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Messages - Novice

Since you posted here and not in the OBE board, I'm assuming you are more interested in phasing, which is my preferred method as well. With phasing, you don't focus on energy surges or body seperation. Frank's phasing post is kinda considered a 'golden oldie' here.

He bases his off of Monroe, but notes a few of his own modifications/adjustments. If you can reach the hypnogagic (seeing images) then you should read and practice what's in this post. You are very close, believe it or not. Relaxation, or the lack thereof, is one of the largest stumbling blocks for everyone trying this. Most people who think they are fully relaxed, are still very tense. Your body feeling heavy is a good sign. It should then feel light as a feather, like you are floating away. Eventually it will melt into nothingness. You don't feel like you have a body at all. I've never had much success with the tense/release method myself. But what does work for me is doing this after some type of physical exercise. Get your muscles really tired, then grab a hot shower. Afterwards lie down and relax. If the muscles are already tired and ready to relax from the work out, it requires a lot less effort on your part to 'force' them to relax (not to mention the health benefits to you from the exercise).

The second biggest stumbling block with phasing is focus. The vast majority of people have a very hard time focusing on one thing, to the exclusion of all else. A big part of the problem is our society, particularly in the west. Its very much based on sensory overload. The idea with phasing is to ignore all physical senses and shift your focus of attention, or your awareness, completely inside yourself. The goal being to shift your focus as your body relaxes itself. So the two are key to making this work.

The only thing that seems to work with me, and everyone is different, is to practice mindfullness throughout the day. Mindfullness is the buddhist concept of being completely aware of what you are doing when you are doing it. Like the exercise I mentioned above, mindfullness has many benefits beyond helping you focus. Regardless, if you make this a habit during your daily activities, it carriers through at night. So when you are practicing phasing, it becomes much easier for you to focus only on the images and block out everything else. It also allows you to become more objective during experiences, thus prolonging the experience. The clarity of your experiences is also enhanced because of your heightened awareness -- which results from your focus. Of course, focus benefits a lot of physical life activities as well.

Hope this helps!
Steve, you don't mention how long you've tried any one method. Nor do you list which methods you've tried. And your request for results within two days is extremely unrealistic. There are multiple techniques because there are multiple types of people. Since this is your first post, I would suggest you read the different posts in the Permanent Astral Topics and Astral FAQ sections (links below). Each of them contains various methods for both OBE and AP.

As for your domain names, they really don't interest me in the least. Although others may feel differently.

If you would like some assistance, it would be useful if you posted specific problems you are having. Or at least posted what you have tried and what you've achieved thus far. That would help us better suggeset things to try.  

Regardless, I would recommend that whatever technique you choose, you regularly practice it daily for a minimum of a month before deciding it isn't the technique for you. This stuff isn't like a drive-thru. You can't order "one super-sized OBE" and pick it up at the next window. It requires time and effort.   :wink:
Quotewhat the hell is AP dammit!?!!?! is it dreaming/lucid dreaming or more?!?!?!" lol hehe.

One problem you are finding is that there are multiple definitions of AP/OBE. Some people lump them all together. Some seperate lucid dreaming from OBE/AP. Some seperate all three. Some don't believe in any of it.

I think your best bet is start experiencing these things for yourself and draw your own conclusions. In the end that is all that matters. You will doubt what anyone else tells you until you experience it for yourself (or at least you should).

I'm personally not positive how all of these relate to one another. I have some thoughts, but as usual they are dynamic and change with any new info/experiences I have. At present, I do agree that each of these are somewhat different. I would probably concede that what most people define as a lucid dream is limited to saying "hey I'm dreaming" and doing some flying/floating/walking through walls type stuff. But that's about it. Lucidity fluctuates even during the experience and most cannot sustain any type of lucidity for long periods of time. I admit that when my lucidity is low this is typically all I do.

However, if my awareness is high enough, I never stay in a dream. I phase to other people/places. Now here's the ambiguous part for me. I'm nto sure how I can define the difference between lucid dreaming and AP. I think they are similar but possibly vary in degrees of awareness, similar to your initial post. But I could be wrong. This is simply the way I personally interpret them at present.

How do I know when I'm AP and not just in a dream, because I consciously shift my awareness. I have full control over the dream. I can start it, stop it, replay it or leave it altogether. There is no doubt and no 'trying' to do this. I simply do it.

My experiences while AP vary in quality from lucid dreams on multiple levels. One, where/who I visit is driven by my intent, so its very focused and not randomly changing/fluctuating. Two, colors, textures, experiences are more vivid and 'real' than lucid dreams. And as I've mentioned here in the past, in several instances, those experiences were more real than any physical experience I've ever had.

QuoteYeh I agree with you on that point but to say it becomes as real as everyday life? no.

Hmm...I think there's a difference between what feels real and conscious awareness. When you are dreaming (even if completely unaware) the dream is absolutely real to you at the time. It's only once you wake up that you realize it wasn't 'real'.

And I think we all experience varying levels of conscious awareness while awake just as we do while asleep. I know I'm not the only one who's gotten into a car to go somewhere, had my mind wonder during the trip, only to blink and realize I'm where I was heading but I don't remember a single thing about how I got there! Ever walk through a mall towards a store and not remember a single thing in any display window you passed? These are just two examples, but people in general go through life fairly unaware, except for perhaps their immediate needs/surroundings.

Reality and conscious awareness are not tied to physical life. Meaning the two exist within the physical, but are not bound to it. So I do not believe you can tie those two to physical life and use that as a guage on experiences. I think you need to isolate them from the environment in which they occur (physical, dream, AP) and go from there.
Quote1. When in the astral plane, is it possible to look at your physical body or anyone's physical body to see if there is any growing sicknesses like cancer or fever or anything? If so, is it possible to heal it using spiritual energy?

It is possible to see your physical body, but I don't see mine all of the time (although I rarely look). However, I think it also depends on your level of lucidity at the time. When I do see my body, I see what I perceive to be the physical body. It looks like itself. I think the disease you are attempting to see are things that are not visible on the physical body but rather reflections/links with the energy body. Theoretically you should be able to see them as well. However I have never done that so I can't be certain.

Quote. I had a brother that passed away 4 years ago, and I feel that there were things we never got to discuss that I feel I need closure with. Is it possible to see and communicate with him?

Yes you can. I have communicated with my deceased father and a deceased pet. The issue is that you need to remain as neutral as possible emotionally. Meaning if you are too distraught or too excited at the meeting, it will end instantly.

Quote3. I understand animals can see spirits. Is it possible to communicate with animals through your spirit in an unkown way? I have one cat with an eating disorder, and I'd like to help her.

I have only ever communicated with a deceased pet. I've never tried with one still alive so I can't answer this one.

Quote4. Is it possible to meet your Twin Flame/Twin Soul? Or would you just see yourself?

I've never heard of twin flame or twin soul before. Do you mean soul mate? If so, then I don't know. I've never tried to meet one simply because I don't beleive in the concept of a soul mate.
For some, yes it is normal. I had read somewhere, forget where, that the pains you are feeling are you bodies way to get the mind's attention. Essentially to check and see if its still awake before the body shuts down. Now, I'm not saying I agree with their interpretation, but I have noticed that occasionally I will experience an odd pain at different places in my body as I try and relax it. I view it as a test of will-power. I know that my body isn't 'really' hurting. In other words, nothing has happened to it since I've been sitting/lying in the position I am at the time. So I know its fine.

Any attention you draw back to your body will lose the mental state you have reached up to that point, as it appears you discovered. The next time this happens, you can start by being vaguely aware of the pain, but ignore it. Don't allow your mind to focus on it. This will take time, but you can do it. I rarely experience odd pains anymore. So perhaps these things dissapear with time/practice?? Not sure.
Things like this have been done here before. I believe Nay had one going in the Validation thread (a sticky in this forum).

Based on my experiences doing this, Cobalt is correct. I have not been able to successfully link with someone I don't know. However, if I have a personal relationship with someone, I can link with them fairly easily. And maybe its just me, but when I link with them, I focus on the individual's 'feel', not so much on their face. So for example I may know what Cameron Diaz looks like, but I don't know her personally. So when I try and link, I may picture her face, but I won't really 'move' towards her until I focus on how she feels. I'm not sure how else to describe it.

Others may have different methods for linking and had success doing so with strangers, if so, then maybe they can comment.
Very interesting (said in my best Freud voice).

Seriously, sounds pretty cool jj.

One of my first trips to the astral I met a man I knew I met with regularly, although I had no physical memory retention of him prior to this. I asked him where we were and he said "the Bardo." I had never heard of it before. I woke up and did some research. In the Tibetan Book of the Dead, they call what I equate to a level in the astral the bardo.

QuoteThis is an article on a Buddhist concept. For other meanings of the word Bardo, see: Bardo (disambiguation)

The Tibetan word Bardo means literally "intermediate state" - also translated as "transitional state" or "in-between state". In Sanskrit the concept has the name antarabhāva.

Used somewhat loosely, the term "bardo" refers to the state of existence intermediate between two lives on earth. According to Tibetan tradition, after death and before one's next birth, when one's consciousness is not connected with a physical body, one experiences a variety of phenomena. These usually follow a particular sequence of degeneration from, just after death, the clearest experiences of reality of which one is spiritually capable, to, later on, terrifying hallucinations arising from the impulses of one's previous unskillful actions. For the spiritually advanced the bardo offers a state of great opportunity for liberation, since transcendental insight may arise with the direct experience of reality, while for others it can become a place of danger as the karmically created hallucinations can impel one into a less than desirable rebirth.

In the West, the term bardo may also refer to times when our usual way of life becomes suspended, as, for example, when we are on retreat. Such times can prove fruitful for spiritual progress, as external constraints diminish, although they offer challenges because our unskillful impulses can come to the fore, just as in the sidpa bardo.

I was pretty intrigued!  :-o
Very touching story Sarah. I think I, too, would find helping a retrieval of a child difficult. But it sounds like you did beautifully.
I've seen this-- as well as colored lights. Sometimes you'll hear sounds as well. Some think its your mind playing tricks. Others believe it is something to do with the chakras kicking in and activating. Not sure what the exact answer is, but I haven't found it to be dangerous. So I would keep up what you are doing and if it happens again, just observe it and keep going.
Some people view astral and OBE experiences as just plain fun to do. And other people view them as a path for spiritual growth. Personally, I think of them as both. They can be fun and light, but at times there is also great depth to the experiences.

Auto-suggestion or hypnotic suggestion is the method of repeating a phrase to yourself at least 40 times. Something short and simple that is meant to help overcome a trait you want to change. For example you want to quit smoking, or stop losing your temper, or what have you. But I don't believe this has anything to do with phasing per se. Other than the fact that it works on the subconcsious and phasing also involves the subconcsious. It can help with spiritual growth if the phrase is something like "I am a happy person" or "I am kind to others" or something that is meant to have a positive effect on both you and those around you.

But one of the benefits of phasing and spiritual growth is the ability to view/feel/communicate with other beings and places not in the physical plane. For example meeting and speaking with spirit guides or deceased loved ones. It is possible to get information and help on your own strengths and weaknesses etc. At least these are some of the ways I employ phasing.

Hope that helps!

Hmmm....sounds like you may be describing hypnotic suggestion or auot-suggestion as I believe it is sometimes called.I have read about it being used as a tool for spiritual growth. Is this what you are referring to? If so, this isn't the board for it. It should probably be moved to the Spiritual Development forum. If I'm correct, let me know and I'll move this thread there. Otherwise I'll leave it here.
At the top of this forum is a sticky called Validation thread. This is for people to post experiences in which they've verified their experiences.

Yes, I have met several people while out, although none from the forum. And I have been able to confirm the experiences.

Don't apologize for being excited -- its perfectly understandable. Enjoy and let us know if you have any other questions!

( a new keyboard and I keep making typos!   :roll:  )
As Stookie said, the act of noticing is the first step to turning inside. In and of itself, it is not phasing though. Noticing helps calm the mind and create a neutral state. One where you don't react to things, simply observe them. In this state, you are better able to observe any images or sensations the mind begins perceiving. This is usually around the hypnogagic stage. By maintaining the neutral state of mind and allowing your mind to focus exclusively on what it is perceiving in the images, the physical body sort of fades away. Obviously it doesn't literally do that, but to the mind, it slips away and is no longer 'there.' As imagery stabilizes, you can then shift your focus on to an image and 'enter' it. This is phasing. The act of shifting your total awareness from the physical to something completely non-physical. Once in the image, you then actually perceive yourself to be in that image, sort of like entering another world or place. Because your consciousness is focused exclusively there.
Below is a link by Frank on phasing. This is one of the best posts on it you'll find on our site (and in my opinion, probably anywhere else as well).

QuoteHave you tried any of the brainwave tapes or do you ever listen to music to try to keep yourself focused?

I used some of the brainwave tapes a few years ago, but just to play with it. I did find it helped induce a light trance state, but I didn't stick with it to go beyond that. Probably because I can do it without, so I didn't see a need for it myself. But I know it has helped quite a few others. If I'm trying to phase or OBE, I find music a distraction. it tends to keep me focused on the physical instead of allowing my mind to go inside.

QuoteEDIT - Whats all this about lying North to South?

I've also ready a number of times where people reference north/south. But as Stookie said, I would ignore it if I were you. I've successfully been OBE in a bunch of different directions. I've never noticed any impediment due to geography. But the one point to remember in this, and anything related to OBE or phasing -- whatever you believe will effect you. So if you believe this is true, then it is for you. That's one of the reasons I think reading is good, to a point. But if you read too much, I think it tends to cause problems until you are able to gain your own personal experiences. Just a thought!

Reading is great, but practicing is even better. Have you tried any method beyond rope yet? If so, which one and what has been your progress?

Reading about 'side effects' can be good, but it does have its drawbacks. For example, the famed vibrations. I have never experienced them myself. I know many do, but there are a few others here who are experienced OBE'ers and either have never experienced them, or only have them occur rarely. So don't get stuck on looking for specific sensations as a guide. That can get you stuck.

Seeing through your eyes is good. The hypnogogic stage (seeing images behind close eyes) is also a sign of a light trance state. At this point, you can try proceeding with phasing or you can continue to remain calm and work on an OBE. Personally, I prefer phasing, but that's just me.

As for excitement, yep that will end the experience every time. Any type of strong emotion -- fear is another common one. Something to practice while waking and going about daily life is what the  buddhists call mindfulness. Meaning, keep your mind focused on what you are doing at the time you are doing. So if you are tying your shoes, think only of tying your shoes, not where you are going afterwards. If you are driving your car, focus on driving and observing where you are and what is around you. Don't let your mind wander to other things. If you make this a habit during waking time, OBE's and phasing becomes much easier, as does lucid dreaming. It also helps you control your thoughts and observe your emotions before they overwhelm you, thus helping you maintain a neutral state instead of getting excited and ending an experience.
In addition to the Astral FAQ section, the Permanent Astral Topics has a lot of tips/techniques as well. I would recommend reading through posts in both of those forums.
Welcome to the AP!

Unfortunately, doing this is like your efforts in the military. The only way to improve is to practice -- and consistency is the best. If you haven't already, read through the Astral FAQ and Permanent Astral Topics sections. There are several methods you can try that don't require a lot of additional 'time'.

One of the most basic things you can start doing while you are doing drills or whatever the military term is for practicing, is to be aware of what you are doing when you are doing it. Its a matter of developing and maintaining a focused stream of consciousness on the moment. So if you are cleaning your weapon, think of nothing else (nothing at all) except the weapon you are holding and what specifically you are doing with it. Do this for everything you do and it becomes a very good habit. If you can do that (which is a lot easier said than done) you will find that phasing becomes much easier -- at least I think it does. Phasing is discussed in both the FAQ and Permanent Astral Topic sections.

You don't need to do energy work or anything like that to succeed. As long as you have time, even if its right before going to sleep, to lie still and meditate, that's all you really need to start with.
Its possible, although I would've thought it would affect everyone. I haven't heard of anyone else having issues. If you have any problem with this again, please let us know. In the meantime, we'll keep a look out to see if others are having similar problems.

This has only happened twice on this forum. The first time was just the other week. Adrian said it is someone hacking in to our database. I don't much more info than that. For any more, you would need to PM Adrian. But I know he is working diligently to prevent it from happening again.
Welcome to Book Reviews! / Missing Posts
July 05, 2007, 08:13:31
Below is a copy of the post Adrian made in the Astral Chat section. I'm posting it in other sections as well so everyone will see it:

Quote from: Adrian on July 05, 2007, 05:49:42
Hello everyone,

You wil no doubt have noticed that we are missing a couple of days of posts.

The forums were hacked for a second time which resulted in all posts being deleted by the hacker. Usually I have a backup that is no older than a day, but there was an issue with the backup system which means the backup was not as current as usual.

I do a lot behind the scenes to keep the forums running, and fending off the many attacks we attract due to the subjects we discuss here is just one of them.

I apologise for any posts you might have lost, or not read, but I would like to assure you that I am doing everthing I can to address all of these issues.

Best regards,


Welcome to Writers Corner! / Missing Posts
July 05, 2007, 08:12:45
Below is a copy of the post Adrian made in the Astral Chat section. I'm posting it in other sections as well so everyone will see it:

Quote from: Adrian on July 05, 2007, 05:49:42
Hello everyone,

You wil no doubt have noticed that we are missing a couple of days of posts.

The forums were hacked for a second time which resulted in all posts being deleted by the hacker. Usually I have a backup that is no older than a day, but there was an issue with the backup system which means the backup was not as current as usual.

I do a lot behind the scenes to keep the forums running, and fending off the many attacks we attract due to the subjects we discuss here is just one of them.

I apologise for any posts you might have lost, or not read, but I would like to assure you that I am doing everthing I can to address all of these issues.

Best regards,


Below is a copy of the post Adrian made in the Astral Chat section. I'm posting it in other sections as well so everyone will see it:

Quote from: Adrian on July 05, 2007, 05:49:42
Hello everyone,

You wil no doubt have noticed that we are missing a couple of days of posts.

The forums were hacked for a second time which resulted in all posts being deleted by the hacker. Usually I have a backup that is no older than a day, but there was an issue with the backup system which means the backup was not as current as usual.

I do a lot behind the scenes to keep the forums running, and fending off the many attacks we attract due to the subjects we discuss here is just one of them.

I apologise for any posts you might have lost, or not read, but I would like to assure you that I am doing everthing I can to address all of these issues.

Best regards,


Welcome to the Healing place! / Missing Posts
July 05, 2007, 08:09:25
Below is a copy of the post Adrian made in the Astral Chat section. I'm posting it in other sections as well so everyone will see it:

Quote from: Adrian on July 05, 2007, 05:49:42
Hello everyone,

You wil no doubt have noticed that we are missing a couple of days of posts.

The forums were hacked for a second time which resulted in all posts being deleted by the hacker. Usually I have a backup that is no older than a day, but there was an issue with the backup system which means the backup was not as current as usual.

I do a lot behind the scenes to keep the forums running, and fending off the many attacks we attract due to the subjects we discuss here is just one of them.

I apologise for any posts you might have lost, or not read, but I would like to assure you that I am doing everthing I can to address all of these issues.

Best regards,


Below is a copy of the post Adrian made in the Astral Chat section. I'm posting it in other sections as well so everyone will see it:

Quote from: Adrian on July 05, 2007, 05:49:42
Hello everyone,

You wil no doubt have noticed that we are missing a couple of days of posts.

The forums were hacked for a second time which resulted in all posts being deleted by the hacker. Usually I have a backup that is no older than a day, but there was an issue with the backup system which means the backup was not as current as usual.

I do a lot behind the scenes to keep the forums running, and fending off the many attacks we attract due to the subjects we discuss here is just one of them.

I apologise for any posts you might have lost, or not read, but I would like to assure you that I am doing everthing I can to address all of these issues.

Best regards,
