"New" planet approaching?

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there are two possibilities that i can think of by myself that would allow life on such a planet:

1) thermal heat - the core of their planet can still be active enough to produce enough heat to maintain life. this doesn't have to be as warm as it is near the equator to start a life cycle. nor does it have to be out in the open. it is very possible to establish cities underground.

2) greenhouse-like atmosphere - zecharia himself states that sumerian tablets point to the mission to earth being for gold for their atmosphere. gold would hold heat in for the surface wonderfully. if they could somehow learn to heat their own atmosphere slightly and have it last for long periods of years, this would be a great breakthrough on the planet, and they would be able to live in the open, shed clothes, etc. these are not stupid people. you just have to acknowledge that they exist.

here is the projected orbit of nibiru, based on a 3600-year period (with the possible deviations included! the planet will NOT randomly fly into the sun, just as we do not).


as far as whether or not my sources are valid, my sources are mainly zecharia sitchin books. other than that, i put a lot of thought into other sources. the grays are incorporated into my beliefs from several sources, the main one being a site where the owner claims to have been mentored in the astral by enki himself, and that she has been to the akashic records several times for research.

a source for sirius is the dogon tribe of africa, who possess great astronomical knowledge, as they have for hundreds of years, of a star invisible to the naked eye (sirius B was only discovered in the 1970s, i believe). they even have calenders for a yet-undiscovered planet revolving around it. they credit all their knowledge to beings from the sirius system, and yet although they possess all this incredible astronomical knowledge, they are extremely primitive with many members still living in caves. explain how they knew such things.
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The sooner people realise that life cannot exist on a 10th or 12th planet with a 3600 year orbit around the sun the better for there eventual learning. Some things although hard to believe can be believeable, but some things really need a bit of realistic thought - I dont deny the possible existance of a 12th planet but life could not under any realistic circumstances begin or evolve on such a distant planet from a star - being open minded is one thing but to go against the obvious and to go against common scientific sense is ridiculous.
Knowing the existance of astral projection and astral entities is one thing, but believing life exists on a distant 12th planet on OUR plane of existance and that they genetically engineered us is denying sanity.


denying sanity?

astronomical science is not set in stone. i check up on space.com for space news every day, and i've seen more articles of old theories being shattered than i have of new ones being introduced. 100 or 200 years ago, if you said man will walk on the moon in a hundred years or so, you might've been thought mental.

as i said in a previous post, life has been found underwater that doesn't even use the sun. if the sun suddenly died out without first expanding, etc., then those creatures would still live, unhindered. physical life is *not* dependant on warm temperatures or certain chemicals. it is dependant only on time. as long as there is enough time, life will evolve, given that the temperature is not at absolute zero (which, btw, is physically impossible to reach without some extremely advanced machine, etc.).

of course, the annunaki eat and breathe as we do. a combination of thermal heat and thick atmosphere is completely possible, though unheard-of for a planet that extends so far out. darwin's theory was unheard of and ridiculed. newton's theories were unheard of and ridiculed. so were gallileo's. i'm not saying sitchin should be ranked among these people, i'm saying that what we think of as possible and impossible are relative to the time period we live in. unfortunately, space and time are not always in accord to our technological understanding.
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Zebrima: I'm not sure but it could be "Trina" or "Trianna", you might want to try that. And please let me know what you find out, if possible, I'm curious!


The goddess Inanna (Innin, or Innini) was the patron and special god/goddess of the ancient Sumerian city of Erech (Uruk), the City of Gilgamesh. As Queen of heaven, she was associated with the Evening Star (the planet Venus), and sometimes with the Moon. She may also have been associated the brightest stars in the heavens, as she is sometimes symbolized by an eight-pointed star, a seven-pointed star, or a four pointed star. In the earliest traditions, Inanna was the daughter of An, the Sky, Ki, the Earth (both of Uruk, (Warka)). In later Sumerian traditions, she is the daughter of Nanna (Narrar), the Moon God and Ningal, the Moon Goddess (both of Ur).

For more information: http://www.crystalinks.com/sumergods.html [:)]


Yes, a couple months ago.



ah... inanna.. see, if i had my book with me i couldve named it right off the bat [:P]
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


Gravity does have a great effect on the height of things.  Imagine if you had 2, 3, 4 G's on you right now.  Now imagine the entire world felt like that.  Because we have a lower gravity the dinosaurs were allowed to be a gigantic size.  On a planet with 3 times our gravity I would assume that everything would be much shorter, if not they would be very muscular people indeed.  We are smaller than dinosaurs because it was a more efficient design, mainly quicker reproducing times.  Due to the event that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs all the large animals were destroyed and the smaller ones survived due to obvious reasons.

I dont know about that breeding thing you said.  Just because things start out from the same root genetic structure doesnt mean that 2 mammals are genetically compatable.

Also 100 years ago is was popularly thought that a breed of men existed on the moon and Mars.  Mars was believed to belong to an advanced civilization that had mastered very sophisticated canal techniques.  These were seen 110 years ago and suddenly disappeared, was blamed on faulty glasses.  These were mapped.  Lights on the moon are seen today.

I'm not saying that this is not possilbe, the 10th planet and all but that it will be a hella hard place to live on unless the conditions are optimal.  Ever read Giglamesh?


ive never read the whole translation of gilgamesh but i know what happens in it. gilgamesh is 2/3 divine and therefore wants immortality. he rapes young women to try to stay young, people complain, enkidu (a creation of enki) is sent down to teach him a lesson. they get in a fight and afterwards become great friends. gilgamesh goes to see shamash at the land of the shems to seek immortality, but a great machanical beast is in his way. right before he and enkidu are killed, one of the annunaki there shuts the metal contraption off and gilgamesh and enkidu flee. some whore 'goddess' then offers herself to gilgamesh, he refuses, she seeks revenge.. gilgamesh eventually winds up in the sinai/northern africa in a boat, enkidu dies, and gilgamesh is later denied immortality.

my point on gravity was that gravity doesn't really limit evolution, it just gives evolution something to work with. the annunaki are taller than humans by sumerian accounts. i guess when they mixed themselves with the shorter apemen, we got downsized. i don't know why they are taller when their planet is bigger, but evolution has apparently allowed them to be such.

Also 100 years ago is was popularly thought that a breed of men existed on the moon and Mars. Mars was believed to belong to an advanced civilization that had mastered very sophisticated canal techniques. These were seen 110 years ago and suddenly disappeared, was blamed on faulty glasses. These were mapped. Lights on the moon are seen today.

i vaguely remember hearing such things before. that goes along with what i was saying about how things don't always fit perfectly into our scientific beliefs.
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?



I read about the sumerian godess called Inanna, and it seems like she has some interesting similiarities to the woman I saw during my dream or obe. I will comment some of them.

"She was gentle and loving, a source of beauty and grace. She was a source of inspiration."

This description fits well into the impression I got about her.

"Inanna could be wily and cunning. She outwitted both Enki, the God of Wisdom, and her dark sister Ereshkigal."

Although the feeling I got about her was mostly positive and loving, I felt I couldn't trust her completely, there was something about her that made me feel a little bit suspicious.

"Indeed, one aspect of Inanna is as the Goddess of Love, and it is in this aspect that she embodies creativity, procreativity, passion, raw sexual energy and power. "

The part about the eyes and the expanding pupils: I've thought a lot about that, since it was one of the more "dramatic" things for me during my encounter with her. I have two possible explainations: (If you have some more or comments about them, please let me know):

1) The expanding pupils is a part of the anatomy of the "higher evolved" gods or people of Nibiru. They are able to control their pupils and eyes, maybe this makes them see or sense things that people on earth are not able to see or sense - our eyes are not that developed. (Please compare with the biblic episode in Eden - where Adam and Eve eats the forbidden fruit and then they are "able to see things" they didn't see before). The expanding pupils was a way for her to a) check me out by gazing into my soul (because that was how it felt like) and b) demonstrate her powers and status as a "higher developed godess" . She got surprised because a) I didn't get scared or felt like I had anything to hide from her and/or b) maybe I managed to expand my pupils a bit as well.

2) The expanded pupils are related to sexual matters - if we see someone or something we like, our pupils expand. Her "passion, raw sexual energy and power" could somehow be related to her expanding pupils.

Well those are my comments for now...

Love and light,


Zebrima bor u i Sverige? Var i Sverige? [:)]


LapSiLap: Jag bor i Malmö...precis som du?! [:D]


I have heard about some of the Sumarian prophecies from a friend of mine last year. He went into great detail about how some of us are "more alien than others." He had also said that there are (certain people) who know a lot more than they are telling us. Who's to really say there isn't a 10th planet...I think most of us believe what we are told. (It could be "classified" information.) Life itself as we know it could be one big cover-up, to protect us from "freaking out." You never know. Haven't you ever felt as if something just isn't right?[8)]


I have yet to read the replies (there are 3 pages worth O_O) but here are my two cents for now.

Sounds like the Nibiru planet people have been talking about on another post. Those special comets could have arrived last night I think. All around the country, there were reports of "fireballs" flying in the sky. They were huge meteors/comets that sometimes gave off a brilliant blue-green color. Many reports were also heard coming from the US, so says this morning's paper.

So, is the prophecy true? I'm getting chills. I think I'll read as much as I can now and go do something else.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

No amount of rigorous training, sitting and doing nothing, and clearing one's mind can help a man who hasn't overcome his doubts.


awesome! [:D]

the debris ('fireballs') was created and sent ahead of nibiru during the first collision, which created the asteroid belt. there should be *craploads* of that stuff before and after nibiru drifts by. theres a good amount of it still hovering all around the planet. we might be discovering some new comets, too, with 3600 year cycles, if there's anything big enough to count as a major comet.

so if there are any new comet discoveries, and the comets are given something close to a 3600-year period, or no one can tell because of its huge orbit, then *i'll* be freaking out to! this is getting good. [:D]
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If the aliens tried to inhabit earth once, maybe they'll do it again. Hmm... "War of the Worlds" comes to mind.


oh oh, what will happen if Niburu really comes? I've read somewhere that Earth will be affected by Niburu's gravity [:O]


nibiru's gravity is already affecting us. the ring of fire around the pacific is becoming more and more active as you read this. the tectonic plates are being pulled on.

they created us and let us live, so i dont think theyre going to wage war on us for control of earth.
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


"I had a family friend that would goto Zetatalk for kicks and giggles and she reported this schizo story before Sitchin ever wrote his books."

psi, your post was complete bs, almost in its entirety. sorry o.O. sitchin wrote his first book in 1976. i dont think the internet was even public at this point in time. there is no way zetatalk was around. you obviously dont know what youre talking about on that one.

as far as i know, no new planet has been discovered, either. pluto was in 1931.

the theory of universal collapse does not pinpoint 2012, either. it wouldnt be that sudden. 2012 is less than 10 years away. it was take much longer for the universe to collapse. plus, this theory is no longer the leading theory. the leading theory is now that the universe will speed off into oblivion at the speed of light, because dark matter is acting on the universe and pulling the physical apart in all directions *at an ever-increasing speed*. this means that eventually everything will being going at the speed of light in all directions, away from other mass.
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?

What Tha Phak


Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't Tiamat the name of a huge giant dragon or something? Something to do with fire at least.

And grays. Could you expand on them?

This could be very interesting. The whole thing about Egypt was in my mind a lot during reading this post. The "higher" humans using the "lower" kind for slave labour brings to mind ancient Egypt, and those pyramids could be inspired architecture from the annunaki.

And about the name of this "goddess." Her name could quite well be Trianna. I mean, cultures change and so do languages. They don't have to be the same as the sumerians called them. In fact, the annunaki could have a number of dialects. Much like the Chinese have about 2-5 dialects I think, perhaps more??

I'd also like to know more about Grays. There was also some system I saw before in this same post called Pre~ something, forgot the name.

I don't like Grays. If I ever saw one my initial instinct would to beat the living crap out of it. But seeing as they've been around for ages, they could be shapeshifters like in the story of Roswell. Evil lil bastards.

I'm starting to get excited about this. This all links in to what kakkarot was talking about on the post in Prophecy and Divination. But then again I don't want people to die. What if people I know and love are destroyed? Would I be able to forgive the "gods?" What if it wasn't even their fault? Would I still blame them? Would I even be able to live without my loved ones??

In the end - I really want to meet them [:D]

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

No amount of rigorous training, sitting and doing nothing, and clearing one's mind can help a man who hasn't overcome his doubts.


I also caught a glimpse of a documentary on discovery channel on this Planet X. There actually HAS been a sighting of another planet outside our solar system, quite possibly in our solar system but with a very odd shaped orbit. The sighting was by the hubble space telescope me thinks...but anyhoo there was about TWO other planets speculated/seen. Maybe the other one is a moon of nibiru or a really big rock in the cluster of meteors around it.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

No amount of rigorous training, sitting and doing nothing, and clearing one's mind can help a man who hasn't overcome his doubts.


yes, there is a great deal of debris still hanging around nibiru.

tiamat was a word first used by sumerians. if it appears again in history, it was either inspired from the sumerians or else totally unrelated.

the grays.. i can't expand on them that much. they came from the sirius system, or at least i believe so at this point in time. they were the forefathers of the annunaki, and therefore are forefathers of us. they spread their life seed onto nibiru, and nibiru spread it to us. either the annunaki or the grays had a hand in the evolution of life on earth, i believe, because it's just too much of a coincidence that bipedals started evolving after the destruction of dinosaurs, and all this evidence for aliens points to bipedaled aliens.

their homeworld (the grays') was destroyed in war. from what i've read, i take it they aren't an overly friendly race. not being able to find another suitable homeworld, they live as pirates in space, and have been for a good long while. they've been gradually evolving to fit an environment with a very limited amount of gravity (free space), which is a boneless bag of organs. so they're bodies are becoming weaker and weaker though they may be becoming more intelligent. to try and preserve their race, they take dna from earth beings, either human, bovine, pig, or anything close. not all abductions are real, but the hype started somewhere.

funny what you said about the egyptians.. egypt was the second colony established on earth (sumeria 1st, indus valley 3rd). though we still know little of indus valley, what we can read of their religion shows similarities with both sumer and egypt. egypt would later become enki's realm when the annunaki started feuding over territory on earth (this lead to them being brought back home by the leader of nibiru, anu).

the three major pyramids of egypt were built by the annunaki. the others are just poser attempts. there is substantial evidence that the 3 great pyramids were not of egyptian construction, but science refuses to accept this. the 3 main pyramids are the only ones without hieroglyphics. also, *none* of the pyramids were used as tombs. only intrusion burials were performed in any of the pyramids, when later rulers decided they wanted to be buried in the pyramids, and the pyramids were broken into and the pharoahs were laid to rest inside. NONE of the presumed creators of the pyramids were actually buried *inside* of them, but a burial grounds nearby. also, all the step pyramids were originally actual pyramids, but were made primitively, even *after* the main ones were *presumably* built. how would their technology decrease so rapidly? the egyptians themselves never had it. the step pyramids, btw, had clay laid on the blocks to make the triangular shape, while the 3 main ones used limestone which is still in relatively awesome condition today.

the annunaki used the pyramids as guides to sumeria/sinai. there was a large starport in the sinai peninsula, which was eventually nuked in the biblical upheavel of gomorrah (sp?) in which 'evil winds' of 'sulfur and fire' rained down on the ancient people. sounds eerily like a nuke, huh? and then there are those scorched rocks that can't be accounted for, as there are no nearby volcanoes, and the rocks are sedimentary..

the pyramids, when viewed from above or side angles, give a very good idea of which way you are facing. the annunaki used them to guide themselves to the starport, or sumer, depending of course on their destination. the sphinx rests almost exactly on the 30 degree line and points straight west, on the 30 degree line. the indus valley civilization is also almost exactly on the 30 degree line, and with a circle sized circle, you can land both sumerian cities and greek cities on the perimeter of the circle exactly, as well as certain mountain tops. all the angles of the ancient sites and their relativity to one another is freaky.. it's shown on the last few pages of sitchin's second book.

i have to contact this guys in the astral, if possible, before they come. i have to be spared! [:D] maybe i'll even be allowed to eat food from their home planet, thereby somehow extending my lifespan greatly. the ancients regarded this as the food of the gods; the food that made the 'gods' 'immortal'. the sumerians didnt actually refer to the annunaki as gods, just more spiritually advanced people that guided them.

theres still a lot of connecting i have to do. sitchin tries to stay reasonable, and sticks to his evidence. he doesn't venture into theories about the grays, etc., but they can be easily tied in. i need to do more research for myself. thanks for your interest, though, ft [:)]
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


this planet, why hasn't anyone seen it or reported it are the goverments of the world covering it up.With are telescopes we should be able to see it.


there have been plenty of photos taken of unknown objects (that cannot be identified as anything because of a lack of information), it's just a matter of identifying them. but this is where the problem is, because astronomers aren't looking for another planet. neptune and pluto were looked for, and were located through lots of astronomical calculations based on how some body beyond uranus was effecting uranus with it's gravitational pull. astronomers did the math, and then pointed their telescopes to where in the sky they thought these planets should be. then after finding several bodies, they studied them to see which ones moved, and then they had their planet. they weren't just blindly searching for planets; space is *much* too vast for that. nibiru will be found eventually, and probably by surprise.

if astronomers start looking for more planets, they'll automatically focus around/beyond pluto (that is where a conflict arises, as an unknown force is still effecting even pluto's orbit, and if you ask me, pluto never solved the problem of something acting on even neptune's orbit. neptune is much too big for little pluto to effect). even if they start noticing strange behavior on saturn and jupiter and the outer planets from nibiru's gravity, they still won't be looking for another planet within the orbits of our known planets most likely. it just wouldn't make sense for them. so don't hold your breath for the planet to be spotted and classified (correctly) by professional astronomers.
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


since you say they might destroy us could we first attack them or would that be really stupid.We need all they advantages we can get. Or should we go wiyh diplomacy and hope they give us pity.