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Topics - LightBeam

I was thinking today of how humans perceive themselves in relation to ETs and other beings.
I observe many people who are labeling themselves as spiritual to wanting to be from someplace else than Earth. They want to be ETs among humans. They want to believe they are something higher than humans. The reason I believe is because they have a sense of multiple life times and some connections are stronger. But on the other hand I am seeing an issue where they place hierarchy where they perceive superiority based on evolution, technological advancement, vibrational residency, etc. A lot of people are not proud to call themselves humans because they perceive humans as not much evolved and they wish they were something more superior. They wish to feel special, powerful by being somebody else. But not seeing everyone and everything as equal (from a higher perspective) they will not achieve fulfilment. If someone doesn't feel special or powerful is because they are not embracing their own uniqueness. Everyone is special, but just because everyone is special that doesn't negate specialness.

Many people also feel themselves to be something on the bottom chain among civilizations and when ETs establish open contact, these people will feel inferior and possibly afraid. And while this may appear normal for 3D characters the way the games are designed. The game also has a great test for them all to realize their own power and their own equality to everything.

I personally think that any ETs who in reality are more technologically and spiritually advanced than humans will be honored to have me or any humans as friends, because we were so brave to dare to enter the Earth school, where they may have chosen an easier way. We are very much respected and they will never make us feel inferior. Unless we chose to diminish ourselves or to treat others within our society that way and look down on them.

I am very proud to be a human at this time and admire my bravery to have come here and learn the hard way, moving by leaps and bounds. And you should be too. So, when you face ETs or any beings from any parts of the multiverse, know your place as equal. That's what they want you to realize and know. The One is the All, and the All are the One.
Welcome to Dreams! / Fast Moving Vehicle
February 18, 2025, 13:37:36
I wanted to check if any of you are having dreams being in a fast moving vehicle lately.
I had a dream a few weeks ago driving my car on a clear highway at a high speed. I was enjoying it very much, but had no awareness, so putting it in the dream category. However a few minutes into the drive I head a very loud voice in my head that caused me to wake up. The voice yelled my name and said STOOOOOP. The voice was trembling, high pitch and sounding scared. IT echoed in my physical ears and I snapped awake with the voice still echoing in my ears. I said wow, why did that someone yelled at me to stop, I was enjoying the ride very much. I asked what could that mean and next thoughts popping into my head said that this was me, from an ego perspective. The high speed car meant that I have started shifting to higher frequency since the beginning of 2025 (which I have and continue to feel) and the ego is panicking because with this rate it is perceiving that the physical vehicle/body (the car on the dream as a symbol) may be annihilated by moving to a high frequency very fast. The dream represented my shift, but the ego got scared of the rapid change and it wasn't sure what would happen to the physical body. Then I spoke to the ego and reassured it that the physical body is adjusting and wont be harmed and if I feel any negative changes I will slow it down intentionally. But I have been increasing shifts just by staying in a positive state and having fun following and doing what excites me the most every moment of every day. Just perspective and incredible excitement by knowing what I know. That's it. I am not doing any energy work or meditations to intentionally mechanically increase anything. Just being who I know I am and taking actions to act on my excitement. Then the synchronicity is showing me many opportunities to take even more actions to experience this world and the multiverse.

But anyway, I thought to keep this dream for myself, nut a few days later a member of the Pulse shared a dream and asked me for my opinion. Guess what the dream was so similar to mine, only in his he was a passenger of a high speed moving fancy sports car. The driver was someone unknown to him, which I interpreted as his higher self perhaps being given control to his vehicle to guide him to fast shift. He was afraid during the ride, but that may have been looking from the ego's perspective. If he wishes he can post here as well with more details. But I thought that this was a trend and I wonder of anyone else who feels shifting fast had this type of dream.

But just last night I had one more fast moving vehicle dream, so the trend continues. I was this time the passenger, but guess what, there was no driver lol. I realized that the car itself had the intelligence to drive itself. I was very pleased that I no longer had to do the work and I trusted the car's programming and intelligence 100%. I was not afraid at all. I thought how relaxed I was enjoying the ride. This time the car was speeding through a busy street with other cars and people. I saw how it by passed every obstacle on the rod and even curved around some pedestrians that were on its way without hitting them. Very interesting.
With this message I wanted to reiterate again the importance of UNCONDITIONAL Self Love. Without is you can not give 100% love to others, care for others, help others. And you cant receive others' love towards you either because they are reflections of your beliefs about who you are.

If you have any doubts about your worth, about your deservance, qualities, etc, dig deep to find out what is the source of these beliefs. Know that beliefs are not facts and they can be changed at any time in any way by changing your perspective and gaining knowledge of who you truly are. 

Celebrate your existence today with enhanced gratitude! And know that creation does not make mistakes when creating. You exist, therefore All That Is needs you to be complete. That alone should give you a hint about your worth. You are priceless!
Welcome to Dreams! / Testing Supernatural Abilities
February 01, 2025, 11:21:27
Last night I decides to ask a fun question before bed. I asked to be shown if humans can gain supernatural abilities and if yes what would be the easiest one to achieve. Here is the dream that followed. It was very vivid, the events were flowing smoothly without confusing symbolism.

I was coming home, parked my car on the driveway and got out. It was dark outside/evening time. Then I saw a large flying object approaching to land. I thought it was an airplane, but when it got closer I observed a very shiny covered with thousands of white crystals space ship. I grabbed my phone and thought to myself "Wow, I have to snap a photo to show it to my friends on the Pulse" lol. So, although I had no awareness that I was dreaming, I still thought of the Pulse that it would be interesting for you guys to see it. The ship landed in front of my house and a humanoid looking man (but taller and bigger) with a shiny golden helmet approached me. He said my name. I confirmed it was me. He sad that he would like me to go with him and participate in some kind of testing on his planet. I agreed and then I found myself in a seat on the spaceship, but this time the spaceship had no top, it was a convertible type. There were several seats. He sat on the pilot seat up front. I sat across on the second row. Then there was another row behind me and there I saw another human female, thin with medium dark hair. I had a strange feeling that I knew her from somewhere but her face was not familiar. She waved at me and said that she was excited to participate as well to this testing. The ship took off. The flight was very pleasant, but it lasted maybe a minute after which we jumped through a portal and we found ourselves on that planet. It was so beautiful with lots of trees and waterfalls. Between the vegetation there were buildings that were more pyramidal in shape and made out of some shiny material. The ship went inside one of the buildings and we got off. The man lead us to a large room full of holographic images of different shapes but no particular forms that I recognized. There were several groups of beings, each lead by a designated teacher. All beings looked like a mixture of different civilizations from different planets. I didn't see other humans besides me and the other female. First we were given a flying lesson, how to fly with our bodies. It was very fun because hovering above the ground appeared very easy and enjoyable. Then we were instructed to shoot energy out of our hands and try to manipulate the holographic shapes and to reshape them to something we want. Everyone started waving their hands trying to alter the form of these holograms. I gave it a wave as well and I saw fire balls coming out of my hands. I tried to make one of the forms to appear like a horse and I succeeded. I thought how cool that was and I wished that I could retain these abilities when I got back to Earth. I asked out loud one of the teachers near me who appeared female but her body looked like a hybrid between a human and an octopus. I asked " Can I have these abilities when I return to Earth?". She said "Oh, no, humans don't have these abilities. It's never been done". I did not like this answer at all and I said with determination "But for everything there is always a first time!" She looked at me and after a long pause she replied "Well, you are right". Everyone in the room started clapping and cheering lol. Then I woke up and I laughed. That was such a cool dream!
Here is an exercise you can all try if you wish to have some fun with the physical reality game :)

Imagine on a screen your life the way it is now, on a day to day. See yourself, how do you look, how do you behave, how do you think, how do you feel.
Now, turn on one more screen next to the current one and focus on that screen. On that screen imagine your absolute ideal life. Observe yourself, how do you look, how do you act, how do you feel, what are you wearing.
Play the two screens side by side and analyze the differences. What are the differences in yourself that you observe. Know that this life exists right now. That you is still you, but another version of you.
But know that you become a different version of you in different reality every second. So, it's not like that ideal version of you can never be the current you. The current you CAN become that version and step into that reality mechanically speaking, but it would depend on your beliefs of who you are. If you want to become that ideal you the only way you can is to start behaving, feeling, acting that way and then that vibration will manifest the applicable circumstances. FEEL like you live in that ideal reality REGARDLESS what the current circumstances look like, and eventually you will step in the shoes of that version, you will become that version, just like in the next second you are already a different version of yourself than one second ago.

After I did that exercise and I imagined myself holding my bestselling book on the red carpet because the book had become an A list movie, I immediately put on a nice necklace, bracelet and earrings. I put on my luxury pajama, a few drops of perfume and I absolutely feel like a star :) I will not remove my bracelet and every time I look at it, I will remember (if I forget) to shift into that me's state of mind no matter what am I doing in my daily life. Now my mood is EXTRA elevated, because I truly believe that nothing is impossible and I love playing this game. No insistence of an outcome, but just FEEL like the best version of yourself no matter what.

If you do that exercise let me know if you notice change in behavior of others towards you. I have done this before. I do it now and then but always fall back to my "usual" self and forget to stay in that mind set. But now I will try to stick with it by having my bracelet to remind me. So, before when I would do that, people I know, even many strangers would give me so many compliments on how I look, my hair, my clothes, my bag, my shoes, etc. And I can see the way people look at me also changes, like I am a celebrity. Very fun game. 
Here is a funny story. The other day I was walking around the mall and there was a very tempting cake display. I started contemplating to get a piece, but instantly I said to myself in my head "What did we say about sugar?". It took me a few seconds to realize that I was referring to myself as WE. And it clicked I thought "Oh wow, the team is working together. The higher mind, the conscious mind and the ego. They are all present, connected and working as a team. No side is being invalidated, feeling threatened or needing to take absolute control.
So, when I saw the cake, basically my conscious mind said "Oh look cake, yum". The ego said "Go for it, feed the body to have energy to survive". The higher mind said "I see from a mountain top and there are other foods that will benefit the body more and will not only survive but it will get stronger and healthier". Then the conscious mind said "Ah, that makes sense". The ego said "oh, then if the body will get stronger, then I accept". So, the three reached a harmonious agreement. My urge to eat the cake went away.

This is just one small example how if we consciously make the effort to allow all three parts of ourselves to work together in harmony and trust the synchronicities, we will always notice the sign posts and follow the most beneficial path without resistance.   

Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Personal Reality
January 18, 2025, 19:09:17
I just heard Julia Cannon sharing a story her mother Dolores Cannon told her. Dolores traveled to India with a friend. Dolores observed and experienced beauty and wonders. Her friend saw poverty, destruction and crime. Although they went together everywhere, sat on the same bus, ate at the same restaurants, met the same people, went to the same places, etc they saw different worlds. They experienced what appears as a "shared" reality through their own filters based on their beliefs and state of mind, thus making each of their reflective perceptions two different personal realities. I experience this many times when I am with other people and observe their state of mind and emotions while we are experiencing the "same" thing. The closest to my excitement and state of mind when comes to shared experiences is my sister, her husband and my nieces. We are always in awe when we travel and explore, and laugh all the time. We always meet people who are always there at the right time and the right place to help if we need, or to reflect love and fellowship to us.
And that confirms my theory, if we see OURSEVES as beautiful, powerful, loving, loved, worthy, fearless, magnificent, THIS is what we will see as reflections in a form of a physical/personal reality. And sometimes, we may observe other people's realities or something of a collective nature, but we don't have to make it ours if it doesn't align to who we think we are. It will not affect us directly. It will just be an observation for a purpose maybe to send our good vibes, or offer help or information, but again we dont have to be sucked into it, unless we chose to. 
Welcome to Dreams! / Shifting
January 16, 2025, 19:59:59
Since the beginning of 2025 I've had very strange dreams. Different than a typical dream. Different even from the very vivid dreams. I think they were triggered by my understanding/knowing that this is a major shift not only for me but Earth collectively. I knew the soon the clock turned and 2025 started that we moved with a greater leap/shift.

The first dream that started this chain of unusual dreams was a large waiting room with thousands of people that I could see within my vicinity. The room was like a train station's waiting room. Suddenly everything turned black and while and then started disintegrating, like the reality was disappearing. I saw the people formed 2 waiting lines, as if there were two trains. One of the lines was very long, I could not see the end of it. The other one was very short. I attempted to go and line up behind the long line, but someone grabbed me and said " You need to stand in this line" (the short one)
When I woke up I thought of Earth shifting and some people will shift to one dimension, others will shift to another and the shift had started.

The other dreams were so heavily charged that I can not describe how they felt, except almost like being in even a heavier density reality than ours, if anyone can imagine how would that feel. I did ask though to have all unconscious/conscious fears/uneasiness that come from my current character be resolved in the dream state. And while many have already been resolved during dream state because I have been asking with specifics in the past few years, to some degree some fears were not 100% resolved, so I wanted to completely clear out my energy of all human character burdens.
So, this triggered the dreams and per my ask here are a few lol

I was at a doctor's office and someone was performing a full physical exam. In this reality I have needle phobia, and while most of it has been resolved, there is a residual fear still lingering. The doctor pulled two HUGE needles and said that I had to be vaccinated. Surprisingly I rolled out my sleeves and said without any hesitation "yeah, sure, go for it" lol. He stuck one of them into my arm and pumped the substance.  I did not even blink haha. Then he pulled the second needle. I did not care and let him do the second shot.

In another dream I was given a young child to be her parent. In life I didn't want to have children because I am too empathetic and I would suffer to a point of not being able to function if a child of mine is ill or experiences difficulties. I was not going to be able to deal with it. But in the dream, I was perfectly fine, and confident.

In another dream I was pushed to an elevator by myself. in life I dont like small spaces, but in the dream the elevator kept going up and up for a long time and I did not freak out at all.

Previously I've had these kind of dreams and I have always reacted in the dreams with fear just like I would react in life. This is the first where three nights on a row, these heavily charged dreams played out my fears, and for the first time in all three of them I did not exhibit even the slightest negative emotion. Yay.

This thing with the ask before bed to resolve issues during dream state really works. Try it guys. It may take a while though, but with perseverance eventually it accumulates to a point of resolution.
I came across this photo on FB and instantly was drawn to the scene. I knew that I wanted to get there during AP. I made a plan to save the photo, look at it, study the details, and when I go to bed to visualize that I am sitting on this window with my feet dangling outside, looking at the snow and the nature, breathing in the snowy, crisp air, feeling a pleasant chill. Then jumping outside, start walking on the snow, make a snow ball, seeing now the entire scene 360, going towards an enchanted village, touching the trees covered with beautiful snowflakes, etc.
So, last night I did just that. The visualization was so pleasant. Then sometime in the middle of the night I was awaken by mild buzzing vibrations, I remembered the scene because I made an affirmation when I AP to go to that scene and not someplace else. So, that intention took me there. The experience was incredible. The snow was actually glistening and sparkling. It was pleasant to the touch, not freezing at all. The air was not cold, but it felt crisp. I saw the village nestled on the bottom of a beautiful mountain. The houses were fairy tale like. I thought of being in the tow square and I instantly teleported there. There was a market day going. Many people were trading goods, people were laughing, kids running around and playing. Their clothing was like from the fairy tale movie  Hansel and Gretel if you have seen it. The people were able to see me. As I walked among them, they were smiling at me. I said to one man who was selling hand made candles "What a beautiful day! Are you happy here?" He said  "Happiness never leaves this village" I felt the collective atmosphere of fellowship and community. I looked at the mountain again and I found myself back in my bed. I can still feel the essence of the village.

Here is the picture if any of you want to try this visualization if the scene resonates with you and raises a desire for you to be there.

With the beginning on a new year, there is a new beginning in general symbolically. Many have new year resolutions and set goals and desired outcomes. They visualize the way things should happen and keep insisting. But insistence creates resistance. Conditions create anxiety and disappointment. Reactions of disappointment keep the cycles closed and repetitive. 
I found that focusing on the journey itself and not the destination, brings the most joy and content. I no longer care about or set outcomes/conditions/deadlines. They come automatically (I still do not expect them though, because if I do that becomes insistence) as pleasant surprises as side affects of following my highest excitement every moment of every day and be the best version of myself I am capable of. To do the right thing per my intuition and see "efforts" as opportunities. So these opportunities do not feel like efforts but as adventures. If I see them that way, these adventures become exciting and enjoyable.
The response "so what" if something I desire does not happen gives me incredible freedom, because I know that I am eternal multidimensional being with infinite opportunities to experience everything. If not in this lifetime, then it is in another, and it's still mine. I am grateful for the opportunities to learn and that's what matters.
Focus on the journey/the now, don't rush to arrive somewhere and tell yourself that you will be happy once you get something or achieve something, because right after you get something, you start focusing on something else and you end up constantly chasing goals and never actually living and experiencing true joy by appreciating the journey itself.

There are 360+ blank pages on your story book for 2025. What would you write on each page.
Welcome to Dreams! / Fish Transforming to a Human
December 30, 2024, 11:30:21
I thought you may find this interesting. I've never had this type of a dream before.

The dream was very vivid and clear. I was at my childhood home. My mom (had passed away) was in the kitchen. On the kitchen table there was a small aquarium with a beautiful vibrant colorful fish. I leaned forward to see the fish up close and all of a sudden I felt its fins across my back and the fish was hugging me. It had become my size and was hugging me. I looked at my mom and she said "The fish hugged you, didn't it?" I said in amazement "yes, totally". The hug felt like a gentle, caring energy. I can still feel it now. Such a warm, loving, feeling!
Next thing I turn my back to the aquarium and I feel another hug. This time the fish had become a larger size than me and was hugging me from behind. I tilted my head backwards to look at it. Its head was above mine and the fish's face became that of a handsome young man with blue eyes and blond hair. I was astonished. He spoke to me and said "In a few days I will become human. Come and find me". Then it shrunk back as a fish in the aquarium. 
Next scene is a night time. I am outside in the back yard and I see a puddle of water. In the puddle I see the young man transforming into a full human. Then I woke up.
Welcome to Dreams! / Experienced Drivers Needed
December 15, 2024, 10:45:37
Last night I had a very vivid dream with defined elements.
The first dream started with a group of students showing up at my door and their teacher asking me if I can take them on a bus ride from which they can learn more about the various sights. Apparently I had a huge bus parked in my garage haha. I loaded the kids which were of various ages including teenagers. I took them on a short ride, but then I asked if someone else could drive the bus because the ride would be long and we have to take turns as this should be a shared responsibility. One of the older teens took the wheel. I was sitting next to him, he was driving well, but the road had many pedestrians. At one point he was approaching a group of people and with the sped he was driving I figured he would not stop on time without hitting them. Then I jumped and hit the  breaks. I asked who else had a license. Another boy came forward. I asked him how old he was and he said 18. I told him that he did not have enough experience to drive a big buss full of children. No one else stepped forward and then I told the teacher that I can take the kids back to my house and have them watch educational movies there in a safe environment until more drivers become enough experienced to be able to handle the bus safely.
When I woke up, the immediate information that came into my mind was that the bus represented Earth. The students represented the people on their various journeys to learn. The drivers represented those who drive Earth on a mass level to shift into higher demotions and helping the "kids" go along and learn enough for them to also be able to shift collectively. At this time Earth has many "drivers" but they need more experience to be able to help with Earth's shift. Until then the students as they themselves become experienced drivers will need to stay in a controlled environment for their own safety until they learn how to navigate. If there are more experienced drivers they can help the students accelerate their lessons. Earth is on a verge of a major positive shift and I see it inevitable as we have reached the threshold and the point of no return. But we can not rush. If we try to rush we may crash.

P.S. As I was typing the last word "crash" and clicked submit, the news reporter on TV said one second later "came crushing down". I immediately thought, yes that is an obvious synchronicity. We really have to be careful, have patience, realize how much can we handle at a time as a collective, and most of all help others. Keep helping the "kids". They may seem unruly and unable to understand, but just like a good teacher has patience and looks at what may seem negative from a positive perspective, we should as well. And some "kids" may need to repeat the classes and be left at other versions of Earth while others shift to higher versions. But that's ok, it's a part of the game. In other lifetimes, we are the ones left behind to repeat classes. And this is where the equality comes from. No matter what our roles may look like in this now, in another they may be reversed, so at the highest level we are all equal and this is how I look at everyone and everything.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Test
December 04, 2024, 16:48:42
Yesterday I went to Disneyland as part of my annual Christmas exploration of festivities and fun places.
My friends can't afford going so often to theme parks like I do, so this time I was by myself. I do fun things by myself and I like my own company when no one is able to accompany me, but yesterday I felt like I wanted to share my excitement with all of you. So, I called (energetically) all of you around 5 PM pacific time to come and join me on the Mark Twain boat ride. I felt energy points popping next to me. With my eye's mind I saw a red hair young man, a man with grayish beard, a young girl with long brown hair (maybe someone brough their child with them :), a blond woman, and many other gentle souls. I dont know if you felt any effects of this excitement but on a higher level I know you came to join me :)

Then as I sat on the river bank, the sky was getting dark, I decided to activate the CE5 app and play some crop circle ring tones and summon ET ships. I said "Hey, let kick start the open contact with more prominent, mass sighting here at Disneyland". I played the tones at a low volume so only I could hear them and focused as much =as I could considering the crowds around me. Well, nothing happened as far butt ships appearance, but something interesting happened during the night. I woke up in sleep paralysis, only this time there were no vibrations, sounds, nothing. Only telepathic communication started occurring and I knew these were ETs but there were no visuals, no faces, just thought communication. I did not induce exit, just laid there and had a discussion. The ETs told me that I will be given the ability to manipulate people's thoughts. I can make people do things and think things. As soon as I heard that I immediately started yelling at them and said "Absolutely NOT, This would be unethical and I cant even believe that you are suggesting such thing. I hope you are not doing this to us because I would be VERY disappointed in you".  I cant believe I was actually yelling telepathically haha. I was outraged.
But shortly after that I felt their friendly energy and they said "Well, you passed the test". Then they disappeared and I was able to move, completely woke up and started analyzing the experience. That was a first of this type of communication, not only the content but the method of communication. 
Project Radiant Light Forum originated from William Buhlman over 25 years ago. Then it was transferred to another administrator and eventually he was not able to maintain it and shut it down about 15 years ago. This was my first OBE forum I joined after experiencing my first OBE. I really enjoyed the community and friendships we established but when the forum was shut down we lost touch. I haven't really thought of this forum much until today. While I was driving a strong feeling and a vision came over me. I saw in my mind's eye many members from that forum casting energy sleeves and connecting again to one another including me. Then I saw many other energy sleeves like lightnings appearing from all directions and connecting to one another forming something like a team. There are members from here as well that joined. I had a download of information that this "super team" has been called to do something on the template level that would influence the path of Earth, but it will take efforts. I asked what exactly is the task, but I shown that I am not supposed to know on a conscious level just yet but it is something positive.

I am posting this to ask if by any chance any former members of Project Radiant Light are here. My username there was Angel. When I joined the Pulse that username was taken so I chose LightBeam.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / New State of Mind
November 27, 2024, 15:03:06
Just when I think I've reached the limits of what can I know while physically oriented, something new happens :)
Yesterday after taking a short day nap, upon awakening while still having my eyes shut and becoming aware I am waking up, I had a very strong vision about my current character and its relation to everything else. I saw and felt myself (as a character, not a larger entity) in a perfect state with complete absence of worries, concerns, fears. The best way I can describe is complete absence of ego, which typically ensures survival. But by being present, that necessity of survival automatically brings forth fears, worries, imagining the worst case scenarios that can happen so we can take precautions, etc. Absence of ego is typically experienced during AP, but it's easy from that state. Once we refocus back here we assume the character thinking. For example, one time I was out for so long, I was having such fun. I even thought of my physical body and I did not snap back, so I started thinking if I was physically dead, and that thought actually had a freeing effect and I did not care even for a moment if that was the case. But while oriented here this would be fearful, mainly for me because it will cause great pain to  my family. So, although we experience certain states of mind and we do remember them, we just cant shed fully the effects of the ego while physically oriented.
What I considered new for me during the experience upon awakening from the nap was that I felt in a complete state of perfection as myself in relation to everything else without the ego, but I was actually awake in the physical. And as I was feeling this I said to myself "Well, that's new. I absolutely love it! Let's retain this state of mind". However, it dissipated within 5 minutes. I was disappointed. Now, it's just 5% left of it, but I'll take it. I love when I discover new things! Now I know about it, but I just can't feel it 100%. Nevertheless, it's wonderful to know that what we have restricted ourselves to know is still here. And the "not knowing" is just a simulation. And that in itself is enough for me to still feel content at all time :)
Welcome to Dreams! / National Heroes
November 14, 2024, 16:12:32
Last night I had a very vivid dream. I was in a large old building made out of red bricks. Inside the furnishing and objects indicated 1800s. I was looking at the objects, they were mostly military. At one point I saw a door on the floor, I opened it and saw a skeleton with a general's hat still on its head and a military uniform. There were many other people in the building. I thought it was a museum. All of a sudden the building started collapsing, I saw the red bricks flying one after another off the walls and in a slow motion collapsing. Everyone started running. Then I felt two spirits lifting me and floating me around the falling roof to avoid any bricks hitting me and then I was above the building unharmed. The most interesting thing is that these two spirits had no form but I instantly knew who they were. They were two of my country's national heroes who formed resistance, fought and sacrificed their lives two centuries ago for the freedom of the people. When I connected with them telepathically during my rescue, they showed me that they have been guardians of our nation and still protecting its people. That was very heart warming. I realized that every culture has its special guardians on a mass level, just like the native Americans have their ancestors and animal/nature spirits as guides for all its people.
I like to give examples with my own life when I make certain realizations. They may be helpful to someone who reads them. :)

In my view, intuition is the language we have set up to communicate with our higher self, guides, and anything non-physical, and even physical actually, because the physicality is just another form of consciousness. So, really all the information there is can come though our intuition. But only if we let it come through. Sometimes we dont even realize that we are blocking it due to ego, fears, beliefs, etc. But, it wants our attention, and if we ignore to understand the messages, it may escalate to a full blown challenge to get our attention. I have learned to ask, "what are you trying to tell me" when I experience out of the blue unexpected challenges. And the challenges are not even related to the nature of the message, but it wants my attention so I can open that channel and listen.
Afterall, it is me from a higher perspective that is creating the challenges to attract the attention to the "little me" who is wrapped around all these filters. That was the bargain, terms and conditions when an expression of the whole is experiencing temporarily the illusion of separation for learning purposes.
But lets go back to my example. There have been series of challenges at work that are not typical and have been progressing to a point where I am starting to get seriously concerned. Yesterday, I finally asked "thank you for this opportunity to learn. What are you trying to show me. I am listening". Immediately the strongest thought popped in my mind "Check your to do list". Ah, I knew exactly the meaning of that. I have a do do list of things I need to accomplish, from errands, to financial investments, to furthering my career, to learning new things and most of all expressing my knowledge to the world in a form of a book, I have been working on for several years and I have been procrastinating. I've had this nagging feeling for a long time to get on with it and not delay any further. So, last night I sat down, finished some educational courses that were pending, started writing my book again, scheduled my errands, appointments to be done within the next week, etc. I felt really good. It was after midnight but I felt happily tired. This morning at work there was not even the slightest sign that we had all these problems. Like I had shifted to a reality where they never existed, because I resolved my procrastinating issues.
So, listen to your intuition and hold yourself accountable :)
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / The Power of 3
September 05, 2024, 19:20:51
Recently Tides brought to my attention the synchronicity of the number 3. I started looking at this in more details and I noticed occurrences within the bundle of 3. I posted about my Dolores Cannon meeting AP on another thread and analyzed the multiple synchronicity of the number 3 just from that AP alone. I just realized that in addition in that AP I also called Dolores' name three times before someone appeared to take me to her.
Last night I had a vivid dream. I was sitting around a table with maybe 10-12 people who appeared to be Dolores Cannon's students who are level 3 hypnosis practitioners from this reality(ah, here is the number 3 again lol). Dolores was standing up and she pointed to me. She said "You", are you level 3?". I knew I was the only one from the group who was not level 3. I said "No, I am level 1". The next thing I know I am sitting on a fast food drive through in a black car looking like a government vehicle. Next to me on a another parallel drive through lane was another car, same model and a bunch of men in black like looking people were looking at me. They had their sun glasses and black suits. I pressed a button to start ordering. I said "Order". no response. Then I said again "Order:, again no response. I said for a third time "Order" and this time a voice coming from some sort of a speaker said "Your order will be fulfilled in 6 years". I started laughing and I said "haha, I'm just ordering food". Then one of the men in black in the other car smiled and said "This order is not about food"

So, the dream was interesting, symbolic definitely. But again, I said "Order" 3 times and after the third time I got a response. Almost like you have to try 3 times for something to manifest. Have you heard the saying "three times is a charm". I think it comes from general mass agreement that in this reality the number 3 is designed to have some sort of energy power behind it. So, from now on, in my waking life I will make a point to repeat certain things three times, even affirmations, things that I like to happen, etc.
Ah, here is a good one "Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice" lol. I am going to see it this weekend ;)
Last night before I went to bed, I gave advice here on the Pulse to another member on the back to sleep technique. I myself use this technique some times, not always, but I know that it works. Many times during the night I just feel too exhausted mentally to think about anything and go back to sleep ride away. But in the middle of the night last night I got up to go to the bathroom and I remembered the advice I gave. I decided to apply the technique and not pass out immediately after hitting the pillow. I layed on my side, closed my eyes and imagined that I am lifting up as I am in a laying position, I am going up through my roof and up into the sky. I tried to FEEL this lift and motion as much as I could. I felt that I am getting a little dizzy from the rapid lift and I know that this feeling of dizziness will trigger awareness after I fall asleep. And it did. I dont know long long after I fell back to sleep I "woke up" mentally, still feeling my eyes closed and in a side laying position, but I knew that this awake was non-physical and that my body is in a deep sleep. There were no vibrations, just awareness. Then I imagined myself standing up and, I gained vision.
I saw a window and flew through it. Then I ended up in some sort of a city. My immediate surroundings were beautiful with nature like and some low buildings, but the horizon was lined up from end to end with sky scrapers who reminded me of a fence that was preventing going beyond that horizon. I felt uneasy by looking at these "limitations". I closed my eyes, determined to shift into a different frame of reality. I opened them again and I saw the same surroundings but the sky scrapers were fading. I stretched my hands and imagined that I am erasing them completely. After they were gone, more light brightened the city and the atmosphere became more cheerful. That heavy feeling was gone. I found myself back in bed, but I knew I could project again. I imagined standing up and this time I asked specifically to meet Dolores Cannon. I love her work and who she was on Earth while she was alive. As soon as I gave that command, I found myself in Victorian England. It was evening time, there were still some people and carriages on the streets. I started yelling her name "Doloreeeees, Doloreeeees, Dolores Cannon". Suddenly an old lady appeared next to me and said "Don't shout, I will take you to Dolores. She doesn't want everyone to know where she is". She took my arm and after a short walk we arrived in front of a narrow, tall house. She opened the door and Dolores was standing on the top of the stairs. Inside the house everything was so colorful and vibrant unlike the contrast outside on the streets. She said "come in, but there is a specific way you can enter this house." The stairs were all flower painted glowing glass, but on the top entrance you had to go through a very narrow glass portal. I couldn't possibly pass through that portal without getting stuck. She demonstrated to me how, and she said "I am bigger than you and I was able to pass through, You are afraid you will get stuck". I still did not want to try and I said that we can sit on the small bench outside her entrance. She agreed. We sat on the bench. Next to it was a dark wall. Dolores waived her hand and the wall became like a movie screen with things appearing on it. She said " You can fulfil your destiny or you can fail. There are many turbulations." The wall had a diagram with pathways basically showing me the probabilities. One path led to my destiny fulfillment which had pictures of stars and spaceships. She didnt say exactly was was my destiny. she wanted to just give me hints. Then another path led to unsatisfactory outcomes if I should make certain choices and not take certain actions because of fear. Then the most interesting thing she said about fulfilling my destiny was " Yor clues are around the statue of Einstein in Washington DC". As she was saying that a picture of a metal statue of Einstein in a sitting position appeared on the wall. Now, in this life I was not aware of any Einstein statues. UNTIL NOW. After I snapped back from this AP about an hour ago I immediately opened my computer and I searched for Einstein statue. The first thing that popped up was a huge sitting statue of Einstein in Washington DC the same as the one that appeared on the wall of my AP. My mind was completely blown away. I had never seen this thing and I never knew of its existence. I have been to Washington DC once but I never visited that exact place. I know that Washington DC has many hidden riddles and symbols with meaning about ancient lost knowledge. Now I must take another trip and visit that place and try to find the clues. This is soooooo exciting! I'm just beyond myself right now. I am aware that I may have some fears that I still need to process and understand where are they coming from. Dolores tried to give me a hint when I was afraid even to try passing through her narrow glass portal. I have to work on that and find out the reasons. But overall so far this is one of the most significant APs I've had. I have to say that there are many versions of each and every character throughout the multiverse as we are multidimensional beings. And so Dolores has many versions as well. The one I encountered during my AP is probably relevant to this version of me at this frame of now.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Uniqueness
August 31, 2024, 00:51:58
Last night while I was falling asleep, I entered a deep trance, I couldn't move but my mind was racing at a high velocity through layers of colors and energies. I felt a strong desire to post the information that was coming through immediately to the Pulse, but I could not move my body. The information was the following and it applies to each and every one.

Each expression of All That Is is unique. You are the only one of its kind within the infinite multiverse. In your entirety you are All That Is, and at the same time you are a unique expression. You are this and that, not this or that. Without you, All That Is would not be complete. Embrace your uniqueness, love yourself for it, and show it to the world. The world is enriched by you. Know your self worth, as it forms the worth of God.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Starting to Remember
August 19, 2024, 11:36:53
Yesterday I was siting in my backyard, staring at the beautiful sky at twilight. As I blinked, what seemed to be a "long" blink, like time slowed down for a second, I got a flash of remembrance. My mind flooded with images of me and a group of ETs roaming around the universe, laughing, exploring planets, etc. It was a remembrance of THIS reality, not something non-physical. I observed a conversation with them where I said laughing "Oh, boy, when will I trigger remembrance. But memory suppression is necessary to test the ability of energy shifts and readiness". I understood that many people right at this moment do have a group of ET friends that they meet physically, but the memories of these meetings and interactions/physical cosmos travel are being surprised. These meetings may happen at any given time within time warps, so we don't notice time elapse and after the experience we choose (it's an agreement on a mass level with us and them) to not remember. But we leave the channels open for glimpses of information, that trigger curiosity and desire to keep trying and learn eventually how to make energy shifts and become ready on a mass level for open contact. Per our conversation I understood that many people are starting to remember through flashes like this, which indicates being close to this goal. Now, I feel and know I have another social group I meet up with. I actually saw them and their physical appearance, I felt their warmth, love and friendship. Some of them I have seen through meditations and APs, which I have posted here before, like my aquatic looking friend from Orion. He was there. But during this flash, the intensity and amount of information/remembrance was very different, and left no doubt that these are actual physical gatherings with ETs that have planets and live physically in our cosmos. They can of course shift energetically and have mastered/learned and integrated the non-physical within their physical experiences, and this is what they are hoping humanity will also achieve. They are helping to a degree they are allowed without interfering with our course of evolution. 
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Imagination
August 15, 2024, 23:28:20
I think my imagination has developed to a point where I can easily shift my perception. Yesterday I was at Disneyland and me and my friends went to the Star Wars ride "Rise of the Resistance". The ride was created to be very realistic with solders being rude to us "the prisoners", taking us on a spaceship to be interrogated. Then the resistance helps us escape with phenomenal space battles and chases.
So, the creativity there is one thing, but my imagination took me by surprise and I REALLY felt like I was on a real spaceship, landing on another planet and then running from the solders. I have been on many such rides with simulations before but I always knew what it was, that I was at a theme park and I was inside capsules simulating various experiences. But this time, my perception completely changed for these 15 min and I believed that I was experience a split reality, where part of me knows what was happening at Disneyland in one reality, but at that moment I was observing another reality where this experience was REAL. This NEW split perspective was super cool. It just amazes me how truly NOTHING is impossible, only our own imposed beliefs limit us, nothing else.

In my opinion, physical reality may be a simulation, but the experience is real, that's why I don't like the word illusion. So, if the experience is real it becomes your personal reality regardless of what is the perspective of another point of consciousness just observing your experience. For them this is no their reality. Just like my friends, for them the ride was a simulation because I asked them how did they perceive it and they said great simulation. For them it was not real, but for me it was. Although our "experience" appeared to be a shared experience, each participant was experiencing they own personal reality through their own perspective. If they never left Earth because their perspective said so, they never did.  But my perspective said otherwise, and I was no longer on Earth with the version of myself that shifted into that reality for these 15 min, so for me THAT focus became my reality and it was as real as anything anyone can define as real. Taking in consideration that parallel realities are infinite, versions of ourselves are infinite and we constantly shift and become different versions within different frames of experience constantly. There is NO line of reality that we experience in what we think is a lifetime. It only appears as such because every next frame we shift to and focus on we chose to be just slightly different so we can experience a story. But technically there is no limitation to what frame you can shift. The only limitations would be our beliefs what is possible and what is not possible. I think we designed these limited games to challenge ourselves to test if we can rediscover that nothing is impossible despite the filters we have placed upon ourselves.
I wanted to share my experience from last night. I've never had such intense work on me by other beings. It started as a super vivid dream. I was standing in a glass looking capsule. Around me were several beings which were emanating light. They looked human, but I sensed they took that shape to make me feel comfortable. I couldn't tell where I was, because all around me was light. I couldn't see any outlines of building walls, windows, doors or furniture. One of the beings which appeared female said "We will give you the power of the Sun" She stretched her hand towards me and a miniature Sun appeared in her hand. The Sun was a ball of intense light fitting on the palm of her hand. Then to my surprise her hand passed through the glass and went into my chest where my heart is. She literally inserted the Sun inside my heart area. At that moment my thoughts were "They are boosting my solar plexus chakra". Maybe because the golden/yellowish Sun light ball that they inserted, but then when I though about it after I woke up, the boost was within my heart.
So, when she inserted her hand with the miniature shining Sun into my chest, I felt my heart stopping and I felt dizzy, started spinning with my energy body as if I will split into several energy bodies. At that point I became aware. The being said "Her heart had stopped" (her hand was still inside my chest)There was silence, I felt my consciousness quickly fading. Then she said " Her heart is beating again. And now it's stronger and more powerful". The rest of the beings cheered. I felt incredible warmth and strength within my chest area. Then I woke up and my physical heart was beating like crazy.       
Now, I have to note that physically there are no issues with my heart health. I think this was more of an energy boost of some sort.           
Welcome to Astral Chat! / The Money Formula
July 19, 2024, 18:12:15
This is the funniest things ever, but please take it seriously and do the full guided exercise. The mechanism behind manifesting is right on point. Let me know how did you feel during and after the exercise and lets share later what opportunities for you are starting to appear.

For those of you who are not familiar with Bashar. He is an extraterrestrial who is being channeled for over 40 years through Darryl Anka, and the information about existence from its highest scale to the smallest fragmented point is incredible. No one else is being able to portray reality to its fullest picture the way Bashar does. Not even Seth, who I think is on the top three.
You can find many lectures on youtube from Bashar to listen for free, but at times they get taken down. So, hurry and do the exercise for the Money Formula.
We have discussed here before how we can influence the elements. I wanted to share some experiences during my vacation. My sister had discovered many years ago that she can change the weather patterns when the weather is not per her liking especially when comes to rain. I have witnessed that many times. When she got married she really spooked her husband when she would "wish" the rain to stop when there are no signs of stopping, or changing the immediate forecast as she says. When I was on my way to visit them, before my flight from Poland a big storm formed and we could not take off. I texted her that I am stuck in Poland and I needed her assistance to move the clouds. She said "you will take off in 15 min". I was playing with my phone and in about 12 min they started the engines. I looked through the window and I saw a huge hole of blue sly right above the airport. the rain stopped just above us. All around there was still the heavy cloud cover and a rainbow formed. I attached the picture. Exactly on the 15th minute we took off. I texted her the picture and said "see what you did lol". 

My brother in law discovered a few years ago that he can make big waves in the sea. This year we went again to the black sea coast and he started playing with the waves. My sister and I like the splashing. The water is so warm and clear, but we love the extreme. We asked him to make waves because we were bored. He actually still thought the previous experiences were coincidences and did not believe. We challenged him. He got in and started making gestures with his hands to raise the waves. Within 2 minutes the waves started getting bigger and bigger. People started screaming. And no joke within 15 min the life guard changed the flag from green to red haha. We were laughing our heads off. My brother in law got spooked of this "coincidence" because the life guard said that this was strange, he was the only one that had to change the flag. His colleagues told him everything is calm where they are lol. He got out of the water and the waves calmed. My sister called him back in but he said "let me try from the shore". He was gesturing but nothing changed. Then he got in the water again and the waives started getting bigger. It looks like his body in contact with the water produced the necessary energy to influence the waves. We tried so many times to convince him that these are not coincidences and that he had to accept his abilities. The next day he went to the nearest tattoo shop and tattooed the Neptune's trident on his arm lol.

I witnessed my 6 years old niece twice making it hail by spinning her index finger while watching a storm. She said I want hail, spun her finger and 2 minutes later it started. On two separate occasions when this was not expected by the forecast. My sister said she had done it before as well. She also can get wishes come true fast. I taught her last year to close her eyes, imagine what she wants, imagine how she is receiving it and to feel the emotions. This year the kids were collecting some figurines inside chocolate eggs. My nieces had collected over the past months almost all of them, but one which was the rarest. Almost no one had gotten it. I told them this was a marketing scheme to get the kids buy more eggs to search for it. My niece was so upset she could not find it. I reminded her again about the imagining she is receiving it. She did the exercise, and guess what. The next day she got it :). I taught my other niece, the 5 years old as well how to wish and imagine receiving it. I encourage them to believe and that nothing is impossible, that their hands have powers to heal and help people, so this can become a core belief. My brother in law sometimes says " what kind of witch family have I come to. Now you made me one of you" lol. I say " Be thankful we don't live in the middle ages haha"

Last night I had a realization during a dream that I was dreaming. Immediately I tested my hypothesis by trying to fly and I did. Then I took over the experience. I was enjoying the flight above beautiful fields. At one point I spotted a small circular object on the ground and it looks like inside the circle a pool of water was swirling. I knew that was a portal to another dimension. I wave of subtle fear came over me that this object was too small and I had claustrophobia to try to go through it. And I didn't know what was on the other side. But a thought popped in my head to face my fear and not be afraid of the unknown but rather be excited because of all the wonders I may discover there. I dove straight down like a bird and the moment I touched the object I found myself on the other side into another dimension. At first I found myself in a small circular room with water but the water was running vertically around the walls and the waves were splashing on the upper side of the walls. The water was sapphire blue and the foam of the waves was silver. Very vibrant and glowing colors. I felt like Alice in Wonderland. This room was small and I started feeling the claustrophobia again, but I said to my self not to be afraid. Soon a part of the wall dissolved and two beings entered. One of the said "Welcome to our world. We will teach you how to....." well, this is the moment I need to clarify that I have awareness that during the AP I understood everything from that world, but now after I have refocused in the physical I dont remember certain elements that in my view were so different that what humans are used to that even our imagination can not translate other parts of the multiverse and their elements. Our physical brains are way too limited to be able to translate. So, after waking up I tried soooo hard to recall what the beings looked like or what were they teaching me, what did the rest of that world look like, because I do have the awareness they showed me around and thought me something an I spent quite a long time there. And it's so frustrating now for this to be on the tip of my mind but I cant see it in my mind eyes. Hopefully at some point it will come to me, but I think it's the incredible difference between our worlds. I remember that one of the beings looked like a lady bug with human face and walking up right, but I distinctly remember the antennas on her head. The other being completely escapes me what did it look like, but at the time of the experience I did see it all and my emotions tell me it was an astonishing and magnificent world.

So, in conclusion, the multiverse is so incredible that our human imagination cant even imagine it. The diversity of types of existence, types of personas and beings is so vast, actually infinite. And that just blows my mind. It's a little frustrating because I want to know it all. And in some level I do, just like all of us. But if we stay in a timeless state of all knowing (from the highest perspective of All That Is) everything becomes static. There is no amazement of new discoveries. That is the reason All That Is expresses itself and cloaks infinite personalities in filters so it can keep rediscovering itself from infinite points of views and experience the emotions of amazement and exhilaration of "new" discoveries and explorations. 
Welcome to Dreams! / Precognitive Dream
May 13, 2024, 18:35:57
I've actually never had true precognitive dreams where what I dream exactly comes to pass without any symbolism. I've had plenty symbolic dreams where I get an idea of what is the most probable future but never exact occurrence until 2 nights ago. This was not an AP, there was no lucidity, or awareness, just a dream. I was in a meeting where one of my colleagues announced that he was leaving the company. This morning, this exact scenario played out in the physical. With his exact words, and other people and myself wishing him luck on his new opportunity. I don't know how this relates to me, perhaps it will be revealed later at work in the physical. I have many colleagues on my team and people rarely leave the company. The moment he started making the announcement, I was like "Wow, this was my first exact precognitive dream".
When I woke up from that dream 2 days ago I wondered if this could be happening in the physical, but quickly forgot about it.

Then last night I had a vivid dream that some invisible force was giving me paint to paint things in purple and gold. I saw images of people who's skins were all painted and glowing in purple and gold. I dont know what this is all about, but as you can see it is symbolic.

I wonder if any of you have ever had precognitive dreams where the scenarios played in the dreams exactly matched what you observed later in the physical?

During APs though, I have observed things that later I confirmed in the physical were as I observed them during the AP. For example about 10 years ago, my mom changed the covers on the couch. I saw them in red during an AP when I visited home and I thought "well, another mismatching thing between NP and physical". But 2 days later when we Skyped I saw the red couch. My mom said she changed them the week before. I was blown away.
This session of Bashar is very interesting, but if you dont want to listen to the whole thing, at least hear the few minutes from 22:05 mark.  :-D

This question often comes up when we try to analyze our experiences. Here is my understanding using analogies. Feel free to express your ideas.

-The "little" me is the version of my physical persona that I perceive myself to be in this moment/frame of this version of reality.  I am MVB born in the 20th century in EU, Planet Earth, linear version 100007654.                                                                                                                                                                                (In my view, there are infinite versions of every single point of consciousness existing simultaneously in the multiverse.)

-The "big" me is what we call the oversoul/the higher mind. It perceives itself is all personas all at once that it chose to express itself as and their infinite versions, including the "little" me. I am MVB born in 20th century EU, Earth, linear version 100007654 I am  a potato digger born in England in the middle ages Earth linear version 984557786565444, I am a roman soldier, I am the King of Scotland in 1398 AD, I am a member of the galactic confederation from Orion, I am  a blade of grass, I am an insect on planet  Mars, I am a stream of color in realm 18765 frequency, etc. I am all the above all at once without being confused. I am able to perceive myself as this large entity, not viewing myself as one character at a time linearly, but all at once as one being.                                                                                                                                                                              (In my view, the "big" me is the main programmer of the themes and experiences of the "little" us. But the "little" us have the power within their themes to evolve, learn, gain knowledge, expand, etc through situational lessons set up by the programmers, cooperation with other points of consciousness, tests to re-discover themselves from many points of view, testing their pre-programmed and acquired  beliefs within their enclosed game environments, testing how many self-imposed filters they can shed with each experience, choosing certain sets of lessons within each "life time", etc)

-The "all" me is All That Is perceiving itself as all versions of all points of consciousness and their infinite persona expressions including the "little" me and the "big "me simultaneously in one infinite moment. (In my view, the "all" me is the ultimate creator of everything". The big" me and the "little" me are fragmentations of consciousness. Each fragment though is never separate from All That Is. It just places filters/cloaks to block certain perceptions for the purpose of experiencing individualized story lines and expressions. All That Is is always in a state of becoming. It has no beginning and no end.

The best analogy (on a much smaller scale though, but you get the idea) to understand how the fragments perceive themselves and how can I/you imagine what is it to be the "big" me and the "all" me is the following:

-I am a child and I can not understand what it is to be anything else, although I am told by others what it is, I simply cannot comprehend because I am not within that other frame of reality (this is the "little" me)

-Now I am an adult and I understand what it is to be a child, but also an older sister, an aunt, a friend, a student, an engineer, a researcher, a mentor, a piano player, a karate master, etc. I can perceive all these roles as a part of me all at once without being confused or without the need to experience all these roles one at a time.  (this is the "big" me)

-Now, I am an adult and perceive myself being all these roles but in addition, I have learned how to AP and perceive parts of me that I never knew existed. I have the ability to perceive myself as ONE with everything. (this is the "all" me), and I am not confused, I am not lost within the infinite characters, no persona is ever lost or sees to exist, it is and always will be a part of the ONE, and the ONE will always know each "little" me as the ONE. Just like I am aware of my childhood, my adulthood, and I perceive both with the same validity, none is ever placed aside, both go in tandem of who the bigger me is, the same way no persona is ever "blended" or "dissolved" within the ONE. But all fragments perceive themselves as one entity

Conclusion: The only difference between the above various "me" is the filters that create the illusion of separation. To understand this and to know that at this very moment I/you ARE "All That Is" and to give the "little" us the ability to peel away more filters and within the enclosed game environment to actually see from far above and understand not only ourselves but all other personas and their purposes within our vicinity and collectively.
I wonder if open, mass ET contact occurs, would most people expect the ETs to help us with various things that we have not yet achieved or discovered and to be expected from them to tell us all the things we don't know about the universe. How would people feel especially those in power since the ETs appear to be more superior with their abilities and technological advancements.

When I make attempts to make contact I send messages that I intend only friendship and love between us, and I would not ask them to help me in any way with my own challenges unless they feel they want to show me something. I don't want them to feel obligated to help because they are capable. But humans tend to get offended if friends can, but don't help or do favors. I am trying to picture the most probable scenario of a mass contact the way humans behave and think today. And if humans are ready. Or if ETs are waiting for humans to mature more.
Welcome to Dreams! / Reversing Darkness
March 08, 2024, 09:45:25
Last night's dream was semi lucid, because I kept questioning things as I was comparing with my physical reality and wondering, but "something" kept me from becoming fully lucid, because when I do, I typically get out of whatever scenario I am dreaming and go off to my own preferred adventures. This time, I guess my higher self or something/someone else wanted me to stay in this scenario for a reason, but have enough lucidity to make certain decisions.
In the dream, I was flying above a beautiful neighborhood, the people below were walking, laughing, going about their life. I thought that I can't be seeing and I should lift higher so they could not see me or take pictures of me. I knew they were not ready to know what I know. As I was flying, I saw three beautiful women hovering around a tree and there were a few babies in nests in the tree. But the women had wings. This is what I questioned, and I asked them if they were humans. They said they were human fairies. They asked me if I knew the secret since I was a human but I could fly. Then we found ourselves in a large banquet hall where the entire town was gathering for a celebration. But suddenly, we saw through the large windows that a dark smoke was coming down from the sky and was destroying everything it touched. The smoke was coming towards our building as well. The scene was very scary, people were screaming and panicking. As the smoke descended upon our building, I stretched my hands up and started shooting energy. I asked the fairy women to help me. They joined and our energy field became stronger. I was yelling "reverse, reverse, shield, shield". I was trying so hard to increase my energy to be able to defeat the rad smoke, but it was not enough. Then I started yelling at everyone inside the hall. I told them that they had the same energy, but they had to believe to be able to use it. I urged them to join us. A lot of them did, and our shield increased. The dark smoke completely covered the building, everything became dark but we could still breathe under our energy shield. Each of our energy streams was visible to us and had different colors. Mine was on the violet spectrum, but as many people joined, I saw all kinds of colors. I noticed a very old man standing next to me being very scared and not even trying to use his energy. I asked him to at least try. He said there was no point, there was nothing meaningful in his life for him to stay alive and he doubted he had any power at all. I screamed at him and told him as long as he breathes is' worth fighting to honor the gift he's been given to exist. His expression changed, he stretched his hands and started shooting energy. I said "see, you do have power, you just have to believe". I saw that the darkness was retreating and the damage we observed previously was gone.

I have used the CE5 Contact App 3 times so far and every time it produces very interesting occurrences. I've had this app for quite some time, but I don't use it unless I get a very strong feeling of wanting to connect. Otherwise, I don't want to force anything, I just follow my intuition and inner signals when I need to take action about anything in general. I just ride the wave of synchronicity in life and I pay attention to inner messages.
Last night, I got that feeling again and I started the app. I did a deep meditation welcoming benevolent beings and sending them the coordinates of my location. Towards the end of the meditation, I had a very clear flash image, clearer than a physical image, a hand stretching out wanting to hold mine. The hand looked very much the hand of the ET from the ET movie. Then the entire being came into view. It looked like a humanoid tree, all brown with branches like arms and legs. It had a very friendly energy signature. I touched its hand and there was a flash of light which startled me and I snapped back out of the meditative state.
Then I went to bed, still holding the image I saw of the ET and I asked to continue our interaction during dreaming/AP. Right as I was falling asleep, I saw the same hand right in front of my face, but it was holding a large white pill, giving me to take. I actually snapped awake from that flash image because I was like, what the hell, why are you giving me pills lol. I didn't know what to think, what was the purpose of the pill and was it safe for me. That produced some resistance on my part out of fear. I did not have any dreams or APs last night.
I believe everyone experiences this phenomena at some point in their lives. I have observed it many times in my own life. And most of the time things get worse when I am too reluctant to go out of my comfort zone on my own, to take steps into the unknown to improve things I desire improvement. The fear of possible unfavorable outcomes or lack of confidence in ourselves are often the obstacles.  But this is where our higher self comes into play as it sits on the mountain top and sees every possibility and opportunity. It sees that we can and we are capable of and pushes us out of our comfort zone by creating the circumstances which we perceive as challenges. But the higher self is still us, so in a way we create the challenges for ourselves, just the conscious portion of ourselves does not realize it.
So, from energetic point of view, if new things are to emerge, old things need to be removed and this is the time of worsening that is perceived. If you want a newer house, you can't build it upon the old one. First you have to remove the old paint, the falling foundation, the cracked doors and windows. But you have to keep working on it and know that in a little while, you will have a new house. If you stop or do not initiate the  building process just because you are afraid to be left without doors and windows temporarily, you will never have the new house. Now, replace "new house" with, better health, financial abundance, greater love and relationship, etc, you will see that in each of these transformations there will be temporary worsening of the current situation. You will experience loss of the old in order to make space and build the new.
A better health may require a detox program, a change of eating habits, more exercising. All of these changes will trigger dying of old cells, withdrawal effects of substances, sore muscles from work outs until your body renews itself and becomes stronger. Unconsciously via your higher self you may create an illness to push yourself to make a change in your eating habits and lifestyle if you don't initiate this by conscious choice.
If you desire a greater love and relationship, you will create the circumstances of a break up to push yourself to get out of the current one and look for something better if you do not initiate this consciously by choice.
If you desire financial abundance, you may create the circumstances of losing your job in order to look for something better. This was the case for my sister. She was forced to look for something else when the situation with her colleagues became unlivable. But she had this job for 15 years and she felt comfortable as far as stability, but the physical labor was burdensome. She was reluctant to look for something else because she felt she could not find stability somewhere else. Well, her conscious self could not see what her higher self was seeing from the mountain top, so one day her higher self said, that's enough, I am pushing you by force. She had no choice but to look for another job. She was very fearful, but I knew all along this was a blessing in disguise. I told her that to stay positive. Shortly after, she found a new position in the same company where she still had the stability but the job was 10 times less demanding, very easy and had a better pay. But had the higher self not created the situation with her colleagues scenario to force her, she would have missed her potential and would have missed to find something she was desiring.
Always trust that there are reasons behind every challenge and that we from the standpoint of our higher selves do create them to push us along to reach our full potential. But if we resist and blame external forces for our "misfortunes" we may extend that "worsening time" very long.
Well, the spirit teleporting machine or as I call it spirit teleporter is the bed. This is a fact and not an assumption. I realized it about a week ago and every time I go to bed, I repeat, I am entering the spirit teleporter. So, if I am in this teleporting machine, there is no question my spirit WILL be teleported tonight with my awareness. I am expecting to be aware of the teleportation.
When you lay down, ensure to FEEL like you are in a machine and KNOW what that machine is about to do.
Since I have been doing just this and no AP techniques, I've had 7 OBEs on a row. This has NEVER happened before. I typically have maybe 1 AP every two weeks doing visualization/motion technique, bhut never like that so many on a row. Give it a try.

Last night's AP was interesting because I knew I was in a different year. I asked the young girl who was near me "Tell me what date and year is it". She looked at me like I was a loony. I repeated, "please tell me the date". She said February 19th. I said. "I know it's Feb19th but what year"? Again, she looked at me like I was crazy and said 1985. I said "Ha, I am from 2024, and I can see that in that year you are a school teacher. She didn't know what to say. I walked away to explore the area. 
I think last night's dream was influenced by our discussion with Tides about everything being alive and everything being consciousness. It proves again that what we focus on with intent shifts us to corresponding experiences.

This dream was borderline lucid, but I have to note that the colors were even beyond anything I have observed so far in APs. A LOT more vivid and glowing. I had no idea there could be even more vivid colors than what I have observed during APs. It just goes to show you that there is so much more out there we have no idea of.

I was standing next to a huge rock somewhere in the wilderness. I kept pulling smaller stones out, as the inside had a different texture and color. I knew there was something inside the rock I wanted to uncover. I kept pulling smaller stones, carving deeper and deeper within the rock. At some point I saw the outlines of an elephant head. Next to it I saw the outlines of a mushroom head, both with eyes. The heads started changing colors, they became so vibrant and started glowing. They became crystals with deep blue and purple colors. I was taken a back and I said "What are you?". The elephant head said "I am a rock, a crystal and an elephant". The mushroom head said "and I am a crystal mushroom". I thought they were absolutely cute and adorable. I could sense their friendliness and soft, gentle nature. We connected instantly. The elephant said "We know you are looking for the precious stone. We can show it to you" But before they could show me, all of a sudden behind me a number of creatures appeared. They seemed to be made out of crystals, but with sort of humanoid forms. I could sense they wanted to steal the precious stone, because they have been looking for it to enhance their own powers. The elephant and mushroom heads sunk inside the rock, disappeared and the rock became whole again as it was before I started pulling the stones. Then I started yelling at the top of my lungs to the creatures "How dare you coming here to steal something that belongs to this rock. Go back and leave them alone". Now, I have to note that if I had a full awareness and lucidity I would never yell at anyone. I have never experienced conflict and aggression in any of my APs, but I guess at the moment my awareness was low and I reacted this way to protect the rock. The creatures did not expect this from me. They understood that I would not allow it and disappeared.

When I woke up, I still felt the energy of the elephant and mushroom creatures. They knew I would not steal their precious stone and were willing to show it to me. Even now, I still feel like we are communicating telepathically. I just feel their gentle energy and friendliness. I hope that feeling lasts for a while, it's very heart warming.
I've had a number of observable telepathic connections with animals throughout the years. Recently as I was walking in my neighborhood and a guy walking his dog was about 50 feet in front of me. I thought to experiment connecting with the dog. I imagined my energy merging with the dog and I said telepathically to the fog "Hello darling, you are so beautiful, I am right behind you, turn around and see me". In less than one minute the dog stopped, turned around and looked at me. I said out loud "Sh*t, it worked" lol. Luckily no one heard me. The owner pulled his leash, but the dog did not move. After a few pulls, the dog continued walking. I said to myself, lets try again, maybe this was a coincidence. I connected again, asked the dog to stop and look at me again. And he did. I just opened my eyes widely and mentally said "whaaaaat, this is so cool".

In the past few years I noticed that I didn't have the heart to squish bugs anymore. Two weeks ago, I saw a spider in my tub, and said "Stay out of sight, otherwise I will have to release you outside and I don't know if you would like the outdoors". The next day he was gone, b]never saw him again. This happened with another spider in the house. Now, I don't see any. I mean I dont want to cause infestation or anything in my house, but I just cant kill them. I imagine if I shrink to their size, I will observe that they are just as significant creatures that can feel.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Healing
February 15, 2024, 21:52:48
Many times when I AP I ask to have the ability to heal people instantaneously here in the physical. I think this is my greatest desire and it reflects in my experiences. The other night I realized I am in the non-physical, I levitated above a beautiful garden with such vibrant color flowers and trees. I started flying slowly, observing the gorgeous grounds from above. Then I saw a fallen person. I hovered above them, stretched my hand and sent healing energy. I saw visually the energy coming out of my hand. It was a transparent yet visible shockwave that reached the person. They seemed to be healed instantly, got up and looked at me, waving. I continued flying and then saw a fallen eagle. I did not know if it was dead, but I stretched my hand, sent a healing wave and the eagle got up and looked at me. I was very happy with this healing power. I said, God, I would like this power to transfer to the physical, please show me a sign. Well, there was no sign, I woke up. But still enjoyed the flying and interaction with the person and the eagle. Who knows, maybe this person and the eagle have physical vehicles that felt the healing to some degree on that side.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Expansion
February 03, 2024, 14:16:41
I came across this from Dolores Cannon page on FB and I felt instant expansion and increased joy just from the fact that I exist. "You are not just a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean within a drop".
I follow many spiritual pages on FB and every time I open my feed, I see so many inspirational quotes, beautiful pictures, motivational videos. It gets my mind to spike (raise vibration) often. Find your inspirations and focus on them throughout the day, because we can become lost in the daily routines that dull our vibrational level. Some people dont like social media, but it depends what do you search there. I search for beautiful nature, funny animals, winter wonderland, castles, healthy eating, amazing places around the world, travel, spirituality, and all I see there is beauty and inspirations that resonate with who I am. I don't see anything else because I don't focus or search for anything else. If I come across stupid posts (very rarely) I bypass them, acknowledge that the people involved have chosen to go this rout to learn and it does not bother me one bit.

Welcome to Dreams! / Jesus dream
January 22, 2024, 17:39:59
Last night's vivid dream was one of a kind. I have never encountered the Jesus entity or a representation before in APs nor dreams, maybe because I never asked for it. But I do believe Jesus was a great teacher and tried to tell people about spirituality. Unfortunately in this line of reality he was misunderstood and his teachings misinterpreted. He never wanted followers, he wanted people to become like him because he was connected to the divine without many filters.
Anyway, last night I found myself sitting in a chair and in front of me was Jesus. He took the appearance of the actor who plays Jesus on "The Chosen". However, I did not address him as the actor but as the Jesus personality. It was strange because he started cleaning and repairing my teeth and I said "Oh so you are my dentist now lol". In the physical my teeth are fine, but I guess this was something symbolic. He also started combing my hair. Then he said " you need to change your wardrobe as well to match the fashion of who you are becoming". Then he pulled out a card and said "Here is my business card" and handed to me. I dont remember what was the text on the card. I tried to read it but before I could I woke up.

Perspective from Bashar, and also being expressed along the same lines by many popular authors such as Seth, Dolores Cannon, all AP book writers, etc. I myself have questioned it through my own challenges and my willingness to listen has led me to the answers and to the realization of my own growth.
I hear so many people wondering "There is no way I chose this to happen to me. No one in their right mind would do that"