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Below is a copy of the post Adrian made in the Astral Chat section. I'm posting it in other sections as well so everyone will see it:

Quote from: Adrian on July 05, 2007, 05:49:42
Hello everyone,

You wil no doubt have noticed that we are missing a couple of days of posts.

The forums were hacked for a second time which resulted in all posts being deleted by the hacker. Usually I have a backup that is no older than a day, but there was an issue with the backup system which means the backup was not as current as usual.

I do a lot behind the scenes to keep the forums running, and fending off the many attacks we attract due to the subjects we discuss here is just one of them.

I apologise for any posts you might have lost, or not read, but I would like to assure you that I am doing everthing I can to address all of these issues.

Best regards,


Welcome to Magic! / Missing Posts
July 05, 2007, 08:08:26
Below is a copy of the post Adrian made in the Astral Chat section. I'm posting it in other sections as well so everyone will see it:

Quote from: Adrian on July 05, 2007, 05:49:42
Hello everyone,

You wil no doubt have noticed that we are missing a couple of days of posts.

The forums were hacked for a second time which resulted in all posts being deleted by the hacker. Usually I have a backup that is no older than a day, but there was an issue with the backup system which means the backup was not as current as usual.

I do a lot behind the scenes to keep the forums running, and fending off the many attacks we attract due to the subjects we discuss here is just one of them.

I apologise for any posts you might have lost, or not read, but I would like to assure you that I am doing everthing I can to address all of these issues.

Best regards,


Welcome to Dreams! / Missing Posts
July 05, 2007, 08:08:06
Below is a copy of the post Adrian made in the Astral Chat section. I'm posting it in other sections as well so everyone will see it:

Quote from: Adrian on July 05, 2007, 05:49:42
Hello everyone,

You wil no doubt have noticed that we are missing a couple of days of posts.

The forums were hacked for a second time which resulted in all posts being deleted by the hacker. Usually I have a backup that is no older than a day, but there was an issue with the backup system which means the backup was not as current as usual.

I do a lot behind the scenes to keep the forums running, and fending off the many attacks we attract due to the subjects we discuss here is just one of them.

I apologise for any posts you might have lost, or not read, but I would like to assure you that I am doing everthing I can to address all of these issues.

Best regards,


Below is a copy of the post Adrian made in the Astral Chat section. I'm posting it in other sections as well so everyone will see it:

Quote from: Adrian on July 05, 2007, 05:49:42
Hello everyone,

You wil no doubt have noticed that we are missing a couple of days of posts.

The forums were hacked for a second time which resulted in all posts being deleted by the hacker. Usually I have a backup that is no older than a day, but there was an issue with the backup system which means the backup was not as current as usual.

I do a lot behind the scenes to keep the forums running, and fending off the many attacks we attract due to the subjects we discuss here is just one of them.

I apologise for any posts you might have lost, or not read, but I would like to assure you that I am doing everthing I can to address all of these issues.

Best regards,


Below is a copy of the post Adrian made in the Astral Chat section. I'm posting it in other sections as well so everyone will see it:

Quote from: Adrian on July 05, 2007, 05:49:42
Hello everyone,

You wil no doubt have noticed that we are missing a couple of days of posts.

The forums were hacked for a second time which resulted in all posts being deleted by the hacker. Usually I have a backup that is no older than a day, but there was an issue with the backup system which means the backup was not as current as usual.

I do a lot behind the scenes to keep the forums running, and fending off the many attacks we attract due to the subjects we discuss here is just one of them.

I apologise for any posts you might have lost, or not read, but I would like to assure you that I am doing everthing I can to address all of these issues.

Best regards,


Below is a copy of the post Adrian made in the Astral Chat section. I'm posting it in other sections as well so everyone will see it:

Quote from: Adrian on July 05, 2007, 05:49:42
Hello everyone,

You wil no doubt have noticed that we are missing a couple of days of posts.

The forums were hacked for a second time which resulted in all posts being deleted by the hacker. Usually I have a backup that is no older than a day, but there was an issue with the backup system which means the backup was not as current as usual.

I do a lot behind the scenes to keep the forums running, and fending off the many attacks we attract due to the subjects we discuss here is just one of them.

I apologise for any posts you might have lost, or not read, but I would like to assure you that I am doing everthing I can to address all of these issues.

Best regards,


Welcome to Quantum Physics! / Missing Posts
July 05, 2007, 08:06:40
Below is a copy of the post Adrian made in the Astral Chat section. I'm posting it in other sections as well so everyone will see it:

Quote from: Adrian on July 05, 2007, 05:49:42
Hello everyone,

You wil no doubt have noticed that we are missing a couple of days of posts.

The forums were hacked for a second time which resulted in all posts being deleted by the hacker. Usually I have a backup that is no older than a day, but there was an issue with the backup system which means the backup was not as current as usual.

I do a lot behind the scenes to keep the forums running, and fending off the many attacks we attract due to the subjects we discuss here is just one of them.

I apologise for any posts you might have lost, or not read, but I would like to assure you that I am doing everthing I can to address all of these issues.

Best regards,


Welcome to Metaphysics! / Missing Posts
July 05, 2007, 08:06:21
Below is a copy of the post Adrian made in the Astral Chat section. I'm posting it in other sections as well so everyone will see it:

Quote from: Adrian on July 05, 2007, 05:49:42
Hello everyone,

You wil no doubt have noticed that we are missing a couple of days of posts.

The forums were hacked for a second time which resulted in all posts being deleted by the hacker. Usually I have a backup that is no older than a day, but there was an issue with the backup system which means the backup was not as current as usual.

I do a lot behind the scenes to keep the forums running, and fending off the many attacks we attract due to the subjects we discuss here is just one of them.

I apologise for any posts you might have lost, or not read, but I would like to assure you that I am doing everthing I can to address all of these issues.

Best regards,


Below is a copy of the post Adrian made in the Astral Chat section. I'm posting it in other sections as well so everyone will see it:

Quote from: Adrian on July 05, 2007, 05:49:42
Hello everyone,

You wil no doubt have noticed that we are missing a couple of days of posts.

The forums were hacked for a second time which resulted in all posts being deleted by the hacker. Usually I have a backup that is no older than a day, but there was an issue with the backup system which means the backup was not as current as usual.

I do a lot behind the scenes to keep the forums running, and fending off the many attacks we attract due to the subjects we discuss here is just one of them.

I apologise for any posts you might have lost, or not read, but I would like to assure you that I am doing everthing I can to address all of these issues.

Best regards,


Below is a copy of the post Adrian made in the Astral Chat section. I'm posting it in other sections as well so everyone will see it:

Quote from: Adrian on July 05, 2007, 05:49:42
Hello everyone,

You wil no doubt have noticed that we are missing a couple of days of posts.

The forums were hacked for a second time which resulted in all posts being deleted by the hacker. Usually I have a backup that is no older than a day, but there was an issue with the backup system which means the backup was not as current as usual.

I do a lot behind the scenes to keep the forums running, and fending off the many attacks we attract due to the subjects we discuss here is just one of them.

I apologise for any posts you might have lost, or not read, but I would like to assure you that I am doing everthing I can to address all of these issues.

Best regards,


Below is a copy of the post Adrian made in the Astral Chat section. I'm posting it in other sections as well so everyone will see it:

Quote from: Adrian on July 05, 2007, 05:49:42
Hello everyone,

You wil no doubt have noticed that we are missing a couple of days of posts.

The forums were hacked for a second time which resulted in all posts being deleted by the hacker. Usually I have a backup that is no older than a day, but there was an issue with the backup system which means the backup was not as current as usual.

I do a lot behind the scenes to keep the forums running, and fending off the many attacks we attract due to the subjects we discuss here is just one of them.

I apologise for any posts you might have lost, or not read, but I would like to assure you that I am doing everthing I can to address all of these issues.

Best regards,


Below is a copy of the post Adrian made in the Astral Chat section. I'm posting it in other sections as well so everyone will see it:

Quote from: Adrian on July 05, 2007, 05:49:42
Hello everyone,

You wil no doubt have noticed that we are missing a couple of days of posts.

The forums were hacked for a second time which resulted in all posts being deleted by the hacker. Usually I have a backup that is no older than a day, but there was an issue with the backup system which means the backup was not as current as usual.

I do a lot behind the scenes to keep the forums running, and fending off the many attacks we attract due to the subjects we discuss here is just one of them.

I apologise for any posts you might have lost, or not read, but I would like to assure you that I am doing everthing I can to address all of these issues.

Best regards,


There is a book called Hands of Light by Barbara Brennan that has a very good description of what she's seen experienced related to auras. It includes color drawings as well as discussions of diseases and emotions relative to the aura. You may want to read it.

I have only had a few experiences with auras myself, and never a 'full-blown' one. I've only ever seen one color around a person, usually the head. Although I will often times see the blue layer around my legs when I'm doing yoga. My hands always appear orange to me, but not as an outline, like around my legs. Its like my hands themselves were painted orange -- strange. And I've also seen the 'cloud' type things around peoples heads. Usually a sky blue color, but once they were all white. I haven't had any issues with background colors affecting the viewings though. Most of my experiences have come spontaneously. Many while I'm sitting in a meeting with several people around a table. Or if I'm talking quietly with a friend. They just appear.
Bonjour Jerome and welcome to the site!
Yes I have done it and yes it is phasing -- at least to my definition. Phasing simply means turning your awareness from the outer world to the inner one. It is shifting your focus of attention to things not perceived by the physical senses.

You are correct, however, in that this method typically keeps lucidity of the experience rather low because you are not fully in the experience. However, it is possible to turn it into a fully lucid experience by simply releasing your mental 'hold' on the physical and fully merging with the internal experience.
what do you mean "mental projection"?
I can answer your questions, but I think the best thing would be for you to read the following post by Frank:

It answers all of your quesitons plus lots more and in great depth. It is considered by many to be the best post about phasing on this site (and arguably any others).

#193 fact this post will probably get removed ... i assume cult, because a.) you need to pay to learn the 'secrets' and b.) its very badly 'new age'... please read "New Religious Movements: A Practical Introduction" by Elieen barker...this will fully enlighten you!

Sorry to disappoint, but your post hasn't been deleted, simply moved to a more appropriate area.

Also, this site is definatly not a cult. As for paying for information or secrets, that has absolutly nothing to do with the definition of a cult.

From Websters:

Main Entry: cult
Pronunciation: 'k&lt
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: French & Latin; French culte, from Latin cultus care, adoration, from colere to cultivate -- more at WHEEL
1 : formal religious veneration : WORSHIP
2 : a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents
3 : a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; also : its body of adherents
4 : a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator <health cults>
5 a : great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a film or book); especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad b : the object of such devotion c : a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion

Most people consider a cult to be a group of individuals blindly adherent to a specific set of rules/laws. That is the completel opposite of this site. Here, diverse opinions on many metaphysical concepts are discussed and debated openly. There is no censorship involved on this site. The only time posts are edited/removed or members given warnings on content is when the posts become inflamatory or derogatory to someone else.

Enjoy the site!
SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) -- A five-acre glacial lake in Chile's southern Andes has disappeared -- and scientists want to know why.

Park rangers at Bernardo O'Higgins National Park said they found a 100-feet-deep crater in late May where the lake had been in March. Several large pieces of ice that used to float atop the water also were spotted.

"The lake had simply disappeared," Juan Jose Romero, head of Chile's National Forest Service in the southernmost region of Magallanes, said Wednesday. "No one knows what happened."

A group of geologists and other experts will be sent to the area 1,250 miles southeast of Santiago in the next few days to investigate, Romero said.

One theory is the water disappeared through cracks in the lake bottom into underground fissures. But experts do not know why the cracks would have appeared because there have been no earthquakes reported in the area recently, Romero said.

A river that flowed out of the lake was reduced to a trickle.

Welcome nonames!

You may want to check out the Permanent Astral Topics and Astral FAQ sections. They are loaded with a bunch of different methods for both OBE and AP.

This question has been asked many many times here. There is a sticky topic at the top of this particular forum addressing this question (validation thread, link is below). Instead of starting another topic, feel free to read and respond to that one. I will be locking this one to eliminate duplicate threads.
You may want to do a search on Akashic Records if you are interested, there was a thread here several months back regarding it.

I visit there the same way I visit any other person or place -- through thought/intent. Focus fully on who/where you want to visit and keep that thought alone in your mind. It takes what I perceive to be only a few moments and then I arrive.

As for looks, it will look like whatever your mind interprets, just like anything else in the astral. So what I perceive it to be will be different (either by a little bit or a lot) than what someone else perceives it to be. But there was a type of grassy lawn in front and it had wide stone steps leading up to the building. There were many rooms and a lot of 'helpers' around to whom you could ask questions. They will lead you right to where you want to go. I perceived not really books, but more like moving pictures -- but really small frames. There were pages of these, and I flipped through until I saw one I wanted. Then I entered it.
The only time I've ever been able to visit the past when I wanted to was to first go to the Akashic records and visit from there. Once I was shown a past life by a guide -- but it was strange in that I didn't see the whole life or anything, it was more a glimpse of who/what I was and a brief summary of what happened and how that impacts my current life.

Clarity for both was only about 70% aware -- so I understood general things, but some of the details kept getting distorted.
QuoteI have talked to some of my fellow constituents at my university about a spiritual path and they respond with vacant stares or ask a lot of questions. I don't bother talking about it now because I understand that it amounts to defending or remaining attached to certain view points.

I had to laugh at reading this. There is only one person I discuss some of my spiritual perceptions/thoughts with, but not everything. And I don't discuss any of this with anyone else, including my husband. Simply because they have no interest in it. Most are wary/cautious due to beliefs/fears in christianity. Instead of them thinking I'm possessed by demons or something, I simply don't comment on religion -- or if I do, its something vague that I know is 'safe' to say.

I think the reason for this type of response from others is that spiritual growth is an inner/private journey. I don't feel it is something that can be openly discussed and easily understood by anyone not on a similar path. And even then, I think there are similarities across them all, but also differences in the search/experiences that are unique for each individual.

Even though you are still in school, you don't need to wait to 'start your search.' Someone mentioned meditating, which I would also highly recommend. Meditation is a basic tool/method that is used by different names and in different ways in all religions/beliefs that I'm familiar with. So it is something that you can do and not worry about committing to something you don't know much about. It will also, given time, help guide you towards what is right for you at the moment.

Additionally, I would buy books on buddhism (Thich Nhat Hanh is a wonderful author/monk you may enjoy reading). I would also recommend reading books on other religions/philosophy. Perhaps some books by Rudolf Steiner on anthroposophy. I also very much enjoyed The Bhagavid Gita According to Gandhi -- it was a translation and interpretation by Gandhi which I found much easier to read/understand that the one by Swami Prabhupada (that one was too heavy with religious doctrine for me). The Secret Doctrine by Madam Blavatsky is also interesting to read. You may want to throw in some books on yoga and hermetics as well. If you are interested in eastern religions/philosophy, those should both be included in your reading/research.