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Sentient Energy Waves

This isn't an astral projection log but an observation. Today I once again found myself curious what colors I should wear to work. I actually do this pretty regularly.

And again co-workers and customers were wearing the same color combination/shades. A non planned coordinated event.

Something influenced us to choose the same colors for the day.

The common colors were
Black and purple(or pink/fuchsia).

My coworker noticed we were wearing the same colors and I noticed a handful of our customers were too.

There was also a higher amount of energy. Lately, people have been telling me they feel different from the energy. Some don't know if it's good or bad but I've been encouraging my circles to see this change as positive and to practice faith.

The energy was overwhelming at some points, and there were real freak incidents that happened. My moms car died, our cooler died at work and we had to save the refrigerated food. We had an unusual amount of foot traffic in the store in a concentrated time.

In this energy I was able to relay a few things to different people wearing the same color combination, as if it were meant to happen.

For the one girl who was feeling emotional and noticed our matching colors, she told me "We're on the same wavelength" and I told her... "And that wavelength is sentient."

Although she was feeling sad I was able to share the opportunity in this moment, and the chaos from the day brought us together. I reminded her how adaptable she is and I felt her accept this statement in a way that literally shifted the energies.

The teamwork executed by my staff today was commendable, everyone came together to overcome the things thrown our way.

My mother seems in a very happy mood despite her chaotic day. There are additional details I'm leaving out because the point is made.

A customer came in today and told me all she's going through, and I noticed she was wearing similar colors. I took it as a window to listen and to share. I recognized she wanted to be heard more than counseled, and saying less seemed to be taken better than saying more.

The outcome was positive. I don't always feel capable, but todays patterns helped me give Faith to the "now." Bringing my self and God into the present in a way that tries to be helpful.

Aside from this... What energy is black and purple/pink/fuchsia... I'll look it up. But interesting that others were wearing the same colors, and that every person that wanted/needed to make a heartfelt exchange with me was also wearing these colors.

I believe that the energy comes with lessons and that whatever influenced us to wear these colors retains its own personality.

More to think on and comment on later...


Good job, guiding everyone to positive outlooks. I felt that with the start of 2025 Earth had made a significant shift, more prominent. And it's true that the energy is strong, but it is neutral. What everyone does with it is their choice, but if decide to use it positively, the positivity will be many times greater than what we are used to. If someone choses to use it within negative beliefs and fears, the negativity as well will be enhanced. I see the splitting signs clearly.
I have noticed for myself enormous shift with tons of unexpected, extraordinary experiences and encounters with people in the physical and other beings/ETs in APs and dreams. And I am noticing that extra positivity in those who have chosen to stay positive no matter what we observe in the world. Even at work, I almost cant recognize my co-workers even executives who are becoming more positive and have initiated changes now that will take the company to a much needed positive direction.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow