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Why do you believe in a god/creator

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God is Jesus. I have seen Him manytimes. He loves all. The mean ugly pretty sad happy rude ALL. He wants us to see things through His eyes. He loves all of his churches all the faiths of this earth.


James S

Hi All,
Two comments I picked up in earlier posts on this topic really struck a chord with me:
"Jesus was trying to liberate people from religion, not create a new one."

"God is Love, Love is God"

For two people who don't really prescribe to God in the sense Christians do, you've certainly nailed the essence of the belief

This really appeals to me. I call myself a Christian, but I am NOT religious.

When I was 16 I started regularly attending Christian churches. I was led to "give my heart to the Lord" about a year later. For the next 15 or so years I attended various Christian churches, from the Salvation Army, to Assemblies of God Penticostal churches. My ex-wife was also a staunch Christian (no prizes for guessing where we met). I experienced miraculous things in the churches, learned to pray from my heart, and learned what it was like to be in the presence of the "Spirit of God", and what the power of prayer can be. These were very powerful experiences that I can never deny, and I learned a great deal about things of a spiritual nature.

Many people, such as a lot of my friends, are perfectly happy remaining in these churches and worshipping God and Jesus as the learn from the Bible. There are many people who truly have been "saved" by their faith in God. They have been led to a path of spiritual growth, instead of a path of materialistic destruction.

I couldn't stay in the churches. I saw way too much intolerance towards other beliefs and practices, and too much hypocrisy. Organised religions and their fanatical followers have been responsible for so much death and destruction in this world. The funny thing here is, when you look at how much fighting goes on between Muslims, Jews, Christians and many other sects and beliefs, didn't all their key prophets say the same thing – "Love one another. Be kind and good to others". They fight and kill over stupid points of law in their religions and forget about the core of it all – Love.

So now I'll get down from my pulpit and get to the point.

I do believe there is a god. I don't believe any one name or description is accurate on its own, since at the centre of the beliefs they're all about the same.  I believe "God" to be a sentient spiritual essence that infuses the whole universe, just as I believe this earth has a sentient spiritual essence, which many choose to call Gaia. I have become used to referring to this entity as God or Jesus. I don't see any reason why a name cannot be applied to this entity to help us understand or cope with something infinitely larger than us, as a matter of personal choice. Just as long as we don't force our choice, our beliefs on others.

I believe that creation and evolution can work together if you look at it from the point that first things were put into place by some sentient force, then let to grow and evolve as needed. I don't think you can rule out either creation or evolution. Is it not possible that all life that we see around us was designed by some intelligence far greater than we can understand, but designed in such a way that it can look after itself, and adapt. Essentially – EVOLVE. As science has grown and we've been able to learn more about our universe, we discover more and more of how symmetrical and organised things are, as if they were designed.

James S
(Fate amenable to change)

James S


This is a GREAT topic David!

What's even better is that we a reading what others believe as the core of their lives without getting into a verbal punch-up over who's right or wrong.

It's great to see a group of people have different beliefs, yet are like minded and genuinely open to and interested in what others think.

James S
(Fate amenable to change)


Hi everyone

I think it's just amazing that all these religous faiths oppose each others translations & beliefs, but are all trying to promote love & understanding.

Take Judaism, Christianity & Islam, ok they have different words, but their central deities are all the same, they all believe in the same God & many of the characters in each of their bibles are exactly the same person.

So why did the Crusades take place? Why the extermination of the Jews? I'm going to say that word again, pure evil manifested into paper form, MONEY ! hehe.

So why fight, if it's the very thing that most religions advocate, I don't know of a religion that doesn't in some way say this quote:
" Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself " .

Robin & James, welcome to the discussion, good to have some new input. Robin can you expand a little on your beliefs or ideas, I'm keen to learn about everyones beliefs/ ideas. I'm especially interested in what you mean when you say "God is Jesus, I have seen him many times".

James, good thinking mate.

Good journeys all



You know one of the things that I always seem to get stuck on with religion dates back to to Greek and Roman mythology.  I have done a lot of reading in this area, the times, and the people.  Reading things like the Illiad, The Odessy, and a hand full shorts in books from the local library.  When I think of the differences in times and religions I often wonder who was right.  The many gods, or the one god?

Think of this for a moment.  With the comming of Monotheism came a lot of fightnig over which religion was the right one.  But back when there were many gods war was not fought over religion.  They did not hide behinde that mask.  They very simply fought because of land, money, slaves, and so on.  There were no religious wars.   And even though the Greeks and the Romans had different names for the gods that the worshiped they knew they wetre the same ones.  Even the Egyptians shared many of the same gods with the Greeks and Romans and accepted this, and knew that they were the same but only named different by the people.

So why is it that they knew this so long ago with the many gods being the same but yet in todays world that kind of thinking seems impossible from the vast majority.  What if Montheism itself is wrong?  What if there are many gods?  Maybe that is why they knew that the gods were the same, that, that was the way of the world, and we are the ones who have lost our way, that there is not just one god.

David Rogalski
I am he who walks in the light but is masked by the shadows.


Many gods, one god, no god? These questions are hard to find an answer to until we answer one question, What is a god? Until we define what a god is, then how can we really say if there is one, many, or any at all. Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary defines god as:

Main Entry: 1god
Pronunciation: 'gäd also 'god
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German got god
Date: before 12th century
1 capitalized : the supreme or ultimate reality: as a : the Being perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshiped as creator and ruler of the universe b Christian Science : the incorporeal divine Principle ruling over all as eternal Spirit : infinite Mind
2 : a being or object believed to have more than natural attributes and powers and to require human worship; specifically : one controlling a particular aspect or part of reality
3 : a person or thing of supreme value
4 : a powerful ruler

According to the first definition it seems that there would be only one god, infinite Mind. Can there be more than one infinite mind? To me infinite mind means an overall consciousness, a oneness of all.

According to the other definitions there are many gods. Infact by definition 4, there are many gods among us today. Maybe this is why there are so many gods and religions. These gods were just powerful rulers, who became more powerful as their stories were pasted down through generations until they were no longer seen as rulers of just people and nations but of the universe.

There seems to be no clear defintion of god. When one says god another may be thinking something totally different, not just about names, but of totally different "powers" and place in the universe. So how can anyone make a generalized judgement without a clear definition. Will there ever be a clear definition?

What is a god?

Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way.



Well, I don't know what  God is. I remember Monroe meeting a more advanced I/there and thinking it was God and the 'being' corrected him. So presumably we 'recognize' divinity when we see it, but also presumably we may be wrong.

This topic has merit whether we define God or not, as we are all thinking the issue through a little bit and trying to learn a little bit.

It's a tough question. I both believe and don't believe. The degree to which I believe is based on the pervasive quiet feeling that something beyond myself sustains me. The degree to which I don't believe is based on the inconsistencies that I see between groups, and the idea of trying to define in the first place something that may well transcend definition. I think the "I am" is about as good as any definition gets when it comes to God. I would guess that since "by definition" nothing is 'bigger' than god, then the 'biggest' that man is capable of envisioning is the closest we can come to defining God and yet there is no reason to think that man is capable of envisioning infinite-ness anyway. We do seem limited in many areas, after all.

I think a lot of the discussion about love, and fighting, and so on --- can be more easily addressed by not asking whether or not there is a god but rather whether or not goodness is a worthwhile pursuit.

It's hard to find answers to the big questions - but one answer I have found is that I have the choice to behave in a loving way, or not.

That is very empowering.  

It becomes circular, then, to ask whether I am defining God as Goodness. (If God is all that is, but God is also goodneess, what is badness? If God is good and bad, then am I serving only part of god when I choose to try to serve goodness? (Am I defining God or serving God?)


James S

Hi patty,
Deep answer. I had to read through your post a few times to get a grasp on what your saying. It really got me thinking!

Good point about defining god as "I Am" (just as God says to Moses). How can we define something infinite when we ourselves and our thought processes are finite - being always bound by definitions and limitations.

"...not asking whether or not there is a god but rather whether or not goodness is a worthwhile pursuit. " - this seems to me a rather crucial point, and a good reason for our spiritual journeys, that is, if we are genuine in our motives. Not knowing who or what god is will not stop somebody from being a genuinely loving, caring person.

Your last comment -  I can't work it out either, and I've been sitting here trying while I type this. I think it just comes back to the point that were are too limited to try to understand the nature of God. that's the safest way. Anything else and I start to get a headache!

Loving life, and all that is around us, will put us closer to God than those who do not. And yes, it is our choice to do so.

James S
(Fate amenable to change)


As someone said in in a previous post, mankind has been grappling with the question from time immerorial.

Yet only 800 years ago, St. Thomas Aquinas was the best and most qualified expounder of all the issues that truly matter to us all.  Considering all the philosophical and religious turmoil that was happening around him in the 13th century, that he could set down his Summa Theologica could only have come from Divine inspiration.

Thankfully this gigantic tome has not been altered to fit the needs of selfish princes and kings for the aquisition of power and control over the people as time has marched on.  And thankfully still, someone was crazy enough to put all five volumes online.  :-)

Some good reads...



"To see the product of the Creator... look upon creation.  To hear the sound of His love... help your fellow man.  To know the essence of His being... gaze into the mirror."



I believe in God because I talk to him everyday and He tells me what to do.  I know He loves me because I see his love in nature and in the eyes of everyone I meet.

fides quaerens intellectum
We shall not cease from our exploration, and at the end of all our exploring, we shall arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
T.S. Elliot
fides quaerens intellectum


My belief is that God is nothingness.  Therefore it(he,she) is in everything and is everywhere but also not.  Does that make sense?  I also believe that humans have the capacity to be godlike.  But only after gaining a full understanding to the Tetragrammaton (thus becoming a true magician).  See books by Franz Bardon.


Great debate,is there a God -Goddess, I don't know.Just because its the excepted norm doesn't mean its so.
I've  read that man and womankind are approaching the adolescent stage of our joint emotional evolution ,here we question who we are and rebel at what went before .Prior to that we were in our childhood and as all children needed a father God and a mother church to look after us.It would seem that adulthood is someway of.
From experience I know we are spiritual beings in a state of fluxes growing  despite ourselves, it would be great if there was a omnipotent being who had our best interests at heart .But I suspect that its down to us.



Hi Yoki

Welcome to Astral Pulse & welcome to the debate, although I'd prefer to think of it as a discussion.

I agree with what you have said there "the norm, doesn't mean it is so". It's strange that you have come here & onto this thread as well, after I read one of your posts on the PL site a few days ago, which was quite well done.

Anyways, good journey.



I would just like to take a moment and thank all of you who shared your thoughts on this subject.

  I must say you all handled yourselves very well given the sensativity of the subject.

  My main goal was to see why people in general subscribe to ordered religion, and the god/creator aspect most teach.  I guess that it all boils down to the very same reasons that I am a non-believer.

  Feeling and experiance.  Oddly enough those to things are the common ground for believers and non-believers alike.  Some thing inside tells us what is what.

  And in the end......we are all the same.

David Rogalski
I am he who walks in the light but is masked by the shadows.


I would  like to challenge the perception that feelings and experiences indicate the existence of  a God_Goddess .If this offends anyone I offer my apologies in advance ,"sorry mate but this is how I see it.".
Firstly feelings  can be influenced by different factors ,the physical body  produces  endorphins and hormones ,while childhood events drive our moods  If we look at  the feelings that do not  eventuate from us, they are open to personal interpretation
In fact all feeling  and experances pass threw the filter of our perception.
Experiences can also be driven and interpreted by how we  think,apparently  at death we are met by whom we expect ,Jesus , Buddha  or maybe a angel,this could also apply to visions etc..Voices (sorry I have to say this folks ) could be schizophrenia  ,then  maybe its  your small inner voice , guides  or the wind .
My most  important  experience happened in the eighties,when as a  mother of three young children  I read in the local paper that a Indian Guru-Master was coming to town  .My mother-in-law was roped in and on the appointed day  I was a member of his audience.When it was announced that anyone could go forward for initiation there was no stopping me.We sat at the front a mantra was given and we meditated.While this happened the Guru moved along the line touching each person between the eye.I cant remember if he said or did anything else but what happened next I will never forget. As soon as he touched me I stood in was solid very real and totally unexpected.
God its said is light so I could say that I have experienced God or in my case the Goddess, maybe I left my body and in a instance found this light.The explanation I like  best is that I had a illumination sounds very grand or perhaps I went inwards threw the layers of ego and experienced my true being .Crossing the desert (life) I was offered a cup of water now I search  for  the spring ,the source of which could be a higher being or my own soul .
This event leads me to question a chapter in Robert Bruce's book, headed chakra and other wonder workers .He states that influences from other people can not effect our chakras ,I would say that in rare instances this is possible ,  the Guru seems to have done just that



Hi Yoki :

"This event leads me to question a chapter in Robert Bruce's book, headed chakra and other wonder workers .He states that influences from other people can not effect our chakras ,I would say that in rare instances this is possible , the Guru seems to have done just that."

I think you are right - perhaps other people can have an influence as you state. However, Robert Bruce's style of writing, while sounding quite authoritative, is based on only what he himself has experienced....This relates to his "catch - basket" concept, where he has decided only to believe in what he has experienced to be true. I personally don't think that this is a valid approach to this subject.

I'll Name You The Flame That Cries


Why i belive this is a God is from personal experiances and what seems to be logical to my understanding.
My background is that i grew up in a comunity of mosty members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, comonly called Mormons. As a kid i remember feeling uncomfortable with the talk of God and angles appearing to people.
I wonder if this could have been from things like Santa Claus and the big story and all the things that parents do to make it appear to a child that Santa is real.
Then later you find out it was all a fable for the children which parents have fun doing.
So maybe from this i grew up wondering if God and angles and such were fairy tales also.
When i went into the Air Force I had the thought that i would now see how other people lived. While in the air force on day i was sitting on the box that had all the safety gear for the F4 i had ready for the pilots. I was sitting on this box leaning up against a big fire extinguisher and it was like my body became paralized. i could not move and it was a creapy bad feeling that came over me. I strugled and finally i was able to move a finger and it was all gone.
I forget what Robert calls this paralized state. Any way it occasionally would happen to me again for about 5 times. I left the air force after 4 years and went back to Utah. I got to the point that i decided to not fight this frozen body feeling and let it last longer to see what would happen. So instead of fighting it i waited and then i started to hear voices, male and female. they were chanting somthing. i waited and then i could hear what the chanting was. "I and feel again, I can feel again". At this point i thought "not with my body" and started to fight to move again and finally broke out of it.

After this i really started to get serious about finding out what was religion was true. I decided to start with what i had been tought was true. The Bible, Book of Morman, Doctrin and coventants and Pearl of Great price. These are called the 4 standard works in the church. In the Book of Mormon the last chapter Moroni 10 verses 3 through 5 it says (my words). to ask God in the name of Christ and he will manifest to truth of it to you by the power of the Holy Ghost, and by the power of the holy Ghost you can know the truth of all things.
This was somting that i could test out for my self. No i never then or up to now have had a angel appear and tell me it was true but i have had some very powerful feeling come over me and have felt that it was true.

So the first prouf is the feeling that the Book of Mormon was true.

Second was when i had been praying about someting. i had went up in the canyon and had been praying for quite a while. At about 3AM i was cold and decided to go home feeling dejected that i had not got a answer to my prayer. I drove back to my grandparents home where i was staying and just before going to bed i again started to pray.
I got a answer in my mind. kind of like hearing a male voice but it was not with my ears that i heard it. It was in my mind. Just one word. "peace"

So there are some of the experiance that i have had that i think at least for me says Yes there is a God.

Truth, love and peace be unto you.

Michael Ghostwolf

I am writing this without reading the other eplies, so if I repeat something, please forgive." border=0>

So why all the abduction stories of rectile probbing and wierd experimentation? Would they not think that we are all Gods creatures and in would be bad to treate any thing in that manner? This leads me to think that well if they do this because they found out that there is no God. Or he did not create them, and if he did not create them then he did not create the entire universe.  

I am not for or against the theory of spiritual ET's, but look at it this way. Maybe, just maybe, they're doing us a favor in the long run by thge way of abduction and , *cough*, rectile probing. lol.

Look at it this way. Humans are spiritual creatures, correct?

Yet we do the same thing to "lesser" species. Why? To learn, and in many cases, to save.

For example, semen extraction. Weird and perverse at first glance, but look deeper. I think an instance where a team of biologists and conservationists capture a cougar from it's home (abduction), insert an electrical stimulator into it's rectum (anal probe) and stimulate it's genitals via gentle electrical current, extracting semen. We did this and still do this for the sake of the Florida Panther, to save the species. We then collar it and let it loose back into the wild. (Implant).

See a similarity?

getting back to the topic at hand, I believe in God, or the Creator, but prefer not to label Him with such meager mortal names.

I'm getting around to accepting Christ, though I have yet to open my spirit to Him and really believe.

"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." -Ralph Waldo Emerson


"I would like to challenge the perception that feelings and experiences indicate the existence of a God_Goddess .If this offends anyone I offer my apologies in advance ,"sorry mate but this is how I see it.".
Firstly feelings can be influenced by different factors ,the physical body produces endorphins and hormones ,while childhood events drive our moods If we look at the feelings that do not eventuate from us, they are open to personal interpretation
In fact all feeling and experances pass threw the filter of our perception.
Experiences can also be driven and interpreted by how we think,apparently at death we are met by whom we expect ,Jesus , Buddha or maybe a angel,this could also apply to visions etc..Voices (sorry I have to say this folks ) could be schizophrenia ,then maybe its your small inner voice , guides or the wind ."

  It is all very true and very possible.  But experiences like these and many others help us to decide what is real and what is not.  There is no other way to live.  You know that the chair you are in is real because you can feel it, see it, touch it, and probably in some bad experiences smell it.  But on the same note you believe that emotions are real, anger, saddness, love.  You can not touch them, see them, smell them, you can only feel them.  
  It is not that one person experiences some thing and it is true for everyone.  But the experience makes it true for them.  

And in the end that is all that matters.
Michael Ghostwolf,

   And interesting idea.  Could it be that "they" are doing it for our own benifit?  If you look at it that way it could be that they see the destruction of the species nearing and wish to save a few.........Every one onto the ark.  An interesting spin.

David Rogalski
I am he who walks in the light but is masked by the shadows.

Josh Redstone

I'm a skeptical kind of person, and I love discussions like this.
I've read things like, "I know God exists because he and I have talked." or "I have felt his presence." Far be it for me to dispute this with you guys, who obviously believe this very deeply, but no one, no matter how much they think they do, understands the workings of the world or the universe around us to know wether they have been in contact with god, if such a being even exists. You dont know that what you felt was the presence of a God, that just seems to be the general feeling of beings on this planet. The reason why, I beleive, is because we hear of this idea of a God from the moment we hear the words of the language we speak for the first time. It is almost programmed into us. Naturally, this is what you would think something like a presence of this type is. Maybe someone of another religion or race may feel that that feeling would be something else?
My feelings on this matter are simple. Believe whatever you want, but as much as we like to think so, we dont know for sure, and no one has the right  to tell another group of people that this is the way it is or it isn't, like so many religions have done througout the centuries. I wont tell another person I know that God doesn't exist, because I really dont know for sure. I may beleive he doesn't, but I dont have the right to preach that to people, just the same as someone cant tell me he does exist.  They dont know, they have only been told he does.


Hi everyone!  I've been thinking about what everyone has said.  Lets first look at the Christian definition of God.  God is all-knowing, everywhere present, and all-powerful.  This seems like a good definition in time and space.  But I ask you....what is the definition of God.....if we lived outside of time and space.  :-)  Another good question is if we can ever fully know God.  To me that seems correct.  But what if there was a God in time and space.  To me that would seem that we would be able to know and love him.  Am I correct?  But....then that contradicts the other sentence that God is all-knowing, all-powerful, and everywhere present.  To me it seems that there are different levels of God.  Am I correct?  This to me would make sense.  Alot of people believe that Jesus was God in time and space.  Any Christians out there?  If anyone can prove to me that Jesus is God in time and space.....I would be very much grateful.  Lets keep this friendly too!  I have a question for all the atheists out there too.  How can we come from nothing?  To me the only solution to that problem is that there is a Creator.  

Another interesting concept is what if we are all God.  You are God.  I AM God.  We are all God.  Maybe we are not infinite at the moment....but we can't leave out the possibility that we are God.  In the urantia book....which I used to be into believes that we are all sons of God.  That means that we are God because we are his sons. :-P   Maybe there was never a nothing that preceded the Creation.  Maybe we have always been.  But that doesn't make sense to me either!  I say this because I can't remember anything from my past lives.  If I can't remember anything from my past lives what the heck is the point of past lives?  It seems if we don't remember anything then past lives are meaningless.  To me....common sense rules out that there are no such thing as past lives.   Comments anyone?  

Maybe God will always remain a mystery at some point.  Maybe we are not God.  But God lives within us because he is everywhere present.  I mean think about it.  That must be the Mystery of Mysteries.  Did you guys know that children are atheists.  This literally makes any bad definition of atheists thrown out the window.  The definition of an atheist is the absence of belief in God.  And thats exactly what little children are...they are atheists.  I mean do you guys think anyone will ever be correct in everything about God the universe etc.  I don't think anyone will ever get it all right.   I mean think about right now to us finite creatures God is so inconceivable it makes your head hurt.  Thats why I am interested in the Christian concept of Jesus.  Because to them he his a God in time and space.  I have alot of questions regarding this matter.   For example....if Jesus was God then how did he get angry at the money changers in that place.....where he flipped over all of those guys know what I'm talking about.   To doesn't make sense that God can have a negative emotion like anger.  Does anyone disagree.  I would love to here your points.  To me...God is positive.....with all positive emotions like love, peace, joy, etc etc.   Well this is getting really long.


"I hear and I forget... I see and I remember... I do and I understand."

Josh Redstone

I have a little saying that I go by. I'm all for Christ, but I'm anti Christian. Sorry if I'v offended anyone so far.
What I mean is, that Jesus was a smart dude. He saw that the workings of society needed to be changed, and he did it by carrying out acts that he knew would tick off the Jewish High preists. As far as I'm concered, he's no saviour, he was just a smat guy who saw the need for change.
Now heres is my problem. Jesus didn't sit up one day and say, "I'll start my own religion and call it Christianity!", it came hundreds of years later, with the writing of the bible. It began when people started to thinnk for themselves, and standing by the believes that Jesus held, this new though that the churches cant controll everything. That brings me to my problem. The churches have been doing the same thing that Jesus was trying to stop. The slaughtering of people on the assumption that they were witches, the wars that are going on in Northern Ireland and in the Middle East, and even those Child Abuse cases the Cathoilic Chirch is fighting today. All Because organized religion just doesn't work. It started off with the bast of intentions, but the churches had power, and power corrupts.
Now, another problem. I dont pretend to know that there is or isn't a god, but the Church presents a rather mean, stupid, angry god. A lot of you mentioned this before, but I think this is a rather unenlightend view to take.
I dont think any of us are intelligent or enlightened enough to comprehend the universe we live in, and I think we ought to stop guessing about a god and sort out the human race first. One of the biggest problems on this planet is organized religion.


Well said or should I say well writen Josh



Cainam Nazier
It is all very true and very possible. But experiences like these and many others help us to decide what is real and what is not. There is no other way to live. You know that the chair you are in is real because you can feel it, see it, touch it, and probably in some bad experiences smell it. But on the same note you believe that emotions are real, anger, sadness, love. You can not touch them, see them, smell them, you can only feel them.
It is not that one person experiences some thing and it is true for everyone. But the experience makes it true for them

It is all very true and possible  but you statements are  out of context and misrepresents what I wrote .Chairs feelings and experiences are real its the interpretation  of these things that are at question .
A chair to some one living  in the heart of  the  jungle could represent fire wood .
A Atheist a witch and a Scientist  are walking down the road when they are stopped by a figure bathed in light .The Atheist was raised a Catholic so sees Jesus ,he's intently born again. The Witch feels blessed by the great goddess her faith is reconfirmed The Scientist choses not to see the figure and wonders what quirk of nature  coursed the light ,such are experiences.
As for feelings they come and go like the wind and are just  as elusive
