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Messages - Liminalitus

I know if you put an emphasis on the ending "a" in fidera, and you pronounce the whole word like "Fid-eh-rAH", in arabic that's في فدارة, meaning "In the circuit"

Probably of no help. ;P
I made a post in a thread saying how I was going to share some experiences I've had in the past year. Here I go. If you believe me, that's great. If you don't, that's fine as well.

In March, I saw a UFO. Now, please understand I'm the last person to admit any object in the sky is a UFO. I'd rather be caught dead than implying something was an alien aircraft. It was exactly how cultures of bygone times described it: "Chariots of Fire", "Balls of Fire", etc etc. It was orbish; it was glowing all sorts of reds and greens. It looked like a ball of fire travelling through the sky. It was flying low; I know this because on that particular night, there was very low cloud coverage, but it was flying below the clouds. It made no noise whatsoever. It traveled Northwest-west. It's also curious to note that not a single plane flew that night, which is extremely rare, being that I live ten minutes from an airport. On my trainride to school, everybody who lived in my area was talking about it.

About a month later was my brother's birthday. He turned 21, and for the occasion, I lit up a cigar. We were both smoking. I tapped the cigar to get rid of the loose ashes. All of a sudden, the embers that had fallen off rose up and floated stationary in front of my face. It was insane. (I've named this type of event a time/physics disorder; I've had a couple happen to me).

That night, I had a very strange dream. (This is where I start to lose most people . . . ) I was in a room with black paint on the wall. The room was in a cemetary; I know this because right out the window were rows and rows of headstones, the first row close enough to touch. In the room was a green-robed figure with green eyes. (I'm aware of the "Green Eyes Society" phenomena on this board) He spoke to me about receiving a message from New York within a day. Then, the dream ended. The following morning, on Sunday (When there is usually no postage) I found a letter in my mailbox - From New York City!

From the Portugese States of America

It was on a plain piece of printing paper. It's . . so f'kn strange. The letter had no return address but it was metered, meaning it was sent from a company/corporation/agency (Gov't or civilian).

That's it.
Obama is an extremely arrogant man, although he's got no reason to be, he's completely incompetent . . . but I'm getting ahead of myself here. He's very big into his position of power. "Shutting down" the internet would mean political suicide on his part. It would mean political suicide on any politician's part. It was only instated if there was ever an "internet invasion" from another country (NK, China, etc). We all know that won't happen. It was instated to make him look like he's trying to take initiative in the operations of America.

Remember, kids: The keyword here is politricks.
I thikink were far more worst today! socailly and emotionally!! watching those disturbed teens with no respect to others even to themselves! not just teens I guess..

That won't last long. They think they're tough excrement - you think they'll tolerate how they treated their parents from their own kids?
Quote from: Xanth on June 07, 2010, 15:51:53
hehe I won't argue with that assessment.  :)

Well, I look forward to hearing your "extremely strange experiences" later this week!  :)



The main problems I had here a while ago:

1. Too many people are relying on this "Great Transformation", in which Grays, Pleiaedeans, and/or [insert entity here] are going to save us all. I'm 99.9% sure they won't. A dimensional transformation won't happen as well, I'm sure. Do some people here really try to listen to what they sound like? Earth is always changing. We are living in modern day, moral Middle Ages. Yes, there is a lack of morals . . . but, "This, too, shall pass." I wonder what people thought during the Black Plague? Heh. Anyways, in my opinion, Earth is just like a classroom - depending on what we do here determines what happen next after death.

2. The government is not suppressing any information regarding "higher planes". If so, Frank Kepple, and that guy that wrote Astral Dynamics would be dead, and/or this website wouldn't exist. I'm not saying any of this is fake - they just have real, tangible things to deal with.

3. A bit related to number 2 - I've seen some posts talking of the government like an angsty 13 year old. Way to age yourselves. For people that possess advanced knowledge of "higher planes", they sure as hell don't act mature enough. Confucius (Or another famous Asian philosopher) said a large part of maturity is making peace with the establishment. I practice that. Many people here should as well.

That's just a bit . . .

Now, don't get me wrong - there are things that are gloomy, that are predictable. I do predict an economic crash in the future - I'm not alone. Hell, it may be worse than the Great Depression. It could be a lot worse. But that isn't the end of the world. In our lifetimes, friends, kingdoms have risen and fallen, leaders and dictators have been born and killed. Life goes on. Everything goes on. That is the beauty of our universe.
Quote from: Xanth on June 07, 2010, 15:17:42
How about actively participating then in the other sections of the forum?
You don't need to stop posting entirely just because you don't like the content within a very small subsection of the Astral Pulse.  :)

It *IS* called the ASTRAL Pulse afterall... not the 2010 Pulse.  LoL
That's pretty much the ideology I've subscribed to over the past couple months... so far it's been working wonders for me.

I imagine you came back because you felt as if you had something to share with the rest of us?
Share away!

~Ryan :)

Well . . . this is a great community. I've been having extremely strange experiences the past month, but that's for another day this week. Just . . the Tinfoil-Hatness here gets a bit unbearable. That's all.
[I apologize, my writing won't be organized]

You people make me laugh. I left active participation in this community a while ago, and I have no idea why I came back.

All of you are so hellbent on "the coming events". Events which may not even come.

The gold-folks make me giggle at times. They really believe they're still going to be safe with their exchanged money for precious metals once the market collapses. What they don't realize is that gold will be worthless when food and water become sparse. For that to happen food doesn't even have to be rare but simply a collapse of the infrastructure so the food will reach many places.
And the reason these irresponsible actions are taken like the trillions bailouts etc. is clearly because the ruling elite know that there is no future to current the System and plan to extinguish atleast two thirds of the world population anyway. Expect this to look as natural as possible.
Remember: the only thing that actually reversed the great depression 80 years ago was a worldwide war! No matter how big the debt a crisis big enough will always fix it.
Folks better get ready to lose everything they have including their own lives.
Food and water won't become scarce. OK, maybe they will. But it seems to me as if you guys are predicting balls-to-the-wall, societal collapse type excrement. It doesn't happen like that.

Now, here's where I REALLY had to put my tin-hat on . . .

I can't believe there are people who believe that 2/3rds of the world's population will be killed off by the "ruling elite".

The economy goes up and down, skyrockets and plummets. That's life, friends. Civilizations are destroyed and civilizations arise.

Now, let's say pure anarchy does arise. Within one to two months, new governments and countries will arise all throughout North America. Just like how the Middle Ages arose from Rome falling.

The only places that will have food and water shortages are areas within metropolitan areas. Hey, I never said cities were good . . . I've always hated cities.

I firmly believe that once interest rates start going back up... we're going to see a second wave of mass bankruptcies due to people not able to pay their mortgages.
This is going to cause a second economic "crisis".

So yes... we're screwed right now.

I don't believe this was engineered though... this was due to nothing but GREED.

Nice to see a rational thought, for once. Yeah, it may happen. I wouldn't be surprised, friend. All I can say is, prepare. Don't build an entire underground shelter - it'll be unnecessary. Just upgrade your home security system and maybe invest in firearms and ammo. Home invasions always increase as economic hardships go up. And, importantly . . . keep meditating. Keeping peaceful and clear in times like the 30's and 2010's is important. Just don't count on aliens saving us or propechy's coming true or armegeddon, because it isn't happening. Sorry, guys. "Believe in the gods - just don't rely on them." - Musashi Miyamoto

That is why I don't have any debt.  I rent.. keep money in the bank or on hand.  Screw credit cards.. debt is slavery. 

Smart move, friend. I think, when all this is done, this economic slump, people are going to stay the hell away from credit for a LONG time.

"For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding it's sphere of influence -- on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumour is printed, no secret is revealed."

Out of a speech called the "President and the Press" made by JFK April 27th 1961.

Needless to say, JFK was assassinated. The man who killed him was killed. His brother who planned to run for president and undoubtedly launch a full scale investigation into the death of his brother died in a 'freak' accident. We know the what, the controversy comes in when we ask 'why'?

JFK . . . that's something to look into. All the files become declassified this or next year. Won't be surprised if every line of every paper is blackbar'd.

Yes. Each ONE of us must be a light on the path for the other. I am learning to garden effectively. I plan on raising chickens. I educate and instruct my children on proper morals through example. I have no "credit cards" but I do have a boatload of debt. I work and contribute to society. I am the dad yelling words of encouragement to all the kids on the soccer field. I try to practice forgiveness because I know the scales of karma will not shift in my favor without it. When "all hell breaks loose" there will be the evangelicals shooting their AR-15s until the ammo is gone. I and my family will survive the nuclear devastation by co-oping with my friendly neighbors. The greedy corporations will have no means to support themselves as money will become worthless. Science will become the new industry standard and it's reward will be innovations which only aim to benefit mankind.

Good man. Ammo will never be gone - it'll be scavenged and made. You should invest in a firearm. Lol, I keep telling people this - it can't hurt, just help. Are you sure you will be co-oping with your neighbors? In times of a nuclear devastation (You really think it'll happen> . . . :-/ ) friends go against friends, brother against brother. You may be a squared-away individual - the other person may not. Greedy corporations will become a thing of the past, in the future. And, yes - science will truly flourish, in my opinion and scope of the future.

This is what I believe too! the human species will be lost like the dinosaurs

Just . . . stop.
I wasn't expecting it, but thanks for all the other techniques. If anybody tries what I posted, report back with results . . :D
I read in one of Robert Bruce's books that to enter a trance, one has to be physically relaxed and has to create a falling sensation. I sometimes visualize myself falling down a bottomless chasm, and the light on top is getting smaller and smaller, and the walls around me are going by very quick. Is that a sufficient internal falling sensation?
Quote from: Xanth on July 27, 2009, 14:29:57
That's what I was hoping you'd say.  :)
Lose all expectations, including that of "trying to project" and just accept whatever comes to you.
It's okay to have projection as your goal, but "try" without "trying"... if that makes any sense.  LoL

Oh. I sit down and meditate TO project . . I guess I should ease my expectations as well
Welcome to Writers Corner! / Re: New Poem
July 25, 2009, 17:09:12
Very good, friend.

Here is a short one I recently wrote on the subject of love:

Forever and ever, I can promise that
until the sun is dark and the earth is flat
until Atlas yawns and falls asleep
until the tigers cower and the lions weep
until the moon crumbles apart
(Something I don't expect, for the most part)
Until you and I are old of age
Until Earth's knowledge can fit on a page
At point never, take my word for it's true
I will leave you and stop loving you

This is a dream I had last night. I wrote down everything as soon as I woke up. A little BG info: B is a girl who I've been in love with since the sixth grade. I am now 16. It will never get anywhere, but it's real hard to forget your first love. The dream is a bit violent, but bear with me. Was this just a random dream?

Dream starts in a hall with military commandos talking about laser weapons. Men enter with guns,
and the military commandos get rid of them. Time skips to to a party hall. The commandos are there,
as well as some friends. Bianca is there. We were all having a good time, drinking, talking, laughing,
etc. My Kindergarten teacher was there, but she was old and heavy, when in reality, she is very pretty and young. This was in daytime. The party hall is insignificant. When the party was over, we all took schoolbuses home. I missed my stop, and so did B, so we were taken to the bus station, which was really a foster home. We slept there for a period of time. Time skips to 12:00 AM. There is an elderly home across the street that I didn't notice before. As the head of the foster home (Mr. Foster) was pulling out of the driveway, the head of the elderly home (Mr. Elder) yelled at him. Mr. Foster seemed fine at first, but when he got to the stop sign down the street, he screamed at everybody and doubled back. He is carrying a shotgun. Everybody from the elderly home was standing outside. Mr. Foster kills everybody, including Mr. Elder. Mr. Foster loses it, and kills everybody in his own car. I immediately think of Bianca, who is sleeping. I pick her up into my arms and hide her somewhere. She didn't wake up. Soon, Mr. Foster comes into the home. he goes into all the bedrooms, killing the sleeping children. He notices Bianca is missing. He got ticked off beyond belief. His shotgun morphs into a knife, and I somehow acquired a knife. He sees me and we immediately start slashing at each other. As we're fighting, he tells me that I have too much power over the world economy, and the world itself. He gets me in the area between my middle knuckle and my ring knuckle. It bleeds. I feel pain. I get enraged, and I kill him. Time skips again. I'm in a (police?) van, in the back, with B and two very friendly black guys. The officer tells me because B has no parents, her cousins will need to take care of her. I weep much. One cousin, who had a Jamaican accent, hugged her tightly and assured me he was going to take good care of her. I weep more and harder. I argue that I love her and that I can take good care of her. The dream fades away. I wake up. My eyes are very damp, and my slash wound is still very painful.


-If I hadn't missed my stop, B would have been killed.

-Mr. Foster was never mean. He came off as a great guy.

-Somewhere in the dream (this is a vague memory) planes were writing things in the sky,
and smaller planes were flying banners. They all said the same thing. I should have
taken note of what they were saying. Must have been important.

Whatever I try, for some reason, I just can't project. I've been trying for months now, and the closest I've gotten was a light trance/rapid heartbeat. It's very frustrating. So, if you're an experienced projector, can you post everything you do, from relaxation to projection? It will definitely help out the newbies like me. I'll post what I do, but I can only get to a light trance, so I'm sure it won't be very helpful.

1. I stretch every part of my body. Arms, legs, core, back . . everything.

2. I lay down in my bed, and I take three very deep breaths.

3. To enter a trance, I quiet my mind (to the best of my abilities) and I visualize myself falling down a very deep cavern. Almost like a bottomless elevator shaft. As I'm falling, the light at the top quickly fades away . .

And that's as far as I get.
16 here, Radman. I've been trying forever with no luck. How about you?
Eh, what the hell. Your arguments are invalid and we just end up arguing against you so we might as well just answer your question and put all this behind us. At least you're real persistent.

I don't think you can hurt somebody from the astral. Because the astral operates at a completely different frequency than the physical, it won't work. If your favorite radio station is at 106.5 FM, you won't hear it if you're tuned in at 1100 AM. As for communication? A friend of mine contacts people across the US, and says at best, they remember about 85% of the conversations they have. That's with a person who regularly practices dream recall. It all depends on the person's ability to remember visions from altered states, and the skill of the projector.
Quote from: pulsexx on July 20, 2009, 17:22:33
Did you even read what I wrote? Calling my mental stability into question is a little childish and beside the point. All that matters is that morality is entirely subjective (created by OUR MINDS) and that the America's Criminal Court system is meant to give a structure that produces quick results to massive amounts of trials.


Stop preaching to me about personal opinions on morality and especially stop calling me stupid when you woudn't even defend yourself against a killer because "it's wrong to murder people."

lol. Yeah, that's right, I lol'd at you.

And also this has NOTHING to do with using powers while astral projecting, which is much more important than your beliefs in how wrong murder is.

You see, your argument is invalid, because I have protected myself against a killer in the past. You initiated the question of killing, and you never specified defensively until we all slammed you.

lol. Yeah, that's right, I lol'd at you.

A couple posts later . .

I get the feeling a lot of the members on this board are below the age of 13.

. . . Really now? All I have to say on that.
Quote from: interception on July 19, 2009, 07:08:13
Thank you Liminalitus. I did mention that one will have to deal with consequences of killing, but you laid it out nice and hard. It will catch up with you, which might sound cliched, but it is the truth. It is a dark path to walk even with the purest of intentions.

No worries, mate.
Quote from: pulsexx on July 18, 2009, 20:45:36
You're just using the American Judicial's view point of murder though which is far from infallible, it's just the most appropriate for most legal cases. Mostly because if they made it alright to say, kill someone who said he was going to kill you then there would be a lot more murders where people could just make up stories about their victim saying that "they threatend me" etc... But this isn't to say that in certain scenarios killing someone before they can kill you isn't the right thing to do if the other person is the aggressor and is putting your life in danger and you are left with no other option beside terminating their life discretely.

The American justice system also says that abortion isn't murder even though it is clearly the killing of a human organism with a unique genetic code that only human beings have.

It just depends on how you view right and wrong. A lot of these idiots that say murder is always wrong would kill someone that was trying to kill them though, or they would die, rather stupidly I might add. Have you ever heard of survival of the fittest? Because of your morale stances you failed at something creatures with much less intellect are able to succeed at.

Alright. You know, I shouldn't even be typing this because you've got the mentality of a 14-year-old, but you are real ignorant. You do realize that, in our society, intelligence and intellect ARE the things that keep us alive? You do realize that we aren't f****** primates with giant clubs bashing in each other's brains anyore, right? Or is that how YOU would like it? Man, it's people like you that are so bloody headstrong that run away with their tail in between their legs when the crap hits the fan.

Now, let's say you do get the abilities to kill somebody in astral. Trust me, weak people like you will wilt under the guilt. It isn't like your precious video games or movies, or epic tales of Russians using Mind Power during the days of the Iron Curtain. A very good friend of mine is an ex-commando of a military branch I will not name. Let me tell you something: this man is a very tough soldier, and there are times in his life where he starts crying like a baby. You want to rip people's hearts out; all my friend did was simply gun down terrorists in the middle east. But he's aware of how many families he has single-handedly ripped apart, how many little boys and girls he left without a father, without a brother, without an uncle, without a husband. He's aware of how many wives he sent to bed that night sleeping alone in a bed made for two. You think killing, even if trying to prevent a "future murderer" (which is still a load of bullocks, all the people's comments about karma are absolutely right), is righteous? You think taking away precious human life . . 9 months in the womb, the very first footsteps, the first words muttered, all the grades in gradeschool, the countless number of life lessons learned, the feelings of love, joy, anger, lust . . is easily explainable? Sorry, you can't tell the future, nobody can, so your Future Manson clause is illogical.

Ah, the nothing is real thing again. Sorry, but the theories of quantum physics has also been used to "prove" the existence of an omnipotent being...  so what does that tell ya.

weird I can edit other people's post?

oops sorry I was trying to reply and edited your post.


Guess what I'm doing? I'm preaching to you about right and wrong. Don't like it? The application programmers installed a button with an X on it for this very purpose. You can find it on the upper right corner of your browser. You know, it's people like you that turn something as sacred as this into yet another evil plaything. Self defense and offensive behavior are two different things; it's clear what path you've taken. And don't give us the Bodhisattva example; if being like them were your true intentions you would have initially stated that. When the negs start making your subconscious life a wreck, don't come to us for advice on what to do.
Good day, everybody. I just have two questions:

1. In the Astral plane, are there other beings there that came from there/somewhere else, or is everything just created by our minds?

2. Before I project, I meditate (Probably not the only one here who does that ;) ). But I need complete silence to meditate. Either complete silence or a white noise track. Recently, I discovered that a white noise track that is about an hour and a half works the best for me, but due its sensory deprivation properties, I tend to hallucinate while listening to it, and it disrupts my meditation. Does anybody know of a beach sounds or forest sounds track that is about an hour and a half long? I was thinking I'll take the natural sound track and put the white noise track in the background. I'd post it up here if you kind fellows would like.

Thanks :D
What are some good, successful energy loosening techniques? I used the search function but came up with no results.
Quote from: Stookie on April 20, 2009, 15:35:51
For some it could definitely help produce a trance state. Others it could annoy, but it's worth a try. Sometimes I use small foam earplugs I get at the hardware store.

I'd like to do that, but those always fall out of my ears.
I live in a noisy house, and I was thinking of creating a white noise track to drown out the noise when I meditate/attempt to project. Would the white noise affect the meditation/projection?
Well, it's only happened once. I don't really expect it to happen again. Thanks guys.
Well, the other night, I was so close to projecting! But something happened that held me back. I got into a very meditative state, and then I got into a very deep trance (The trance part is not the problem - all I sometimes have to do is clear my mind, close my eyes, and imagine I'm in a descending elevator for about two-five minutes and I'm in the desired state). I felt myself exiting, but then my heart started to race way too fast. My normal Beats Per Minute is 39 (I have been meditating for a very long time now). But after a minute of my heart racing, I got very panicky and woke up. I took my pulse for ten seconds, and multiplied it by 6 to get a BPM of 90. It really freaked me out.

Has this happened to anybody else? Should I stop projecting? I hope this doesn't mean I have a heart problem..