Sam Parnia on the Aware study

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It says that out of 2060 cardiac arrest patients, only 657 survived.

Out of that 657, only 152 would do an interview.

Out of 152, 30% (roughly 46 people)reported what qualifies as an NDE according to the study but no one reported seeing God or a white light. They only reported what they perceived to be happening in the room.

From there, they only tell us a tiny bit about two cases, not that only two people had the NDE.

Unfortunately they can't predict when and where someone will have a heart attack so no survivors that were interviewed happened to be in a room with prearranged images.

It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
Mark Twain


These are doctors doing a scientific kind of test .  It would be interesting to know what the Greyson test is .  I would think that some of Sam Parnia's colleagues read these forums and would do as I suggested and put a Barbie , g.i. Joe , or Gumby in a box in a high place in the operating room .


Quote from: Ofen on November 13, 2013, 18:43:25
ok, you have a better story than mine? I know u can only prove to yourselve. I am curious what it could be, I want to listen about your experience. And dont cite any spiritual autors, share with me your own experience.

If this story is good, I will tell you another story, an self-experiment I did for myselfe two times on OBE. Since then I know the power of your mind and its limitation. Since these experiments I know it is all in your mind.
I'd love to share several dozen experiences but since you 'know', it would be of no value to you.  :-P


QuoteAuditory and/or visual experiences during unconsciousness may be a relatively common phenomenon. Even though these experiences may not reflect the conventionally defined NDE and may be different, they may indicate that consciousness may not cease as expected with cessation of heartbeat during CA
Sufficiently vague. Five "mays".

Parnia has admitted that he is seeking follow-on funding so don't expect he will cut his own head off with any firm "NDE's are real" conclusions. I expect that he may get one or two veridical hits that he may spin into another set of "mays".


TylerSnotgern show your stories. Maybe Sam Parnia read this article so his next study will not be about NDE but about OBE. There he can do the image tests with 1000 of OBEler.

And then there is no "maybe these, maybe that" as a result.


The results of any study on NDEs and OOBEs will always be interesting and will garner much attention from interested parties but ultimately, nothing will come of it. Believers will believe and skeptics will doubt or outright disbelieve.

It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
Mark Twain


yeah, look at the results of this 5 years study. But what about a gigantic study with OBEler? Because of internet there are more OBEler than in the 70s or 80s. You can find them more easier.

And then you do it with modern science and not with the science methods n the 70s where some people like Uri Geller can foul scientists.


The whole Aware Study failed. 5 Years study for this? They want to go on with it but it would be better to stop this right now!

Or there should be someone else who leads this study, someone who has knowledge about this stuff. What do you think?


We've only seen the abstract. Has anybody read the full text? Regarding getting someone else to lead it, Sam Parnia is more than competent. Just watch any of his YouTube videos. He's good.
The bad news is there's no key to the Universe. The good news is it's not locked. - Swami Beyondananda


 Here is a recent article that briefly mentions Dr. Sam Parnia's results of his studies on 152 "Survivors".

"During the AHA meeting, Dr. Sam Parnia, head of intensive care at Stony Brook University Hospital in New York, reported early results of a 25-hospital study of how frequently cardiac arrest survivors see or hear things while their hearts are stopped. Of 152 survivors interviewed, 37 percent said they had recollections from the unconscious period. Only two recalled actually seeing events and one described any events that could be verified. None saw images mounted in the treatment room as part of the experiment."

Here is the entire article:


As Mr Parnia is also quoted in this paper, I put it here instead of making a new thread.

Came across this good science paper debunking (or at least criticising heavily) the materialist theories to 'explain away' NDEs as a mere brain phenomenon. It's by the Department of Neurosciences, University of Padova, Padova, Italy / Italian Center of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, Torino, Italy / Department of General Psychology, University of Padova, Padova, Italy

If you're not familiar like me with medicine terminology some parts might be a bit difficult. However, I think it is still readable also for a medical layperson.


Quote from: Astralzombie on November 18, 2013, 09:26:06
The results of any study on NDEs and OOBEs will always be interesting and will garner much attention from interested parties but ultimately, nothing will come of it. Believers will believe and skeptics will doubt or outright disbelieve.
Yep, if you're trying to get the [pseudo]skeptics to buy in with any magnitude, good luck with that. Ain't happening.

It's the fence sitters or the uninitiated that may come across to the proponent position, they are the few, low hanging fruit(s).  :wink:


There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


The bad news is there's no key to the Universe. The good news is it's not locked. - Swami Beyondananda



I read the first two pages and watched how this thread turned into Ofen debating with others the validity of an OBE. Am I understanding that right?

Ofen you posted this a while ago, I wonder if your beliefs have changed?

I would like to say... It IS mind. And that mind is not experienced solely in the brain.

Mind can also be experienced outside of us, and what is inside of us is not dependent on a physical body.

These are just my thoughts. As for validation-

In my early 20's I slept in a dining room and had tow roommates. My mattress would go on the floor when it was time to sleep. During one bout of sleep paralysis, in which I was terrified and trying to break myself free, my roommate walked into the kitchen. I remember seeing the time- and I remember what he grabbed out of the refrigerator. I also remember me trying to scream to him for help as I was in a state of fight or flight like you wouldn't believe. But no help came, to him I was sound asleep.

Anyways- it was crazy to me, and the next day I talked to him about it. He told me he was in the kitchen at the time I told him, and when I asked him if he saw me struggling he said no.

You can say I am a liar, it wouldn't matter to me. For me, the experience was "mind blowing" in that I was able to see things as they were behind closed eyes.

That being said, there are many times where what I'm seeing feels real- looks real, but something about it is different. Something about it is more "mind construct" than the reality of what is. But how much of reality is "mind construct" anyway?

The instance of validation was rare, but helped shape my journey and perceptions.


Hello Tides. Humans are normally very defensive and self righteous creatures. My Spiritual experiences have been so profound and important to me. It also has an ancillary side effect of me really not caring much if someone has taken the liberty not to believe me or if it detracts from my credibility. I have plenty of credibility in the physical world, and it has not answered the most important  questions of all... do we live on beyond death and are we more than our physical bodies. If they decide to take something from what I report to help them open their minds then that's great. If not, then that's their path and it doesn't bother me in the least.

My profession is to convince people I am right, but with Spiritual matters that is a much different story. I will assist, enlighten, but not aggressively convince anyone of what a I have seen, experienced or believe.

Along with countless Spiritual experiences (OBEs, Projections etc...) that I have had, one medical incident quickly sent me out of body to what felt like the Void. I awoke to a room filled with doctors and nurses in total chaos. I awoke in total peace and began telling of my experience. Interestingly, the doctors didn't appear as interested as the nurses were.

"Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all the heavenly glory." Bruce Lee


When comes to giving advice, opinion, healing, etc, all we need to do is provide the information/energy. After that what others do with it is none of our concerns. No convincing needed, because we don't know their paths and what they have chosen to experience for their own learning curriculum. The same goes if we are receivers. We have to discern what is true for us at that time, what to accept and what to reject. Maybe we would have beliefs where we would reject certain ideas but at a later time we would accept them as true. This is the nature of learning and growth. Eventually all of us would remember again who we are and what is the nature of existence. No rush, we have eternity :)

But I know one thing. Even if none of this is real and we have just this one life and then will cease to exist, I am having hell of a fun and joy by believing what I am believing  and making the most of it. Where as if someone is pondering on negativity and doubt, constantly chasing, constantly worrying, then this one life is spent in pain. Is it worth it.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Quote from: LightBeam on January 09, 2025, 10:54:02But I know one thing. Even if none of this is real and we have just this one life and then will cease to exist, I am having hell of a fun and joy by believing what I am believing  and making the most of it. Where as if someone is pondering on negativity and doubt, constantly chasing, constantly worrying, then this one life is spent in pain. Is it worth it.
That truly exemplifies the statement - "you create your own reality".  :)