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Messages - 8bit

Well, I used the warm whole method to get outta body. As I laid down I just focused on my third eye, and waited tell the worm whole appeared. After that I found my self nude in my room. I don't know why I was nude lol. Anyway I thought of doing something different like masturbating LAMO. It didn't work out well  cause things kept going dark. Then I kept saying clarity now, and after a few times my body become hard and tense. I don't know what that was from. Then I started to float up toward my ceiling. After that I panicked cause I couldn't move at all.   
Well, I've been having lots of OBEs recently and last night I had one with the same creature in it. It keeps appearing to me in the form of a beast. It runs really fast, and I am unable to keep up with it to see what it actually is. I looked it up and people said it was an Astral Stalker. All I know that it has hooves for feet, and has hairy legs. I never really see it. The first time I seen it it was standing next to me when I woke up from a dream. The second time was when I fond my self outside and night looking at the moon. He started running towards my house, then jumped on my roof. I'm thinking about confronting the thing, and then try and go see my friend tonight.

What are your thoughts on this?
Quote from: NoY on September 16, 2012, 16:30:52
people think this world is "real" because it causes them pain
maybe the astral is trying to get you to take it seriously because it scares you

Well, My profile has been inactive for a while and cause I've been concentrating on school and what not. I stopped having OOBEs because I needed sleep. Last night something appeared in front of me when I woke up. It was a huge beast. I didn't move at all or make any sudden move meant.  I just stared at it. What are your thoughts on this. It was around 5:58 this thing appeared. Then I meditated on surrounding my self with protective white light after wards, cause I didn't wanna take know chances then went to sleep.
Quote from: Szaxx on July 30, 2012, 18:00:02

Hee hee.
lol. I have many something. ha ha.
Quote from: Landshark on July 27, 2012, 04:38:49
Reading this freaked me out by how similar it was to one of mine. My 2nd intentional one actually as well. I met 2 girls before the environment got very dark and scary. My guide disappeared after warning me not to be afraid. After the environment got scary I fled the women and felt like I was rushing through a dark vortex at thousands of mph. Then I woke up.
Wow dude that's crazy. Have you ever said anything to one of them? It feels like your being shocked. I never felt anything like that in my life. I was able to tell if it was a bad vibration or not. It was really cool.
Last night I had AP happen. I remember seeing this purple spiral galaxy and a big ball of glowing white light. There was someone said to me just keep going towards the light. The face was shifting as i watched it being pulled in. The scene was real beautiful. I never had a OBE like that before. I remember seeing the white light, but everything went dark after words and fell into a dream about my sister saying how OBEs are not real blah blah blah. I hate that. This is my 6th one this month. I haven't been meditating recently and last night I did meditate so that's probably why I got out of body.  When I feel asleep my bed would shift and it feel like i was floating above it. I hate those symptoms. I'm not really into AP or OBEs any more, but they still are cool!  I like sharing my experiences with you guys. Sometime this week I'm going to start making youtube videos. I think I'll get lots of views lol. I will also be teaching Japanaese.

Have any of you ever been out of the solar system before? Or beyond earth?
Quote from: roman67 on July 26, 2012, 01:24:31
OMG! It also freaks me. You should try again.
Next time I get out of body I will try. Hopefully I project there. I been to tokyo japan in anther OBE I posted on here a while ago. Best experience I ever had. I think I'm gonna make a video about it on youtube. 
Quote from: Tibor on July 26, 2012, 03:31:37
Sound has always been strange for me in the astral.  Sometimes you hear snippets and loud things, other times I hear beautiful music or chimes. 
I heard chimes before, I was about to go into my sisters room one time during a OBE and chimes ringing. I didn't walk in there because it freaked me out. 
Once you get out for your first time the previous attempts become easier.
Earlier this morning i found my self in a field and saw a strange pale girl. I sent like a wave of energy to her, it was weird.  Almost like, hey whats up. Then she turned all evil on me and started yelling. So, I said to my self Jupiter now. Then all of a sudden excrement got really freaky. Everything turned black and little stars where passing buy me underneath. I then worried about getting to far away from my .... and then it ended. Before hand I had a couple of dreams, that where sexual.

I always wanted to project to the edge of the universe. I guess i taken the first step.   
Hey guys, sorry i haven't posted in a while i been busy learning Japanese. Not enough time for meditation or other things. I had 1 OBE today, and a AP. I found my self outside my hallway and my dog running at me. Then he ran straight threw me. After that I heard a really loud buzzing noise. It kind of freaked me out. I thought you heard those why you exit. After I woke up I still heard it.
Ever since my first encounter I been having strange dreams, for example today I started meditating during a dream and said that I wanted to see a past life. Everything went black, and a orange spiral appeared. Then things started to feel super real. I was on a ship in the middle of the ocean. They had muskets pointed at the crew. I heard a officer say, captain. The captain turned and said execute them. Then I seen the muzzle  fire from the guns. It was so real. I heard the seagulls above, as the shots fired. Then it ended.

Is this how you see past life's? I been trying to see one for a while now. I think ever since I went to the akashic records I am now able to access this information.
Quote from: Xanth on July 16, 2012, 13:47:39
So are you asking if that was the akashic records?

It certainly could have been your chosen interface.  :)
Yea... I have never been there before in an OBE. Who do you think was the hooded figure?
Quote from: Lionheart on July 11, 2012, 16:44:41
No he is definitely not a Con artist. I own his entire program and it works. He uses energy work, kundalini awakening, breathing exercises, Hypnosis based walkthroughs and he has some of the best Binaural Beat MP3's I have ever heard. The only reason you don't hear more about him is his price. I paid that $200 price tag and got the results I expected. I find that when you pay for a program that you are committing yourself. Commitment is paramount to success with this practice. My only criticism of his program is it takes the etheric OBE approach. I found that puts too much focus on the physical body for my liking, as I prefer to just shift my awareness instead of climb out of the body. Dr. Steve G. Jones program is excellent and I would recommend it to anyone wishing to learn how to Astral Travel.

I just wanted to add one more thing. Dr. Steve G. Jones is a clinical Hypnotist and he has over 50 different programs to help people stop anything from smoking to compulsive eating disorders and a number of other problems.
I to used his program Lionheart. It worked for me. Those binural beat mp3s are amazing! Best ones I ever heard.
Good morning friends. Last night I had a bizarre OBE experience. I remember talking to a dream character and saying that that this was a dream, and started playing water bending lol. Anyway, I remember seeing white light and a huge door. I thought I was dead again like in my first OBE, but I grew some courage and protected my self with white light before entering it. Then there a black hooded figure. I can hardly remember what he looked like. I think it was the grim reaper. He said, "Ask me anything, I hold all the knowledge in the universe." Somewhere a long those lines. I thought to my self for moment, at first I was going to ask why I'm like the way I am. Then some guy dush bag appeared out of know where, and started disrespecting the grim. I said, stop your going to get us kicked out. Don't remember if this is what I said. Then I asked a question, "What is the fate of the world." I never got my answer cause i lost consciousness, and went into a dream.   
Quote from: desert-rat on July 09, 2012, 21:16:47
In agreement with Lion heart , talk to the kid , you may be able to help him . He may not know that he is dead , or he could be the astral body of a living kid .   It is beyond me why people are afraide of ghosts that only hang around .   If there doing mean things , other than a moan or creating an orb , then thats different .  desert rat 
I had one moan on me one time. And yeal at me. He was like YOUR NOT AFRAID!!!!! Like in a very scary voice. I was like no. I had no emotion on my face what so ever. Talk about facing your fears. His mouth opened very wide.
Quote from: Lionheart on July 09, 2012, 19:56:03
Talk to him, find out why he is here. Maybe he needs your help. It could be some kind of "retrieval" scenario. Too many people see a ghost and run scared, that is taught to us by TV/movies and all these Ghosthunter shows. But when the psychic shows up on these shows, what do they do? They try to find the purpose for the "visit". They want to help the discarnate soul find it's way back to it's proper path. It seems sometimes we want to experience the Wider Reality, but then when we finally do, it scares the "beejeebus" out of us.
Before you delve any deeper, try to prepare yourself for what you will encounter. When you encounter it, confront it, learn from it, this is the only way to go further. Think of these scenarios as tests. You pass one test another one approaches. Learn from these, this will make you stronger!  :-)
Thanks for the reply Lionheart. As all ways your comments are very help full. If I see him again I'll be sure and face my fears. But, when i awake from an OBE like this one for example I breath hard, and my body shakes. I guess its from the fear. I never get like that from dreams, just OBEs.
Quote from: Szaxx on July 09, 2012, 15:33:35
Ok, whats with this worm then. Theyre not really scary.
Did you mean something else?
Yea, its a technique i used to get out of body. It's where you follow a worm hole right before you go to sleep. Look it up on youtibe.
This morning around 4:30 I had a OBE. I found my self in the hall way staring at a little kid. It was really scary, I didn't know what to do. For some reason I said the name, "Joey". Then he turned and faced me. It was like the movie insidious where the woman seen the kid playing with all the toys. The kid was pale and had blonde hair and 1920's close. I immediately went into panic, and protected my self with white light. I do this naturally in all my OBEs. Then a strange cocoon wrapped around me. After that I woke up. My physical body was breathing really hard from the fear upon waking up.

I got out using the worm hole method. Didn't think it would work, but it did.  
Hey guys! It's been a while since i had an OBE. I haven't been meditating presently so that's probably why I haven't been having any. Today I had one, felt the vibration then had sleep paralysis. Then I seen the corner of my room. There was a glowing white orb. My OBE ended after that. Before that OBE I had a dream that someone was telling me that I would be able to stay out my body for 9 minutes.
Well, I've been doing lots of meditating presently. And when I meditate I get lots of vibrations where my root shakra is. It feels like I'm being shocked by one of those electric pens. It also feels like your sitting on a dryer, but not as strong.

If im right are these the vibrations you speak of? I got out of body before, but I never felt any vibrations upon exit. Except when I meditate on the root chakra. They surge through out my body. There also really sexual. One time all my chakras where vibrating. When this happens I get out of body.

Why is this? I even meditated on the third eye tell it vibrates and I never get out of body. Only through kundalini meditation.
Quote from: Contenteo on June 27, 2012, 01:11:09
I wouldn't worry too much about it.

It's your first time visiting the unknown. If you feel fear, even for a second, it will feed upon itself when you are in the state of mind. I suspect that happened.

For that reason, its important you put it out of your mind. I have traveled plenty and met some nasty things, and I can tell you each time, it's just my own psyche manifesting some deep fear, which I promptly do away with.

If you encounter them again, try turning them into ice cream cones or something. Have fun with it. You are more powerful then you know when you in 'there'.

Na. I've ran into worse. One time my physical body was literally shaking.
I think it was AP. I seen a vortex before as well when I meditated. You didn't make it all the way through though. What track did you use to meditate 2? I plan on AP to the edge of the u-verse. I've already been to Japan lol. I have a thread on that. Your friend is right abut the meditating to find the answer. I meditated last night, and I remembered stuff that I completely forgot about my child hood. Don't worry about the vibrations. You will get used to them. Every time I meditate on a certain chakra I get them. One time all of my chakras where vibrating. If this was your first time meditating then you are doing good lol. The first time I meditated, I got bubbly sensation down in my pelvic area. It scared the excrement out of me. It was completely normal though. Good luck!   
i always protect my self with white light even in the astral lol. Mhmm yea. He looked really cool in black lol. So there called the greys hugh. Well, im going to project to the edge of the universe next time i get out so ill be traveling all night lol. I always wanted to travel to the edge of the u verse! I meditate on it today. Usually when I meditate I'll get out of my body.