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Messages - cainam_nazier

People are dumb.  In a multitude of ways really.  But to keep it simple.  It's not the day of the devil.  

It's 06-06-2006

It's not 06-06-06 /6-6-6

Give me a break already.  The real sin is that we abbreviate things so much and give new meaning to those abbreviations that we see evil every where.
Me personally, I think overall there has not been much change since the states began.  It may be a little less only in the fact that there are more people who are not swayed by a persons spiritual beliefs in regards to their political views.  For the most part you can of any faith and hold an office with your religious views doing very little to put you in that post.  However I do see that there are some who will still vote or not vote for some based solely on their religious orientation.  But if you don't make that your political platform then many people will look past that.

I know that there has been a great deal of news lately about various groups looking to strict the word "god" from any and all legal and political texts.  Using the premise that encroaches on their religious freedom.  Really these people are waging a political war on Christianity.  That in itself I think is wrong.  I find it no different than when other religions in the past have tried to force their religion on others.  It is opposites sides of the same coin.

Oddly enough the idea of the separation of church and state is just that.  An idea.  There is no law that is binding to that, at least no federal law.  However there have been many advances using the 1st amendment as a basis.  However the first amendment only grants religious freedom, it does not state that there has to be that separation between government and the church.  Correct me if I am wrong but that little bit is in the pre-amble.  Which itself is not part of the laws that are the constitution.  

We do have other laws that prevent an outside body such as a church, individual, or corporation from directly influencing the political process.  Directly being the key word in that sentence.  Anyone and everyone can indirectly do so.  But to come right out and threaten and/or bribe political figures into taking certain actions is illegal.

There was an article I read on about a group that sued the state over a bible school funded by the state for inmates.  They claimed it was unconstitutional for the state to fund such a  program because it was a violation of the separation of church and state.  Also they made claims that inmates that were a part of this program were being given special privileges as a result.  The group that administers the program now has to pay back the state a little over one million dollars as a result of the judgment.  

Personally I see no problem with the program being funded by the state even though I do not believe in any one particular religion.  I do believe that if those inmates were getting special treatment as a result of being in the program then there in lies the problem.  And it is that which should be addressed.  I think restructuring it would have been better than canning it.

What many people who complain about programs like this don't see is that the government does not care what religion is doing it.  They will and do fund just about any organization that follows a religious credo.  That is one of the things that bugs me about hardcore atheists.  They are so up in arms about the government funding pr grams like that when they could in reality do the same thing.  They could very easily get funding and start a program where inmates get together and talk about why they don't believe in god.  

As usual I am beginning to ramble.

Just remember...It may be easier to tear some thing down than to build some thing up, but in the long run you don't get as much out of it.
An interesting story to relate.  Most of my family, the women anyway, project frequently and don't really realize it.  They often in the past have described them as flying dreams and they talk about some of the ones that they have had.  I know what is going on, but they just don't get it so as to not screw up their belief systems I let it go.

Anyhow.  For a short period of time we were having some "problems" in the house just after I had moved back in with my parents.  Some one had brought home an unfriendly.  I noticed this right away but at first did nothing because I was waiting to see if it would leave on its own.  I am a little weird that way.  A couple of months go by and it's still hanging out.  Well every one went on a trip and I had the house to myself.  So I "cleaned" it and to make sure that nothing got back in I put up a wall.  Some thing I started doing when I first moved out on my own.  Nothing in, nothing out with out me knowing it.  Every so often I would go back over and re-enforce the wall, just to make sure.

About six months later I started going to the hypnotherapist.  That is when my mother and my aunt became interested in my spirituality.  So we were talking about what I believed and one of the things that came up was projections.  The two of them both then tell me about their flying dreams.  And how they usually have about one a week that they remember but had not had one since they got back from the trip.  They both said that it was like something was blocking them.  However neither of them felt worried about it because the house seemed to be better anyway.

So basically it boiled down to me telling them about the wall I put up, and the visitor ejected from our house.  And that I didn't realize I was keeping them inside.  About a week after they told me this they both started having their flying dreams again.  And I know when to ask them about them because I know when they leave and come back because they have to go through my wall.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / The Daily Guru
June 06, 2006, 03:59:41
umm, My tears taste the same all the time.  It matters not if I am happy, sad, or recently got poked in the eye by some thing....again.

Medically the only things that effects the composition of you tears is either, A) the amount and type of debris on the surface of your eye, B) sinus ailments that may be in effect at the time, and C) the length of time tears are being produced.  Typically the longer they are being produced the purer they become because any debris that may effect their composition is being removed at the same time.
Welcome to Dreams! / More fun in dream land.
June 01, 2006, 07:00:49
atat23 - Some times I really hate it.  Other times when I do decide to go a different direction it almost feels wrong to do so.

Selski - I actually draw out a lot of the landscapes, locations, and images from my dreams.  It kinda helps me remember more of the finer details when I do that.  Of course drawings like the above are easier because I took 3 years of drafting.  I would have to admit that most of the other ones only loosely resemble the images I see.
Welcome to Dreams! / VERY strange nightmares
May 22, 2006, 03:53:54
Some times dreams mean nothing at all.  Childhood dreams tend to be even more screwy than the ones we have as we get older.  Largely since a child's mind is more abstract.  

I would be willing to bet that it was not so much the number that bothered you but the association of it with the two men.  Children are often scared of things like two people yelling, mostly because they often can not understand the confrontation.  We as adults look at two people yelling at each other and say, "Oh their yelling about who spilled the milk."  Where as a child only knows that they are yelling and do not fully understand the emotion or the reason behind it, and are scared by it.
Welcome to Dreams! / Intresting dream,.
May 22, 2006, 03:46:52
The biggest help is to try and stay calm.  If you get over excited it tends to terminate the dream.  Your brain also has to get used to it.  But if you can manage to control yourself then you will notice that the sequences will get longer and longer.  One of the things that I have found that helps me is that when I do realize its a dream and I can feel it start to get fuzzy like its going to stop I just kind of slow down and focus on staying in that place.

Also as far as trying to convince dream characters that it's all a dream has seemed to me to be impossible.  You have to remember that for all intents and purposes, and even though you know different, that is their reality.  It's hard to explain, dream characters exist in dreams the same way we exist in reality.  

When we dream we create the dream world.  We populate this world with dream characters, it is their world.  They function in that world according to our design.  The only characters in dreams who know that it is a dream are those who are designed to know that.  So in general the characters that populate your dreams will not know that it is a dream, and they will react the same as if you try to convince "Joe blow on the street" that he isn't real.
Well the order is from my own point of view or rather how it works for me.  But noting a wider range the separations, that I see, could be blurred or non exist ant for some people.  Allowing to pick up on anyone who wants to be heard.
I would have to wager that more of our dreams than we think are not produced from our own mind.   I have actually been able to tell the differance a number of times.  It might work a little different in the instances I am refering to vs. your case but anyhow the idea is the same.  

I have given a great amount of thought about this and I believe that it is along the same lines as telepathy.  Where as telepathy is a focused consious act, the sharing of dreams is a more passive bond between people that you are linked with or share close personal ties with.  

Genetically it would be logical to conclude that an individual would share dreams and thoughts of people who are related to them.  Seeing as the same basic genetic material is there that forms the basis for the development of the brain.  These basics along with experiences and lines of thinking create the brain waves that seem to allow for telepathy.  We are also drawn to like minded people who have either shared similar experiences or think along the same patterns as us.  In doing so the brain produces similar waves and it would be aslo logical to conclude that those waves would be easier to recieve among friends.  Also people whose brains produce and recieve brain waves in a greater band width would also be more inclind for telepathy and other things like dream sharing.

The break down would go something along these lines.

1.  The individual, and sibling in the case of twins.
2.  Immediate family, brothers, sisters, parents.
3.  2nd tier familiy, Grand parents, and aunts/uncles directly related to garndparents.
4.  Friends.  Those you spend most of your time with.
5.  Church (any demoniation) or others who share similar spiritual beliefs.
6.  Cumminty, and co-workers.  As you are often effected by the same enviromental variables and there for think about similar things that effect said community.
7.  City
8.  State.
9.  Country.
10.  Region.

The tighter the sphere of influence, either over genetic make up, enviroment, or lines of thought the easier or stronger the possability for telepathy.

Now there was one instance that I did not list, that would be the significante other.  This is only because it is a floating point on where they would end up on the list.  This person/s can land, in my opinion, anywhere from 4 up to 1 as it is possible that person becomes and extention of yourself.

Finally some thing else to think about with your can or worms.  Truely what is the differance between a person, a spirit, or a thought.
I don't like Bush's politics either, but to be honest that really didn't make him look bad.  You can totally see him looking at some one off camera who stopped him to get his attention.  You can see that in the way he did the double take to the off camera position.  I don't see it as him screwing up but some one else.  Then the guy talking even says after that they went little too early.
I would just put that one in the "weird crazyness" box for now and leave it at that.  I have a lot of just strange randomly theamed dreams.  They are kinda fun and tend to make you look at what your brain is thinking about when your not paying attention.
Welcome to Dreams! / Dreams
May 16, 2006, 03:43:55
I tend to lead to them being just dreams and not something "attacking" you.  However, that being said.  The fact that you are conjuring up these nasties shows there is or rather was seom fears that you had to deal with, which you did.  The "not backing down" from them is a good thing.  To me it says that some of the things that were bothering you before don't bother you so much.  The good thing is that it seems that they didn't just go away, but rather you made the consious decision to deal with them and not let them bother you anymore.
Welcome to Dreams! / More fun in dream land.
May 13, 2006, 23:02:18
Most of the time I am aware and lucid, as in actively thinking, during my dreams.  However I am still "driven" by the dream to a point.  Some dreams, like this, I mostly just want to see where the dream goes, and therefore never think at the time to stop and think things out or look around.  Plus it seems like every time I am there at the school I have some place else that I am headed which at the time often feels more important.  That of in the case of other dream locations that I frequent I get stuck look at one thing or talking to some one so I end up not fully exploring.
Experienced it, yes.  Do I know what it is, no.

But yes I have gotten that too while wide awake.  But I also hear knocks at the door that when no one is there, phones ringing where there are none, and music from speakers that aren't there.

Maybe I am one of those people that needs to go to a doctor..... :twisted:
Welcome to Dreams! / More fun in dream land.
May 13, 2006, 19:52:45
So I had one of those dreams last night that make you wake up and go, "Well that was interesting."  It spanned across several locations that I am familiar with, the community where I live, the place that I work at, and a location that I can only refer to as The School.  I must make special reference to the school as I have been there many times in my dreams.  I don't know if such a place actually exists or not.  The last time I was there I ran into a lady who had a bunch of animals with her.  I do not remember the whole conversation I had with her only that she trusted me because her animals liked me and they were "good judges" as she put it.  More on that later.
   When the dream started I was in the community where I live.  There is a long road that goes around the core of the community where the lake is.  I was walking the path that follows this road.  I was on the far side from my house when I got to the road where my friends live, or at least used to.  The road how ever was blocked and there many cops and fire trucks and such on the road.  There was an officer there who said that because of what was going on that I could not go any further.  I know that I was traveling with some one but I can not remember who it was.  But we turned round.  There was a sudden sense of urgency, like I really needed to get to where I was going.  But I don't know where or why.  As soon as I decided to go another way I found myself at the school.

   I always enter this place at the same location.  I have to go up the ramp to the 2nd floor, past the Auditorium, down the other ramp back to the first floor, and through two rooms before I can leave.  So off I go.  When I got down the ramp and into the 1st room I found that they were having a class in there this time.  It's kinda hit or miss, some times they do some times they don't.  The room really isn't set up for formal teaching it looks more like a store room for stage props.  But today it was psychology and there were a bunch of nuns in the class.  In fact I stopped and commented to myself about the quantity of the nuns in the room and that I found it strange that they would be in a psychology class.  I made my way through the room as best I could with out bothering anybody so I could get to the 2nd room and leave.

   When I got to the 2nd room the lady that I met last time was not there and neither were the animals that were with her.  I got about half way through the room and looked down at a chair that had a feather boa on it.  As I did it began to move and it turned into an exotic bird.  This bird then stood up in the chair and looked at me.  The bird then smiled at me and in an excited voice said, "hey everybody, It's Dave."  After she did this several of the other garments that were in the room began to move and turn into animals.  There was easily more than a dozen different animals.  Birds, dogs, cats, foxes, and various other furry animals and they all began to flock towards me.  I was kind of embarrassed because of it.  They were making a lot of noise and I didn't want to disturb the class that was going on in the other room.  But I started petting them and saying hello as best I could.  There were so many of them and I only have two hands.

   But I started heading towards the door because after all, I needed to be some place, and it was important, or so the feeling I got any way.  A couple of the animals were instant that they come with me.  They felt that they could help me.  So I pick up two dogs and a fox, and as I do they turned back into the furs that they were before.  I guess for easy transportation.  I head out the door and then next thing I know I am on the campus where I work.  But things were a little different.  The main building had changed some how and I was confused by it.  I wanted to ask one of the animals what was going on but I could not get them to change back, they were still furs.  I started getting a little frustrated about my inability to get them to change but it didn't last long because that's when I woke up.

   Below is a picture of the lay out of the school.  I have been there many times but have never really explored. It always seems like I am trying to do some thing when I end up there.  It feels bigger than what I have seen though.  I know there are more rooms and areas but it seems like I never get a chance to explore.

Sorry...My bad. :roll:

But don't get me wrong there is that side of it as well.  And I forgot to mention repressed memory.

It is also entirely possible for some to have actually certain events through and dream or psychic event and mildly repressed or just forgot about it happening until the actual event is taking place.  But if that is the case then there is more information that tends to go with it.  You tend to remember the entire chain of events after.  Like you pick up a letter and get Deja Vu.  But then you know that some one will be knocking on the door followed by your mom calling you on the phone at almost the same time.  And then it happens in that order..exactly.  Those kinds of instances I would lean more towards a "true" psychic event not just the "wait, I've done this before" feeling.

Repressed memories can cause the Deja Vu event as well, usually traumatic events.  Not physical damage caused by an injury but a blocked memory.  But that is more like.....You drive past an inner section you thought you never been through before and blammo it hits.  "wait, I've been here before"....But then that is followed by...."Oh yeah,  that's where Tommy Two Tooth beat the snot out of me when I was five."  The memory gets blocked and then when your brain is ready to deal with it a triggering event allows the memory to come back.  In this kind of situation it's possible that you are subconsciously avoiding that location because of what happened there.  Or be you made a conscious choice not to go that particular path until it became habit and then you just kinda of find yourself there and then the memory surfaces.  But in either case, if your brain was not ready to deal with it then you could go by that spot a hundred times and not get the Deja Vu or have the memory surface.
Welcome to Dreams! / recurring dreams
May 12, 2006, 19:09:55
Repeating dreams can happen for a multitude of reasons.  

1.  You are having a psychic episode.  You need to pay attention so you can work out the details and figure out the meaning.

2.  You brain is trying to deal with a particular fear or situation that bothers you.

3.  Certain events during the day cause the dream to occur that night.  Mostly because of similar feelings or events to that of the dream.

4.  Your crazy.  Not necessarily fun but possible.

5.  Trip down memory lane.  Some times dreams that you are fond of repeat a lot.

6.  Hormones. Chemical imbalances will do it to.

7.  Physical ailments.  Body deals with pain in many different ways.

8.  Aside from just being crazy, O.C.D. can do numbers on ya.  You obsess about things in life and in your dreams.

9.  Other people.  You continually run into people you love/hate triggering an emotional response.  Emotions already mentioned but I wanted to be specific that certain people can cause this.

I could go on and on about some more very specific things but the generals are usually good enough.  But suffice it to say there are more physical things that create repeating dreams than non-physical.
Welcome to Dreams! / wierd dream
May 12, 2006, 18:38:30
Not as bad as some of the ones that I have had.  But do you really think it means some thing cause that seemed kinda sarcastic?

But just in case.  The best I can think of is that you think that maybe some thing is wrong with your turtles.  But if you didn't actually have turtles I would say some thing more like....Turtles can represent a certain degree of introvertness (if that's a word).  Being that turtles themselves aren't very social creatures and when in danger they just pull in all their parts so you can't get to them.  So it could be how you view yourself or other people.  Turtles, at least pets, live in aquariums...IE. the world.  And the snake is some kind of danger or fear.  So in a nutshell.  Either you need to just come out of your shell and deal with the things in the world that bother you, or you think that is what every one else needs to do.

Sadly though with a dream like this one can only say, "What do you think it means?"


But if you really want a stupid dream.   I went to San Diego with a couple of friends of mine.  We had ordered pizza but I fell asleep.  I then had a dream.  In the dream I woke to find that I had fallen asleep and the pizza showed up but my friends ate it all and didn't wake me up.  I was ticked.  But then I really did wake up and there was no pizza.......It never showed up, so every one just went to bed.  But I was starving when I went to bed so that is what probably caused the dream.
Yeah, I'm 29 and I count on one hand how many times I have had Deja Vu.  But then again I don't have any memory problems.  In fact I am spilling over with useless information.

For some one who gets Deja Vu a lot I would have to ask a couple of major questions to help figure it out.

Are you often forgetful?
Do you set things down and then can't remember where after a few seconds?
Do you forget important things like paying bills, or going to appointments?
Do you forget to do things like eat or take medications?

Answering yes to questions like these could mean that you have a memory problem.  Deja Vu works two ways.  A:  Like described in the article there is a "misfire", so to speak, and with think you have experienced some thing before and you really haven't.  Or B:  There was a recording issue with the memory and the feeling of the memory is there but with out the information to go with it.  

Memory is an interesting thing.  It is a combination of hard and soft switches in the brain.  There is the physical hard wiring in the brain that controls memory.  Some times that switch can develop incorrectly, destroyed through drugs or decease,  or in the case of trauma can become damaged.  These things lead to a multitude of memory issues from simple gaps in memory to full blown amnesia.  

But there are also some soft switches in there, learned traits, which is why you can learn techniques that can increase your ability to remember certain facts or events.  Certain habits can control that which plays into the way that you learn, weather you are an audio, visual, or physical learner.

It's all very interesting.
Quotejilola Posted: 05 May 2006 16:03    Post subject:  


cainam Nazier wrote:
You brain tends to think that all dreams are real when they are happening. That is why dreams with strong emotional content can have such a physical effect even after you wake, as is the case with nightmares. It is only after your rational mind gets involved that you can determine if it is a dream or not.  

And you can tell waking life and dreams apart based on that how?  

In my experience there is no difference at all other than a different point of perception. So called waking life and dreams are just different perspectives to the same reality.

Your brain doesn't tend to think anything, your brain responds to the expectations your mind has in terms of the perceived outside reality.

You're right.  There is no real difference other than perception.  But I believe that it is your rational mind that allows for the recognition of a perception change.  With out the rational, cognitive, conscious part of the mind then we are just animals mucking about instead of humans trying to understand ourselves.

Is that a little more clear on what I was thinking?
You brain tends to think that all dreams are real when they are happening.  That is why dreams with strong emotional content can have such a physical effect even after you wake, as is the case with nightmares. It is only after your rational mind gets involved that you can determine if it is a dream or not.  

Your level of awareness, IE: how much your rational mind is involved,  will determine how much control you have.  The stronger your awareness the more likely you will have control.  But you must also realize that some times your mind just needs to deal with emotions and things from your day, dreams are how your mind does this, and so you will not always have control.

You also can't expect to be able to jump right into controlling every aspect of your dreams.  It took me some time to actually start controlling anything.  The easiest thing to do is to make small changes, beginning first with yourself.  If the dream is setting you up to make a left turn then actively decide to make a right instead.  By simply not adhering to the role you are in during a dream you can begin to make small changes in the dream.  The small changes will lead you quickly into larger ones like scenery changes or materializing things.
I would have to ask if it was a digital camera or not.

The on set of digital cameras has created a boom in the "orb" pictures.  I would consider them more if the showed movement or were more "wispy" and not near perfect circles.
Welcome to Dreams! / Trucks
April 29, 2006, 20:46:18
Actually all this stuff I learned from looking into my own dreams.  That and it's not all gathered form the info you provided about your dream.  As a result the info is not always readily available.  This format seems to be easier for me to get the info.  It's like a form of automatic writing.  I just kinda get going and before you know it I have written twice as much as what I was thinking about.
Welcome to Dreams! / Trucks
April 29, 2006, 14:37:09
This was touched on slightly but here we go.

Usually the vehicle you are in a representation of your life.  More so if it is your car.  How you view it and how you feel in it while driving is how you see your life and what you think of it at the moment.

The road you are traveling on is your path in life.  The type of road is often viewed as a point of importance.  Long country type roads usually say that you are content and just kinda going along.  Straight roads usually indicate a single mindedness on you destination.  Busy roads like freeways can say a couple of different things.  There are many paths of freeways, many obstacles too, and other drivers.  There can be a lot of chaos on freeways.  The other drivers can be people in your life, the way in which they drive is how you fell about them.  Things that cause you to slow down or stop are the various things in your life that you are either having problems with or feel you need to deal with before continuing.

The wrecks in your dream could be problems that you feel you need to deal with.  Either from people you know or things that just show up.  You see the wreck happen which shows you are aware of the problem.  Your stopping shows a willingness to deal with it.  If you had just come up on it instead I would have said that you felt it was something out of your control.  However stopping is one things, but the feeling like you can't do anything after shows that you may not have the skill or are uncertain where to start.  You want to deal with it be feel ill equipped.

It's a little long winded but I hope it helps you sort things out.
I will have to give this one a run since I liked Morrowind so much.