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Topics - kakkarot

begins today.

this morning, as i was on my way to the mall, my left shoulder started giving me the pain it used to give me while i trained. then the pain went away again when i stopped training, and now it's back: YEAH!!! [^]... oh wait. that's bad, isn't it? [:P]

actually i don't mind the pain so much. i use it as a sort of method to guage my progress in my training.

Welcome to Astral Chat! / I've started my journal...
February 21, 2003, 21:09:02
on astral society's journal page:

i have posted three things so far: an introduction into how I got started in the metaphysical, a bit more about how i got more into learning how to feel and use chi, and finally one about chi itself. the third one is really long and isn't done yet (because i'm getting brain burn), but i'll get back to it within the next few days.

in the future i am planning on posting stuff about all the nifty things i can do, that i have experienced, or that i have theorized on. energy combat is going to be a main one, cause i just LOVE combat so much. won't go into why though. but i will also post on other topics like cloaking, the fine art of manipulating people, uncommon uses for energy that i've gotten so used to doing that i don't even think of it anymore (like using energy to allow me to fine-tune my physical movements to an almost supernatural ability), and even in-depth looks behind how most energy systems work (as far as i have figured out).

and if you want, please suggest something you'd like to hear about and i'll see if i can make a post on it. i'd rather not do anything on religion or beliefs, but if you can convince me to then i'll try my best to put down on paper everything i know about it: but i can't promise you'll like it.

oh, and uh... i go by the psuedonym b0b on the as forums, so find me there if you want to  :) (that's also why you'll be looking at "b0b's journals" (b-ZERO-b))  :)

Forums Bugs Reports and Questions / active topics
January 10, 2003, 19:27:05
i don't know if anyone has mentioned it yet, but when i go to the active topics area, it tells me i have no active topics, eventhough the red number after the active topics header reads 14 (and it read 11 the last time i was on, earlier today).

and i don't know whether you intended to or not, but the personal area (section_id=2) is gone as well. just thought i'd mention it in case you didn't know.

otherwise, a darned nifty site. [:D]
great work, all who helped (if it was more than just Adrian) deserve a pat on the back.

in the "month's events" area when you click on the calender date that you want to see, it takes you to the day previous.

not much, but i thought you might want to know.


Secret of Secrets
It's really an important lesson, but could you share some ways of starting the acting?[:)] ....I mean that it's also hard sometimes - when you're ready to do everything and to use your power, but you feel that kind of barrier infront of you that makes you just stand in a bad dream...

thanks, be safe[:)]
thanks for the information, gandalf [:)].

(i get the feeling that someone might start bickering about how there are many ways to create such a thing, and while it is true that there are other ways, i really hope nobody whines about it since douglas has been good to us by posting a method but didn't say it's the only one ^_^. once again, thank you douglas [:)])

Nah, didn't work for me! They've botched the page - comes up blank.
I myself kind of got talked into it as a young, influential boy.
Hi kakkarot,

Congratulations on your AP experience! [:)] Thanks also for taking the time to write down what you could for the rest of us. It appears that you had a very notable session!

All the best,
Welcome to Astral Chat! / HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!
December 23, 2003, 00:26:46
And you [8)]
Welcome to Astral Chat! / predator or hoax?
December 07, 2003, 18:48:26
Simple answer - call Sue Colwell.
If it turns out it is a hoax, whoever started it would have to be a complete bastard, and you might want to forward the email through to someone like Spam Cop, or one of the other online spam/hoax investigators.

none of the links work its moved [:(]Insert
Welcome to Astral Chat! / hey
September 07, 2003, 16:26:34
Uhhh I must have completely missed this entire topic... [xx(]

But it's good to have you back for however long you're staying here for again. (Did I get that just dead wrong? [:P])

~Squeek (Yea. Me. Squeek. The cool guy.)
Hail to the new order!!!!!

A note to all members of the Astral Pulse

Please realise that all "junior" members with few posts must take heed of what those "Senior members" with many posts say, as obviously the more posts you have the more evolved, experienced and powerfull you are.
We junior members should listen to the wise senior members especially the most powerful god chosen kakkarot whose words of wisdom are to be digested and integrated into our personalities........!!!!!!!Ha Ha

It's time to get off your high horse Kakkarot, us junior, unevolved members lacking in spiritual advancment are sick and tired of your meglomaniac, hierarchial attitude, it's time you stopped preaching and started practicing.

I find it hard to believe that they allow computors with internet connections into high security psyciatric wards where you obviously must be and I think it's time they changed your medication as what they are giving you isn't stopping your dellusions.

I have to agree, you are just too good for this site, I wish you well wherever you go, saving us all from demons as you battle goods deadly foes in your more than vivid imagination.

Enjoy your trip

(student of evolution)


I've seen this picture a thousand times, but I fail to see how a naked little boy could grow up to be the Lucifer we know and fear. It's those videogames I tell you.
When you take a step back it seems silly that forums can become such a part of our lives that disputes of such a scale can even happen. I think many of us who have been here a long while, or contributed to a large extent have felt so strongly about something at one time or another we have reacted more turbidly than we perhaps should. The whole Sai baba thing being an example. I guess a lot of it has to do with how much the forum is apart of your social life, and there is nothing wrong with the online world being very important to you. But the online world should remain more in our control, it should ideally be easier to avoid conflict like this. It seems that when conflict allows us to realise how involved we have become, our defence is to get ourselves out of it all together. I know Ive been there, now I come here for a different reason.
I've always thought a bit of scepticism is a good thing when dealing with the unknown. It provides a point of balance between disbelief and blind faith.

When I look at the claims people make, I take the view that I have experienced some pretty unbelieveable things myself, so I won't immediately discount someone elses claims as being fake, but I always question such claims, and try to judge their merits. I tend to rely a lot on my intuition to tell me what's a load of crap and what isn't.

I think we all have that bit of "guilty until proven innocent" type of disbelief in us. It's a matter of wether we prefer to hang on to it, or put it aside and try to learn about something.

i think some people are really stupid.

did you ever see a show here in america called "Street Smarts"?

it basically runs on the same format and it is funnier than hell.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Well, this is it.
April 19, 2003, 21:54:44
I hope you find find and learn about many great things [:)]

best regards,

I owned that movie for five years before I actually watched it and it became my favorite horror movie.
I think I experienced similar symptoms from what you described, but my experience might be slightly different. I used to get what I thought were panic attacks. I felt like I was being pulled out of my body sometimes. It would get so bad that I would have to place my hands over my head and crouch. It was as if some force was hitting me on the back of my head. I don't get these symptoms as frequently anymore. Only when I think I make some sort of big discovery about my life (its meaning/purpose, etc). You know, the kind of thing that makes you say "holy sh**!!!" anyway, I wonder who was doing that to you. I wonder if they are also responsible for my own experiences."
Gee, and I thought Kate Adie was a CIA spy.....
You're right, no one cares... [;)]  
just kidding...I'm jealous [:P]
Welcome to Integral Philosophy! / Opening Up
March 11, 2003, 19:55:00
Very helpful and informative. Especially to me with my current situation. I'm working with a video (Timothy Leary: How to Operate Your Brain) and if you allow it to, it'll basically reset your brain to default settings, allowing you to design your own reality from the chaos. But anyways, I've made progress, I've felt and seen changes in my reality, but only for short times during and after the video.

Now, after reading your post, understand that I'm not getting anywhere because I have not learned to trust, everything around me, and perhaps even myself. I think I'm well on my way now.
Welcome to Integral Philosophy! / The "Goal"
March 10, 2003, 19:58:30
Very good Kakkarot!

I've always felt this, though never stronger than when I've been with a company that has attended things like time management seminars. The "teachers" of the corporate world are forever drilling into employees that one must be "goal oriented" to succeed in business. Maybe that's what leads to all the greed and corruption that we see in big business, because people lose sight of everything else but the goal.

Theres an analogy I've used here.
Picture a small hill in a dense forest, and on top of that hill is a stick with a gold coin on it that can be seen from  distance. The "goal oriented" mentality would have you go for that gold coin no matter what the obstacles. In fact you're often told the greater the obstacle you can overcome, the more that coin is worth. So the goal oriented person finally makes it to the top of the hill by going in a straight line. They get there bruised, battered & bleeding, but they got their coin.
Me, I prefer to look for a path. It might not be direct, in fact you might wander along it for a long time before you get to the top of the hill, but it is a pleasant walk, you see a lot along the way, and who knows? There might be a pot of gold coins on that path that the goal oriented person will end up missing altogether.

Welcome to Metaphysics! / My Visions
March 07, 2003, 20:40:17
...[:O] wow.

First of all I would like to thank you for sharing kakkarot.  Alot of times people like to keep stuff like this to themselves.

If you don't mind, I would like to post what came to mind while reading these visions.. I'm sure other people will have very different things come to mind while reading it as well; these are just the ones that popped in my head:

Vision1, part1: when i was reading this, the WTC disaster came to mind.  I mean, a tall business building with something bad coming at it is really similar.  I know you live in Canada, and I think you're around the same age as me (22), but maybe that there was a series of choices that could have led you to work in NYC. ?

Vision1, part2: the movie "Signs" by M. Night Shamylan (sp?) came to mind. (very good bust scary movie, for me atleast, evil aliens always creep me out... was paranoid for couple nights afterwards)

Vision2: again, the movie "Signs" briefly came to mind, you said you had a feeling that these battles were against sentinent beings and were happening all over North America..(possibly world?)... very similar to the movie.

I think Visions 3,4 & 5 are all possible outcomes to the situation at hand.  Vision 5 is very unforunate, yet somewhat reassuring.  Vision 5 reminds me alot of what I "vision" to be the world after what would be a nuclear war.  
(not to get off-topic, but if this is true, and you believe in Atlantis, it's not hard to see that history repeats itself.  ((Which I believe we have the power to stop if we as a whole realize it and come together to prevent it fomr happening)) The survivors of this nuclear war would become much like the surviving Atlanteans that are believed to have created the "ancient civilizations".  the people after this war would scatter around the world finding the least devastated area and start creating small communities, using whatever technologies are left to create what will become in hundreds of thousands of years later, wonders of the world)

I'm glad you have realized that you were going down the wrong road.  Many are not as fortunate to have such revelations and let God open their eyes and give them a second chance.  I wish you luck this second time around, and keep us updated on any new visions. [;)][:D]

learn, love & enjoy,
Odd that I never saw this sooner. It seems that when the new forums were set up the permissions to view the MAP forums were not set to just the people in it and forum moderators. Naturally this will be extended to everyone and the feedback from the test subjects is already helping to do this.
Time zones must be kept in mind. We are all over the world. My time zone is now GMT -6. Daylight savings time does not apply at the moment. Another thing to consider when sending energy beyond time and date is duration. The length of time that the energy is being sent should be taken into account. Also, it would be interesting to have more than one person sending energy at the same time to a particular person. That increases the odds of something being felt or noticed.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / hey! guess what i did...
February 12, 2003, 00:43:08
I am going to try that...and yes, caps clog my energy flow too..
Hi Kakkarot. I've had some similar experiences in my own dreams. I actually had a prophetic dream about the girl who asked me to my prom. It was pretty creepy because the way she asked me was exactly the way she asked me in the dream. I almost turned white and fainted. I wanted her to ask me to the prom but I didn't think I had a chance with her. I've never had a prophetic dream other than that. I've definitely had dreams I felt strongly about though. When we broke up I kept having this dream I was yelling at her. Every so often in the dream I would say, "Hold on I have to see what time it is." Then I would wake up for a second to see what time it was and then I went back to sleep. Then I'd appear outside of this building and have to go in and find the room she was in. I had to do this several times because I woke up several times. The weird thing is that I kept having the same dream even though I woke up and went back to sleep. I was so p.o'd at her at the time so i guess it makes sense.

I had a lucid dream recently and I felt so spiritually enlightened for some reason because of it. Nothing really important happened in the dream, I just realized it was a dream and decided to fly around and do stupid stuff like fly through the walls of buildings and stick my hand through solid objects. I felt so omnipotent. It was great! It's like virtual reality only way better and more surrealistic.

To remove corruption from the world, you must first remove corruption from yourself.

They may take our lives but they shall never take our freedom!!!! -Braveheart

The power of Christ compells you! The power of Christ compells you!
Hi Kakkarot -

Magick and Christianity - confusing mix given or modern historical understanding - especially as it may be mixed with Puritanism, Calvinism, Protestantism... etc.... if that is one's heritage!  But... to be overly simple, the bible is full of references to practice of kabbalistic magick.   The jealous reference I think (IMO) has to do with securing human spiritual endeavor in the One.... the one God.  The names of God and the Archangles, the Angels and so on vary depending on the sphere of manifestation of the force of God and the presidency over the emination of God-force.  It has to be anchored in the One.   Moses and Aaron were mages.  So was Jesus.  In the new testament, the letters of the apostles contain pieces of boilerplate for "fools"

Even fools can tread the path to salvation.  The apostles were very familiar with the tree of life..... with the kaballah.  Christianity derives its roots from Judiasm.  

take care,

Kristen : )

So far I have not made much practical use of energy. It has helped to heal a few injuries more quickly. That is about all I have succeeded with. It would be nice to know more about how to make practical use of the energy.

Welcome to Astral Chat! / "Guess Who's Back"
July 04, 2002, 03:24:14
G,day Kakkarot

Good to read about the upturn in your life, I like hearing positive stories & hope everything works out, I'm sure it will now that your are becoming more self aware.

I like Eminem also, except for the song "Kim", a bit disturbing, as he really acts out his music, not literally, but all the sound effects & fills he puts in are very clever & conjures visual effects while listening. I think the guy is hilarious & sends himself up as much as he does other people. Havn't got the new cd yet, but I'm sure it's as tongue in cheek as the rest of his stuff.

I can't wait to go on some holidays myself & hearing about people having holidays rubs it in a little, but spurs me on to reach that point, anyway all the best & keep smiling.

Good journeys


A magnet can be small, but the more powerful it is the larger the field it generates. A magnet the size of a fist could generate a substantial field if it is made of the right materials. Spinning magnets generate electricity in nearby wires by induction. That is how electrical generators work. Either the wires can be moved or the magnets. Electrical motors do the opposite. Wires are used to generate magnetic fields which are opposed by the fields of other magnets. They move apart.

What I am getting at is that although a chakra could occupy a small volume its field of influence could be much larger.

ok. try finding a huge area of land that is filled with cacti. then start running across that land. AS FAST AS YOU CAN. then try to see the cacti before you step on them and move your feet from where it was going to land, onto a safer spot.

soon enough your bodies instinctual reactions will force your mind to percieve things faster so that you are better able to prevent yourself from getting hurt by avoiding the cacti.  :)  this is how my perception increases first came about. it's fun :)

don't worry, after an hour or so the cactus needles don't hurt so much anymore. LOL. ;)


Secret of Secrets
ok to see the picture, you are going to have to go into my profile, by clicking on my name at the left hand side, and finding the picture called thing.jpg. it shouldn't be hard since that is the only pic i have so far.


Secret of Secrets
Greetings,  sounds like mind games to me, you can create temporary superficial persona's for certian situations. When the false persona draws on the real personatity to back it up it cant.
           It's like when you go to a party ect, most people dress up, do there hair ,check there persona and of they go.

           You have the advantage that you are aware that your doing it, a lot of people do not, and sometimes it sad.
           At the end of the day, it's mind games

           Just be you    

           Regards Steve