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Messages - catmeow

Dream and Projection Journals / Re: Selski's Journal
September 14, 2017, 13:08:00
Hi Selski, the Motorbike dream could have been another retrieval. The unfortunate biker endlessly re-enacting the circumstances of his passing, until you arrived and arranged an ambulance to take him onto the Light. Just thinking! Just think, he would never have called himself an ambulance.
Quote from: Selski on August 21, 2017, 09:10:07
Then it dawns on me.

I already know the answer, but ask in all seriousness to my friends, 'Are we dead?'

Oh, beautifully delivered. That was a real "The Sixth Sense" moment! Ever thought of a career as an author?

Regarding Glass Woman, I'm with EscapeVelocity and T-Man on this, it seems like a reference to her fragility more than anything else.

I also liked "we're upto pretty much the same page" (ie "on the same page"). When I read that I did wonder what the significance was. As EscapeVelocity said, so much to un-wrap here.

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Musically Minded
August 23, 2017, 13:56:48
Quote from: Selski on August 23, 2017, 11:49:39
Lovely stuff catmeow, although the tracks with the sound of water made me want to wee!  :-P

Yeah that's unfortunate! I was introduced to Marina Raye's music by a Reiki practitioner about 12 years ago. It's fantastically soothing. I have two of her albums: Liquid Silk and Blissful Journey. Liquid Silk over uses the running water stuff. I prefer Blissful Journey which is more flute and pipe. There's loads of Native American Indian music available, some of it very good. But Marina Raye is the original as far as I'm concerned.

Quote from: Selski on August 23, 2017, 11:49:39
I particularly enjoyed Angel Tears.

Angel Tears Gone With The Wind is great especially when it steps up a gear at 2:20 for example. Kaya Project From Mumbai wasn't my favourite off the Eco Zen album but it quickly grew on me. I love it now.

Quote from: Stillwater on August 20, 2017, 20:40:47
Yeah that is correct. When you write in the second person, you use the pronoun "you". A person writing in the second person is literally telling you something about yourself.
Thanks Stillwater
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Musically Minded
August 20, 2017, 16:40:54
For healing and meditation, anything by Marina Raye:


I can recommend Liquid Silk and Blissful Journey

For ambient music try Eco Zen from New World Music

Kaya Project - From Mumbai
Angel Tears - Gone With The Wind

Quote from: Stillwater on August 19, 2017, 11:12:22
2nd person identity is, you watch the events from the perspective of someone, and you ARE that someone. Pretty much this can only reasonably be used in books, and even then, super rare. The only real exception I can think of is Virtual reality, where you are often playing as yourself.


So, just to clarify, in this case, you not only shift your viewpoint (camera perspective) to that of another person (the "second person"), you also assume his identity?

Is that what you're saying?
Quote from: Stillwater on August 18, 2017, 07:23:01
3rd-Person observer dreams are pretty common dreams for everyone to have in general.

I'm with Selski on this - My dreams are all in the first person, and in colour - just like "real life".

According to a quick internet search (!) 1st person perspective is common and 3rd person perspective (or "observer perspective") is less common.

A few years ago, whilst describing lucid dreams to a work colleague, my colleague got all annoyed and agitated by my 1st person description and said something like "That's impossible! We don't dream like that, we dream as if we're watching ourselves from behind".

In that moment it was clear to me that my colleague had always dreamt in observer perspective and believed therefore that everyone does. He was clearly wrong.

Selski, you might find the following link interesting. I don't know how authoritative their information is, but it goes along the lines:

"When you experience a dream as an Observer, it may be that the unconscious is protecting you from experiencing the dream first hand because it is too emotional or painful. It gives you the opportunity to see the truth without feeling the pain. ..."

PS - your dream recall is exceptional!

My experience is that in order to transition from wakefulness to LD I must go through a stilling of consciousness. By stilling of consciouness I mean absence of critical thinking. I can have full awareness of my situation and I can direct/guide the experience, but I absolutely must not do any "reasoning" or "critical thinking". Any such type of active thinking wakes the mind and tends to end the experience.

On the other hand, passive thinking, idly watching the shapes, colours and landscapes which present themselves strengthens the MABA state. Any type of sensory experience, visual, auditory, proprioceptive, touch etc, strengthens the state, and once a threshold is reached, locks me in to the LD.  Once locked into the LD, I can then SAFELY USE CRITICAL THINKING AGAIN.

So I have to still my mind as I pass from hypnagogia to full LD. Once locked into the LD I can once again use critical thinking. So Selski I suggest that your "here we go" thought was your undoing! It must have been a bit more "active" than just a simple "here we go" perhaps you combined it with recollections of old experiences, or the anticipation of that amazing experience you were about to have?!

But anyway, that's how it works for me!
Yes it makes perfect sense Selski!

And that's a thread I probably left safely alone, rather than get the boxing gloves out!

Welcome back!
Welcome to News and Media! / Re: Contact
June 19, 2017, 20:08:44
Yeah, it's just fantastic I've seen it twice now. It's also a great tribute to Carl Sagan
Welcome to News and Media! / Contact
June 19, 2017, 19:57:57
Just watched the movie "Contact" based on the book by the late great Carl Sagan. It's a great film with a stunning ending. If you watch it DO watch it right through to the very ending, therwise you'll think it's just another science fiction movie. Stunning.

Be careful with the imdb reference to avoid any spoilers about the ending!
Personally, sounds like bs to me. If he can read all those books in the Vatican, then he should have no trouble naming a target book you've placed somewhere in your house. Don't use anything obvious such as any book on AP, especially anything by Bob Monroe! Your super talented guru should have no trouble naming the book title and author. If he refuses or makes any type of excuse, then you know for sure he's full of bs. Remember he is making super-claims, so he has no excuse! Let us know what he says!
Sounds very much like solipsism to me.
Quote from: desert-rat on October 12, 2014, 16:28:13
There a few hypnotists that will do this .  willy Sutphen would do it with a ball room full of people .  You can find lots of guided self hypnosis cds in new age stores , mp3 for down load , videos on you tube . 
I used to hypnotize my mother and then get her to "travel in her mind" to locations and describe what she saw. She was an exceptional hypnotic subject, she would go deep under, instantaneously. What she described was accurate.
Quote from: darksidessj25 on October 10, 2014, 11:57:39
It just happens because of the meditation I do because it raises awareness. I do kundalini meditation in case your wondering. I sometimes find myself doing reality checks in my dreams as well. One time I tried to poke my finger through my hand it didn't work. I then started to question things lol. Some reality checks just don't work.
The best reality check and the one which invariably works for me is to jump off the ground a little and hover. This obviously never generates false positives, and for me personally has never produced false negatives (false negative = fail to hover even though dreaming).  If I am dreaming I will hover and slowly float back to the ground.
Thanks Szaxx

I gave a few links in the sticky above. (Of which this thread is a duplicate). The research has apparently been published in the journal Resuscition.
Quote from: PlasmaAstralProjection on June 14, 2014, 05:13:23
God, thank you so much catmeow, I finally feel vindicated by someone here that seems to have some real experience with the spiritual and death.

You're welcome!

Quote from: Maxie on June 14, 2014, 15:47:46
Are people getting caught up in the difference between dying and death?  It's not possible to guarantee that dying will be without pain or stress in varying degrees (god, sorry, talking about it so casually!) but I'm still not afraid of death itself, which is what the original poster was asking I think.

Yes well said, I think there are two issues here and some people are not realising that.

Quote from: Lionheart on June 14, 2014, 19:49:44
Maxie, you hit the problem here right on the head. Plasma and Catmeow are talking about the process of dying. When I say "transition", I mean that once your consciousness has left this body/vessel for good, that the actual "transition" begins. It's a transition between this physical awareness and the next form/mode of our evolution.

Yup I am talking about dying, the physical process by which your body shuts down and eventually dies. This can happen quickly, if you are lucky, or it can be a dreadfull, cruel, unbearable long, drawn-out process, for both the person dying and also their family. I watched my mother die slowly from cancer. Worse still, I am now watching my father die of alzheimers. It's been 3 years so far, and it is beyond description.

I have zero fear of death, I embrace it and look forward to it, but I'm pretty scared of dying.

Plasma (I hope you don't mind me shortening your name?), you raise some interesting points about mental health after transitioning.  In terms of physical ailments, these obviously are not carried across, but people become so accustomed to their physical issues that they may well continue to unwittingly manifest them. However, the evidence from NDE studies is that this is a temporary condition, until an individual adjusts, and ends up looking and feeling "in their prime". They may need a lot of help with this. Similarly, many mental issues originate in the brain, so once again, these issues disappear after death. But as you say there may still be other issues with an individual's state of mind, which can only be magnified by the fluid nature of the NP. I have wondered about it myself.
Quote from: PlasmaAstralProjection on June 14, 2014, 01:19:46
LOL actually I don't talk a lot in real life like that though sometimes I can get a bit talkative but it's never out of social acceptance. But even if I did talk like that in real life it doesn't mean I am wrong either. There are just certain things I feel very strongly about. And I obviously have a lot of practical reasons why I believe what I believe. And I guess some people just don't care about practical reasons.  :-(

Plasma, you are so totally on the money. Death is rarely a pleasant experience these days. Most people have absolutely no idea what it involves. My father has severe dementia, he literally has a 3 minute memory. He is stone deaf, and can not be taught how to use a hearing aid (he completely forgets within minutes, even if we can get him to understand). Serially incontinent,, with carers needing to clean up faeces from his flat daily. I shalln't go into any more detail, but this is normal for dementia. Anybody who thinks that death is simply getting slowly a bit weaker, and then passing away peacefully in their sleep, doesn't understand the process.

I find some attitudes on this board heavily steeped in the naivety of health and relative youth. People untouched by health issues, who say that "we create our own reality", who have never experienced chronic severe pain. People who talk about "intent" who have never experienced the truth of alzheimers. Etc. I read some remarks, from people who still have the luxury of relative good health, and literally laugh at the myopically ill-informed opinions. I am truly not getting at anybody, I had the same naive opinions as those I have just criticised, whilst I still had the luxury of not seeing, knowing, experiencing the truth of failing health.

None of us, on this board, actually has the true skills to create our own reality. It's a nice idea, but the truth is different. Try putting a bullet through your knee cap and creating a reality in which your knee is working nicely and you're not in agony. Just think about it. I have a leaflet here on my coffee table from the "Campaign for Dignity in Dying" and I'm going to join up and send some money. I truly wouldn't wish my Father's life on anyone. We wouldn't put a dog through this, and I don't want to go through it either. Plasma, absolutely on the money. Great posts.
Thanks, an interesting article, based on Kenneth Ring's book Mindsight.

The blind from birth NDEer Vicki Umipeg (aka Vicki Noratuk), gives her story here:

Apart from the tunnel motif, other archetypes, which are less often mentioned, but harder to explain imo are:

- Spherical vision
- Telepathic communication

These aren't cultural archetypes, so there is NO reason for them to appear in NDEs, yet they do occur frequently. Telepathic communication is the norm in NDEs, whilst spherical or 360 degree vision occurs frequently.
We've only seen the abstract. Has anybody read the full text? Regarding getting someone else to lead it, Sam Parnia is more than competent. Just watch any of his YouTube videos. He's good.
Yeah, I'm still waiting too... it's annoying.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: great movie.
October 27, 2013, 21:57:04
Mr Nobody (2009) gets an imdb rating of 7.8 which is quite high. So it's a film I will look out for.
Thanks Mark, for that. It's curious how validations often take on an unexpected form. I would have expected your mother to have described a "strange" dream in which you played a role. But the sensation of presence which she felt is a curious alternative. Well done anyway!