Projection Journal- tides2dust. Entries, Past Experiences, Notes and Questions

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my youngest daughter has been here 44 years today

yes, we are all connected
even when we are so far away

here, or where we travel to..

when time slows
NOW is closer : )


i had 3-4 successful OBE's last night/this morning.

I did not record right away, by the end I was so tired I dreamt I was eating food to sustain my energy levels.

It was raining. The first OBE I almost missed the chance by resisting that overcoming sensation(again). I get over that instinct to fight much faster now. I feel this wavy lullaby sensation and I start rocking my arms out from my body. I decide to stand up, success. I decide not to walk but to float- even better.

I decide I'm going to phase through my door, and it all works just fine. I glide down my stairs and I ride the ceiling. I project out to my backyard.

It's raining, but I'm not getting wet. And even though it's night time it feels like the sun is out. It's kind of bright out here! And the colors are so beautiful. I go high up into the sky and the rain almost appears more like snow. I go to the top of my tree and start playing with the leaves. I'm laughing and feel so much joy shaking the leaves of my tree. The green is so much more vivid, it feels like everything here is alive.


Ok, I wake up. I think I have to go to the restroom... But I wasn't done with my OBE so I skip the restroom and try again to project. Success...

I go to the backyard, it's not as sunny as it was in the first projection. And there's no rainy snow anymore either. It's nighttime and I'm standing in the backyard and get the idea to use the CE5 contact method while in the astral. Right away I am feeling assistance. A part of me is almost nervous for how much more powerful I am feeling and witnessing the experience. I ask the guides to help me broadcast the milky way galaxy in my minds eye. I see it in ways I've never seen it before. I instantly channel it down into our universe, to our planet, to my continent, and into my backyard.

I feel as if there are 3 or 4 beings with me now.

Suddenly the white dalmatian puppy I saw in the initial attempt is here with me by my side. I am a bit perplexed why it still chose the dalmatian form. I am asking if it is because I am not ready to see this being in its true form. At this point in the experience everything has become extremely heavy. Like it's difficult to be in this state.
In fact the dalmatian puppy only appears in my peripherals to my right side and kind of like a blur image. Like there's some wall between us. And I wasn't asking directly but I was asking telepathically, almost like a conversation with my self. The puppy is trying to push forward and I am trying to accept it more and more into my field. I intuit that this is as good as it's going to get for now, that I am not ready to see the true form. I believe this being relays this to me before I wake up again. I am somewhat contesting with these beings who happen to be observing that I AM ready and want to see, but a part of me deep down knows that's not true.

I'm up again, listening to the thunder outside.

I realize I once again have the opportunity to project. I feel the wavy sensations, and behind closed eyes I pull my arms out from my arms. I start to ask why I rely on this method so much. Suddenly I am in my room and realize there's an old time radio broadcasting that doesn't belong. There's also a light on a desk that doesn't belong. To much noise I think. And another part of me tries to remind my self I am out of body and something is still attempting to communicate with me. But I think here I start losing lucidity, and I go and turn off the radio and descend into more of a dream like state.

I do wake up and have one final OBE but was so exhausted that I slipped right into a dream about walking down some highway that is under construction in a line with others until I get to my final resting spot with a group of people and am eating food. I dream of family and friends while in this state and think in some instances I had tried showing them the OBE and contact initiatives happening in my backyard, I tried relaying to them what had happened. But it falls on deaf ears and instead a dream state takes over.

I wake up once more to use the restroom and record now what feels like a few hours later.


you are helping me learn navigation here

love your writing, your creations, your work.

oooo la la ((smile :):


Quote from: tides2dust on March 16, 2024, 07:29:19It was raining. The first OBE I almost missed the chance by resisting that overcoming sensation(again). I get over that instinct to fight much faster now. I feel this wavy lullaby sensation and I start rocking my arms out from my body. I decide to stand up, success. I decide not to walk but to float- even better.

That's exactly what I observe every time I experience rain or snow in the astral. Not wet, not cold, but extremely pleasant feeling against my skin. And I've had APs underwater where I found I wont suffocate, there is no need of breathing lol. But while being underwater, the water felt like some pleasant substance, no resistance, just very pleasant surrounding my body.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


This morning I had a bout of sleep paralysis. As the rising sensation occurred I started hearing alien like chatter. "Zingy" is the only way I can describe the pitch in their voices. Because everything was so lifelike I interjected a very firm, "hello!" Except- by doing so the chatter came to a halt and the experience ended.

Perhaps I'm not to impose myself in this experience but to observe?

What followed was also very interesting. I had a very long dream. And by long I mean- the passing of time occurred in the few hours I had slept. Could it have been years? I don't know. But I was aboard a spaceship and traveled across three solar systems.