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Messages - Novice

QuoteOkay lets cut the crap here.

Plasma...relax. No one has pussyfooted around this question.

QuoteWhat I and i'm sure others want to know (including the original poster) is, is it actually possible to do.

I responded to the initial poster's question. I told them that I had seen a glimpse/snapshot of a future lifetime for me. I didn't intentionally ask to see it, it was shown to me. So yes it is possible. The akashic records are another place to go for that info -- I have visited a past time while there. Not viewed it, as I did with the future glimpse shown to me, but actually stepped into it.

The poster then asked if it was like deja-vu. To me, it is completely different from deja-vu, and I replied as much.

There. Straightforward answers for you.

You may want to check out the Bates method. He developed a method, with exercises, and bundled it with a psychological study of poor eyesight. What Awake-and_Aware posted is very similar, but not as comprehensive, as what Bates describes. There are a few other authors who have built/expanded on what Bates started. His work was done back in the 40's or 50's I believe.

A more recent man to look into is a guy out in CA (USA). I can't recall his name off the top of my head, but he grew up classified as blind (he could only see black and what blobs essentially). He read about Bates and began doing palming. He developed a series of exercises and went from classified as blind to 20/40 vision. His name is unusual as his parents were immigrants....I want to say something like Meins - but that's not it. I'll do some research and see if I can find it for you. He wrote a book as well and incorporates a lot of what Bates began.

Palming is a big help for eyes. And when you do any of these exercises, never wear your glasses. In fact, you should try and live only using your glasses when necessary. Meaning if you can see objects as you walk through the house, although they are fuzzy, then don't wear your glasses around the house. The less you wear your glasses, the better it is for your eyes. Obviously, driving or something that critical you should wear them. Another thing they advocate is going down a notch in prescription strength. In other words, when you get new glasses, don't let them give you one that works for your eyes as they are now, make them slightly weaker.

EDIT: Found the guy in CA - his name is Meirs Schneider. Here's a link to his site:  He has several books published on vision improvement as well.
Actually it's interesting even at a more fundamental level than that. If you think about it, animals seem to be focused on the present moment all the time. They don't get bogged down with thoughts of things from the past or future -- including all the worry, fear, excitement, etc that goes along with them. If they are threatened by a predator, they run as fast as possible till they're free. Then given a few minutes to calm down, they're fine. Heart rate is back to normal and they're grazing on grass or what have you. If that were to happen to a human, we remained tense/pumped for hours after we're free. And anytime we think about the incident, which we all know we'll do repeatedly, our body responds accordingly. Animals don't replay these events in their minds. What's done is done. They don't carry it with them. I think that's something we can learn from.

Also, unrelated to emotions/animals, I found the content from Elias regarding Jesus and the crucifixion/second coming interesting. Not sure I agree/believe what he describes as the Rose children, but I do believe what he says about the crucifixion not occurring. A few years ago I visited the Akashic Records and asked to see the crucifixion. The helper didn't understand what I meant. I elaborated about Jesus and then he shook his head slightly, with a strange smile, and said they didn't have it. I wasn't convinced the event took place, so was attempting to verify for myself. I hadn't posted this before, because I wasn't sure of the reason for them not having it, but I suspected it was because it never happened. So what Elias said about that event seems to be true based on what I've been able to determine....very interesting.

I glanced through the first two pages of the link you sent. Basically you are linking to a long thread on this topic. There is no reason to do this. I'm deleting the link to that other thread. If people here are interested, they'll ask questions to the thread you started here.

Below is a copy from the second post you made to that thread. The rest of that post is simply Q&A. If members here are interested or have questions, they can post their questions here and you can respond if you want. I don't think its fair to ask them to go somewhere else to ask questions on a thread you started here.

QuoteI too am extremely short sighted Korpo, I do think that in time my eyesight will recover. My eyes now feel soo relaxed, my shortsightedness I firmly believe was caused by subconscious tension in the muscles around my eyes, tension which is now slowly diminishing. Only time will tell but I'll be very suprised if my sight remains as it is.

As for the "technique" it is beautifully simple, but extremely tricky.

All you do is practise moving your eyes fluidly around, that's it. Moving your point of focus through mid-air is cheating and you won't get any benefits from it (unless you're using it as a starting aid).

I practised non-stop all day everday with no breaks at all. I had this idea on Monday, and that's when I started, so as you can see results are fairly quick.

But bare in mind, as you practise this simple technique you will find a new world of intricate complexities opening up infront of you and inside. The technique has a simple label, and is simple to practise, but you'll find it reveals to you the very essense of what you are.

Just remember, no matter if you can't do it, or if it hurts or what ever reason you might have trouble with all you have to focus on is that fluid motion. Just keep trying, keep feeling for that fluid motion and fail as many times as nessecary until you master it.

What this excersise does is it removes the lotus of control out of your eyes from your eyes. What I mean is, when you want to look at something, you'll turn your eyes towards it, because that's where your awareness is (where you are looking from, your self awareness, have you ever noticed how you are actually inside your eyes and not behind them inside your head?). This excersise trains your subconsious to take control of your eye muscles while you develope and learn to control your external point of awareness which will drag your eyes with it as you move it THROUGH your surroundings. You will develope the ability to feel your surroundings with this external awareness, providing you can hold the balance and the focus (which will very quickly become automatic).

The technique has many, many layers or levels (or more specifically spheres), each one will require you to map it by feeling it out throughly, you'll have to do this so many times but it is never boring! Each one is the same thing, but feels completely different. Eventually all the complexities will simply dissapear as your subconscious takes over all the hard work and that particualr focus is now effortless to you.

This excersise opens your eyes, litteraly, you'll be amazed at what they become! at how they change! In certain focuses (the further/closer/smaller ones) I can FEEL high frequencies in my eyes. Trance is usually good for a wonderful eye massage, it's almost like it tickles, it feels great.

Something else as well, when I'm in the more sensitive focuses (like the one above) I can also feel these higher frequencies in my brain, on the top/back part. It feels like electricity, and also feels very good 

As you progress, you'll become aware of a new feeling inside your eye, that also extends out into your field of vision. It feels like a tiny flickering tongue wrigling around in the center of your eyes. I think of it as your focus muscle (it is actually just a vortex of focus), slowly being developed and strengthened. This will be one way to move through all these levels of focus and also a way of moving your zero-point (just remember that name, you'll know them when your feeling them). When you hold a zero-point (or move one) the focus vortex between it and you is aligned and ballanced. This balanced vortex becomes a sphere of focus, so you move the zero-point to change spheres of focus. All you do is move your zero-point around this focus constantly, just feeling it, eventually your focus will be channelled through the zero-point into the wider phere of focus when you have felt it enough for it to become subconscious.

As you widen your focus, moving it in towards your eye, making it smaller, you'll feel your focus vortex move up, out of your eyes and into your brow centre, then all you have to is hold the focus and your brow center will activate. When I do this it makes the light bulbs flicker. If I move this focus vortex (that new little wriggling sensation inside your eyes/third eye) further up into my crown and brain I think it activates my crown center (I don't know what crown center activation feels like). I feel a pressure and I hear/feel a high pitched sound coming from it, and it gets louder the closer I get to that "hole" (vortex) you fall into when you fall asleep.

Once your awareness is developed to the point where you've moved through all the "large" levels of focus (your physical surroundings), you'll be able to move your awareness freely around physically without any interference at all from what may be near you. This is free focus, you are literally freeing your focus. I haven't done much with this yet, but the other day I managed to create a kind of awarenes circuit in this sphere using some kind of awareness zero-points. This circuit ran through my legs, and I set balls of awareness bouncing around the circuit (my legs). New Energy Ways on autopilot basically, I only held it for a second but I don't see why it can't be prolonged.. The full body bounce is very easy and you'll probably find yourself just doing it naturally when you get to this point.

Then, when your subconscious has assimilated enough awareness you'll become aware of the pulse. It takes hold of your new finely tuned focus and pulls and pushes, as though it's breathing, this will become your second breath, you'll feel it through your whole body.

There's just so much to be discovered.

Also, I'd be interested to know if anyone else's brain waves take the form of a red and blue ying yang around the zero-point.

If anyone has any more questions please ask.

Also, what you are describing I began doing about 4 years ago or so. And you are correct, it does help your vision. My eyesight improved by 100 pts in both eyes within the first 30 days. So drastic, I couldn't wear my glasses because they hurt as soon as I put them on -- totally floored my optometrist. Over the next year, my vision improved by another 100 pts. I haven't been doing it much lately -- life interferes, but it hasn't gotten worse, it's been holding steady since then. But I've got about another 100 pts to go before I'm back to 20/20.
I'm not sure where to put this, as is doesn't fit neatly into any of our forum descriptions, so I moved it here.

Also, Awake And Aware, if you are going to post something, please post it here and not direct others to posts on other forums that they need to read there, only to come back here to respond.

Thank you.
Not for me. Both times this occurred while I was phasing. It wasn't a feeling of having done something before. In both cases, it was fleeting images, coupled with what I term "data download." Oftentimes when I'm phasing if I see someone or something, I get an instant dump of info -- not sure how else to explain it. It isn't linear, it's like I suddenly know all of the back story to an image/person without anyone telling me or showing me. So, nothing like deja vu.
These are all various stages of conscious awareness. What you describe (fuzzy perception, forgetting bits of it, etc) is a clear indication of fluctuating lucidity -- we all experience this.

I find mindfullness a really good way to not only enhance your waking state, but to increase the quantity and quality of lucid/astral experiences. It also helps you retain more of the experiences upon waking.

This is something like a waking meditation -- where you concentrate on what you are doing at the moment you are doing it. Others call it "being in the NOW." That's a bit 'new-agey' for me, but whatever works for you. Its all basically the same thing. Be aware of what you are doing, when you are doing it and don't let your mind stray to other things. This carriers over into sleep, so that you recognize the dream state more easily. Once you are able to move and manipulate that state, your awareness expands and you begin to take control. You can then phase to other people/places and really start to explore!

Good luck and keep it up!
Welcome to Quantum Physics! / Re: 0 = infinity
October 13, 2007, 08:02:12
Well, the subject is 0=infinity. So I was discussing that.

I don't remember the first post, so maybe it strayed from the subject line?
Welcome to Quantum Physics! / Re: 0 = infinity
October 12, 2007, 16:00:12
QuoteDidn't you learn all this in mathematics?


Didn't you read our posts?

I explained that within the confines of mathematics, your definition/explaination is correct.

We are not attempting to debate mathematic principals. In fact, we've conceded them in previous posts.

However, what we are suggesting is that an individual's perception of infinity is typically represented by the circle because of its shape -- regardless of how mathematics defines the shape. It's about symbolic interpretation of an object, not mathematical formulas. In this, we feel that the circle can be explained to represent infinity.

Welcome to Quantum Physics! / Re: 0 = infinity
October 12, 2007, 08:35:30
I personally don't like wikipedia -- you never know the source/accuracy of the information being posted.

Regardless, you are correct in that a straight line, by definition, runs through two points and can be considered infinite. However, I think it is commonly considered finite -- a perception that is not necessarily correct -- because it has a beginning and an end. The line may go on continuously, but there is always a starting point for one end of the line and the end point. Thus two points are the beginning and end of the line. So many perceive the fact that it has these two points, it must be finite.

A circle is considered infinite because it is completely round. You may be able to see all of the circle, but where does it start and end? Look at this:  0   Can you point to a specific spot in that zero and tell where it starts and ends? I can't. It is seemless. If you were to trace it, you would continue to go "in circles." That's where the saying came from, in fact. It is indicitive of having no end in sight -- hence infinite. Whereas when someone uses the term "make a straight line for..." whetever, it implies a limit, a direct path to a specific location -- not infinite.

This is the reason that a circle is typically used to represent infinity and not a line.

Although I have seen a spiral represented as infinity as well. In order for the spiral to make sense for me, personally, it would need to double back on it self and essentially be an elongated, spiraling circle.
Thanks Jen! I was just about to link to Frank's post in this reply -- but you already did that!

There are quite a few people who advocate energy work prior to and critical to having an OBE. I had never done any energy work at all when I realized what I was doing. So I don't think it applies to everyone, but that's just based on my own experience.

As for phasing, I prefer this method. Have you tried running down Frank's post that Jen linked to? How long have you practiced? I had been doing phasing, following something very similar to what Frank describes before I came here. I had no idea what I was doing, but had been doing it for a few I feel very comfortable in recommending his method as it works quite well for me and many others here.

The easiest way to start is with noticing, like Frank explains in great detail in the post. Don't look for success the first, third, or fifteenth time in terms of phasing. Instead, look at success in 'baby steps.' If you can successfully sit an entire 'session' (however long you decide to practic) and really notice your blood or breath or specific muscle or whatever, then that's success. Doing this is like meditation, in that in hones your concentration and helps you learn to focus inside and not ouside. Eventually, this leads to noticing not only the physical body, but the 'stuff' going on behind the eye lids -- what the mind starts doing and seeing. Then your focus shifts from the body to what is in your 'mind's eye,' so to speak. This, in turn, leads to phasing.

Use of the imagination and senses I find immensely helpful in this -- I hesitate to say necessary, although it could be. I do them because I find it much easier for me to phase when incorporating as many senses as I can. Plus practicing the imagary is really fun (or at least it is for me!)

Lastly, relax and enjoy the time you practice. You will have success. You simply need to stop trying for it. (and no, that's not an oxymoron!)   :wink:

Above all, be patient. You'll get results soon enough. Just remember, each time you practice you learn something, whether you realize it at the moment or not. Also, it is most beneficial if you make this a daily practice and not sporadic. Say, every evening for 20-30 minuites you sit in a quiet room and practice relaxing and noticing. This is the equivalent of a 1/2 hour sitcom show == and far more rewarding.  If you commit to this, and follow Frank's advice in this post, you should start seeing/feeling things happen within a month.
I had never heard of him/them before.

Stookie is right...good suff! Thanks for sharing!!
I was told something about a past life experience by my guide. Then, another time, I was given a glimpse into a future lifetime.

Sorry...they are too personal to share. But I thought I'd let you know that it is possible, but it isn't done, at least not in my experience, very often. Usually only for a specific reason.
I think you started out as a typical OBE -- physical body seperation. But then you describe a void or hole open up. When phasing, I perceive the blackness opening up in front of me to appear like a long tunnel. I'm not positive this is what you experienced, as you describe it as grey and I've never heard anyone else describe it as anything but black. Regardless, you basically phased from an OBE (etheric zone => semi-transparent environment, floating movements) to a different area I call the astral for lack of a better word. I don't like that word, but its a common one. The feel between these two places is quite distinct to me, which is why I use different words to describe them.

In the astral, I perceive a body sometimes, but only when I look for it. I move by walking. There is no sense of floating, like in the etheric, unless I intentionally focus on doing so. Unlike the etheric there are colors and places feel more solid to the touch. Also, you will feel a touch sensation, but you will not feel least I never do.

You perceived the place you were in as a type of air terminal. Typically, when your consciousness is outside the physical realm, you interpret your surroundings based on things that seem similar to you so that you can understand them. An airport terminal is a place where people go to be transported somewhere else. This was probably some type of transition area, so that's why you interpretated it as an airport.

The office you desribed had me smiling. A few times I went to my guide, unannounced, and found her in an office. There were two chairs, a desk, even some shelves with picture frames! I was amazed. I never would have guessed a guide would have/need an office. But again, this is how my mind interpreted the surroundings. It was the closest association I had in my memore to link to the environment.

Overall, excellent description, great memory recall -- it's amazing how clear and easy it is to remember these experiences when your awareness is high.

QuoteI just CAN'T do it

You're right. You can't.

At least not when you repeatedly tell yourself this. It may sound psychological....because it is. This is all about mind and consciousness.

You say you get to the point where you stop feeling your body...what else? What happens at that point for you and how long do you remain at that point?

Are you attempting and OBE or phasing?

Keep in mind that vibrations are not mandatory. I never get them myself. So don't worry about looking for symptoms others experience.

If you get to the point where you can't feel your body, simply lie there and observe yourself...your thoughts. Give it at least another 5 minutes of absolutely no movement. You should soon get the sense that your arm is suddenly moving or floating. And it will feel like it is not lying where you know it is. Whatever you do, don't get excited (I know, hard to do), and don't move. At this point, you only have the sense of a partial seperation. If I'm doing it this way, I always sense my arms go first. They start floating about a 45 degree angle from my body and a few inches above where they are physically lying. Keep lying still and eventually you'll feel your legs loosen as well. For me, the torso is always last when I'm trying to do this while awake. However, if I wake during the night and try it, I'm so relaxed, I simply roll out.

Like anything else it takes time, patience, and relaxation. 99% of the population think they are fully relaxed when they are not. You may want to first do a good work-out -- run, bike, weights, something that really wears you out physically. Then lie down and relax. Your muscles will be much more easily relaxed if they're completely exhausted.

Good luck!
What is "real?"

Reality is subjective and based on the individual's perception. I've had many experiences while phasing and OBE which were more real to me than any physical experience I've ever had. But that will mean nothing to you. The only way you can make your own determination is to experience it yourself. Reading other's thoughts/experiences is one thing, but save your own judgement/determination for what you, personally, experience.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Hello !
October 10, 2007, 11:13:15
I moved this post here as it wasn't specific to OBEs, but rather spanned several categories.
I've never purchased it, but from what members have said, I believe it is several hundred dollars == it is CD though. Don't know the exact price.
Actually, you don't "need" to find anyone to teach you. This is something that's very easy to learn on your own.  8-)

I don't think anyone here has had anyone teach them as you are requesting...although I could be wrong. The vast majority of members practice on their own, post any specific questions/issues they are having, then other members help them out as best they can. I hope you at least give it a try, since I'm not sure what kind of luck you'll have finding a 'teacher.' I don't know of anyone that teaches this stuff.

Regardless of your decision, good luck.
Read through the posts in the sections: Permanent Astral Topics and Astral FAQs. Those two sections are packed with posts on methods, techniques and common experiences. I suggest all new members struggling with OBE or phasing read through them.

Find a technique that appeals to you, the commit to daily practice of it for at least a month before deciding it isn't working. There are a bunch of techniques because different things work better/worse for different people. The only way to tell what works for you is through trial and error. But skipping different techniques every other day will yield nothing either. You need to be consistent with a method before determining if it works for you.

Good luck!

If you have any specific questions as you begin using techniques, post your questions in either the OBE Discussion, if that's a method you are attempting, or the Astral Consciousness section if you are trying phasing.
The F10, F27 and Park being mentioned in this thread refer to Robert Monroe's categorization of consciousness or areas of awareness while phasing. The Gateway Series is also a product his organization sells to help people achieve these results. You can read more about this on his website:
The first time I ever saw the word Over-Soul was when reading Robert Peterson or Robert Monroe or some guy writing on OBE. I think it was Peterson, although it's been years since I read it.

If memory serves, he used that term to decribe his perception of an OBE experience in which he perceived a large body -- like a mother-ship -- with a bunch of tendrils extending down from it. Each tendril represented one life or part of him. And that each one was also a part of this over-soul.

Interestingly enough, I hadn't realized till this morning, when googling the word, that Ralph Waldo Emerson is the first to coin the word when he wrote an essay on spirituality and soul...I'm going to have to read that now!

Actually, it looks like Monroe used this term in Ultimate Journeys as well...although I've never read that.

From what I remember, I equate the word Over-Soul to how people currently think of the Higher Self. So I believe the question is how to contact your higher self.