not just a matter of simple focus within different vehicles in the lower dimensions. There is something more complicated when it comes to physical orientation.
Do you think there is a measurable energy of yours occupying your body here, and when the body is disabled, this energy is not able to remain within, and it leaves the vehicle in a measurable sense? Obviously even if you want to, if your body is dead you cant animate it and experience focus through it any longer. Does that mean a measurable energy was once within your body and when dead leaves the body, again in a measurable sense?

Very interesting confession from this scientist before he passed away recently. Notice around 17 minutes in the video, he shows a photo of a friend of his who was working with an alien who died. And on that photo the spirit of the alien is captured next to his friend. He says that it is known that when you die, the spirit stays around for a while, and he said this must be happening with them too. :)
Hi everyone,

I wanted to share an experience from last night related to fear and blockages. I have always had fear of loosing loved ones, or watching them suffer in any way. Maybe because I have abnormally enlarged amygdala LOL, which the scientists associate with empathy. Lately these worries had increased and even during OBEs, when I attempt to fly, a bunch of spikes appear all around me and prevent me from moving. I had tried resolving this trough meditation with no results. So, I set a goal and affirmation to remember during my next OBE to dissolve and remove that particular fear. Early this morning during an OBE, I remembered my goal. At that time I was at my childhood house, it was night time and all my neighbors and other people were gathered outside. I said to myself, I need to remove that blockage. At that instance, I looked at the sky and it was covered with smoke like veil. It was completely black and thick. There were fires on the horizon. I stretched my hand towards the sky, imagined light shooting from my fingers and I said to everyone " Prepare for some spectacular fireworks". Immediately, beautiful fireworks started shooting from bottom, clearing the dark veil gradually from bottom to the top of the sky. It was such an amazing feeling. The sky cleared and all of a sudden, I was alone on the terrace and I saw the sun started to rise. I saw my town beneath me, looking as beautify as ever. I just stood there in silence observing the serenity. Then woke up and while still with my eyes closed, I found myself smiling. I cant tell if my fears had disappeared. It may happen gradually, because everything manifests slowly here. But I definitely feel very good about my experience.
Hey guys,

I wanted to share an experience I had last weekend during my stay at the Queen Mary ship anchored in Long Beach California and turned into a tourist attraction and a hotel. You can google and check the ship's history. It is known to be one of the most haunted places in the US. So I decided to stay there for one of my business trips and I signed up for a paranormal investigation tour. Before the tour I was resting in my room and I spoke to all the ghosts that were known to be trapped on the ship. I told them that they are free and to use their thoughts to move on, find the light and explore the rest of the universe, etc. Then the group gathered around 10 PM and the tour guide was so excided, he played lots of EVPs recorded from previous groups, showed us photos with figures captured, etc. I was very anxious to communicate with the spirits that way. I have never participated in a paranormal investigation, but enjoy watching Ghost Adventurers sometimes and I was excited. Well, guess what, nothing out of the ordinary happened during the three hour exploring the depths of the ship and the haunted sports. I was disappointed, but on the back of my mind I did not exclude the possibility that the spirits had actually heard me and have started to pack up LOL. The tour guide was very surprised that no EVPs were captured and no one's hair got pulled.

And here is the exciting...or scary part that happened on the second night of my stay. I had no fright what so ever during the tour although we were walking in dark and the guide was showing us spooky images of captured on tape spirits. However, at 3 in the morning, I was switching positions and I briefly opened my eyes. Next thing I screamed so loud (and that has never happened in my life) because there was a shadow figure hovering above me. Let me clarify that I was not in SP or had false awakening. I was fully physically awake. I left the light on in the bathroom though, so the room had some visibility. I worried that I freaked the neighbors out because these rooms are divided by wood being on a ship and you can hear every word. So, I jumped out of bed totally spooked, turned on the room light and started staring around. Then I started thinking and I said to myself "You of all people are scared of ghosts...really?" I have communicated with countless spirits in the astral including trapped ones. But I guess when you and them are in two different realms the perception changes and things seem more unnatural or frightening, since we on this side can't see them. Anyway, I was totally scared and as I was sitting on my bed looking around, I heard a loud whisper next to my ear. I am not kidding, the hair on my neck stood up. I have never in my life while fully awake heard a ghost whisper and a very loud one. The word sounded something like "Genesis". I was tempted to start my recording to see if I could capture some EVPs, but I was so frightened of the possibility to capture something creepy. Well, I regret it now, but maybe next time, if I dare stay overnight again LOL.

So, my behavior surprised me. I never thought I will be scared of ghosts, but I guess our perception and subconscious beliefs affect create fears of the unknown.

Oh, and I was even scared to go back to sleep worrying that I might project and see the spirit who was in my room ha ha. Totally not me, but my human nature took control over reasoning that night. :)
I though I'd post that one, because it was a little different, flying wise.
So, last night as I was sitting on my terrace of my childhood home during a dream, suddenly I became aware that I was dreaming and from there it became a conscious OBE. I instantly thought to fly as usual, but this time I felt some kind of loneliness, did not want to leave my house, but my urge of flying was strong. Then all of a sudden the entire house lifted up in the air as I was standing on the terrace and we started gaining speed above my town. I was holding onto the rail and I could not believe how cool it was to fly with my house. I was feeling the cool breeze on my face, watching the scenery below and literally was yelling "Woooo Hooooo, this is unbelievable". I felt safe and protected and then I though of going to Canada. I have always wanted to visit Quebec, so I gave a command, but I did not end up there. Instead, as I was landing, I realized that I was no longer in my house, but my vehicle was some kind of a motorcycle covered with a glass half sphere above. I looked around and I saw an old style architecture house and few people working in the garden. Their clothes looked like from the 18th century. I parked my "time machine" and entered the house. The occupants did not notice me. I was just observing them. They were very poor and they had to work hard on their fields to produce food. I noticed a little boy who was sick, but had chores and was struggling to breathe while pulling weeds from the garden. The boy did not notice me either. Instinctively, I put my hands one on his chest and one on his back and focused. The boy took a deep breath, could not exhale and started struggling for air. His body started going into a seizure but I did not let go. Finally he exhaled, his body calmed down and he started breathing normally. Then my OBE ended and I woke up. So, my conclusion is that even though we make conscious commands and have certain thoughts of what we want to do during APs, there are other forces that take us to different places. What are these other forces, I still do not know.   
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Synchronicity
September 04, 2013, 00:25:01
I just opened the page and I saw the following:

Total time logged in: 11 days, 11 hours and 11 minutes

How is that for synchronicity. No big deal, but I though I would share.  I love when things of this sort happen  :-)
This OBE was an interesting one because of the aftermath, and you will see what I am talking about at the end.

During a regular dream where I was at my childhood home with my sister. I realized that I was dreaming and from that point on I took control and it became an OBE. I told my sister with an exciting tone of voice "We are out of our bodies right now. I'll show you" and then I asked mentally my deceased grandfather to show up. Next moment he is walking through the door of the living room. He was smiling and my sister was looking in shock. Then I called mentally my father who's death my sister suffered greatly. He too walked in the door and at that moment my sister gave a cry and jumped into his arms. After that I told her "Now, we are going to go back in time and experience one of our Christmases when we were kids". I grabbed her hand so we can "teleport" together and I don't loose her and few seconds later we were in the same room, but this time was all decorated for Christmas and on the table there were all kinds of food. The emotions were unbelievable. I cant even start to describe. After that I said to her "Now do you want to fly around, because we can". She hesitated and I sensed that she was a little afraid, so I said "Don't worry, we are going to fly with a car, so you can feel safer". We went outside and infront of our house was parked a blue convertible (I don't know what brand) car. We jumped inside, I gave a command and the car raised into the air. I said to myself "I want to go to a big city at night time". Instantly we are flying over a city with tall sky scrapers with millions of lights. It was breathtaking.

At that time I woke up slightly vibrating from the experience, looked at the clock and realized that my sister was awake at that time on the other side of the globe and probably at work. So, I thought that I was going to wait and see if she will mention anything possible a feeling, a thought, etc related to our AP together. So one day later she sends me an email that she had an amazing dream involving seeing our father and her hugging him. Also she mentioned me and her sitting at a table eating lots of food.

So, the conclusion: Even though she experienced a similar event with me and our father was at a different physical time than my OBE. However, I think both experienced even being apart by physical time indication happened at the same "time" in the astral. Only, because she was awake during my OBE where I made her aware, she experienced it first thing after her physical senses shut down during sleep and she was able to perceive the experience. Does that make sense? At least this is how I interpret it. When I received her email about her dream, I was like, OMG I was waiting for this, and I told her the whole experience. She said she had the same feelings especially because she misses father so much and she felt shocked that she was actually seeing him and hugging him. She said that when she woke up she was laying on her back and she felt slight inner shaking upon awaking. So, I told her that she was OBEing, but because she does not train she could not gain control and perceived it as a very vivid dream. I am still smiling thinking about this experience. Priceless!!!!!
I decided to make a post about mindfulness, because I see so many people around me either running ahead of life, or being left behind in their past. I catch myself sometimes doing this as well, but when I become aware and shift my thoughts, come back to the present moment and fully submerge myself within, the whole perception of life changes instantly. A lot of people are not even aware of this occurrence. Now, stop and think about what moment of the day have you fully experienced, observed and enjoyed without having rolling thoughts in the back of your mind about yesterday, or what are the plans for tomorrow? Sometimes we are given opportunities to experience wonderful events, but we fog them with constant worries, fears, etc.

Have you come back from a vacation and you wished you could do it all over again, but this time  enjoy certain moments in stillness, rather than worrying about flights, hotels, expenses, etc?

How many of you have actually stopped and analyzed a present moment with full awareness and have gotten so excited over your observations? I am asking this because I have noticed in my OBEs I am constantly in such a state. Here, not so much and I am trying to change that. But since I consciously started observing present moments, I feel happier and happier. Thing make more sense, life lessons become very transparent and challenges easy to overcome.

If you forget to stop and smell the roses, then write it down somewhere , so that you get reminded and with time it will become like a reflex. That will help those who are trying to AP to gain more lucidity during dreams. By spending time everyday to observe your surroundings, events, interactions (good or bad) your awareness will raise its frequency. And don't forget that the power is in the NOW.
I don't usually pay much attention to my dreams, but boy, was this one unique!!!!! :-o
I have had many dreams where I was back in high school or college, but never questioned anything. I would wonder after I wake up. But early this morning I fund myself in a dream where I was just signing my application to start high school. There were many of my class mates there just as I remember them signing their applications as well. Then I said "Wait a minute, why am I back in high school. I have already graduated and I even have a college degree." I started panicking and asked the person next to me what year it was. And sure enough it was not 2013 lol. At that time I was not realizing that I might be having an OBE. But I was remembering my entire life up to this day. I new I was a gown up and even lived in another country. And all of a sudden I was 15 again. Then to calm myself down I said to myself "Well, at least I will never get old if I keep repeating my high school and college life, and I will pass all the exams without studying because I already know the material. That will be fun lol." So, few scenes took place and all of a sudden I realized that I may be in an OBE state. As usual I asked to fly (this is my typical conversion moment when I lift up few feet off the ground by request to check my reality), but guess what, It did not happen. I kept repeating fly, fly, lift up, and nothing. I could not change a thing in my environment. Then I started panicking even more and I thought " Finally something supernatural has happened in my waking life, I cant believe this".
Then at some point the dream really took control and I found Harry Potter to be my friend and there were some scenes with him using is wand  :-D. And the school looked more like Hogwarts at the end lol. So, that was my unusual dream/LD at one point, but I wonder why I could not convert it into an OBE, where I was VERY aware for a long time, but could not change my surroundings or transport to another place.

Lately I have been focusing on asking very specific questions during OBEs
Here is what happened when I did so during one:
I transferred from a lucid dream, and the moment I realized it, I immediately asked the following question very clearly: "How can I receive a healing power and use it in the physical?". At that very moment as I was standing alone in some sort of a meadow, the sky opened and a laser like white beam shot straight into my throat area, cut it open and inserted some sort of a silver substance. Next thing I know the wrists of my hands got striked by the laser and the same thing happened to them. During these quick "procedures" I was completely stunned, shocked, screaming but wasn't able to hear my voice very clearly. It was sort of painful but not unbearable. Then I woke up and was completely blown out by this experience.
I was very curious the next day if I indeed received some sort of a healing power. I decided to test it on myself and stop my cold I had at the time. No success. That was about a week ago. I haven't tried anything else since then. But I don't feel any different power wise LOL. Well, I can guess I can keep asking more questions until I become clear how exactly can we gain and use such abilities in the physical world. There must be a way for sure. But it was definitely a hell of an experience  :-)
During the night I was awaken by the vibes, I exited and ended up standing in front of my window. Then for a moment I wondered where to go. In my mind the question about God popped in and I asked "I want to observe the essence of God". All of a sudden a vacuum flow pulled me, and within two seconds I ended up in a place which to my surprise wasn't all bright and sunny. It was in fact dark and quiet and at the same time I felt endlessness and infinity. Something like a timeless void. At that time I was trying to keep my emotions and especially expectations neutral, to prevent influencing possible thoughts creations. My next thought was something like "I surrender my pure spirit and return to the source of my essence". At this moment I was sucked into another vacuum flow and what experienced next is really indescribable.  At least there are no human senses to observe and feel what I observed and felt. The closest I can describe is seeing the aurora lights in all types of brilliant colors (some of which do not exist here, or at least we cant perceive their spectrum). They were moving in some type of synchronicity accompanied with some sort of melody that I have never heard, a very different type of sound. The illuminating, "dancing" lights were all around me, not just like see them in the sky, but "above" me, "below" be and all around me. I was in the center of all this, observing every point of it simultaneously. I was feeling pulsations going through me, penetrating every "particle" of my being. This energy was communicating with me in a different way, not even telepathically but "energy" to "energy" type of exchange. What I felt and received
as information and emotions, now that I am back I can only comprehend perhaps 10% of it. The brain device does not have the capability to translate certain types of higher energy level observations and experiences. Or at least our current mass beliefs and level of development reject things that are outside our level of comprehension.

This OBE experience was the most intense and emotionally charged so far.

It may have been a result of my personal beliefs; however I did try to keep my expectations pretty low. It was a different level of emotions and senses, which I have never experienced here. And someone may argue that senses are only physical, but I would say that this physical reality was formed and is supported as we speak by many levels of nonphysical energy that possess similar and even greater number of properties that one can observe. We only observe what we currently know. Our thoughts lead the experience. That's why blind people can't see in dreams. But I have read accounts where they are instructed during OBEs to "unlock" this sense. And they do succeed. If you choose just to "be" and "hang" in one place without observing, yes you can. But what would be the benefit of doing so. It is very important to be open to many possibilities and unusual things, to reach new places and expand the horizon of your knowledge.

This morning I talked to my mom and she shared her experiences that occurred two nights on a row.
My mom and sister by the way know about my OBE adventures and they are familiar with the spiritual world.
So, few months ago I mailed them few stones I collected from Grand Canyon and Sedona, thinking that they will provide positive energy from such interesting places. Well, the first report from my mom during the first night of the stones being at home was that she woke up at night and felt something attached to her back. She said she went outside and brushed it off of her and she saw that it was a dark substance of some sort, which dissolved once it fell on the ground. I told her that she was out of her body, experiencing the astral. She agreed and then she said that she put the stones in a glass jewelry box in another room and since then she had no weird experiences. Well, this morning she said that last week she was cleaning and was dusting off the furniture where the glass box was. The lid slid open and my mom took out the stones to clean the box as well. That same night she said that she woke up in the middle of the night and something made her get up, raise her right arm and walk into the kitchen. My mom said that she did not want to do that but she could not control her body. She went to open the cupboard and her arm grabbed the bottle of balsamic vinegar. Then she opened the bottle and started drinking, just one sip though. But she wasn't in control of her movements. She said it felt like someone was controlling her body, and at the same time she was thinking that she didn't want to do that, but she couldn't gain control. Then she went back to sleep. The second night the same thing happened, just this time she went to the medicine box, opened it and took an ointment that is used for colds. My mom thought that she didn't need to use it, but again something else was controlling her body. She did open the ointment and rubbed a little on her chest.
Now, I was going to suggest that she was out of body, however, she said that the following mornings she did have the aftertaste of vinegar (after the first night) and the ointment on her skin (after the second night).
Then she got really concerned and thought that this thing may make her take a bunch of pills next time. It is really bizarre if you think about it. Then she wrapped the stones in a plastic bag and threw them in the river. She sprinkled the house with holy water from the local church and burned sage. Since then she said none of these episodes repeated. She said she has never experienced in her life something else controlling her body, while her mind was aware of what was happening.
I knew that elements and objects can transfer spirits from one place to another, but I thought everything in the Canyon and Sedona was positive.

OBE from my journal 12/27/06

I thought I knew by now pretty much what usually happens out there, but last night I had a slightly shocking experience. 
I am going to give a little history before I get to the OBE.
Last month when I was buying Christmas decorations, I spotted a bunch of stuffed toys dressed with Christmas clothes. My attention was drawn instantly to a white teddy bear with a Christmas hat and a red scarf. I usually don't buy toys, but when I saw this one I really wanted to have it. So, I bought it and I placed it among my pillows in my bed as a decor. 
Since then I developed the habit, when I lay down to watch TV to take the toy, put it on my chest and hug him. Well, one time I was watching on the news about poor families somewhere in Africa and what they had to go through everyday to find food to survive. As I continued to watch I automatically imagined that the teddy bear I was holding, were the children. I hugged it tightly and started sending thoughts of comfort. Then I felt pulsing and tingling sensation coming from my hands and particularly from the tips of my fingers as I had them placed on the toy.
Then I remembered that I have read somewhere before about Reiki and how sometimes objects are used to make a connection with a distant patient. I don`t know if my thoughts have made any differences to all these people I was thinking of. But the next morning the following OBE occurred:
I wanted to mention that when I go to bed, I leave the teddy bear on the corner, between the upper edge of my pillow and the wall.
So, early in the morning, I was "woken up" by something slightly pulling my hair. As I opened my eyes and I knew that I was observing with my astral body and there was something or someone in the astral bothering me. I turned my head slightly around and to my big surprise the teddy bear was very much alive. His black shiny eyes were blinking and he was smiling at me. He was trying to make a nest in my hair and was getting ready to sleep. Sort of trying to make himself comfortable. Because I have a very long hair, it is usually covering a large portion of the pillow and he was using it to snuggle. The pulling sensation was coming from him trying to spread my hair around to make enough bedding place. 
My first reaction was " Oh my god, what the hell?" I got up and he rolled as I pulled my hair up. 
And then the sweetest voice came of that cute little thing. Like a little elf creature or something he said with kind of trembling weak voice " Oh, I didn`t want to disturb you. I am sorry". Then he went back on the corner, where in reality he stays during the night. I felt so bad that I yelled at him in my panic and I stretched my hand to touch him. I said " How come you are alive? I am sorry but I have not communicated with a toy before" He replied to me " There is consciousness "   Then I woke up for real and I jumped out of bed. I looked at the bear and he was just as I left him before I went to sleep.

I understand that in the thought responsive astral environment, we can animate any object and make it move or turn it from one form to another, even create a replica of a real person and have it talk and interact with us. But there are also separate energies interacting with ours. I don`t know in which category my bear falls, but I had the feeling that it had a mind of its own. I don`t know if it entered the toy temporary, or it was a result of the connecting energies from all these people I was thinking about while holding the bear. 
From my OBE journal 7/21/07

I decided to post this OBE, because we got the talking on another thread about my ET encounter in real life. But this one was in the astral.

"It started as a dream. I was at home, but I felt that we were living in another era. Everything was the same, my neighbors, my parents, the surroundings, but there was something different in the air. I can`t explain.
So, it looked like a war was starting and everyone was running toward their houses to hide inside. The sky was getting darker and in the distance, bombs started to explode. I remember being very scared and I said to myself that we needed some kind of help. Minutes later I saw in the sky a flying spaceship. It looked like no one else saw it because of the chaos. The spaceship landed on our roof. I ran towards the back yard from where I could see it better. When I stopped, in front of me out of a thin air appeared an alien. He looked like he was a child ( our human years around 10 or 11) He was wearing red clothing, like a suit of some sort, like our astronauts use. His figure was very much like a humanoid one, but his skin looked like porcelain, very smooth. His lips were very thin and the head itself had a different  shape. Then he told me " You have to ask your father to come with us . We will show him how to stop the war". I nodded and ran to look for my father. I found him and nearly breathless explained to him about the aliens. He said " Why are you talking nonsense dear. Go inside, I must stay here and protect our home."  Then I tried to talk to the other grownups, but no one stopped to listen to me. Then I ran back to the yard and I told the alien that no one wanted to go with them. Then I insisted for them to take me instead. He touched my hand and we instantly found ourselves on the roof where there was another alien, but this one was a grown one. I said that I wanted to go with them and they told me to lay down. They did the same thing. Now, at this point there was no ship there. I remember that we lay down on the cold cement flat portion of the roof and I was looking at the beautiful stars above us. The sky was clear at that time everything was quiet. Few minutes later a spaceship appeared, it started approaching the three of us and when it got above us, a laser like beam coming from the bottom of the ship grabbed us and transported us on board. 
I was fascinated of all that and then I started gaining consciousness and started realizing that I am out of body. From this point on I was absolutely conscious. Shortly after our departure, we were flying above an ocean. The aliens told me to get ready. The floor where we were standing became transparent and I could see how we were getting near the water surface. I realized that we will be dropped into the ocean from the ship. I panicked and I told them that I won`t be able to breathe under water, but the child alien told me not to worry and that the door was very near. So, the floor beneath our feet disappeared and we fell into the ocean. We were sinking deeper and deeper until we reached the bottom. In the distance we saw a cave and a door on the front wall. There was light coming from the cracks of the edges. We walked to the cave door, the alien opened it and we entered. I was surprised to see that we entered a large room with windows, from where I could see sunlight and land. We were no longer under the ocean. Or at least that was the illusion.  The building that we were in was very large. I walked to the nearest opened interior door and it turned out to be a huge laboratory of some sort, where I saw a lot of humans. They greeted me warmly and asked me if I was new. I looked around and I saw that some of them were working on some mathematical formulas writing on black boards. Others were working on chemistry experiments. Others were trying to talk to each other without speaking, to exchange thoughts.  Among them were the aliens showing them things. I was astonished and fascinated. I said well, what am I supposed to do? Why am I here? Then unfortunately my OBE ended at that moment. I was very disappointed. But while I was in that building I felt a sense of universal unity, humans and extra terrestrials working together. It was very empowering."
Hey guys,
if you have some time to kill, check out this documentary about a boy who kept talking about his previous life and was describing in details where he lived and who his parents were. Then finally his current parents decide to take a trip to that location and find out if things match the boy's story.

This OBE is from my journal 2008

It was Christmas Eve (physical world) and I was complaining to my friends that it does not feel like Christmas, if it`s 80 degrees outside. I guess the desire to have a white Christmas set my mind and put it to work. Well, I did not create snow in the physical reality, but surely I did have the best Christmas ever in another world. So, here is how it happened. I went to bed and I was thinking about past holidays at home with my family and relatives, playing outside with my cousins, making snowmen...
When I projected sometime during the night, I found myself in a big gallery with many paintings on the walls. There were other people walking around and looking at them as well. The paintings seemed to be sort of "alive", because the elements were moving and changing. One of them that attracted my attention was a beautiful village in wintertime, and I could see the snow actually falling. Like I was looking through a window, but each painting was a different world. It was amazing. The moment I saw that painting I had the strong desire to be there, inside of one of the warm, cozy houses, sitting next to the fire place, looking through the window the falling snow covering everything in white, bringing a sense of peace and quietness.
Instantly after I formed this thought in my head, I felt a pulling sensation and I was drawn into the painting. A second later I was there, in this world, for real. And the most curious thing was, that I could see the people in the gallery on the other side. Not for long though. I turned my attention toward one of the houses and I walked inside. I felt indescribable, so warm and cozy as I was watching the beautiful surroundings outside. The houses were small and old style like. There were old fashion candle type streetlights. It was around sunset and I could see lights coming from the windows of the neighbor homes. I was overwhelmed by this feeling of softness and peace. I can`t really describe with words. I knew that I was OBEing that whole time and I felt like I have teleported myself with my physical body.
It was so exciting and in my mind this experience was as real as I am sitting right now in front of the computer and typing these words.
OBEs like that make me really thankful for what I have discovered and how colorful my life has become and I will always encourage others to look beyond.

Welcome to Metaphysics! / My alien encounter
April 30, 2012, 17:13:59
I didn't know where to post this topic, since there is no UFO and Aliens section, but I wanted to share this experience which tremendously broadened my view on the universe and jump started my urge for answers since early childhood.

It happened when I was about 6 years old. Now that I ma familiar with the AP process, I understand that many people who claim to have had such encounters may have been experiencing an OBE. However, I am positive that mine occurred in the physical dimension. I was very much awake playing in my room. I was sitting on my table facing the window and drawing with my pastels. My parents and some neighbors were outside in the back yard and I could hear their voices (my window was open facing the back yard). It was late afternoon and I was in my room alone.
I know I was seeing the entity with my physical eyes, because I don` t remember strange sensations happening to my body to consider it as remote viewing or a quick trance state. As I was playing, I had the sudden urge to turn my head and there he was, standing by the door. He or she, I could not tell, had a tall, very thin body with two arms looking like spaghetti, so thin and long, almost reaching the floor. His legs were just like the arms very thin and bend where the knees were supposed to be, but it looked like he had no bones or joints, very elastic looking creature. The body was pale white and he did not have any clothes on. I did not notice any reproductive organs. No nipples either or any traces of veins. His head was round, big and out of proportion with the body. I remember very well his hair, because it was bright orange, about 6 inches long and styled like spikes pointing at all directions. His eyes were big, round and all black. His nose was very small almost unnoticeable. The lips were wide and full and stretched from one end of the face to the other, making him look like he was smiling. There were no eyelashes or brows or any facial hair at all. No wrinkles on his entire body.
So, there he was standing and staring at me. At this moment I panicked and out of fear started screaming. But the strange thing was that I could not hear my voice at all. I was hoping for my parents to show up, but apparently they could not hear anything. While I was screaming "quietly" I sensed thoughts of friendship coming from the entity. I calmed down and mentally accepted this information replying back with the same thoughts. Of course a 6 years old child can` t realize at a moment like this what was happening and I just let my thoughts of curiosity and wander to communicate with my unusual guest. Another wave of energy coming from him entered my mind and then he disappeared. I did not get to touch him or physically speak or hear his voice. The whole thing lasted about five minutes. Then I remember running outside and asking my parent if they did hear me screaming. Everyone was surprised, when I told them what just had occurred, but of course they did not take it seriously.

P.S. I remember my entire day after this incident, which excludes the possibility that I slipped into a nap state and had a projection. I don't remember waking up at all, I just ran outside to look for my parents and from there just went on with my day.

I tried the coin on the forehead method to focus some energy on the brow chakra and here is what happened:
As soon as I placed it on my forehead and relaxed, my entire attention focused on that area, because of the slight pressure from the coin and the contact with my skin. I immediately started imagining that the energy was spinning and opening a channel for communication. Few minutes later, I had a flash vision of me standing in the astral and there was a man clothed in black, wearing a cylinder hat and gloves and holding a cane. He had a curly shoulder length black hair and bearded face. I sensed a negative flow from him and at that moment he raised his hands and attempted to put them around my neck and strangle me. I did not panic and was aware that I was meditating with a strong astral orientation. I caught his hands in the air and while looking at him, started talking to him. I started telling him that if he was lost, I was going to help him and show him what real joy was just by possessing love towards everything. I was not angry at him and I did not pretend that I was sending love to him, because this is known to be a strong weapon. I sincerely wanted to convert his energy from negative to positive. There was no reaction from him. Then I placed my forehead on his, transferring my energy. Sparks formed like an electric surge on the point of contact, he shivered, made an facial expression of pain and disappeared.

I don't know if that was a fear of mine lingering around me in the astral, or a real entity, but it was an interesting experience somewhere between an OBE and remote viewing.

P.S. I did not project from this experience, because it was during the day and I was too awake. Even if I went into a deep meditation, I wouldn't have been able to project unless I fell asleep while doing the technique, but nevertheless something came out if it and I hope that I have either eliminated a blockage or cast away an attached entity, or even maybe gave him a hint to change his perspective and find some light.
OBE from my journal 2009

Last night I had an OBE induced from a lucid dream. The realization that I was dreaming though was very interesting There was a large black cat who appeared in the scene and started jumping to reach me, because I was on some sort of a platform with other people. Suddenly a bunch of cats all colors came from somewhere and started circling below us. The black one was maybe 3 times the size of the other cats. She started jumping and reaching with her paw towards me. I was trying to shoo it away. On the third attempt the cat managed to scratch my hand. I was so freaked out, but at that moment I realized that I am in a dream state. Then everything snapped into focus and clarity. Next thing I know I am hugging the cat and as I am looking at her, the face of the cat turned into a face of an old woman. I was startled and at that very moment the face changed into a face of a young woman. I was staring at a cat with a human face lol, how freaky is that?
Next thing, the cat started intensely whispering things in my ear for a long time. But when I snapped back, I could not remember what exactly she was saying. I only remember clearly a huge excitement and strong surge of emotions while listening. I remember asking few questions as well, but I don't remember them either. How frustrating!!!! So, that was it. I used to have a black cat long time ago, but I think in this case this cat represented something else. I know black cats are associated with bad luck, evil, darkness, etc..., but I certainly did not have any negative feelings during or after the OBE.
I saw on another thread by Stillwater a topic about synchronicity and I decided to post about my most resent one. I posted it on another forum when that happened, I think it was about three weeks ago. I actually posted the first portion, just the OBE the morning after. Then on the same thread the TV program I watched, two days later, when it occurred, and the program on the National Geographic can be verified if you check the guide and the time.

It started as a dream. My family and I were at a resort on an exotic island. Our cabin was far from the beach, very far, but all of a sudden my mom got our attention and pointed that the water has come very close. I looked and the waves were washing just few feet away from us. At that moment we looked around and saw that the ocean level has risen so drastically that only a small portion of the island was still above. There was a hill side with statues on the top, Greek garden like. We ran to the top of the hill with other people, but the water started closing on us rapidly. I climbed on one of the statues and when the water started touching my feet, I really started panicking and at that time, in great disbelieve that this was happening, I said to my self. "This is too bizarre, it can't be happening. I just want to wake up. Please let this be a dream, please". I have a tremendous fear of drowning and as I started anticipating the lack of air I was about to experience, I started pinching myself on both arms, desperately wanting to wake up. Nothing happened, then I gave a command " I am out of body and I am flying" And so I did, I lifted myself up above the ocean and that reassured me that I was indeed OBEing. As much as I enjoy every OBE opportunity, this time I was so frightened, that I gave the command wake up.

Here is the synchronicity that occurred 2 days later. I woke up in the morning, turned the TV on and was trying to find something interesting. I was reviewing the guide, but nothing seemed to catch my attention. Then I decided to leave it on National Geographic where there was something about tsunamis.
The story they were showing was about the island Crete in Greece, which was swallowed by a giant tsunami 3000 years ago. The buildings and the statues were the same like from my dream. And the way they portrayed the event was just like I experienced it. I was speechless.
It is so weird that few days after my dream/OBE, I choose to watch a program which was showing almost the same type of event.
I thought I would wait a little until I post another OBE from my journal, but I decided to cheer up the forum with a positive experience and drive the thoughts of fear and demons away for a while :)

This OBE happened in May 2006, about a month after I lost my father to cancer. This was the hardest time of my life and to this day the pain still remains, but accompanied by comfort and understanding.

"Finally I got out this morning after few weeks of heavy emotional blockages not letting me.
I usually wake up every morning around 6 am, no matter what time I go to bed at night. After I open my eyes, I get wide-awake instantly. But this morning I woke up, I looked at the clock and it was 6.30am. For some reason my eyes felt heavy and my mind was extremely tired. I though to myself  "I can`t wake up, I need to sleep". So, I turned to my favorite position and I was drifting back to sleep, when I heard a voice in my head saying "It`s time". I knew instantly what that meant and I raised the thoughts of being out of body. As I was drifting rapidly into unconsciousness, I was repeating "I am out of body" and initiated a swaying motion from side to side. The effect was immediate and the vibes came quickly. I got out and I went into the living room. I don`t know why, but I decided to wait there for my father. After several seconds of silence, I started calling him" daddy, daddy". I expected him to appear out of a thin air, but instead I saw through the window that he was coming from outside. He opened the front door and he entered the living room. He was not alone. There was a little girl walking next to him. I have never seen her before. She was smiling and she sat quietly on the couch. I threw myself into my dad`s arms and we hugged. I felt so much love and happiness radiating from him. I felt overwhelmed, because I was able to hold him again and actually be with him consciously. It was amazing. Then, I asked him " Are you ok dad ?"  He smiled and said " Sweetie, you don`t have to worry about me, tell you mom to stop crying, because there is no reason. You will understand one day."  I noticed that he looked the way when he was around 30 years old. Thick, lengthy hair, nicely shaped muscles. Then I turned my attention to the girl, who was still sitting on the couch. My dad understood that I was wondering who she was and before I asked anything, he said " This is one of my guides. They are showing me things. They can take any form they want and because at the moment I am thinking about the time you girls ( me and my sister) were little and how happy we were then, I really missed those times. So, Coila (the guide) took a form of a little girl, so I can feel happy" She actually looked like my sister, when she was little. Same long straight dark hair with bangs and big green eyes. Then I turned to my dad and hugged him again. At this moment I was back to my body.   
I am so happy now, to find him in spiritual progress. He has already realized many things and felt quite comfortable in the new environment. I still have so much to talk to him, but those OBEs don`t last as long as I wish. Oh, well at least I got to hold him in my arms again, which is priceless, considering the main belief that death separates you forever from your loved ones. Obviously this is not the case, and this meeting with my father was more real than any events I have had in this world. "

Hi guys, these experiences are from my trip to Arizona in Sep 2011

I wanted to share some amazing experiences I had during my trips to the Grand Canyon and Sedona. For those of you who have never been to neither of these places, I strongly suggest to put it on your list for "things to do before I die"  Seriously the Grand Canyon is the most breath taking sight I have ever seen in my life! From one end of the horizon to the other, you can see and sense the entire earth's history from millions of years ago to this day. The gigantic rock formations stretching for hundreds of miles in distance and depth, pull you into its vastness and you can't even comprehend its size and magnificence. I have seen videos and photos before, but you just can't gain a real perception of the spirit of this place. When you are there you can feel a great presence, which I can't really explain. There is stillness, silence, calmness, sense of letting go, greater understanding, etc.
From the top, the Colorado River was barely noticeable. Then we hiked down for about 3 hrs, and as we were getting lower and lower, the walls of the rocks were growing bigger and scarier lol. What an experience!

Next stop was Sedona, which is about 40 min away. Now, there I had a bigger spiritual adventure. For those of you who are not familiar, Sedona has many rock formations, some of which are known to be energy vortexes. Well, I wasn't sure if the whole energy thing was real, because companies would do anything to attract tourists. However, from personal experience and these of my friends ( some of them were highly skeptical and were not pre influencing their minds to feel the energy) we concluded that these places were charged with energy.
There are four vortexes in Sedona. First we went to the Airport Rock. When we started hiking towards the exact spot shown on the map, we felt the tips of our fingers pulsating. With every step, the tingling sensation was spreading through our hands and traveling up our arms. Luckily there were no people around. So we sat quietly and meditated for a few minutes. I put my hands on the rocks and felt the energy passing through my core. I just focused on the sensation and imagined myself becoming charged. We were literally sitting on the edge of a large rock formation, and all of us felt like we wanted to jump off that cliff, which was pretty high.
The silence there was very "heavy". I don't know how to explain. The interesting thing is that the next day on the way home, my friend wanted a rock from there, so we stopped by and he asked me to hike and get him a small rock, while he was waiting in the car, because we didn't want to pay another parking ticket. So, it was very early in the morning and there were no people around. The vortex spot was way up on the rocks, far from the parking. And while I was climbing alone, I felt like the time stopped. It felt so weird at that place alone, but I liked it.
This was the first time I felt actual energy serge throughout my body in waking life. It was absolutely amazing. But the curious thing is that the other three locations we visited, none of us felt anything. Even the famous Bell Rock, which is supposed to be very powerful. I think it's because we got so charged at the Airport Rock, that our bodies had the same frequency as the vortexes and we could not feel it at the other places. Nevertheless, we had great experiences in Sedona and the views from everywhere in town are absolutely amazing.
Places like this really affect one's spiritual perspective.

What's curious is that I collected some rocks from the vortexes and few days after we returned I put one of them under my pillow and I don't know if it was just me premeditating my mind, but I started feeling that tingling sensation in my fingers again. That night I had a long OBE. During the night I turned on my other side and as was dosing off, I heard a loud purring noise above my head and I instantly knew that these were my kittens. Sadly we had to put them down few weeks before, because one infected the other with FIP ( a fatal cats disease) and I was absolutely devastated. So, I knew it was them, but I could not open my eyes and I was paralyzed. So, I gave a command I'm out of my body and I tuned to the other frequency. I opened my eyes and I saw both of them next to me. Oh, I was sooooo happy to pet them and cuddle them. Such sweet kittens! Then I ended up at home in my country and saw my sister. We were sitting at a restaurant and I said that I wanted to order some chocolate cake, because in real life I was on a diet and I could not have any. So they brought us a huge slice and we both started eating. OMG, I have to tell you guys, that taste in the astral is so much more enhanced. That thing was so delicious, that I want to go back for more lol. Then I was telling her that we were out in the astral and to convince her, I grabbed her waist and we both flew few feet off the ground. Then I told her, "now, you try flying by yourself" and she flew off and disappeared in the sky.
After that I was walking by myself somewhere and I was thinking about my physical body, but I didn't seem to loose control and snap back. So I thought about it and I thought about it and I said to my self that I must be dead, since I am not returning. But for some reason that thought did not bother me at all. In fact I felt liberated somehow. Eventually I woke up!

The next day I was talking to my sister and as I was telling her that in my OBE I found her, she interrupted me and started telling me that during my exact time of OBE, she was taking an afternoon nap (time difference) and she was dreaming that she was flying. (OMG, that was the first time another person involved in my OBEs have recalled an exact experience. Truly amazing.) Then I continued telling her that in fact I was showing her how to fly and sent her off on her own. She could not believe it!!!!!
Hi everyone, I just discovered this forum and I am glad that it is very active. I will share with you some of my most exciting OBEs from my journal and of course new ones. I hope you enjoy them!

Note! This OBE is from my journal. It occurred two years ago, few weeks after I watched Narnia -Prince Caspian

It started around 3:00 am, I woke up briefly and after 15 minutes as I was falling back to sleep, I started hearing clattering noises. I thought, who could be in the kitchen at this hour? Few moments later I realized... ahhh, these are the vibes, I am about to separate. Instantly I opened my ayes and I saw that I was lying in the same position as in my physical bed, but I was in a larger room with a big window overlooking a beach area. I got up and I said OK, I am out, lets see where I am. I looked through the huge window and I saw that I was in some sort of modern city. It was around sunset. I could see the millions of lights coming from the tall buildings. I flew through the window and was up in the air observing the city and the surroundings. It was so exciting! Then, as I turned my attention towards the beach, I spotted a castle. It was a little unusual though, the castle looked in real size, but at the same time the portion of the beach I was looking at was much smaller. It was like an optical illusion sort of thing. I flew towards the castle and as I was approaching, it started shrinking. By the time I landed, there was nothing there, just piles of sand. I was trying to find an explanation of the disappearance and suddenly I heard a voice behind me. "Let me take you there". I turned around I who do you think was standing next to me? PRINCE CASPIAN.... ha ha. I fell silent for a moment staring at him. Finally I said OMG you are real, and I attempted to start laughing (honestly, I don't know why I wanted to laugh) then he gave me the look like he did not understand what was so amusing.
Anyway he grabbed my hand and we flew toward a tall building. We ended up on the top floor in a big room. He opened the window and said "Now we jump" We did, but the jump lasted only one second and we were.... guess where... In Narnia ... OMG I could not believe it. I looked at him and he said "See, it does exist!" At this point my awareness started becoming more focused and the level of my excitement flew off the charts. I knew that if I held my attention on the fact that I was out of my body, I might snap back too soon. I exhaled, relaxed and focused my attention on my companion. I was determined to ask him questions and better understand the nature of the fictional worlds realities. I said to him "Lets sit for a moment, we need to talk". And so we did.

So, as we did the jump we ended up in that same castle which I have spotted earlier on the beach. We sat down on a beautiful white wooden bench on a terrace overlooking a large yard. I looked at him and smiled, because my first question was kind of silly, but that` s what first popped into my head:
Me: Now, tell me Caspian, is that your real look....because you know the actor who plays Prince Caspian in our movie, appears to look exactly like you.... or you look like him...???
C: Oh, I appeared to you like this because otherwise you would not have recognized who I was and your experience would have been distorted. I do look different, but there is no point of changing my appearance now. It is better for your comprehension.
Me: Is Narnia a physical place?
C: It does exist in a physical reality as you call it, although your understanding of realities are highly distorted. Now we are observing the energy portion of it. I am not in my physical form either, nor are you. You may remember when you return or you may not, as I may remember or I may not.
Me: So, you are basically learning the same way we are?
C: Yes, at lest while we are physically oriented, but in our world there are many more channels opened than in yours.
Me: What do you mean?
C: Things of different nature co-exist, several races of beings live together and we are able to visit other worlds physically as well.
Me: The story about your world, is it true?
C: Not entirely, though your author was able to observe this particular reality for quite a while.
Me: Do you mean consciously?
C: Some of our highs, on purpose chose to reveal parts of our history to stay connected to other worlds. There is great energy that sometimes gets established. This can give great support if something should happen.
Me: What do you mean by " highs" and what it is that could happen. Is it something bad?
C: I don`t know if you could understand at this time?
Me: Oh, I feel a little offended, but if you do not wish to tell me that would be fine.
He smiled - C: Our highs are the wisest in your terms beings. There are conflicts in our world just like there are in yours.
Me: Do you know about our world?
C: My physical self does not know much. It is limited in many ways, but we know more than you do about other worlds. I saw your radiance when you were trying to find the castle. I have met many other beings from your world.
Me: Will I meet with you again?
C: There are no boundaries here, you know how to find your way now.
Me: But what about entering your world with my physical body and meeting wit your physical self. Is that possible?
C: I would say Yes, but there are many closed doors where you are.
Me: But the doors do exist?
C: Yes, they were opened at certain parts of your time. But it is not impossible, that's all I can say to you.
At that moment I felt a strong pulling sensation and I was snapped back. I opened my eyes and It was 4 am. I could not go back to sleep. That was maybe my most exciting OBE so far.