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Messages - Robert Bruce

Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / Core Images
October 14, 2004, 01:19:00

In my opinion, the only reasonable explanation for such a dream would be that it is possible this dream was telepathically projected into your mind during sleep, to create a core image. Because of this possibility, it would be advisable to target this with the core image removal method, just in case.

If you do this, do it in full daylight hours, as this will be less creepy.

If you dont' have my book, PPSD, core image removal instructions are given in my articles section of my website.

Note, I am not saying that anything bad is happening here. My suggestion is 'just in case'. As you have no other symptoms of psychic interference, some core image work should solve things. This is also healthy action, psychologically speaking, eg, doing something positive to remove disturbing thoughts, dreams, worries, etc.  

Take care, Robert.

Quote from: sstonevenussEEEAK!!!!

no kidding, I can't believe this is up here...Just last night I had the worst dream ever!!!!

I've been having a lot of wierd ones, as I am pregnant and probably working out my worries as i sleep, but I was so disturbed by this one, and these are the 2 main subjects!!!!

I was holding someone else's baby...very nice, then it wanted to nurse, but it wasn't my I felt strange allowing it, but it insisted..

it started out all cute and warm and sweet, but it turned into this creature with teath that threatened to bite if i tried to stop it. then as I was there helpless with this disgusting thing on me, another adult creature climbed up the side of the bed and started to touch me all over with these creapy skinny long boney fingers and pointy nails. I was so glad to wake up...

it was horrible. Why on earth would i dream something so nasty???

But the names incubus and succubus were the first 2 words I thought of as I woke up.    very veryy creapy, i hated it. A.

so glad it was just a dream...
G'day Folks!

This topic has been set up specifically for the open discussion of all things relating to Buddhism that do not fit the theme of 'Friendly Exploration' in the other Buddhism thread.

This is the place to discuss related issues and air gripes, etc.

Take care, Robert.
G'day Folks!

This topic is for the open discussion of things that relate to Islam, but do not fit the theme of 'friendly exploration'.  This thread is open to discussion and debate of all matters relating to Islam. For example, if you want to debate issues like female circumcision and womens rights, this is the place for that.

The other sticky topic 'Islam' is 'strictly' for the friendly 'exploration' of the Islamic faith, and off topic posts 'will' be deleted.

Take care, Robert.

G'day Folks!

This topic is for the free and open discussion and debate of anything and everything relating to Hinduism that does not fit the theme of 'friendly exploration'. So, if you want to discuss sexual misconduct of Hindu priests, or animal rights, of want to air some gripes, this is the place for that.

Take care, Robert.

G'day Folks!

This thread is 'strictly' for the friendly exploration of the Hindu religion and its holy books.

This thread WILL be MODERATED.  It is NOT for the critique or debate of Hinduism and related matters.  Off topic posts will be deleted.

Please use the 'Hinduism (open discussion)' thread to discuss matters that relate to Hinduism but do not fit the above given theme.

Lastly, my appologies. I accidentally deleted the original Hindu thread last night.

Take care, Robert.
G'day Folks!

I was wondering if anyone could help me find Marc Vandekeere.

His email address used to be

Marc produces OBE and Lucid Dream CD's and I was did a review of his CD's about a year ago.  They are quite good, and also inexpensive.

Anyway, I tried to send the review several months ago and my email bounced, and still bounces.

He seems to have disappeared -- maybe he's been abducted by aliens?

If anyone knows his whereabouts or current website or email address I would be greatful for the information.

Take care, Robert.
G'day Folks!

I finally have some stock in hand, and autographed copies of PPSD and AD
are now available. A shopping cart will soon be set up on the website.

For now, you can order by logging onto and doing the following: (Note that Paypal uses a Secure Server, so you are totally safe. All prices are in US dollars).

*Go to

*Select to 'Send Money'

* Insert this address =

* Fill in the correct details and amount (See the 'extra information' at the end of this post)

*Use your credit card.

*Make sure you have your address and payment details correct.

*Make sure you include the 'country' to send book to, and 'who' to make autograph out to.

*Click on continue.

*Here's a handy Yahoo currency converter you can use to check prices against your local currency.


Please Note:

* All prices below are in US dollars.
* OS = Overseas
* PnP = postage and packing


PPSD: (weight = 700 grams)

Book price = $23.00 US

Overseas PnP: Economy Airmail = $7.00 US (per book)
Express Airmail = $10.00 US (per book)

Australia PnP = $5.00 US (same for up to 3 books: prepaid bag carries 3 ).

*Total for one OS book: Economy Air = $30.00 US
Express Air = $33.00 US

*Total for one book ordered from within Australia = $28.00 US


Astral Dynamics: (weight = 900 grams)

Per Book price = $23.00 US

Overseas PnP: Economy Airmail = $10.00 US (per book)
Express Airmail = $13.50 US (per book)

Australia PnP = $5.00 US (same for up to 3 books as prepaid bag carries 3 books for same price)

*Total price including PnP for one OS book: Economy Air = $33.00 US
Express Air = $36.50 US

*Total price including PnP for one book ordered from within Australia = $28.00 US

*For cheaper copies (not autographed) go to through link provided on

*Please note that author has to pay to ship all books from the USA, all the way to Australia, re why they are more expensive than other sources outside Australia. Author is charging the standard Australian retail price.

* Delivery Times:

*OS Economy Airmail = up to 40 days from shipping date.
*OS Express Airmail = up to 10 days from shipping date.

*Aus: up to 10 days from shipping date.

*Books will be shipped to customers within 7 days of receipt of order, interdimensional weather permitting.

*Orders with faulty addresses or payments will be refunded via paypal's 30 day refund facility

*No refunds will be given after books have been shipped.

*Customers 'must' include their full address, plus the destination 'country'.

*Please include 'who' to make the autograph out to for each book ordered.

*New Zealand customers: please pay 'OS Economy Air' rate and books will be shipped 'Express Air'.

Take care, Robert.

G'day Folks!

I have chosen to use a new topic, locked, to make it easier for everyone to follow Maoli-chan's progress at a glance.

Take care, Robert.


Following is the up to date report.  Please excuse the Jack/professional med speak:

September 15

Update on Maoli Kasai

Many of you have asked to be informed of this case and I hope what follows
will be of interest:

Thanks to all of Koji Kasai's concerned friends. Koji (Maoli-chan's father) is most appreciative of your efforts. This is the latest on little Maoli.

At age 6 months in Hawaii, Koji came to me saying "Jack san, can you take a look at Maoli? Her color is not good."

She had vomited one time that morning and when I looked at her, the only
difference that I saw is that she did not spontaneously smile as usual. As
far as her color, she looked normal to me but I felt that Koji knew best so
I called pediatrician Dr. Ruth Matsuura and she advised us to bring Maoli
directly to her office. There, she agreed that Maoli had a "shocky" look,
but blood pressure was just slightly below normal, but still, there appeared
to possibly be something wrong. She advised us to take to the Hilo Hospital
emergency room for evaluation and admission and lumbar puncture. All of this was done, x-rays, the spinal tap and blood cultures and blood studies. All were normal.

She was treated empirically for two days and on the third day, suddenly
returned to her normal cheerful self.

Koji and his wife Eriko, returned to Tokyo with Maoli. They took her as
planned for evaluation and at age 10 months for a 'well baby' check up. No
problems, no abdominal mass.

On her 1 yr birthday, October 21 last year, things began. Koji and Eriko
noticed a lump or swelling in her abdomen. By the next day, scans had been
done and a liver tumor was diagnosed and by the appearance on the scan, a

This is rare, incidence of 0.5 to 1 per million. Lung scan revealed
metastatic lesions thus making her a stage IV case. Even so, if her tumor
would respond to chemotherapy (decrease in size) then resection of the
hepatic and pulmonary lesions could give up to a 75% chance of a cure.

She had several chemotherapy sessions, the mother staying with her all of
the time and Koji only leaving for urgent matters. She became ill with
bleeding and loss of appetite but recovered as did her white count.

She then had surgery for resection of the liver lesions and the lung lesions
were no longer seen on CT scan. Her alphafetoprotein (blood marker for
tumor) decreased remarkably. As she recovered, the time came when the AFP increased and scans showed recurrence of the lung lesions in her left lung.  Further chemotherapy, bone marrow transplant and then, in late July, a
resection of 2/3 of her left lung.

She had it rough then, persistent bleeding from the chest tubes and being
supported by the heart-lung machine and heparin. She initially could make it
off the machine for 10 minutes but by August 13, the maximum was down to
five minutes.

At this point, most of you know the story. Many people were praying for
Maoli, many were doing at-a-distance healing, and I decided that this was an
important moment for materialization at a distance. But that is another
story, I will skip for now, but let me tell you what happened. A Qi Gong
sensei treated her, she was given Jorei two times and Koji called to say
that the doctors suddenly decided to insert another chest tube which
improved her numbers and they also recommended a repeat lung surgery to stop the bleeding. I felt it wise and Koji agreed. He kept in touch with me
hourly to report and surgery went well. The next day she was tried off the
heart-lung pump and managed 1/2 hour, then 1 hour, then 2 then the entire
day and from that point on, the pump (heart/lung) was no longer needed.

She was being slowly weaned from the respirator and doing well when on or about September10, a blood AFP level showed an increase to 1000ng/ml. Then a repeat two days later showed an increase to 1400 ng/ml. Just like before when the rise signaled a return of the pulmonary lesions, again Koji and Eriko were shocked in the face of seeming improvement. On September 12, Koji noticed that Maoli tended to use her right arm less (spontaneously) than her right. On September 13 she became densely right hemiparetic (paralysis of arm and leg) and that night, a neurosurgeon happened to be in the ICU seeing another patient. Koji ran the matter by him and he recommend an immediate CT. The liver, lung and brain were scanned.

Koji called me and sadly informed that the doctors had found the reason for
the increase in the AFP. He said that now Maoli had five (5) metastatic
lesions in her brain, one very large and it had bleed. He had been advised
to proceed with the trach as planned but then to move Maoli to a private
room where he and Eriko could spend quality time with her, as her days were now said to be severely numbered.

Koji is my friend, and like a son to me. I have never met a more pleasant
guy. He always said that he obtains pleasure from making others happy. Now, Koji appeared devastated by the news. He was asked to make the decision to move her from the ICU, be with her and perhaps, if she could not breathe on her own, discontinue respiratory support.

At this point I arranged to be at Koji's side, not by materialization, but
by 'immediate' travel to Japan. It was still hard to believe this could happen
to Koji, Maoli and Eriko after over 10 months of ups and downs and what
appeared to be a disease conquered. I discussed this with many people who
knew of the situation and I spoke with no one who had given up hope.
Something still appeared strange.

I arrived with My wife the evening of September 14 and that Sunday afternoon we went directly by trains to the hospital. Koji met us at the final station and kindly drove us the remaining few miles to the hospital. He reviewed the case saying that on Monday (today) the hospital would not be in full operation due to a Japanese holiday (elder's day, for me?) but the doctors wanted to meet with him to have his decision, the ok to move Maoli to a room where they could stay with her for the week or two (perhaps longer) that she had to live.

We arrived in the ICU and after dressing in caps, gowns, masks and shoe
covers, we went to the bedside. There I saw little Maoli for the first time
in over a year and I was quite surprised to find her alert, following and
focusing with her eyes, crying a bit (I am sure she did not remember me but
thought of us as new doctors about to puncture her skin or suction her
endotracheal tube. She had a dense right hemiparesis but no facial weakness. She had good left-sided movements. Without the tube, she appeared ready to talk if she could.

Two residents kindly met us to show me the scans. This is where it became
interesting. As you read what follows, the oncologist and neurosurgeon are
not to be criticized, in the long run they could be correct, but what I saw
was a brain CT done without contrast. Koji had thought it was a contrast
scan because prior to the scan they were asked to sign a consent for iodine
administration. (radioacive Iodine is normally injected to provide CT contrast).

The scan showed one large (for the child's brain) 3 to 4 cm left frontal
lesion, bright in signal intensity with a rim of surrounding edema. There
were three other smaller lesions, not contiguous but adjacent and one small
right frontal lesion. All were hyperintense meaning they were bright white
with the surrounding edema dark as expected. It had been explained to Koji
that the bright area of the large tumor was bleeding and the surrounding
dark area was the tumor.

Viewing the scan, my opinion differed. I saw no marking of "C+" which is, as
far as I know, the universal description of a contrast-enhanced CT scan.
Furthermore, there was no clear definition of the middle cerebral vessels or
the basilar and and posterior cerebral arteries that is normally seen with a
high-quality enhanced CT. Finally, no areas of choroid plexus could be seen
enhancing as would be expected on a contrast study. Therefore, I reasoned,
this scan must have been done without contrast and the hyperintense (white
areas) thought to be tumor were areas of hemorrhage. A 10/2001 head CT
without contrast was available for comparison and it was distinctly normal.

This was a key point. If it had indeed been a contrast CT, then it would be
unclear what portions were hemorrhage and what portions may represent
enhancing tumor. To scan for a potential brain problem would normally start
with a non-contrast scan. Koji, however, was under the distinct impression
that the scan was with contrast and therefore, there were 5 areas of
metastatic tumor. We were scheduled to meet with the oncologist and
neurosurgeon the next day (today, Monday at 2 pm)

Monday Meeting

The oncologist and neurosurgeon were very kind and  professional and came to the hospital on this holiday to discuss Maoli's situation. They patiently
listened to my explanation. This condition of hepatoblastoma was a first for
me, and for the oncologist, although his associate had trained in England in
several cases. His research revealed one prior case with mets to the brain in Japan and only one other case outside of Japan with brain metastatic
lesions. On top of the rarity of the hepatoblastoma, brain mets were much
more rare in such cases. This seemed to substantiate my point.

Of the cellular types of hepatoblastoma, is it of interest that the one Maoli had
was previously described in the literature by Kasai (no relation). Of all
the types, none are described as angioplastic or highly vascular. The liver
lesion is not bright on non-contrast CT thus confirming the suspicion that a
non-contrast CT would not be expected to show bright lesions without
contrast. After a long discussion, they agreed that it was highly probable
that the areas seen on CT were hemorrhagic in nature. It is agreed that
perhaps the largest could be a result of hemorrhage into a tumor but to have
five distinct lesions all bleeding at the same time, must be of astronomical
odds. It was agreed that the best bet is to repeat the non-contrast scan of
the brain at a period of a few days to two weeks. My suspicion is that the
small lesions will have nearly resolved and the largest will show partial
resolution. Maoli remains on steroids and prophylactic anticonvulsants and
will have the tracheotomy tomorrow morning.


Little Maoli is not out of the woods with this, but certainly the prognosis
is not as dismal as I had expected. The combined efforts of all of you, and
various doctors such as Dr. Aoki, a neurosurgical friend in Japan, Maoli's
current physicians in an outstanding institution, the family support and the
efforts of the Qi Gong and Jorei practitioners, make make this a singular
case. Indeed, today she showed large gross movements of her right arm and leg, not just the minimal occasional finger movement that I noted yesterday.

Koji will be sending my friend, Robert Bruce, a current photo of her in the ICU that he will share with all of you.

Your efforts and concern and prayers and healing are deeply appreciated!

I will keep you posted. Let's continue to hope that Maoli takes a direct
path to recovery.

My best,


Addendum: For further info on this rare tumor, please see: on alphafetoprotein

and on hepatoblastoma

and for cases that have shown miracles:



G'day folks!

I hereby request urgent prayers and healing for a 2 year old girl who is battling for her life:  Little Maoli-chan in Tokyo hospital. This is her darkest hour.

Maoli is on a respirator after major cancer surgery and a small but inoperable tumor is bleeding.  If her condition does not improve, she is not expected to live out this week.

Please, please send all the healing and prayers you can muster, and ask all your friends to do same.

Many thanks....

Robert Bruce.

Here is a recent picture of little Maoli:

G'day folks!

I hereby request urgent prayers and healing for a 2 year old girl who is battling for her life:  Little Maoli-chan in Tokyo hospital. This is her darkest hour.

Maoli is on a respirator after major cancer surgery and a small but inoperable tumor is bleeding.  If her condition does not improve, she is not expected to live out this week.

Please, please send all the healing and prayers you can muster, and ask all your friends to do same.

Many thanks....

Robert Bruce.

Here is the very latest picture taken today, 17 September 2002, of little Maoli in her hospital care faciities:

Here is a picture of little Maoli-chan, taken a few months ago


                  From... "Hampton Roads Publishing Co"

Our first contest for a signed copy of "The Boy from Nine Miles" was so
popular, we thought we would do another contest.

Enter before June 3rd and you will be eligible to win one of ten free
copies of "Practical Psychic Self-Defense", by Robert Bruce.

Now at last there is someone to ask all your interdimensional questions.

Do you have questions about psychic abilities, human and earth energies,
healing, mysticism, negative influences, possession, hauntings...

Robert Bruce is the Dear Abby for all your psychic needs.

Questions and answers will be posted online, on the Hampton Roads website, beginning June 3, 2002.

Visit to enter, or send your name, address, email address,
and question to

Contest rules can be read online, at

G'day folks!

Could everyone please send as much energy as they can muster to Romero, and their heartfelt prayers to help Pearl.  And please keep this up until the current crisis is over.

My brave friend, Romero, is performing an exorcism on Pearl, in person, Portugal, and needs all the help, prayers and energy he can get.

Some of you may be familiar with this case, as I have been investigating it for some time.  A major demon is involved, with the rank of 'King'.  Romero has requested I ask everyone to send what help they can.  This is a terrible monster of darkness, with unimaginable power.  The battle rages as I type and prayers are an enormous help in a case like this!

I will provide more details later, when I have more time.

Thanks, Robert.

G'day Folks!

Major changes have been proposed for the Astral Pulse website, to make it blend in better with the new forums and be more visually appealing and etc.  This will involve major alterations to graphics, colours and navigation elements throughout the current site.

But we are not too sure how users will feel about these changes. So we have put up a test site where everyone can check it out for themselves, and vote yay or nay on the changes.

Please go to the below url and take a look at the proposed site.  

*Note that the only link that works there is the 'What's New' link.  

This will give you some idea as to how the new site would be set up.

Whether we go ahead with these changes or not is entirely up to our users. We will abide by the majority vote.


Take care, Robert.

G'day Folks!

Please spread this around to all your friends!

I am booked to appear on Art Bell's radio show, Coast to Coast, next week, for a 3 to 4 hour live interview.  

Note that if you want to listen live on the www, or to the archives, I think you have to pay $6.95us per month for access (cheaper for longer access). But this provides a great service and they no longer get clogged, so you can 'always' get on to listen to live shows and etc. They also provide help so you can record shows on PC. Well worth it for the superior service and access, methinks.

Take care, Robert.

ps, SEE below for details.


Robert, we are confirmed for Wednesday, Feb. 20th, 11:00pm-2:00am PST (Pacific Standard Time) -- which is Thursday, Feb. 21st, from 3:00pm -6:00pm in Western Australia.  This will be the actual on-air interview with Art Bell.  Art will be calling you during his commercial break at the top-of-the-hour.  The program starts 6 minutes past the hour. Typically, he will interview for the first two hours and then open it up to callers for the final hour.


G'day Folks!

This Topic primarily relates to the work of Ken Wilbur.  If you are not familiar with his work, go to //  I highly recommend that everyone familiarize themselves with Ken's work, as he is one of the world's leading minds.

Take care, Robert.

PS, I am booked to appear on Art Bell's radio show, Coast to Coast, next week.  Note that if you want to listen live on the www, or to the archives, I think you have to pay $6.95us per month for access. But, this provides a great service and they no longer get clogged. They also provide help so you can record shows on PC. Well worth it for the superior service and access, methinks.

See below for details.


Robert, we are confirmed for Wednesday, Feb. 20th, 11:00pm-2:00am PST -- Thursday, Feb. 21st, which is 3:00pm-6:00pm Perth time in West Australia.  This will be the actual on-air interview with Art Bell.  Art will be calling you during his commercial break at the top-of-the-hour.  The program starts 6 minutes past the hour. Typically, he
will interview for the first two hours and then open it up to callers for the final hour.


G'day Folks!

Moderation in these forums will be tolerant but fairly strict. Flames and any kind of abuse or offense between members will 'not' be tolerated.

The rules of philosophical debate, or at the very least, good manners, are the way to avoid moderation problems.  A range of penalties will apply, from post deletions and warnings, to temporary suspension of posting rights, and eventually from membership deletion and total banning. And, given the power of the forum engine we are using, this can and will be enforced.  Please understand that this is not a power trip by admin. This is to ensure that everyone feels safe and comfortable in our new online forum community.

But please note that fair critique, even harsh but fair and polite critique, is totally ok.  A good example of this is the recent 'Greg' posts and my eventual lengthy intellectual retort.  Use your intellect and do not resort to abuse!  We are all here to share and to learn from each other, and let me assure you that you can learn more from fair critique than from anything else. But you must admit that this is a totally different thing to 'flaming' and public ridicule; as happened a number of times on the original forum.

That said, we realize that no one is perfect and if you do happen to make a hasty post and later have regrets and want it deleted, please email a moderator or admin and it'll be quickly removed.

The moderators for these forums have been carefully picked.  All have proven their integrity,  and their interest and desire to actively participate in this online forum community, and for no other reasons.

Finally, I would like to invite everyone to argue or critique my above statements, and/or to make suggestions they feel would improve the state of this forum. This type of post should be directed to this forum topic, re its related to forum bugs and etc.

Website bugs, critique and suggestions should also be posted here.

Take care, Robert.

G'day Forum Folks!

Just a note to welcome you onboard.  This forum is designed to handle all energy work related matters. This includes NEW Energy ways subjects, plus all primary centre (major chakra) stuff.  Basically, 'anything' relating to energy work is welcome here, including discussions of strange energy sensations that may relate to OBE or other things.

Take care, Robert.

G'day Folks!

Just a note to welcome you to the OBE forum.  This is not designed to replace the existing astral research forum, and I will still be checking into that forum regularly.

The new OBE forum is for OBE related matters only, although things pertaining to lucid dream and etc are considered valid subjects.

Take care, Robert.

G'day Forum folks!

Just a note to welcome you to the new PPSD forum.

The Practical Psychic Self-Defense forum is designed to handle all matters pertaining to my new book, by the same name, and all negative entity related matters.

This new forum was necessary to separate the several topics that the original astral research forum was handling.  This, as you may have been aware, was causing a number of problems and arguments between people holding opposing viewpoints.  Hopefully they will be less of this once people setting into the new forums.

We will be adding more topics in the near future, as necessary.

Ahead, we may also create a 'members only' area of discussion, which will be by invitation only. This will allow for a deeper discussion of sensitive issues in a more secure environment.  This may or may not be open to public viewing.

Take care, Robert Bruce.

G'day folks!

The original premise = "The Occult is Evil"

One cannot have this both ways....

Occult = hidden knowledge, esoteric knowledge, paranormal knowledge and experience, or supernatural knowledge and experience, eg, anything outside or above and beyond normal physical life and normal physical senses.

In the way this term was used to start this thread, it was stated that everything occult, paranormal or supernatural is evil.

Therefore, this same statement also says that angels and the holy spirit are evil, because these are about as paranormal as it gets.

Healing, speaking in tongues, exorcism, even prayer, are thus also evil because these must be classed as esoteric or 'occult' practices.  

This also applies to many bible events and characters, as some obviously had occult knowledge, experience and ability, eg, walking on water, turning water into wine, materializing food, healing the sick, raising the dead, communicating with  spiritual beings, seeing visions, hearing voices, predicting the future, etc, etc, etc.

For example, if one has a vision and sees something in the future, one has had an occult/paranormal/supernatural experience and been given occult/supernatural/esoteric knowlege.

Now, I'm sure the originator of the thoughtless premise 'the occult is evil' did not have this in mind at the time. (This person is obviously religious). But you cannot have things both ways. Either the occult is all evil as per the original statement, or only some occult things are evil. Now, debating this matter would obviously lead to circular arguments, because the originator is using two sets of rules here: one stated and one unstated. So, what I am suggesting here is that this person rephrases and clarifies his/her original premise.

Food for thought...


G'day Mustardseed!

At no time have I threatened to ban you, nor have I ever had this intention in mind. This is another example of my point that you seem to habitually take the statements of others at a low value, eg, reading things into statements that are not there.

But, to the point at hand, you critiqued some of my posts in what I consider to be an unreasonable way, so I responded and voiced my opinion in kind.

Btw, Allanon was banned not only because he was a very negative and critical trouble maker, but because he was posting off-topic stuff all over the forums and all the moderators got sick and tired of deleting his posts and warning him. He ignored all the warnings and eventually got banned.

Note, it takes more than one moderator to ban someone from these forums. A majority vote from all moderators is usually required. The only exceptions to this have been when a new member registers and immediately begins posting rubbish all over the forums, requiring many hours of work to clean them up. We've had a few cases like that (probably kids) where admin has needed to protect the forums quickly.

My statement 'your 15 minutes are up' is a quote from a movie, the closing line in a debate. Forgive my lack of speech tags.

Take care, Robert.

G'day Folks!

To preface this post, in relation to some other posts I've read in this thread:  I find the accusations that Adrian and I are anti Christian both childish and offensive. These unfounded accusations arose because we dare to question and investigate the origins and roots of Christianity in these forums. And also because we did not 'submit' to the opinions and bible quotes thrown at us by various bible bashers, which amounted to nothing more than emotional blackmail. This has been explained a number of times in various posts.

We stand for free thinking exploration, not dogma!

There is a huge difference between 'attacking' and 'investigating' something. RB.


My new comments to the post below will probably not be added to by me again. They are in response to a rather unphilosophical post, the manner and theme of which deeply saddens me.

(RB)To me, life and humankind are the eyes and ears and consciousness of the universe,

(MS) Now we start to pull apart I do not think we are the consciousness of the universe, though we have the potential to be.I believe that consciousness in man, is the presence of God. However some people have no consciousness and display an abhorrent lack of morality. In a way they have crossed over and have become the voice (consciousness?) of the dark side. The embodiment of various grades of evil.Being led astray they are now actively leading others astray too.

RB2 Your reasoning here is unsound and off the point.

If a being is alive and thinks then it is by definition, conscious, eg, has consciousness.

Your statement that consciousness in man is caused by the presence of God also contradicts your statement below, where you say that God and humanity are separate, and that is proven because you and your dog don't share the same set of teeth.

But you attempt to redefine 'consciousness' by adding a 'morality' factor, and then suggesting that those who do not have sufficient 'morality' are not really 'conscious' in the eyes of God. An ant is conscious; a fish is conscious; a dog is conscious, etc.

Either God creates 'everything' and is in 'everything' or He is not.  You cannot have this both ways.

(RB)Through the act of living in such infinitely wondrous diversity, God's understanding of life evolves, and through this God evolves.

(MS) only if there an acceptance and understanding of the fact that it is Gods power.!!! It is actually possible to reverse the growing trend and get to the point of understanding less and less and less of God like turning off a TV and seeing the picture turning into a tiny point.

RB2 Acceptance? by whom? by your narrow definition of God? What you say is a moot point. Again you seem to be dividing the universe up into those who are 'morally conscious' and those who are(in your opinion) 'morally unconscious'. But this does not work. Your statement above could only apply to a select few, eg, maybe to those people 'moral' enough to be in your religious group.

(RB) This intimate connection is expressed in the Godname 'Shadday' (that's how you say it), which in essence means that every human has a spark of God inside their hearts, which is of the same fire that burns in God.To not conceive of God as existing in a state of perpetual evolution and perfect growth is to accuse God of stagnation, which is an imperfect state of being.

(MS) Not so. God is in my opinion perfect me does not change, he has the same "personality" if one can call it that, the same parameters, etc. The things that please him are the same and the things that displease him are also the same constantly he is not confused nor confusing but simple. I would rather say that, saying that God changes and that he has different standsrds at different times makes him like us. We are the ones that change not him. "God is LOVE and he that loves is known of God and he that does not LOVE does not know God" 1Jn 4:8

RB2 I disagree. You seem to limit God to the position of a bored, all knowing and all powerful despot that exists in perpetual stagnation, incapable of growth and evolution. As I have said, I think what you say reduces 'the meaning of life' to nothing more than a mindless amusement park full of toys designed for the egotistical amusement of God. I also think you are making a big mistake by separating humanity, and all living beings for that matter, from God.

My conception of God is vital, intelligent and interesting. It is also a far more workable and productive concept.

(RB) Without evolution, there would also be no purpose or meaning to life in its entirety, that is, unless one considers life to be some kind of divine cosmic amusement park.

(MS) Not an amusement park all though maybe parts are. But more like a school, with grades. A starting point and a finishing line.Exams the whole thing.Sometimes we pass them sometimes we dont. (ever felt like you were being tested on your conviction and previous learned skills??) A race to find Gods will in our lives , to Love and to use the gifts that he has given to the best of our abilities to Love Him and others.But we are Changing for sure as our understanding of God deepens , evoluting if you will.

RB2 Saying that God is a part of everyone, but that only people evolve and not God, is illogical. If God is a part of everyone and everyone evolves, then logically God also evolves. You can't have this both ways without overly complicating things.

You also seem to be hinting at a reincarnational model in your above argument, which does not seem to fit in with the Christian beliefs you have adhered to so far. It is also way off the point.

By the old Christian model, all people who do not complete and pass their 'exams and tests' fall into eternal damnation, including babies and children who die before they can live any kind of spiritual life. Everything in my experience tells me that this is untrue, and a politically motivated and people controlling untruth at that, eg, emotional blackmail to make people conform to the rule of the church.

I say again, separating humanity from God, and then dividing up the 'conscious' universe with Christian morals, in my opinion, produces an unworkable and dogmatic paradigm so narrow minded and incomplete that every finger that ever existed would not even begin to plug all the holes.

(RB)A part of God exists inside everyone.


RB2 Your agreement above disagrees with your earlier disagreements, and also disagrees with statements you've made within this post. Again, this comes down from your belief that although God made everything and a divine spark exists within everyone, He and they are still separate.  As I have said, I think this model is unworkable and contradictory.

(RB)But its impossible to divide a part from its whole, for they are one and the same. Because of this, I say that we are all God.

(MS)I believe this is a major mistake. In a joking way, just becourse I work in microsoft does not mean I am Bill gates.(Remember THIS IS A JOKE!!!) Just becourse my dog has teeth hair eyes ears etc as I do does not mean I am a dog or that a dog is a man. We may share similarities but we are not the same. We might be made from the same stuf but we are not God.

RB2 Your analogy does not work, as it attempts to shift the meaning of my original words away from their intention.

But I will add to my earlier statement by saying that one can no more separate God from a man (or from a dog) than one can separate them from their respective DNA.

(RB)And the only difference between the average person and a person of spiritual accomplishment (with some degree of spiritual enlightenment) is that the latter 'realizes' this a little more keenly and intimately than does the former. This is why faith can move mountains, because the essence of faith is the realization of one's connection with God.  No matter how one conceives or words this connection, regardless of one's beliefs, all are looking in the same direction.

(MS)In a odd way I agree here but I believe that you put way too much importance on realizing your spiritual enlightenment. Many poor illiterate people with no Phd and very little time for delving into things of this nature are very spiritually evolved in my book. Enlightenment as I see it is closeness to God or alignment with his Spirit. So even a poor farmer in some field somewhere who shows unselfish love, a soldier who without worry of his own life saves his friends, a mother that labours day after day with her wayward kids or a father that works 2 jobs to take care of his family can have as much enlightenment as any enlightened mystic IF THEY LOVE .

RB2 Well, isn't that nice....  

Your opening statement in the above is unphilosophical. You seem to be accusing me of considering myself to be above and beyond other mere mortals, as if I were some kind of cult leader type person. This is something that I take great pains 'not' to do.

Realization is absolutely essential to enlightenment. Enlightenment cannot occur without the staggered realization process. One can become close to God in many simple ways, yes, but one cannot become enlightened through this because enlightenment is a direct result of the realization process. They are indivisible.

You also contradict yourself in the above, as you say there that selfless action can cause closeness to God, which is contrary to your following statement, where you say that closeness to God is a gift that cannot be earned through spiritual actions, but only given by God. You cannot have this both ways.

(RB)As for the diverse religions on this planet, as is being discussed as well on this thread, I think that their major surface differences evolved through historical and cultural necessity. And no matter what the religion or belief that has evolved to suit any particular culture, all are looking in basically the same direction.

(MS) With due respect I disagree.  Most, if not all but one, teaches that this degree of enlightenment and ones closeness depends on something you do, either meditate, pray, work, labour, sacrefice, learn, etc etc and only ONE teaches that there is nothing you can do. That closeness to God is something HE DOES, a gift that we can only recieve, and a goodwill we recieve from Him as we delight ourselves in him, taking on His nature  by LOVING Him and everyone around us like ourselves.

RB2 Your above answer is illogical and off the point. This seems to be a narrow minded Christian statement that basically says that 'your religion' is right and that 'every other religion' is wrong.

Saying that spiritual effort and action have no effect on one's spiritual level, and that closeness to God only comes as a surprise gift from God, is illogical and unspiritual. This reduces humanity to mindless drones, who cannot by their own efforts grow closer to God. This is an unworkable model.  Note that by this you also discount all your own spiritual efforts and actions to grow closer to God.

(RB)Btw, Zen Buddhism is an atheistic religion. It is not so much a religion as a 'way'. Zen teaches one how to live one's life to the full in every moment. By doing this, one grows closer to the 'essence' of life, which is creation, and this closeness nurtures spiritual growth and evolution.

(MS)Yes it would appear that that is Zen teachings wether they are the Truth remains to be seen.

RB2 Well, Buddhism is probably the largest religion in the world, so they must have 'something' going for them:)

(RB)I have the highest respect for Buddhism, as by large Buddhists are gentle spiritual people who quite literally would not harm a fly. No wars or persecutions have ever been caused by Buddhists. I don't think the same can be said for any other religion.

(MS) we covered that allready in the above posts.

RB2 I saw your critique of my above statement in your earlier post. This, even though I added an explanation immediately (just after making the original statement many days ago) to clarify my intention. I am very disappointed that you continue in your attempts to disagree with my every word.

My intention was clear in my original post, in that *BY LARGE* Buddhists are pacifists. To clarify again: "no wars have ever been mounted in the name of Buddha, or in the name of Buddhism. I defy you to contradict this statement.

And please, twisting tales of Buddhist monks immolating themselves, and calling these 'violent acts', is bloody pathetic! Such acts are great spiritual statements by devout men, usually against invasion or oppression. They are also illustrations of incredible self-control, eg, if you see pictures of monks doing this, they don't move a muscle while they slowly burn to death. Very few people on this planet have 'that' level of self-control.

RB2 What you have done in this post, and at many other times and in many other places, is to break the rules of philosophy, especially the rule of charity, in the worst possible ways. By this, I mean that you seem to habitually take words and statements at their lowest possible meanings, and then twist these in ways to unfairly criticize people and cause arguments.

And on that note, your 15 minutes are up.

Have a nice day....


Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / To Mr. Bruce
October 01, 2003, 23:27:14
G'day Tab!

I forgot to comment on your post.

I think it is possible for just about anyone to push their memories back to the womb.

I did this over a few years during meditation sessions. What I did was, to push my memories back as far as I could, and then relive my earliest memory and wait for associations to surface.

Basically, I found one memory from when I was about 5 or 6. I relived this and found an earlier memory surfaced. I relived the new one and the same thing happened. In this way, I worked my way back to when I first became conscious.

The memories are there, you just have to dig them out.

When I got back to babyhood, bottles and nappies and etc, a memory of a colour kept appearing. This is the same colour you get if you hold a flashlight in your hand, with the light shining through your fingers; a kind of orange/pink. Note that light penetrates flesh, and babies do not live in total darkness inside their mothers.

Anyway, I focused on this colour while in the 'reliving' of my earliest memory, and womb memories appeared. They key to this was my father's and mother's voices, which appeared in my first womb memory.

I have not tried to go beyond that stage as yet.

Take care, Robert.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / To Mr. Bruce
October 01, 2003, 22:16:25
G'day Folks!

As for how many 'enlightened' beings there are in the world today that may transcend the reincarnational wheel, this is difficult to ascertain. And how one could identify such a person is also difficult, because this depends on what a person chooses to do in one's life. Some enlightened persons may choose to stay hidden in a life of quiet contemplation. Some may decide to affect the world more visibly.

I also think it is possible for an enlightened person or spirit master to choose to incarnate again in order to help the world. These beings can be identified by their creative actions and powerful love of humanity and of all life.

The computer analogy given by Mobius above is quite good. Three things are required for a computer to function: the computer hardware, the software, and the 'energy' to power it all. Together they work and compute. But divided they are not quite the same. The hardware could represent the physical body. The Software could represent the subconscious mind. The 'energy' could represent the divine spark of the higher self.

Below is an excerpt from the rough draft of Mastering Astral Projection. As you can see, I have tried to explain the processes and aspects of the energy body more clearly. This is not easy task. But this may help shed some light onto my earlier post on the death process and the higher self.

Basically, the higher your level of consciousness, the more strongly your higher self will manifest through you.

Take care, Robert.

Your Fundamental Energy Body

     Your fundamental energy body is closely related to your physical body, the part that resides within you during your lifetime.  This is intimately involved with all biological life processes, plus all subtle energy processes, including OBE and psychic abilities.  The fundamental energy body can be thought of as the part of you that links your physical aspect with all your nonphysical aspects.  This is what you have been manipulating with
the body awareness techniques you began practicing last week.

     The fundamental energy body cannot leave the confines of the physical body, with the possible exception being a NDE (near-death experience), which would account for the stunning power and clarity of NDE.

     The fundamental energy body has various aspects.  As said, there is an aspect associated with biological functioning and bodily intelligence. There is also an aspect made up of at least several primary energy centers (also called major chakras), three main energy storage centers, plus hundreds of secondary energy centers (small chakras) and dense patches of energy exchange ports.  Additionally, there is also an aspect that internally generates subtle bodies (the aspect responsible for projection).

     The very first subtle body generated is always internal.  This can be called 'the etheric body'.  This is the subtle body into which your thinking consciousness first transfers when you fall asleep, or when you enter the trance state.

     The trance state is where your physical body falls asleep while your mind stays awake.  This is heralded by a warm, heavy and blissful wave, which happens for just a few moments before you fall asleep.  If you hold your hands up, forearms vertical with elbows on the bed, while falling asleep, you will experience the trance state for a little longer than usual. This internal projection of consciousness into the etheric body (the trance state) is the first step of the staggered OBE projection process.

     All aspects of your energy body are enmeshed within your physical body.  These are never projected during an OBE.  They are best thought of as the parts that keep you alive, generates all subtle bodies, anchors these to your physical body, and supports them while they are out of your body.

Your Etheric Body:

     The etheric body is first generated when the trance state is achieved. This is much like the projected double, but it cannot fully separate from the physical body.  It can, however, develop various astral abilities and some freedom of movement within the physical body, in the full trance state and especially in the pre-OBE exit state.  At these times it shares some of the properties of the fundamental energy body and some of the astral double. It can also be said to be part physical body and part spirit body, a kind of
ectoplasmic in-between state of existence.

     To speculate, when the complete etheric body is internally generated, not only consciousness is transferred into it but also the mind/spirit/soul/ essence. The mind can be awake or asleep, but the spirit/soul essence is always conscious at some level during sleeping, dreaming and OBE.  This makes a lot of sense, as there must be a natural basis for these internal transfers of consciousness.  It is only in this state that out of body
projection becomes possible.  But a study of the Mind Split effect suggests that the whole mind/spirit/soul unity is not projected outside the physical body; only a copy is projected.  Logic suggests that this is a natural phenomenon, designed to protect the physical body and its mind/spirit/soul unit during OBE.  In a way, it could be said that the mind/spirit/soul occupies and guards its earthly vehicle at all times.

     The etheric body is most likely responsible for the phenomena of astral sight and hearing, because the etheric body can stay conscious while an OBE is in progress.  It can hear and see into the real time zone, and even into the higher levels of the astral at times.  It has limited movement inside the physical body, and with practice one can even turn around and face the other way, e.g., moving around inside one's own skin.

     These astral perceptions and movement abilities can be functional during an OBE, where a projector is conscious of operating out of body as well as being conscious inside his/her paralyzed physical/etheric body. This duality of consciousness involves a full Mind Split effect.  But it is rare for a projector to experience the full mind split effect directly, e.g., for his/her conscious internal aspect to interact directly with his/her own projected aspect during an OBE.

     However, memories of duality, of existing in two places simultaneously during an OBE, are common if you examine case histories.  For example, projectors remember being at remote locations, but while also being aware of real life events and sounds near their physical bodies.  Memories of flicking back and forth between the projected double and the physical body are also commonly experienced.

     The etheric body and/or its projectable double are probably also involved in the common experience where people feel only a part of their astral body floating out of their physical bodies.  For example, they might feel their legs or arms or heads-and-shoulders floating free, but with no full projection occurring.  This can also be considered to be a partial projection, where only a part of the projectable double is generated.

Your Projectable Double:

     During the OBE exit process, the fundamental energy body combines with its etheric body to produce an internal projectable double.  When the projectable double is produced, another internal shift of consciousness occurs, from the etheric body to the projectable double.  But this shift generally goes unnoticed.

     When the OBE exit reflex is triggered, a projector feels him/herself shifting out of body.  This is usually a quite noticeable and visceral sensation.  Once projected, the projectable double is then called the astral double, e.g., these are one and the same.  This makes sense if you look at the whole projection process, which is a staggered affair, e.g., from physical body to etheric body, then from projectable double to projected double, and so on.

Your Real-time Astral Body

     Next in line there is your "real-time" astral double.  This is the vehicle of consciousness that is projected into the real-time zone (the part of the astral dimension that looks like normal waking reality).  Some people call the "real-time" projectable double the "etheric body" and say this can be projected out of body.  But we prefer to call this the real-time astral body, with its natural environment being the real-time astral zone, because these terms are more descriptive.  Popular Eastern terminology does not do these aspects justice, so we clarified with clearer Western terms. RB.

and so on......  (RB)

Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / To Mr. Bruce
September 29, 2003, 22:23:22
G'day Folks!

First, to answer one question: in my books, areas that are theoretical or speculative are marked thus. My conclusions are largely based on observations gained through personal experience

Objective proof of spiritual matters is extremly rare and difficult to find and present. Modern science does not accept 'anything' of a spiritual nature.

It is extremely difficult to write or speak about spiritual matters, because spirit life and process are vastly different from the physical life and universe that we are familiar with. So it is only natural to use some level of physical world analogy when discussing these matters, in an attempt to impart meaning that one can relate to in some way.

The process of death is difficult to describe, even for those who have near death experiences.

My attempt to explain this earlier in this thread, and in AD, is just one perspective. This was an attempt to simplify what is extremely complex. Another more complex way of explaining this is to reverse and internalize the staggered subtle body process I gave earlier. The below explanation is probably more accurate if you can grasp the metaphysical concepts involved.

Please keep in mind that what I say now can be described in a great many ways, while essentially saying the same thing. It can be as simplistic or as complex, metaphorical or metaphysical, as one is capable of writing. A simplistic example could be like this 'when you die you go to heaven'. A metaphorical explanation could be 'when you die you wait in your grave for the last trumpet and ressurection'. A scientific explanation would be 'when you die its the end of life and nothing comes after, etc...

Your highest spiritual vehicle, your immortal spiritual consciousness (your higher self) is divine in nature. This is often called the divine spark, or the Holy Guardian Angel, or the 'overself' or 'oversoul'. This spiritual aspect exists deep inside your physical body, superimposed throughout you at a higher dimensional level.

Your higher self is a part of THE ONE, so close to THE ONE that it could also be called God. I say this because it is difficult to divide a whole from its parts, or a spark from its fire, or a drop of seawater from the ocean. The only differences are size and volume.

The closest part of your mind relating to your higher self is your subconscious mind. Your higher self and subconscious mind are very similar, in that they do not think or communicate in language. They are highly abstract and communicate in images and feelings and impressions. They have no sense of time passing and only exist in the 'now'. During waking consciousness all aspects are fully integrated and the subconscious mind and higher self are invisible but indivisible aspects of the whole that is you.

However, the above aspects, though invisible, still exert a strong influence over you, through conscience and intuition and 'gut' feelings, etc. In some people, this influence can extend to psychic impressions and guidance, and the actions of the higher self are often taken as the actions of one's spirit guide.

As said, I think the subconscious mind and the higher self are so closely related that during mortal life they are indivisible. But the subconscious mind is the most reachable, identifiable and understandable aspect of one's higher self.

Going back a bit, let me explain how I came to some of these conclusions.

I became conscious in my mother's womb, a couple of months before birth I think; although I cannot put an actual time to this for obvious reasons. I have vivid memories of existing in the womb, and of babyhood, prams and bottles and learning to walk, etc. These memories are images, of sights and sounds (including voices), smells and tastes and textures, and feelings and impressions, etc. I remember that I was highly empathic, as all babies are, and could clearly sense the 'mood' of everyone around me.

One thing I remember clearly from my womb time was an audible vibration that permeated me. This was a continual hum that sounded like a deep and gentle 'Aummmmmmmmm' in the background. I also remember a sense of ineffable boredom, and a profound emptiness.

My state of mind before I learned language was very profound and logical. I lived in the 'now' and thought in images and feelings. I felt an incredibly ancient and profound bigness about my mind. I definitely was not a mindless baby. I had profound intellect and strong logical processes, albeit with no experience memories or knowledge or language with which to back them up or apply them to myself or my environment.

Shooting forwards to now, the only time now that I experience the state of mind I had as a baby is during the deep trance state. At such times, normal thought processes slow, time ceases to be sensed, and a profound state of mind arises. This state of mind does not think in language, but like my original child mind state, thinks in images and impressions and has a profound 'hugeness'. Psychic abilities are the norm in this state, because these are natural spirit abilities. And in this state, one is more spirit than human being, more divine than mortal.

And at special moments during deep trance, and also at times when I raise kundalini, the deep 'Aummmm' sound reappears; its quite audible, especially during K sessions.

Now, what happens during life. Well, during your early life you are first afflicted with language. I say 'afflicted' because language and immersion in the continual activity of life drowns out the quiet, voiceless higher self. This distances your higher self from your current new self. Your higher self stays in the background watching everything, just as your subconscious mind records every moment of your life. Your new mortal self grows and lives its life and quickly develops a strong sense of individuality. Normally, it knows nothing but the life it is living now, and has little or no contact with its own spiritual higher self.

Now, through the act of living your life, your personality (a part of what you are) is created over a lifetime. This is so strong and 'real' and complex that it generates a separate being, much like a living independent eggregore (a living, thinking thought form) contained in a subtle body of living essence. This is a part of you, and your higher self is also a part of you. The higher self / subconscious mind contains all your memories and thoughts, and is for all intents and purposes the real you, the bigger you, the immortal you, the higher spiritual you.

To attempt to put the death process in a proverbial nutshell, when you die all your aspects stay together for a time, held together by the living essence body, the eggregore body, which is something like ectoplasm. But this loses substance quickly and after a time, anything from a couple of days to a few weeks, this weakens to the point where the internal aspects are released.

Where these aspects eventually go after death is completely open to conjecture, as this process is so far removed from normal human life that the concepts here are difficult to grasp, let alone understand.

The separation/division phase after death is a crucial time, as what happens next is very important. If the whole being that is you has, during life, achieved full integration and balance, a kind of immortal super being is created. This being transcends the need for physical incarnation and begins a new life in a high level of the spirit world. This event heralds the beginning of a new life evolutionary direction, the way of the masters.

However, if integration and balance have not been achieved during life, a profound division occurs.

The higher self or Spirit (a divine and immortal aspect of you) returns to its natural divine level.

The subconscious aspect of your mortal self can be called 'Soul'. This fades into a spiritual environment most suited to its condition. And where this aspect goes is strongly affected by one's beliefs. This can be a heavenly area, or a created area where it can resolve any problems that it has accumulated during life.

After a timeless period which cannot be measured (this could be months or many centuries) when every last drop of life experience has been understood and resolved and balanced and integrated, when understanding has been fully realized, the Soul then lets go of its created environment and fades into mystery. This aspect will then probably reincarnate into a new life somewhere in the physical dimension. Another way of saying this is that the Soul is eventually reunited with its Spirit, and together they again reincarnate into a new life in the physical dimension.

Going back a bit to a time closer to death, the spiritual separation process leaves its eggregore aspect in the astral, like a semi living astral echo. This can continue independently for some time, depending on the strength of personality that created it. But this aspect does not have its full memories, and has no mental processing powers to speak of. This can wander as a ghost, and various things can happen, but it will usually settle into the lowest astral plane. There it will relive aspects of its life like a robot, until it eventually fades away. This astral level can be experienced during OBE, if one goes beneath ground in a cemetary. This is a shadowy world full of wandering dead people. They don't know they are dead because they have very limited memory and reasoning powers.

Another way of describing the above scenario is that, during life, traumatic psycholgical events cause parts of a living person to split away, and that these 'splinters' are the semi living shadows that exist in these shadowy realms. This is probably quite accurate as by large these 'splinters' seem to be reliving a single life event, eg, the event that created them as a spliter of their original whole.

Now, the essential process of the aftermath of death produces two completely different aspects of being: the subconscious mind, which could be called the Soul, and the higher self, which could be called the divine essence or Spirit; to borrow the terms. (These terms can be reversed or replaced with others if one pleases).

The Soul aspect contains a complete and perfect memory record of every moment of its mortal existence, but limited logic and reasoning powers.

The Spirit aspect contains the reasoning and logical powers, and the divine essence, but has no earthly memories to speak of.

So, when separated, these spiritual aspects cannot function as they did during mortal life. The spirit aspect could be very much like how I remember existing as an unborn child, eg, it knows everything but cannot use words to describe or express anything. And what memories it might have are so abstract as to be ungraspable and ineffable.

The Soul aspect may remember everything, but it has little or no reasoning power with which to use its memories to express itself and interact with its environment.

Another way of describing the above is that the Spirit and Soul aspects of a person stay together, but the memories of that person's life are forgotten. In spiritual texts this has been described as moving through a realm or valley of forgetfulness, at some point after death. And once the memories are gone, it is then free to reincarnate, etc.

The above may seem a bit confusing in some areas, but its the best I can do in a spontaneous forum post.

For some great reading on this matter, including lots of supporting evidence, try to get hold of a copy of Peter Novak's book, "The Lost Secret of Death: our divided Souls and the afterlife". (Published by Hampton Roads, 2003). Peter puts this together very well and I highly recommend his book.

Take care, Robert.