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The Doorway

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Quote from: EscapeVelocity on August 14, 2019, 05:01:42
I am answering for Lumaza because his computer is currently offline.

You can ask questions mentally during these sessions. It is an individual thing. For some people it works very well and they get immediate responses or results; for others, they may find that it disrupts their concentration a little too much. And it changes over time, depending on your development.

Don't be afraid to experiment.
Thanks very much!I was curious if it's a total no go or could work, this is good news :)
I'll get back in case of any result. Also thank you for your answer regarding the music question in the other thread;
I guess these are grey areas that might work with some people. Cheers :)


 I first started my Doorway thread years ago with a simple focus on Geometric shapes and colors. I used these because each seemed to create a accompanying visual, a "mental association" of sorts. I found that that actually tricked my mind into creating visuals. My intent began with a simple shape or color, but the object seemed to morph into something completely different and as it did, I passively observed it with a air of curiosity. This indeed consumed my entire focus, thus releasing my focus completely on my physical body.

This then evolved into more of a disassociation based practice, using means such as "unzipping the physical suit", energy work that focused on losing physical control and even a 6pt directional based focus. I used counting, Mantra, I basically explored all kinds of way to create a good deep NP focus. My real goal though was to assemble a strong team of Experiencers to do some collective explorations. To target some Doorways or Portals to see what we would find behind them. I realized that we would likely perceive things in a different fashion. But, at least we could see if it was possible to kind of find synchronicity in what we were viewing and experiencing. Unfortunately that idea crashed and burned. It's really hard for people to self motivate anymore. There are too may distraction in this day and time and those distractions are consuming everyone's focus. I should say, we are "allowing" those distractions to take our focus away. We do have a choice!   :-o:|

In the last few weeks, I have hit across something completely different though. A new evolution of the practice that most of the times, puts me in a good deep NP in only a few minutes time. This new evolution occurred because of current talk we have been having here on the Pulse about what to do and not to do with our physical eyes while noticing the darkness behind them. I began doing all kinds of experiments with my eyes. Looking down, looking up, softening my gaze, strengthening my gaze and then it happened. I began noticing that every time I simply gazed into the darkness, that I would get s prompt to readjust my vision. This prompt would be so powerful at times that it felt like my head was going to explode. The more I fought the urge to readjust my vision, the stronger the sensation got to be. Then all of a sudden everything release and a wave of energy or something, it's hard to explain, passed over me, through me. When this wave had passed, it normally only lasted a few seconds, I would find that the darkness had a new depth to it. I was in the void.

I have used this technique every day now and I receive the same results. Every time it puts me deep in a good NP focus. I can then set my intent for that session.

I begin my Phase soak session by lying back in my bath water in the tub. I then do a quick healing Mantra I have used for a good year now. It is a simple one that goes like this. RA MA DA SA SA SAY SOH HUNG. This Mantra is ancient and was created to be used as Healing technique. I visualize what each syllable in the Mantra represents. For RA, I visualize the Sun, for MA a running water source, like a river of waterfall, DA, I see the land, represented normally by trees or flowers, SA is the Air, so with that one I visualize flight. I hold onto the flight visual all the way to the HUNG. The HUNG I visualize and actually feel as a explosion of light emanating from my core, kind of like fireworks. I do the Mantra and the visuals 3 times, then I allow my focus to drift into the darkness before my eyes. Very soon I will get that urge to readjust my vision. I will then fight it, the wave hits and I am "there".

I was recently describing this via PM to a good friend and fellow member here name Baro-san, that most of you here know of. He then sent me this reply. I thought it was spot on. The sensation I get when I am attempting to fight the urge seems just like a "overload". That's what makes it so intense and why I compare it to the sensation of my head exploding. I have felt this "Overload" sensation in the past. It normally occurs during the "Downloads" I have experienced. Some other members here have spoke of this "Download" phenomenon as well.

Here is what Baro-san had to say. He also gave me a fantastic example and explanation of this "Overload" phenomenon to go with his reply. As usual, I was every so grateful for his response. I really enjoy how he backs up everything he says here on the Pulse with some sort of example based on said topic.  :-) 8-)

"Hi Lumaza,

The method you've discovered reminded me of the "Overload" technique used for trance induction.

I'm quoting bellow a description from John Grinder & Richard Bandler 's "Trance-Formations - Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the Structure of Hypnosis" (1981)


About twenty-five years ago, George Miller summarized a huge
amount of both human and animal perceptual research in his classic
paper 'The Magic Number 7 ± 2." Human beings have the capacity to
consciously attend to about seven "chunks" of information at one time,
Beyond that number, a person becomes overloaded and starts to make
mistakes. If I tell you a sequence of seven numbers, you can probably
hold that in consciousness without error. If I give you a sequence of
nine numbers, you will find it much more difficult to recall them
correctly, and will start to make mistakes. Each number is a "chunk" of
information. However, if you—or I —divide the nine digits into three
groups of three, you will be able to recall the nine numbers much more
easily. Now there are only three chunks of three digits each. By group-
ing information in larger chunks, it becomes possible to deal with more
information with the same 7 ± 2 chunks of conscious attention. You
can consciously attend to seven leaves, seven twigs, seven branches,
seven trees, or seven forests. How much you can attend to depends
upon the size of the chunk of information that you are dealing with.
Whatever chunk size you choose, when you are paying conscious
attention to 7 ± 2 chunks of information, anything else will not be
processed consciously. Anything beyond 7±2 chunks of information
becomes overload and will be processed unconsciously.
An example of this happened in another workshop. I asked for
someone who had a way of remembering names that worked exqui-
sitely. A woman named Carla had one, so 1 had her come up to the
front. Ann Teachworth was sitting in the audience, and I said to Carla
"Do you happen to know this woman over here?" and I pointed to
Ann. Carla said "No," When Carla was introduced to someone her
pupils dilated and she made an internal image of the person's name on
her forehead, Then every time she saw her again, her pupils would
dilate slightly and she would see the name written there on her fore-
head. That was the way she always knew someone's name, and it
worked very well. Since I know what she does, I know where in the
sequence of Carla's experience she will be unable to consciously
represent any additional input: when her attention is oriented inward
and all of her 7± 2 chunks of attention are occupied with visualizing
the person's name on her forehead.
I said to Carla "Look at the woman over there. Her name is
Ann . . ."I paused, saw her pupils dilate, and then said "Teachworth."

She heard "Ann" and visually wrote it on Ann's forehead. Then I asked
her "What's that woman's name?" Her pupils dilated again and she said
"Ann." I said "Do you know what her last name is?" She said "No, you
didn't tell me." When your timing and your sensory experience are
refined enough that you know when a person's attention is inwardly
oriented and when it's not, you can introduce anything you want.
When someone is oriented inward, she will respond appropriately to
your suggestions because you bypass her conscious mind. There's no
way for her to filter or defend against such suggestions.
At that point I said "Her name is Ann Teachworth" and Carla said
"Oh! Now I remember." That was an elegant demonstration that
although she didn't have it available in conscious awareness because it
didn't go through her name-remembering process, it was there. She
recognized Ann's last name when she heard it, so it had been processed
and remembered unconsciously.
Whenever a person's conscious processing is overloaded, you can
pass information directly to the unconscious, and the person will
respond to that information. The easiest way to overload
attention is by having her pay attention to a complex internal
I used an overload technique the second time I ever officially
induced a trance. I'll demonstrate. Would you come up for a second,
Bill, and stand here?
"OK, would you close your eyes? Now what I would like you to do is
to softly, out loud, begin to count backwards from two hundred by
threes. And as you do that, I'm going to put my hands on your
shoulders and turn you around in circles. If at any point you discover it
is more comfortable for you to simply drop into a nice deep trance, do
so with the full realization that you are in good hands."
By doing this, I create an overload by occupying all of his representa-
tional systems. He's using visualization as a way of helping himself
count backwards. Auditorily he's saying the numbers to himself. I
disorient him kinesthetically by turning him in circles. He's now over-
loading himself with things to attend to, so I don't have to.
I could just as well have said "Now turn slowly in a circle." However,
if I turn him with my hands on his shoulders, I get a lot of tactile
feedback about when he's changing states and what kind of state he's
going into. I also give him something else to attend to kinesthetically:
the feeling of my hands on his shoulders.
To make sure that overload works, you make sure that all systems

are engaged. If he's busy visualizing and counting off the numbers
while he's being disoriented kinesthetically, I can offer suggestions
which will go right past his consciousness into the unconscious. If I say
something that distracts him from the task, I will immediately know it,
because he's counting out loud. There's a built-in feedback mechanism
in this traditional method. If he stops counting, I know he's either
dropped into a deep trance, or he's shaken off the disorientation and is
consciously listening to the suggestions I am attempting to pass to the
unconscious. Then I'll either insist that he continue to count, or I'll
notice that he is in deep trance, stop fooling around, and go to work.
This is a really traditional trance induction, by the way. I read this
particular method in a book years ago, and having had no experience
of it, just followed the instructions as if I knew what I was doing. It was
only some years later that I figured out what the principle was, so that I
could generalize from that specific method to overloading someone in
a variety of ways. The way we teach in these workshops is designed to
do exactly the same thing, because we arc interested in passing most of
the messages to you at the unconscious level.
You can use any complicated task to occupy a person and distract
his consciousness while you disorient him. Then you offer a very direct,
immediate, and easy-to-follow instruction like "If at any point it is
easier for you to simply drop into a deep trance, then do so and enjoy it
with the full realization you are secure in your present position. . . ."
Here's another variation. I take Jack's hand here, and I want to
overload him. So I say "All you have to do is sit here comfortably. I'm
going to touch different fingers and your thumb, and I'm going to
name the one I'm touching. Your job is to simply decide whether I'm
doing this correctly or incorrectly."
Then I begin touching and labeling. "Forefinger, middle finger, ring
finger, little finger, thumb. Middle finger, forefinger, ring finger,
thumb." (He touches the little finger.)
Each time I "make a "mistake" he will do what he just did: his pupils
dilated and there was a hesitation in his breathing. He had to take some
time to compute. It took him longer to decide that I had made a
"mistake" than it took him to decide earlier that I was correct.
If I were to continue, I would gradually become more and more
"incorrect." Soon he would be overwhelmed by the complexity, and in
defense, he would go into a deep trance. At that point I would say "As I
touch your ring finger this time"—and I would touch the wrong
finger—"you are more relaxed." I would continue to overload, and go


on to introduce additional suggestions about the specific kinds of overt
responses I want—those that indicate he is going into a trance.
I am giving the person input in all three channels simultaneously and
demanding that he make a judgement about whether the auditory
input matches the visual and kinesthetic input. He will soon give up,
and essentially say "OK, tell me what you want me to do."
Instead of overloading all representational systems, you can give the
person such a complex task in one or two systems that it occupies all of
his 7 ± 2 chunks of conscious attention. You can ask the person to
count backwards from a thousand by one-thirds, visualizing each one
of the fractions with a different color for the top of the fraction, the
bar, and the bottom of the fraction. Each successive fraction has to
have a new color for the bar and for each number. Then you can add
suggestions like "With each number you will go deeper." These are all
ways of manipulating a person in such a way that you are overloading
his input channels and thus his ability to make sense out of what you
are doing."

"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Am I right in thinking what this is? A breakthrough of possibly great significance?

A recognition of the essential technique used by shamans, teachers and gurus throughout the ages with their students?And with Lumaza's refinement of his personal techniques, an understanding of the how and why of finding a personal entrypoint to the NP, by arriving at the 3 Dimensional Void through use of an 'overload' technique which incorporates this 'rule of 7+/- 2'?

Awesome work guys!

This is a significant insight brought to us by Lumaza and Baro-San!

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Quote from: EscapeVelocity on October 08, 2019, 01:57:46
Am I right in thinking what this is? A breakthrough of possibly great significance?

A recognition of the essential technique used by shamans, teachers and gurus throughout the ages with their students?And with Lumaza's refinement of his personal techniques, an understanding of the how and why of finding a personal entrypoint to the NP, by arriving at the 3 Dimensional Void through use of an 'overload' technique which incorporates this 'rule of 7+/- 2'?

Awesome work guys!

This is a significant insight brought to us by Lumaza and Baro-San!

Thanks EV!  :-) I would say only time will tell now. We will see if other people adopt or at least experiment with this methodology. If someone does, I would love to hear their results, both good or bad.

I always say that we are "remembering" something that we knew many years ago. For some reason the ancient Egyptian civilization has some kind of resemblance for me. Lately I have been studying the "Toltec" as well, as in the "Toltec Secret", which is another form of Dream Yoga. I am fascinated by all of that info. I want to expand my mind and evolve in this practice as much as I can. A constant bombardment of info due to reading, listening to youtube videos and hearing Radio talk shows conversing on the subject seems to help with my own personal evolution here. I love donning my "Explorer's Cap" and expanding my reality!  :-)

You can utilize the Void for whatever it is that you need in your live, whether that be personal growth or other! I find that that is where "creativity" itself is born and expands! Many Poets, Song Writers, Inventors and Authors period, would agree with that statement too 8-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


 For the last week now, I have been experimenting with using visual imagery, such as my Mantra and going completely without it to see if I can totally drop the visualization part and just move into the readjustment of my eyes part of my new technique.

I have found that I must visualize something, even as simple as a Geometric shape to receive the readjustment prompt itself. That makes perfect sense though.

I tried just counting numbers in my head, using the same Mantra I used above, but this time without visualization and just simply focusing on the darkness ahead of my closed eyes. Neither of those gave me the prompt tp readjust my vision. At least they didn't as fast as visualizing did.

I then went back to using visualization with my Mantra and when I had finished a minute or so of that, once again the prompt was strong. That led to the overwhelming overload sensation that is so powerful it's really hard to maintain. This sensation is familiar to me. It seems to be the same sensation I feel at the apex of Sleep Paralysis, just before a "exit" occurs. It's a feeling like you are going to lose your mind, literally. It's really overpowering, but thankfully brief. Then I get the wave of energy, which feels like some kind of rush of adrenaline, some kind of body rush that flows through me, but once again, that is very brief as well.

Once this all passes, I see that the darkness before my eyes looks quite a bit different then it did when I began the session and that now I am experiencing more of a Etheric visual, a RTZ (Real Time Zone). The visuals first open up like I am viewing them through a tube, tunnel, or some long hallway, as in a distantance. The longer I hold my focus there, the more vivid and surround the scenario gets to be. This I have experienced in the past as well and I wrote about that, using my former name on this forum Lionheart. This tunnel vision viewing occurs only when I "don't" create any intended destination and just simply observe. One last thing too is I am not seeing this with my "physical eyes". I know that because I don't experience any movement there. This is all occurring using the "Mind's Eye".

So it seems that instead of just Phasing into the NP plain and simple, this new technique is actually accompanied by " exit symptoms" and Astral "signposts" as well. Although they seem to be very brief and "watered down", they are still apparent.

"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


 I just finished my daily Phase soak session and have to say it was very unique. I had either made a new "friend" or reacquainted myself with a old one.

I laid back in my bath water and enjoyed the heat for a minute. I then closed my eyes and started my Healing Mantra with visualizations, as described above in my last post here. When I was done the Mantra, I turned my focus to my Crystal Amplifiers. I have created a new one that is a wall hanging. I was trying to see what the roots would look like and where to put the Quartz Crystals in them.

I worked on that new design for a while, then I noticed the silhouette of what looked like a square window behind my design. Soon a face showed in it. I immediately changed my focus over to that window and kind of "zoomed" in on it. Now I could see the "being" that was in the window, but only a faint outline of it. It seemed to be losing it's outline as well. It wasn't fading, but it seemed to be blotching in and out, kind of like what happens when a computer video freezes and stutters. That used to happen years ago with the old dial up format.

I then understand what was happening. Either "he", I will call him he for now, was either having a problem adjusting to my frequency or I was to his.

I kept my focus on him for a while. We were just looking at each other, kind of "observing". All of a sudden a scene popped in to my vision. This scene was one that I have seen often, It is was what I have called in the past, my "Happy Place". That being a very tranquil Island paradise beach scene. The scene soon changed over to the "Training Ground" that I have become familiar with in the past. One by one, many of my past NP destinations were occurring. They were kind of like rapid fire. A little here, just enough to see where I was and then a switch over to another destination.

It seemed this "being" was attempting to communicate with me by using pleasant destinations that I have enjoyed in the past. I guess this was his way of saying "Hello". At least I felt like that was what he was doing. I attempted to send him a message back, using a thought, but I don't know if he was familiar with our language. Actually I really doubted he was. I guess using visuals though is some kind of "Universal" language. But, he wasn't sharing any of his actual "thoughts" though. I even thought  "penny for your thoughts", lol. But that was a no go, lol!

Anyways, I thought I would share that one here. It was definitely a unique adventure and took up about 2 hours of my real time to complete. By the time I had returned my focus to my physical water, my bathwater had become lukewarm.

I have had people here PM me in the past saying I have a lot of tips, but I don't seem to share my experiences here on this Forum. I usually answer because I don't want you to try and have my experiences. I want you to see what "you" need to see, just as I am seeing what "I' need to see.. I figured I would share this one though, since it was so unique!  :-)

Thanks for listening!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


 I wanted to share this fantastic analogy of the technique Phasing with all of you.

This is a excellent post made in the past by a member of the Pulse named "claudestino" describing Phasing itself.                         
"There are often people posting questions like "What is phasing ? how does it differ from regular OBE's ?"

I'm sure its been answered in plenty of posts beforehand; suffice to say its a term that Frank came up with to describe entering the astral gradually, with full control.'s a good analogy. Its been pretty hot here over the past few days, about 33-38c, the kind of weather where you enjoy having a cold shower.

Standing in the shower, the water was luke warm. I realised that if I turned it all the way down to 15c (cold) I'd have to jump I thought, I'll turn the temperature down a degree or two, every couple of minutes. That way, I was becoming used to each stage of cold water, and it felt very comfortable. After a while I got all the way down to the coldest setting, and I didn't have the urge to jump out, because I'd become accustomed to the levels of temperature in between.

Likewise, phasing is a gradual process of entering the astral."
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


 I have received PMs from members here questioning me on using my Bathtub while Phasing. A friend of mine and current member here Baro-san brought up the fact to me that "Archimedes" also found new inspirations while in the Bath.
I recently found a article that explains that concept in easy to understand terms. The other things I read were mostly using the "Olde English" vernacular.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


 I used the word "muscle" in the subheading here because it seems like it is just that. I am talking about our ability to lock on, hone in, key in, whatever words you want to use to describe the when we find ourselves in what many people like to call their "mini Dreams". I have seen that term used quite a bit here lately. This ability does act like a "muscle" because you can exercise it and it will definitely strengthen through your exercising of it.

We will begin here with a easy task. This will be an adventurous one as well. One of my favorite images or should I say motion based experiences that I enjoyed when I was new and still use it often today is the simulation of a "Rollercoaster ride". I would close my eyes, relax for a few minutes and when I could see the darkness clearly, I would draw/will myself forward into it. I would then begin mentally intend to experience a Rollercoaster ride. I would feel as my etheric body was moving forward into the darkness. But at this point in the experience, there was no visuals at all, except for the "flat screen" of darkness. I would feel as I came to a turn and my etheric body would actually feel like it turned too. Now, all of a sudden I could see the faint image of being on some kind of track. I would allow my curiosity to draw me further in and I would stick with the scenario at hand.

When I first begin the "simulation", I am the one that is initiating it. IN other words, I started the mental motion of moving forward. I even indirectly made the track appear. Where that track led though, I didn't intend on. I just allowed it the freedom to go where it wanted to. Many times the track would disappear or I would be setting myself up for some kind of "slingshot" or "cannonball" experience. Both of those entail the sensation of being thrust forward, sometimes at incredible speeds in the "otherwhere". Like I said though, I didn't necessarily "drive it" there. I just held on for the ride.

A Rollercoaster simulation is a great target. I find a simple "driving simulation" to be good as well. But a Rollercoaster ride always leads to a awesome experience. The sensation of feeling the curves and rolls. The high speed. Even the feeling in the pit of your stomach always make it a fun adventure here in the physical. It can get really bizarre in the "NP" if you allow it to.

Before I wrote this post here, I did a google search on the heading "1st person view Rollercoaster rides", so that I can give you some links that you can watch beforehand, just to "prime the pump".

I found the one called the "CANNIBAL' Rollercoaster to be very good. It begins in the darkness, akin to going through a dark tunnel. That's basically the way my visuals begin as well. Not always are they just there vivid as vivid can be. Most of them begin in that "flat" dark screen. But very soon they come to life.

See how long you can hold onto the visual. Post your experiences here as well. Lock and load, but remember to fasten your seatbelts because many times it can become a thrill ride.

For those that like to take more of a "Spiritual" approach, all I am doing here is teaching you how to get into the zone. what you do while you are there is up to you. Like I said above, many times my experiences will "leave the tracks" and go somewhere else. I won't fight it though. I am locked onto wherever it wants to go. The only time I change anything is early in the exercise and that's only if the whole visual or experience disappears. Then and only then will I will it back.

So, go watch a few of these videos. Get the feel again. Almost everyone has been on a thrill ride of some sort. Use that to your advantage. Remember what it felt like. If you can't, then use a simple "driving simulation. Start will just the simple thought/intent of moving forward and see where it leads.

Some of these videos have musical accompaniment. I preferred to just watch them I could do without the screaming, lol. But do what you wish. Post your results with this. I would love to hear where they led you.
Pick a few and watch them. It's best to watch them at night in total darkness, so your entire focus is on the screen and what you are seeing there. Then, close your eyes and "recreate" the experinece yourself. Just begin the motion and see where it leads you.


Google search on "1st person view Rollercoaster rides".;_ylt=AwrCwHXVhD9eoBQAfRsPxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTByMjB0aG5zBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--?p=1st+person+view+roller+coaster&fr=-s&hspart=frontier&hsimp=yhs-frontier1#action=close&id=&vid=

One of my favorites that I posted here years ago. A great way to learn how to hold your focus in one area.

That's it for now. Good Luck and Safe Travels!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


 First I wanted to share this post on another site that one of our valued members here found. It has a lot in common with my initial Doorway technique. I thought his take on it was very good. After I post this, I want to share with you a Phase session adventure I had today that I found really fascinating.
Thanks to Baro-san for finding this.

"Talking about your Doorway technique ...

Somebody just posted a Doorway technique on another forum, and I thought to share it here:" Quoted by Baro-san.

The Doorway - Leading to Wonderland


A simple visualization technique for everyone in easy steps. I come with this myself some years ago, because I wasn't good with the mainstream visualization techniques all over internet, they were too complex for me. The most important part of this visualization is the door/doors which always lead you to mysterious wonderlands. I experienced some of my most interesting astral projections with this technique. It can be done anytime during the day, before sleep or with WBTB. I can't wait for you to post your experiences:-)

**Path-1) For beginners**

Step-1)lay in your most comfortable position, close your eyes and relax for a minute or two.

Step-2)Begin to visualize in little steps:
- An empty square room, preferable with no windows
- The colors and materials of walls, preferable one color for all walls
- The floor, preferable familiar material like wood or marble
- an illuminated room or a darker mysterious one
- The door with handle, color and material

For example: pink plastic door with metal handle; red metal door with plastic handle, brown wood door and etc...

Step-3)Place yourself in the center of the room looking directly at the door. Feel the floor with your bare feets, is it cold or wet or maybe a warm carpet; smell the air, is it smell like dust or parfume or perhaps on flowers, ground your self in the experience.

Step-4)Start walking toward the door, touch the handle, is it cold, hot or rusty, feel it.

Step-5)Open the door and enter

Now the moment you enter a whole new world will emerge all around you. Explore and enjoy your stay.

**Path-2) Intermediate**

Step-1)lay in your most comfortable position, close your eyes and relax for a minute or two.

Step-2)Begin to visualize in little steps:
- an empty endless hallway/corridor, preferable with doors at both sides
The floor, preferable familiar material like wood or marble or carpet
- an illuminated hallway or a darker scary one
- The doors with handle, color and material, For example: pink plastic doors with metal handle; red metal doors with plastic handle, brown wood doors and etc... or different types

Step-3)Place yourself in the center of the hallway looking directly at endless corridor. Feel the floor with your bare feets, is it cold or wet or maybe a warm carpet; smell the air, is it smell like dust or parfume or perhaps on flowers, ground your self in the experience.

Step-4)Start walking down the corridor, examine the doors on your left or right, choose one, touch the handle, is it cold, hot or rusty, feel it.

Step-5)Open the door and enter or just open the door and look around to see what is inside. Feel free to open as many doors as you can.

Now the moment you enter a whole new world will emerge all around you or you will find a mysterious room. Explore and enjoy your stay.

"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


 Now to today's adventure. I got into the my bath water and began just relaxing. It is really cold in Minnesota today. The North wind is blowing strong again. Wind chills of 45 below zero.  Brrr. So, the hot water felt great.

I closed my eyes and did my Elemental Healing Modality and Mantra. After that I just noticed for a few minutes. Time spent in the water now about 10 minutes total.

I then began the mental motion of moving forward. Since it was still early in my session, my only visual at this point was the "flat" darkness before my eyes. So, the sensation of moving forward through some kind of dark cave fit the bill here. It didn't take long though for that to change.

A visual of moving through tall grass and into a forest then appeared. The speed began to build and it soon changed over to moving on water. As the speed increased the visuals seemed to get away from more of a physicals based reality and into some "other". I couldn't see the darkness anymore to judge what depth it was, but I didn't' need to at this point. I then seemed to have taken to the air, at first just soring higher and higher as the s[peed increased. Then it was like being shot out, which we know as the "slingshot" effect. Now I was moving at I guess would be known as warp speed.

All there was at this point was colors twirling and passing me by. I thought I saw a planet, but it went by so quick I couldn't tell what it was. The speed kept increasing and now everything was a blur. But I still held on to the experience.

We seemed to slow down a bit as we reached some destination. This area looked rocky, but not rocky like Earth. It was more like "blobs" of stone. I slowed down even more now and for the first time I saw some kind of sign of life. There was these "butterfly" looking things that we just kind of floating in front of me as I passed by. They were vibrant in their color, but I couldn't tell whether they were actually "solid" or not. they seemed to have some kind of "translucence" to them. Kind of like a "gel".

The motion forward once again began to speed up and I was off. This happened over and over again. There was so many things I saw. Too many to write down here. One of the places I found myself was a place like the Void, 3D darkness, but it seemed to be even deeper if that's possible. The weird thing is that for some that while in this area, I became "ultra aware" that there was no bottom, top or even sides there. It was really hard to explain. I have been in the 3D darkness often, almost every day. But I was never made aware so strongly of that fact before. This place seemed to "command" that I was aware of this fact. I was also ultra aware of "infinity". It was weird though because those didn't seem to be thoughts.

Another area I came to was in a void and it seemed like I was surrounded by "others". Yet I couldn't see them. I could feel them and I attempted to communicate with them. But no answer came to me there. I just knew they were there. I felt like I was in the middle of some kind of Coliseum or chamber.

I had to abort the adventure. I really wanted to stay in this. But I knew that I was rapidly losing my memory of what was occurring.

Never once did I see a Human or what "we" would consider a person. I did come across what I would call entities though. They weren't in Human form. They seemed to be just colors, translucent gels, ghostly apparitions and "feelings".

When I ended the session, my bath water had gone almost cold. I knew what time I had begun my Phase session and what time it was at the end of it. With the 10 minutes of prep at the beginning of my session, the total time for the session was 1 hour and 10 minutes. That was a long time to hold onto one scenario. There was no cut scenes, no fade in or outs. The visuals and colors were extremely vivid, surreal I would say at times. I have had rapid speed experiences before, but never anything as profound and eye opening as this. Like I said, the feeling and sensation of "Infinity" seemed to be what this was all about. I thoroughly enjoyed it though and thank whoever was responsible for it.

I wish I could describe it further. But it seems that once we get to areas like this, there are no "Human" words to describe what we see and feel.

Thank You for listening!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


 Last night, while creating a new Crystal Amplifier design, I listened on my headphones to a radio talk show. That's usually the norm while doing my work. It's either a radio talk show or musical concert on youtube or both. This one was called "Midnight in the Desert" and the show is on their 3rd Host now since Art Bell passed on. The new Hosts name is Tim Weisberg. He is really likes the paranormal and ghosts, but once in a while that show will tackle the topic of OBEs/NDEs/LDs etc. The things that we here are interesting in.

The Guest of the show was Anthony Peake. In the past I have listened to some video interviews that had Anthony in them. He is complete and articulate in his research. He is not a Scientist in a specific field of study, like A Physicist, Biologist, Archeologist, etc. That means that he doesn't get "boxed in" to a certain study of research. That leaves him open to all avenues. Here on the Astral Pulse years ago, I made a thread on a conversation he had with Campbell. Those two were great together and both of them can take a good 20 minutes to answer a single question, so the discussion were quite drawn out.

Much of what he and Tom and basically what Anthony had talked about then went over my head. That's when Anthony was focused on his book "Cheating the Ferryman". I read it and like I said, much of it I didn't really understand. He goes so deep in his research. But last night, I got everything. That had to be the best radio interview I have ever heard or a close second nest to Albert Taylor's Albert was upbeat, positive and really inspiring to listen to. Anthony last night had me nodding my head in agreement so many times I felt like a "Bobblehead", lol. His conversation was so good and so deep that the Host of the show, Tim, barely said a thing, especially after the first hour was over. The Radio show went from 11pm -2 am my time here, so 3 hours. After the first hour, the only interruption by the Host was when they had to go to commercial. I have never really seen that happen before in any of the Radio interviews I have listened to with anyone.

Anthony has a new book out called "The Hidden Universe-An Investigation into Non Human Intelligences". So, he has been making the rounds lately on many shows around the World. He has been lecturing again in a tour as well.

In his current interview on Midnight in the Desert, he began with a history lesson going back to the Sumerian days. He spoke of how the concept of "duality' in consciousness can be found in every cultural teachings of the past and still today, whether Shamanism, Buddhism, etc.

He then began talking about "Plato's Allegory of the Caves". Today I spent a lot of time researching that as well. If you aren't familiar with it, here is link to give you info pertaining to it. You will find that it has been re-dissected by many people, Psychologists, Archeologists, etc.

I saw something completely different though. Anthony talked about how our Optic path (physical eyes) and "Mind's eye", he used the term "Pineal Gland", both crossed, but there seemed to be a short "pause" between the two of them. He talked quite a bit about how this seemed to relate to OBEs/NDEs/Astral Travel and Lucid Dreams. Yes he had labels for everything, but he did say that they all end at the same place, per se.

I got this quote from another website and thought it was a great explanation of the real meaning of the "Allegory of the Cave".
"The path to enlightenment is painful and arduous, says Plato, and requires that we make four stages in our development.

1. Imprisonment in the cave (the imaginary world)
2. Release from chains (the real, sensual world)
3. Ascent out of the cave (the world of ideas)
4. The way back to help our fellows "
This came from this website here:

Anthony is a researcher, but not necessarily as "Experiencer" He has had a few OBE related things in his years, but he isn't like William Buhlman, Tom Campbell and the others. He isn't a regular practitioner of OBEs/Astral Travel/LDs etc. He is a researcher and a very thorough one at that.

Because of the fact that Anthony isn't a practitioner he couldn't see another explanation of Plato's quote. He couldn't see how Plato's allegory connects with the void experience as well.

Lately I have been having quite a few "Cave" like experiences, I even wrote about it in this new thread here:

When you close your eyes to have a OBE or phase, you are first met with a flat darkness. After you have fully relaxed and are letting go, the darkness begins to take on a new depth. As you delve deeper into the "Cave", you begin to see brief flashes of things appearing on the Cave walls. Similar to a Cave painting. The deeper you get into the cave, the more visuals are appearing, until finally a full blown scenario is right there and you are in it. What happened here is at first your Optic pathway (physical eyes) are your major focus. As you go deeper into your focus, there seems to be a "pause". this could also be where the "click out" occurs. Next you find that your new focus has moved into the your Mind's eye pathway and you are experiencing a whole new reality.

Plato's Cave can be seen as a description of the whole process of non physical exploration by any means or vehicle in general. You go from being a "prisoner", as of living only this physical focus, to getting a "sneak peek"/glimpse of something else, which leads you to venturing outside of the cave and finding a whole new reality. Then lastly returning back to the Cave to teach and aid others here.

Definitely food for thought. But it's also a great way to understand what this whole practice here is all about.

Here is link to his new book:

If you can go back and listen to that radio interview I think you would really enjoy it. Here is a link to that station's website:

There are also great video interviews of Anthony's on youtube. I used the title "Anthony Peake 2020 interviews"!

Thank you for listening.

"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla



I checked out the radio stations website regarding the radio interview you mention.  Looks like you can only listen to previous shows if you are a monthly subscriber.  I did go and watch a couple videos of Anthony Peake regarding the pineal gland and the Lucia 3 light machine on Youtube.  Have you tried this machine?  I remember you talking about a light machine from a previous thread but can't remember if this was it.  Anyways, he seems like an interesting man.  I was hoping his new book 'The Hidden Universe' was available on but looks like it's not out yet.  I did however put a couple of his books in my audio queue that were available in Canada.  I will give them a try.  If his new book doesn't show up in audio version than I will buy the paperback version but will give it some time.

The Adventure Continues...


Quote from: T-Man on March 09, 2020, 01:03:17

I checked out the radio stations website regarding the radio interview you mention.  Looks like you can only listen to previous shows if you are a monthly subscriber.  I did go and watch a couple videos of Anthony Peake regarding the pineal gland and the Lucia 3 light machine on Youtube.  Have you tried this machine?  I remember you talking about a light machine from a previous thread but can't remember if this was it.  Anyways, he seems like an interesting man.  I was hoping his new book 'The Hidden Universe' was available on but looks like it's not out yet.  I did however put a couple of his books in my audio queue that were available in Canada.  I will give them a try.  If his new book doesn't show up in audio version than I will buy the paperback version but will give it some time.

I saw that too. You have to pay to hear that interview. It is definitely worth the price though and Radio shows need to get a revenue, other than just Advertisers, as well.

Anthony mentioned in the interview that he had a OBE like experience about 3 and half minutes into his viewing of the "white light" of the Lucia. I haven't used the Lucia yet. There are only a few places in the US here to have a session with it. I own the Laxman light/sound machine, but I haven't used it since my bout and current diagnosis with Trigeminal Neuralgia. I even wear glasses that have a FL 41 tint to them. It forces you to see the world through "rose colored" lenses, lol.

I will tell you one thing, I am totally convinced that light/sound machines create a release of DMT from your pineal gland. They do it quite quickly as well. I found my Laxman to be great "training wheels". I am a huge proponent of the Laxman. I am not on all of the light/sound machines out there though. I found some of them can be dangerous. The "flickering" lights aren't for everyone. If you ever get to use a light/sound machine, make sure you start the program at a weaker light intensity. Then gradually work you way up. Even the "default" setting on a machine can be too strong. I am saying this from experience, so definitely heed my warning.

I listened to a few other recent interviews of Anthony's over on youtube. But haven't found any of them to be nearly as good as his one with Tim on Midnight in the Desert. Possibly that was because Tim, the Host, gave Anthony the floor uninterrupted for much of the interview. It was like Anthony was giving a 3 hour summary on all the books he has written and all of his knowledge on the topic at hand he has found combined. I wish there was a way to record it and share it with people here that wished to here it. As I have seen, youtube does have many radio show interviews, but they seem to have a certain "time limit" before they are released. I know that's the way it works with Coast to Coast AM and Fade to Black with Jimmy Church.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Many times when I log onto the Astral Pulse Forums if I don't have a post to make, I will go to the section of the Forum called "Users Online". There I will see what people are reading right now themselves. Many times I come across a hidden gem, kind of blast from the past. 3 Days ago I found another great one. It was a thread created by a member of ours from the past named Todd421757. This one was based on a technique that he had for achieving a successful OBE, in the true sense of the words "Out of Body Experience". I found it was definitely made for more of a "etheric", RTZ (real time zone) experience. Here is a link to that thread:

I posted in it as well, under my former name here "Lionheart" and in the past, I found success with the technique as well. I can't remember for the life of me though why I stopped using it. Possibly it was because, as many of here already know, we are challenged to keep coming up with something new.

For the past 3 nights now, I went back to using that technique and had 100% success with it every time. Actually I had 3 separate instances in the 3rd night after I became aware that the onset of SP (sleep paralysis) was occurring. One of the 3 times got aborted due to my little puppy sleeping on my legs. I was just about to "exit" and he began twitching around. The other 2 times were a success, Upon the failed attempt, I moved my puppy up to a position just between MJ and I, so his movements wouldn't be an interruption.
The first 2 nights, I had full separation, after SP as well.

I began with just focusing on the area at the end of my feet. I focused on that area being about a foot beyond my outstretched legs and feet. I then began counting from 1-20 and back down to 1 again in cycles. Once in awhile I omitted one of the numbers as I mentally counted. I did that for about 10 minutes, until I finally clicked out. I didn't think at the time that I had lost consciousness, but I must have. When I clicked back in, I felt a actual "click" and then the warm sensation began. It first started as a warm wave, very calm. The "Astral winds" then began to blow. I don't know how else to explain those. It sounds like wind. As usual the waves of energy began pulsing back and forth down my body and back up again and once the waves and sounds got in "sync", I felt my legs rising and I was soon out. All 3 nights, the first thing I could see is that I was in my room or a replica of my room. Then there was an incredible movement forward, akin to being shot out of a cannon and I was somewhere else.

In my Phase soak session today, I thought more about that experience, but I also thought abut this whole Doorway thread in general. Much of this thread has been written like people already understand the concept of focusing on something outside of the body. I should have started even more basic that. I should have started with people just closing there eyes and becoming aware of 4 points of direction around them. No motion needed. Just simple awareness. If motion did accompany the thought of the direction, the better for you. Then you could just go with the flow and see where that motion led you.

Why I liked Todd's technique so much is the simplicity. All you had to do was to focus on a point outside of your body as you naturally fell asleep. There was no mental motion forward. No color or geometric shapes involved. I found it really easy to focus on the spot 1 foot from the end of my feet. I even felt like I was being stretched while doing that. The counting was just something extra to keep my mind busy while I fell asleep.

Currently it seems that many of us do have time on our hands, due to the current circumstances in the World. That gives us a great opportunity to experience something outside of our physical existence. For the more experienced people, it's kind of a walk down memory lane. Kind of like "re-hashing" something we once knew.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Thanks for reminding us of this very simple yet effective technique. It comes down to holding our focus away from the body while falling asleep. I will switch from my own technique to this one for a while and report if it works for me.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Quote from: LightBeam on March 25, 2020, 15:37:46
Thanks for reminding us of this very simple yet effective technique. It comes down to holding our focus away from the body while falling asleep. I will switch from my own technique to this one for a while and report if it works for me.
A good practice is getting used to these "directional points" during the day as well. Just close your eyes for a few minutes and lock into a direction. Become aware of it. Feel it or feel the "pull" from it When I do that, mental associations almost immediately follow the thought of said direction. Many times that will lead to a experience/adventure and now you have successfully Phased. It can be that easy once you learn to "allow" it to!

I personally like the option to pinpoint 6 directions, as I have said many times throughout this thread. That gives me 5 other choices, if the first one doesn't "feel" right!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


 I am using my Doorway thread here to post my most recent experience here. My Doorway technique has led me to be able to really hone in on certain focus targets.

About a week ago I read a thread on another Forum that was focusing on Worldwide Mediations, as a collective. In this one, they were using the focus target of a "Rainbow Bridge" that linked our physical Earth here to what the New Age Community calls the "New Earth" I didn't share in their group meditations. I only do collective work with people here that I am familiar with. Still, I liked the target and decided to use it in my Phase sessions.
You can find out more about this at this link here. The picture pertaining to the focus is the second post on that thread. I made one post myself there years ago, but found it wasn't the site I wanted to correspond on. I do peruse it often though.

Each Phase session focused on this "Rainbow Bridge" and has led me to becoming aware of all kinds of things there. The first thing I noticed was that the distance/length of the bridge seemed to change from day to day. It was almost like it was "waxing and waning" according to the emotional temperature of Humanity here in our physical realm.
There seem to be no structures at all there. It is plush and full of life like Earth. There are beautiful waterfalls, forests, landscapes, etc., but no buildings of any kind. They could be underground though. My experiences took place on the ground. I didn't really explore what may lie beneath it. 

When I go there, I am a single point of consciousness. Yet I find the energy there to be amazing. The area is more "Crystaline" then Earth here is. The Crystals are above ground there though, not underground like they are here.

I have seen beings. They have a somewhat human shape/form, but are beings of light. Today I saw a few animals pass by me. They seemed to be similar to what we would call a dear. But they weren't exactly alike.

The Beings of Light there noticed me. I felt I was allowed to view what I was. They did trail me though, likely based on curiosity though.

During my second Phase session there last week, I did have a interruption though. Someone was messing with me there. I was deep in a good NP focus and all of a sudden I heard a door open and someone, (I thought it might be one of our daughter in-laws), called out to MJ in a frantic voice. I immediate returned to my physical focus with the thought, oh no, we don't need more chaos. Enough is enough. After I got out of the tub I went to MJ and asked what's up. She looked at me with a confused look and said "what do you mean". No body had  come over at all. She also said the girls would have said "Mom", not Mary Jo. So, doh, I was duped by the NP. Oh well, it happens.

I used the last part of today's session to briefly focus on Utah's "Skinwalker Ranch". I had read about happenings there years ago and have been enthralled by the show "The Secrets of Skinwalker Ranch", that was on the History Channel. I watched a few episodes that I missed on Youtube there. So, if you wish, you can go to youtube and check it out. The premise of the show is logging the strange phenomenon and happenings that were occurring there. SPOILER ALERT. In last night's finale the scientists all came to the conclusion based on all of their evidence that the phenomenon there should be called "it". As in a intelligence at work. They also see through their research that it seems like the "it" is communicating with them. It's doing it in a way they don't understand though.

Back to my Phase session. I focused on the area. Put myself in the pasture area, then focused upwards. I was soon spiraling rather violently out of control. The vertigo sensation was too much for me and I had to abort. There is definitely something there. I don't think I will do that again though! I'll leave it up to the pros!  :-)

I shared this all with you because I constantly hear people saying that they want to read about other peoples actual NP Journeys. I rarely share because #1 I am too lazy to write them in my log and also here!  :-D #2 I want people to have their own experiences. I will do anything in my power to help them get to the "Doorway", but what they find there is for them to find. What they learn is for them to learn. It is a personal Journey. I have attempted collective experimentation in the past, but that seems to lose it's interest quite quickly!

Thank you for listening!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


 I am not going to update my experiences with this "New Earth" scenario every day here in this thread here. It has left me with many unanswered questions as the "other realms" seem to do.

After each experience I am left pondering and attempt to understand it all. Some things I see there make sense.

I still use my opening "healing Mantra/modality" after I have relaxed in the hot water of the tub for a few minutes. Then I go right into focusing on this Rainbow Bridge. The fact that I keep ending up at the same destination with no visualizing of this actual planet like experience shows me that I was meant to see it and that there is a reason behind it. What that reason is, I don't have a clue. Each time I ask a question while in this scenario I am immediately transferred over to a different part of this planet. It seems like for now "observation" is the only thing allowed.

There seems to be some kind of rules there, some do's and don'ts. I am learning more about them quickly, lol.

In many of my other planet like adventures, even while viewing our planet here, I do "flybys". I can cover a lot of ground from the air. I view things from a point of consciousness, so fly bys are simple to maneuver. On this planet I can't though. I have attempted it many times and each time I get the same result. I find myself in the 3D darkness again for a brief time. It's kind of like getting trained!  :| I can though cover a lot of ground from the ground level. there I seem to be able to move at a great pace . I seem to "glide".  Another thing that is weird is my 360 degree vision is shut off as well. If I want to see something in a direction, I feel I am turning that way. Normally while in point consciousness mode, I can see all around just by a simple intent. There is no need to turn to look at all. So yes, it does seem there is some kind of "ruleset" here.

I can swear this place is being "Terraformed'. There seems to be two Suns. One in the East and one in the West. The purpose of two Suns I would see could give the plant life and land maximum growth. I can't feel a temperature there or even tell what kind of gravity there is. The skies are a beautiful golden color. The colors everywhere I see are extremely strong and vivid. I would say that whatever "vessel" is used for new souls to incarnate into, would have to have their eyes adjusted to be able to live in this environment.

I said above that it seemed like this place was being terraformed. Look at "Hydroponic growth". The lighting has to be perfect. The conditions just right for maximum yield. I am seeing this here. Although there is waterways and waterfalls, etc., I don't see any clouds at all. This doesn't make sense to me. Waterfalls, lakes and rivers create water vapor, thus forming clouds. Yet there are no clouds to be seen here.

Now to the "Light Beings" that seem to be responsible for setting up this new School. I have never seen them move or even nod, make a motion, etc. One, sometimes more of them seem to be just observing me as I am them. Any questions I have are answered by relocation to another spot on the planet. They have a Human like body form. They are bright white, yet have a shape of legs, arms and definitely a head. The head is thinner and taller than ours is. The top of there head seems to shimmer upwards akin to that of the dancing of a flame.

I still call this "New Earth". But this isn't the 4D/5D place that the New Agers speak about. This a very physical place. It is definitely a 3D reality. The only way I could see any of us getting there is to have our bodies die here on this Earth and then opt to reincarnate in this next "School".

I am going to maintain my focus on this area everyday in my Phase soak sessions. I will stick with it for as long as I can. It has definitely got my attention.  8-) :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on June 04, 2020, 23:17:42
  This a very physical place. It is definitely a 3D reality. The only way I could see any of us getting there is to have our bodies die here on this Earth and then opt to reincarnate in this next "School".
Or with a spaceship if this place is within our physical cosmos :) I think you are eager for our Earth to reach the next evolutionary level and have stumbled in to this planet. Do you a sense that they are more evolved than we are, and they are probably already in college, while we are still in junior high lol. If you keep visiting there perhaps you can be shown examples on how can we reach these levels.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Quote from: LightBeam on June 05, 2020, 02:40:01
Or with a spaceship if this place is within our physical cosmos :)
Like I said above, in our "current form", we wouldn't be able to inhabit this World. We or the World itself would have to go through some kind of "alteration" to be able to dwell there.

QuoteI think you are eager for our Earth to reach the next evolutionary level and have stumbled in to this planet. Do you a sense that they are more evolved than we are, and they are probably already in college, while we are still in junior high lol. If you keep visiting there perhaps you can be shown examples on how can we reach these levels.
I sense that these Beings of Light have been creating "Earths" like this for a while now. They are much more evolved then we are. I feel that they are learning through their own experiences as "Builders", how to fine tune their creations. We tend to learn "on the go", they seem to too!
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


 After another successful journey to this place, (that makes 7 days in a row now), I was just left contemplating in the peaceful quiet of the 3D dark zone, aka "the Void".

I had so many questions about this new place, like "could this be this Earth here after man has for some reason has become extinct, due to a number of circumstances that could occur, like disease, disaster, our own failings, etc."?

I watched a great Documentary years ago called "Life After People'. The premise of the Documentary was to show how all we have created a built would turn back to dust and once again be consumed by the nature and wildlife that we stole it from. The first time period was 10 days after man. Then they began to leap into years and years later. Their opinions and conclusions came via Architects, Archeologists, Climatologists and basically Scientific knowledge itself. It basically showed that nearly all evidence of our civilization would disappear. There would still be a few "Artifacts" left over. We all see how the Pyramids have incredible longevity. I would hope all of our "Nuclear waste" has been neutralized by then!  :roll:

It's really hard to judge the size of anything there. Viewing it from the a point of consciousness doesn't really give me anything to compare it to. Everything could larger or even smaller than it currently is on this planet at the moment.

I have seen a lot of nature, like trees, plants, grass, etc. and a like I said some form of animal. I have also seen waterfalls and vast bodies of water. Whether they are Oceans or lakes is hard to tell. I still can't do Flybys. I'm sure these animals have a purpose though, just like all animals here and the past extinct ones did. I have always believed that the Dinosaurs were utilized for the "fertilization" that they created. When that was no longer needed, neither were they and they became extinct. I believe that every animal suits a purpose here, even those pesky Mosquitoes, lol!
Human ego believes that all this was created just for us but they are sorely mistaken. You see this play out all the time when we make our decisions.

Now to the Beings of Light. They look eerily familiar to what the Russian Cosmonauts witnessed in space aboard their Space Station back in 1984.
Here's a link to that:

I was trying to find something to compare their appearance with and this was the closest I could get. When the Cosmonauts told of their experience with what they saw, it was immediately ridiculed as a Hallucination caused by fatigue from being in space so long or it could have been a brief change in their Oxygen. Even the fact that all of them saw the same thing was explained away as a shared Hallucination, which the Scientists and Researchers said is something that supposedly does occur.

I didn't see any wings on these Beings. But I haven't seen them fly or even move period. They do have a glowing luminescence to them though. Their arms and legs appear to be "spindly" They just seem to be there observing me as I am observing them. I  can't even have a blinking contest with them to see who blinks first, lol!  :-D They don't have any facial features at all, that I can see. I did attempt today to "filter" my own visual perception of this place. I used a red visual filter in a lame attempt to get a "infra red" kind of appearance. I then changed it to green and lastly blue. Like I said I love exploring and learning new things!  :-)

On last thing that is kind off topic. Today I am incredibly sluggish due to a night full of LDs. I can't remember what the premise of these experiences were. I do know though that they seem to have been continuations experiences, akin to "Lifer" experiences I had in the past. I call a "Lifer" a night full of LDs where you get brief little click ins and outs. When you return or click back in, you find that everything has "aged", including yourself.
Have you ever had this happen to you? When you awaken in the morning totally exhausted and drained from a night filled with LDs? Do you believe consciousness itself ever sleeps? I believe there is good reason that most of us never remember our Dreams or even experience LDs. It's because the "mind" itself does need a period of inactivity and rest. This drowsiness I have today isn't the drowsiness you just feel upon awaking in the morning as normal. It feels more like being totally "burned out" and depleted!
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on June 06, 2020, 00:17:36
Have you ever had this happen to you? When you awaken in the morning totally exhausted and drained from a night filled with LDs? Do you believe consciousness itself ever sleeps? I believe there is good reason that most of us never remember our Dreams or even experience LDs. It's because the "mind" itself does need a period of inactivity and rest. This drowsiness I have today isn't the drowsiness you just feel upon awaking in the morning as normal. It feels more like being totally "burned out" and depleted!

I'm actually the opposite. I feel very energized/excited during the day after LDs/APs even long and intense ones. As far as consciousness sleeping, I don't know. I have experienced many times, peaceful environments, where I just observe the stillness and it felt very relaxing and rejuvenating. I think tiredness is an attribute to physical vehicles. I have experienced many times the same thing over and over with my physical body and state of mind. When I eat whatever, the typical American diet, I feel tired, fatigued, urge to take naps, waking up drowsy. When I eat less carbs and definitely gluten free and very little dairy, lots of vegetables, I only need 5 hours of sleep. I wake up very early in the morning and as soon as I open my eyes I am totally awake, fresh and ready to go. No fatigue, no tiredness at all. I even have more APs when I watch what I eat, which is most of the time. I only fall off the wagon around holidays and I really feel the difference including significant  decrease in LDs and APs. So, I think our physical bodies impose many limitations and we cant even imagine what would be like to never have have the need to sleep.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Quote from: LightBeam on June 06, 2020, 02:04:54
I'm actually the opposite. I feel very energized/excited during the day after LDs/APs even long and intense ones. As far as consciousness sleeping, I don't know. I have experienced many times, peaceful environments, where I just observe the stillness and it felt very relaxing and rejuvenating. I think tiredness is an attribute to physical vehicles. I have experienced many times the same thing over and over with my physical body and state of mind. When I eat whatever, the typical American diet, I feel tired, fatigued, urge to take naps, waking up drowsy. When I eat less carbs and definitely gluten free and very little dairy, lots of vegetables, I only need 5 hours of sleep. I wake up very early in the morning and as soon as I open my eyes I am totally awake, fresh and ready to go. No fatigue, no tiredness at all. I even have more APs when I watch what I eat, which is most of the time. I only fall off the wagon around holidays and I really feel the difference including significant  decrease in LDs and APs. So, I think our physical bodies impose many limitations and we cant even imagine what would be like to never have have the need to sleep.
Don't get me wrong I too awaken revitalized and energized after having LDs. It's these "Lifer" episodes that seem so taxing.

Where it comes to proper diet, I didn't eat anything any heavier than the previous days. MJ and I eat quite healthy. We always have a good daily intake of our fruit and veggies. We watch our carb intake as well. So in this case I can rule that out.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on June 06, 2020, 02:20:37
Don't get me wrong I too awaken revitalized and energized after having LDs. It's these "Lifer" episodes that seem so taxing.

Where it comes to proper diet, I didn't eat anything any heavier than the previous days. MJ and I eat quitter healthy. We always have a good daily intake of our fruit and veggies. We watch our carb intake as well. So in this case I can rule that out.

Ah, then this is a special case :) I don't know why would it cause this. Try asking for energizing next time to see if this command will change anything.

By the way, I have seen these Life after People shows. Very interesting, but kind of depressing. If people die off, there is no other way of having another reasoning type of creature by natural evolution. It has to be external interference and planting new types of humans here on Earth. Hopefully a notch up by intellect and moral values.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow