Projection Journal- tides2dust. Entries, Past Experiences, Notes and Questions

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Hello Tides,

I have loved reading your entire Journal, little by little I'm trying to read all Journals here. I love reading people's explorations and progress. I have enjoyed reading yours and it seems to me that you have had fascinating experiences, such as having several perspectives of yourself at the same time, or sharing your energy body with another entity, woh! I liked those a lot.

Oh yes, the famous false awakening, what a moment! Many times, it has happened to me to get out of bed while practicing phasing and walk around the room, without realizing that it had already happened... In fact, I even went back to bed thinking that I should concentrate more on practice and not waste time doing silly things... funny! Sometimes one concentrates so much on the technique that ends up forgetting the very objective of the exercise :-D

I have read in another thread that you have raised an interesting question, about having Obes, but without feeling a specific astral body, while in others it was more evident. 

I remember that Robert Monroe talked precisely about how he detached himself from his physical body, but then he detached himself from his denser energy body again and left it orbiting around his physical body, to move on to another less dense vehicle and begin an exploration. Right now, I'm reading Willian Buhlman's, I haven't read that book for so many years! I haven't finished it, but I have reached the part where he precisely raises this question, of having several energy vehicles to explore and finally ends up doing the same as Monroe, going from his denser energy body to a less dense one, to explore superior aspects of the astral world or his own consciousness. Apparently, everything has to do with different energy bodies and their density scale. I suppose it all depends on what one is looking for, but I don't think it's so essential to feel in the dense energy body, becoming aware in the NP is enough to direct the intention towards the objective (correct me if I'm wrong, but that's what I've experienced so far).

In fact, at this moment in my last practices I'm not feeling any body, my explorations are like a point of view/consciousness in the air, I tried to extend an arm to touch something and I didn't see anything, nor did anything happen, I realized I had only imagined the feeling, but I didn't even create an holographic one. Intention is what directs my visual focus left or right, up or down, since there is no head or body moving, I can spin 360 degrees like a top to see the entire scene around me. But I have not experienced seeing 360 degrees all together, including up and down at the same time, as if I was a sphere without blind spots, no, this is something that has caught my attention all this years and I hope I can achieve it without getting startled! I will do my best to achieve it (oh, if anyone has experienced this, I strongly ask you to tell me what it's like, since it's difficult for me to imagine it) This is new for me and the truth is... I love it! It's very different from lucid dreams where I have a solid holographic body or in my APs where I'm misty vapor made of light, it's different and new, it feels so good. 

I think that consciousness is able of traveling through the NPR in such a free and subtle way that it goes much further than we can understand and is not tied to the notion of a particular body.

Explore and play with this and see what happens! Thanks for sharing Tides,

.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


Hi Tak,

Thank you for the warm greetings. I appreciate your insights. And I wish you the best of luck with experiencing a 360 degree awareness.

I definitely believe. The most I can relate is if it's anything like having two dreams at the same time. For the most part, my 'point of awareness' can reside in another- switching from person to person. And it can exist without a body. Now you really have me thinking on it. Abigail was able to share my astral body with me... I did have multiple bodies once. I agree with you, there's a lot we don't understand.

I can't give definitive answers for that reason. But I can try to make a conscious effort next time, to notice my peripherals and try to remember these suggestions.

I appreciate the interest. I just realized I never posted the, "3 dreams from 2008" in my journal. I probably should have started with that.  :? Here's what eventually brought me to this forum... And still fuels my interest to day... This journal entry was recorded two years later.

recorded feb 21st 2010
Quotein 2008 i've had three dreams that have really caused me to look within- i will never forget them and felt like sharing

they happened back to back- 1 dream and then 2 dreams

the first dream(of the 2 dreams) takes place in africa, somewhere amongst a shoreline. i remember, "floating" from one set of eyes to another- watching through other people- having an awareness that i am not this person. it starts with someone who is trying to teach the group a tribal dance. we were told that the dance was very important and must do as he does. once i began to dance- i warp to another set of eyes.
i am now standing on the shoreline with a group of, "watchers." we were told to keep a look out for any intruders. i spotted someone- in the distance, slowly it came from out of the waters. i say it because i could not see who it was- there was no definite detail, only a person covered in seaweed. after this i warp yet again to a different location, this time i am alone. a women is in the distance walking towards me. she is cut and bleeding- she fell into my arms and began speaking. i do not speak any other language but i am sure we spoke french to one another. i began asking her questions in french- as soon as she started responding- something very hard to explain happened. this feeling of- being pulled out from the middle of what i was doing. i am no longer in africa. it was as if i was being stared down upon- i could hear faint chanting. after regaining full awareness from being, "pulled" i noticed what looked like natives circled around me. once i made eye contact the chanting stopped. they were masked- either with the skull of an animal- or shadow covering their face- but i could still feel their eyes on me. there was a long moment of silence- and then, they were gone. nothing was left but the silhouette of a dead tree(many branches and no leaf's) a few crows, and an orange sky. behind the tree was a rainbow with colors ranging from purple, blue, and green. the orange was glowing- giving an ambient feeling- after this i woke up.(so its a bit choppy... but this is what i recall after 2 years heh)

in the next dream... i don't know where i was- or how i got there, but i was sitting down. there were people around me- making me feel as comfortable as possible- the thing is, i had no idea who anyone was. one of the men in the group came over and pulled me aside to talk. after wrapping his arm around me he says, "isn't it obvious eric? you're dead."
i didn't know what to think- but for a minute, i was shown my family- they were still alive and mourning. it was a very sad, heavy feeling- but the person with me helped me get through this- helped me understand. i do not remember how, but after some time had passed the scenery changed and the feeling of being sad was gone. now, the same man was teaching me things that might seem impossible while back on the material world. he was explaining to me, somehow- i wish i could remember the description- how physical objects have little meaning that i'd come to understand. for example, he had me turn something into a green towel. after this he tells me we can go anywhere as long as one focuses hard enough.
in an instant, i am in japan- i am in a building. i am in an elevator and hit 46- after going up all the way to my destination- i remember the elevator doors opening and walking out to a glass window. i took a glance out only to see everything covered in a massive, powerful green ocean. the building i was on was the only thing visible within the ocean- after this, i woke up.

during this time i'd been experiencing some sleep paralysis and tried to use that to induce out of bodies... in this last dream i think i had a mixture of lucid dream/sleep paralysis

it starts with being on stage- but, with the snap of a finger- i am pulled out and am somewhere else. i am in a small wooden boat in the middle of an ocean. there is a person sitting across from me and an old man in the back with his arm wrapped around a cannon. the man tells us to look for it... to look in the sky and point it out. i remember looking up and pointing at a star- the old man smiled and fired the cannon- next thing i know, i am being shot out of the cannon- no longer do i see myself as a human being but a geometrical shape. i am a green arrow- the person whom sat across from me was also fired out of the cannon- i don't remember his/her shape... but i remember the color, red. it was almost like a race at first- we were racing higher and higher in the sky- shooting through clouds. who i was- mentally, was contained within the object- my thoughts, my being- i remember communicating with the other object despite not having lips to talk. we were talking about energy... i don't remember what we said- but something said accelerated the rate i was going. i started moving faster and faster- going past the clouds and into space. at this point i'm not talking to anyone- i can hardly contain myself due to the speed i'm going. things become overwhelming- the stars become a blur- i kept going deeper and deeper into space- i could not hold the speed- something was about to happen and soon- another rush of being overwhelmed and then- i explode. at this point, i'm no longer looking at stars but other geometrical shapes. there were tiny particles and objects swaying up and down in one motion- inhaling.. exhaling- they moved together this way. the color contained in the arrow reaches out and covers everything in sight. all the objects around me, the particles- are draped in green. after this- that same feeling of being pulled out from what i was doing, as mentioned in the first dream, happens again. a bit rough, it feels as if i am being slammed down onto a table- i remember watching images of who knows what flash before my eyes. its like someone trying to hide a subliminal message by sliding in a quick image over a steady image. it was that, "quick image" different things flashing before me(it's hard to explain... that's the best i could do) again, i feel overwhelmed. i feel my eyes twitch and i notice i am laying in my bed but can not move. i must be experiencing sleep paralysis(is what i think) but how am i still dreaming and able to recognize my body?(my body was laying in a very weird position in the bed- as if i might have been tossing and turning all night)... there i am, unable to move feeling overwhelmed- the dream i had begins to fade but something in my chest sends waves of uneasy impulses to the brain. i begin to think i'm having a heart-attack. i can't move- i felt trapped- as if all i could do was lay there and watch my body die. not to shortly after i am free and able to sit up. i began to cry and ended up skipping class that day feeling very impacted by this dream...

10 years later I discovered the man in the boat to be Al Khadir or, "The Green Man"

I learned this being was the Peacock Angel... And I am hoping for the chance in this lifetime to make a type of pilgrimage to Sedona, AZ. The man in the video below is giving tours,

I don't know how it will happen, but I am learning not to worry about all the details.

.....I love every astral, out of body, dream experience. There's so many- I don't want to lose them or forget them. I've always, always cherished these things.

In the future I might share something omcasey once channeled, and how I thought I was looking at a very close resemblance to an ET that was responsible for a typical "group abduction" styled dream.

Cheers <3


I had a strange experience that wasn't really an OBE but it was an unconscious or... uncontrolled vocal expression. I was being pulled out from the dream state with the urge to pee- as I was coming to, literally pulling myself in an upright position words were forced out of me,
"The past is the future."

As I said this out loud, a voice in my head(not mine but whoever I was in conversation with) was saying the same thing at the same time.

I can tell it was to whatever we were studying/conversing in the dream state. I thought it strange I was literally talking in this waking state and that it was uncontrolled.


Quote from: tides2dust on November 21, 2023, 14:45:23pulling myself in an upright position words were forced out of me,
"The past is the future."

That's very interesting, Tides! I think in so many ways the humanity is being presented with the idea of timelessness and to be able to understand the true nature of reality in order to raise their vibration/be able to shift more effectively to various dimensions. In my view, everything that exists within All That Is consists of infinite frames of NOW, but perceived from many different perspectives by each point of consciousness to perceive in a form of story lines.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Good recollection, Tides!

I have experienced nearly the same thing maybe seven or eight times over the last ten years. It is early morning, last set of dreams, and I become aware of a physical need (bathroom break/discomfort) and as I am coming fully awake and literally sitting up or climbing out of bed, I am simultaneously aware that two/multiple other experiences are occurring: the primary dream is ending and another more psychologically-distant experience is ending and that one always seems to involve the conclusion of a conversation, where I often blurt out the last words as I come fully awake. Very strange! There is barely even a moment to realize where I am, kind of caught between two or more realities for an instant and then Bang! I am out!

Thank you for sharing that! I wonder that many of us may be having experiences such as these that, although they resonate with some kind of significance at the moment, never seem to happen frequently enough nor carry the immediate import and therefore don't get journaled nor reported. I wonder that it is small episodes like these that will suggest certain paths forward if we choose to discuss them...maybe worth considering...

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Thank you both for your feedback.

EV, I tried having a conversation with a friend about time today. But there is an eventual winding down to the conversation where words can't really satisfy what we're trying to understand. Instead a romantic notion fills the silence that is our limited understanding and we end up changing the conversation.

I can say that I was reading something the night before which might be why the conversation carried over. But not everything I read is always carried over in dream land, and it is equally curious that there were two distinct voices happening at the same time. Also curious is the level of importance placed on these few blurbs of words, energetically dominating my mind as I was coming to.

Here's just a clip of what I was reading before sleep.

Words from my Sufi friend, Hazrat Inayat Khan
QuoteIf we depend on our eyes for sight, and our ears for hearing, and our mouth for speech, we are still dead. But we sometimes experience in life that which we see without eyes, hear without ears, and express without speech. If we have once seen without eyes, does it not show that we can see without eyes? Can we not see in a dream without eyes? Therefore, the faculty of seeing and hearing is in us. But, as we always depend on the physical body, on the physical eyes and ears, we become helpless and subject to death.

The teaching of immortality is to awaken. We must rise above the physical and material conditions if we are to live at all. We must aim at being independent of physical sight and hearing. We know that if we really want to understand a thing, we close our eyes because we can see it better. If we are thinking in this manner, it means that we are listening to some thought coming from some other plane. At such a time we want to cut off and stop outward sound or sight. All the meditations and concentrations of the mystics, as well as their dreams, are their journeys to the inner planes. It is necessary, if the soul has the desire to know the past, the present, and the future, to satisfy its desire by a contemplative life. The more tired and exhausted the mind, the more is meditation needed.

Sages, such as St. Francis, have spoken with rocks, birds, and animals, not as we talk, but by means of an insight into things. And every object expressed itself to them, speaking to them about its past, its present, and its future.
Taken from,
Volume VII - In an Eastern Rose Garden


Just making an interesting observation. I sometimes receive words or phrases in the dream state and when I wake up, I have to look it up to see if there's any meaning to it. It's how I discovered Sufism. As a 6'5 Texas layman, I'd never heard the word until it was presented to me in a dream. I hadn't any real direction with earthly spiritual knowledge. I've always had my own flavor of spirituality. But when the word was presented to me, I discovered it actually meant something and, I was in agreement with what was being presented- I'd made a new friend, Hazrat Inayat Khan.

Stranger still is that the being who propelled my OBE's to an extreme degree and woke me up- the man in the wooden boat, is Al Khadir- a Sufi saint. I don't resonate so much to the traditional values of eastern mysticism that I am going to take up orange robes and denounce my lifestyle, but I do feel an affinity towards this intelligence which made itself known in the dream state.


What is that intelligence, able to communicate to us- our inner world, things we didn't even know while awake? And it would appear this intelligence is able to match our intellect, teaching us in a way that does not go too far from our current capacities. There is something here about the inner world and the outer world in need of further understanding.

Last night I had a pretty humorous dream. I received something I hadn't heard before but it felt so important that I *had* to write it down. The observations I find rather interesting are the duration of the dream compared to time as we understand it and the particular concepts being introduced in a way that would allow for a little humor too.

The dream felt like an entire adventure. In fact, when I woke up the second time I was certain the time of day was closer to 5 or 6AM. But it was only 2AM... Yet the dream felt like I had spent 24 hours trying to understand whatever was being presented.

Unfortunately I did not record right away, and felt a type of disappointment in my self but was battling with recording or sleeping in more before work.

So here's the raw journal recorded super early this morning:

Quotethis is my second time to wake up since falling asleep, so the details are fading fast. i had a really comical dream, it was a bill and ted styled adventure. it was a long dream, i wish i can remember more. when i first woke up the details were so sharp- but all i did was say, "that was funny" and fall back asleep. it's 2:22am now and i really want to remember, so i am forcing myself to record the little things i was able to hold on to after waking up a second time.

 ...the dream had to do with understanding time. it was a quest style adventure, very comical with bill and ted type characters. there was one character there that represented the whole dream as a means to figuring out what was going on. we were trying to solve some equation, but in the form of interacting with people. the one character had something to do with "M Theory" whatever that means.

Bill and Ted... Yup.

And, sure enough M Theory actually means something. Not that I understand it all that well anyway.
QuoteM-Theory is the unifying theory of superstrings that explained multiple superstring theories to actually be different ways of looking at the same theory. In that sense, M-Theory is "the one theory that binds them all," and did so by revealing an 11th dimension to the beautifully elegant theory of superstrings.

I do find this 11th dimension rather interesting, especially because as I was discovering more about this initiation dream from 2008, 11/11 was the first concept and starting point into my conscious spiritual seeking.

So... Just notating for now a curiosity and desire to get to know this intelligence. I'm no physicist so I won't talk about or debate M-Theory but using my personal interest and experience I can speculate this much, there is a Self we are all a part of. There are Beings we've called ET's, angels, or Being we've called God(we being humans) who seem to work with our innermost worlds, we seem to be connected to that greater Intelligence and still maintain this notion of separation.

My unfolding/discovery thus far has lead me to 1111, Sufism, Law of One, The Green Man AKA The Peacock Angel, to Casey Claar show casing ET's and discussing the intimate connection with, to this forum exploring OBE's and in-between states... These type of discussions. Reincarnation, time or time travel...

Who is teaching me in the dream state... Even if it is ultimately Self. And, just what is all this.

It's something else, and really mind blowing to learn that the data presented behind closed eyes means something out here in this supposed, "waking world."


it's 3:20AM as i decide to write this. i woke up thinking it was more like, after 5. i had a hypnagogic experience at some point. i'm not sure when, because i also had the usual dream experience before and after.

i started to notice the sensation of zeroing in and expanding out blanket my body, synchronizing with my breath. i started singing a most beautiful mantra in my head. i didn't even know i could sing it in this manner. and the voice was so good, i am not sure if it was me. the voice in my mind started taking over everything. it felt as if it were actually being sung aloud.

lokahhhh samastah sukihno bhavantuuu ommmm
lokah samasta sukihno bhavantuuu
lokah samasta sukihno bavantu

as i was singing my awareness started to deepen and expand. and although i am typing in a linear fashion, from beginning to end- there was an added element to the experience. there was both a linear and nonlinear experience, there was this ability to perceive each thought, sensation and imagery like a stream. maybe, multiple timelines- multiple streams. as if i could dive in to any particular one while simultaneously having the awareness that these ideas, life, thought forms exist in their entirety in the present. typing it out will only serve justice for the linear portion of the experience. but i tried...

each note of the mantra was a striking effect upon my consciousness. this deepening came with an ever blossoming, ever increasing point of light. each note synchronizing with the deepening of my breath. the point of light was blossoming directly form the third eye area. i believe it started off as a kind of pale gold and white light. and as i was singing this mantra and in a most unique but beautiful way, suddenly a firm note ignited the light- the light took over my entire vision and flooded my body. it at that point was more white and pale pink. then transitioned back to white/gold. it covered everything, even though i can feel it as if it were longer in duration, it all happened in an instant.

i never stop singing this mantra, but now my awareness has shifted from the hypnagogic experience and the singing to become aware of my father in the room next door. my mother as well, and my sister. i don't spend much time here. i just know they are here.

at the same time, i am in conversation with- someone. myself maybe. i am taking all these recent conversations i've had with friends online about ascension and thinking on my friend Steve.
i tell my self i think I would like to know what it means to experience this 5D Geoff is talking about. as if negotiating with my self, and a remembered part of Geoffs words, i say something like I have to move past 4D. I believe I am allowed so, and everything I've written up to this point implies it has happened(within this hypnagogic experience).

now i am experiencing the dream state, but as these streams. when i first tried typing this out, everything was erased. this is my second attempt to re-write and now my memory is fading. i am losing whatever dreams i just had. but, what i've tried typing about the linear and nonlinear reality was captured as best as i could retain. i could feel what i was seeing and it was as if each idea and impression exist in my peripherals yet the feeling was also as if i were going directly down these streams. They were both independent and whole. somewhere here i started to lose awareness of this space i was holding and got lost within a particular dream/stream before waking up. i believe that dream had robin williams in it, and was a continuation of this desire to experience additional dimensions. only, i was no longer at the energetic capacity to retain the information in the same manner. now i am dreaming in distinct linear, and linear only, fashion. still, the dream is quite adventurous and all the characters must be my self trying to communicate this desire to me played out in the dream.

it's a bit frustrating i can not remember anymore but i am happy i was able to capture some information and present it here. the experience was beautiful- even this negotiating/conversation with whomever/self was so real and surreal. the level of clarity in the moment was liberating. the experience was crisp, and everything was experienced in folds yet wholly linear as well.

well, i work today and ought to go back to sleep. it's nearing 4AM. i didn't want to just let this experience go. i am grateful for whoever/whatever would allow me this opportunity...


just wanting to share an experience i had when i was a teenager. i used to sleep with my door open.

one time i woke up, groggy, but definitely awake- i sat up with my back leaned against the headboard. i looked out my bedroom door and saw a hazy black figure gliding down the hall. it had a golden mist around it. its head was irregularly shaped and pointy. it was basically cloaked by the black hazy light. i could not see any facial features. but it stopped to look at me. even though there were no eyes or face that i could recognize- i could feel it was looking at me. suddenly a very loud metal noise was projected into my head. it was so intense i passed out.

i'm in discussion with a friend and, she had me thinking on this experience. i realized the being did not hurt me, and even though it was scary- no actual harm came my way.

i would also like to say this was not an in-between state like sleep paralysis. this was actually awake, like when you get up to pee. i was not falling back asleep. i was knocked out by a noise(and likely, fear).


Tides, how impressive your experience is, thanks for sharing, I love reading these stories. It's really fascinating when things like this happen, this overlap between dimensions, showing us the hidden wonders around us. So many things are happening at this very moment, right here in front of us! Even at cellular and molecular level... all kind of worlds coexisting in unison. When this happens it's truly a gift, but it's also difficult to understand it, it's a shock, and in some cases, it has caused a complete turnaround in the life of the witness.

I can't tell you what that being was or what it wanted from you, nor why you saw it, I suppose that the golden mist denotes a certain elevated quality? The passing out and the loud metal sound were just wild! I don't think the being wanted to do any harm either, after all, here you are  :-). Take it as a gift, now we know that we are always in the non-physical even if we cannot perceive it, you already know that very well. I wish we could have all the answers as we wanted.

I can only tell you that I have also experienced some similar thing. Five years ago, I was at work, and I saw a huge black shadow in the corridor, it was formless, as you say, like a dense black haze of approximately two meters in diameter, as if a black hole was opened and began to slide through space, going down the stairs... I was left with my eyes wide open, but I reacted without fear and ran out to see where the shadow had gone... But I didn't find anything. How lucky that no one saw me, running shadows at work, ops! LOL. It was the only time I saw the shadows on the physical plane, but having seen them in AP. I have already read countless times all over the web about people seeing shadows, also my mother and my friends have seen them too. What you saw seems different to me, another level of being, maybe because of that golden mist... I suppose there are many different beings with similar characteristics and it's impossible to define them all.

Also on another occasion, this time it was with a witness present, a friend. I was 18 years old and we were having dinner at home with my family, when suddenly we see how a being begins to float in and out of the kitchen... How can I describe it, it had no shape but it was elongated, tall, translucent, semi-white, and composed of thousands of moving particles like when there is no signal on TV (but I also see myself exactly like this in my Aps! even in my lucid dreams, I guess it's just a characteristic of energy bodies).

It was impressive to see that from the physical plane. The being went into the kitchen, stayed there for a few seconds and came back out again, I think the being must have been doing that for about five minutes, until went in and didn't come out again (the being left). I didn't say a single word while I perceived it.
But later in my room my friend told me what she saw and was exactly the same thing. For some reason I felt that the being was a "she", I felt peace and that she was a good being. I wasn't afraid at that moment or feel that I should stand up and get closer to the being, I just felt that something in my mind said that I had to stay in my place, calm, that everything was fine and there was no reason to be afraid and so I did, we continued eating dinner as if nothing was happening... "playing dumb". For me it was very important to have shared that event with another person, my friend, since in the past I wondered if there was something wrong with me. I always joke in my mind thinking that it could be myself in the future :-o

It has also happened to me other times, just few, where I have been afraid, but these two were the most relevant for me. It's not something that always happens, just isolated phenomena, and happen in the least expected moments, I'm not in a trance or anything like that.

Well, and now I wonder if these beings will become visible on the physical plane for some specific reason, to be perceived by changing their frequency to a denser vibratory state... Or if it will be us who have been momentarily out of phase and be able to see through our non-physical eyes, through the veil... to perceive other dimensions and entities. I suppose this also could include UFOs sightings, which travel between dimensions, I had never thought before, that perhaps these peculiar crafts could become visible only to the eyes that are prepared to see them and not to everyone (although not always) ... And that's why many people wonder, it was huge and it was in the middle of the city, how did no one see it? Well, whatever it's, it is an opportunity that we human beings have to expand our minds and hearts towards new realities, to begin to understand and accept that around us there are countless dimensions and entities that coexist with us, as you wisely spoke with Casey in the link you sent me to the conversation on the other forum. That's simply wonderful, I celebrate this.

.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


Hi Tak,

Wow those are very special experiences. I think you're onto something, this idea about your future self...

And with UFO sightings. I used to think we don't see because our awareness is so used to perceiving from the physical host body, in a 3D environment. But that sometimes we see 'partial glimpses' of UFO's and not how they appear in their entirety.

As I learn more about who/what initiated me in 2008- it all seems to go back to what others are talking about with this 'mass shift' in consciousness. I'm not sure I understand this photon band concern spoken by others. But the 'return of the king' could be a kundalini like experience happening en masse on an individual basis. Maybe it does mean our density changes that we indeed begin to perceive these beings?

I have, at one time, seen three irregularly shaped semi-translucent orbs of different hues playfully chasing each other in my backyard. It was near 3AM and I was outside meditating. I could *feel* the joy in the atmosphere.

Well. Thank you for sharing your experiences with you. Definitely we are not crazy, and I think now is the time to speak with more conviction concerning our experiences and our explorations. Even if it ultimately means we do not understand. I want to bring that side of mystery/reality to life.

I really appreciate that you took the time to check out the other thread, that took me by surprise.

I hope you have a great day.  :-) 


Something really nice happened in meditation last night before going to bed-
I briefly heard and felt the sounds of whales. With closed eyes it felt like I was a whale communicating to other whales. I felt the depths of the ocean and the longing of sound pushed out from my Being. It was brief, but it was quite magical. I could sense these giant forms moving in the ocean with my 'minds eye.'


I had a sleep paralysis experience and didn't even realize it until half way in... I will share the log from the moment I woke up from a dream to use the restroom:

wake up to pee.

i am stumbling to the bathroom by the way, my balance is so off im amazed i hadn't just fallen over completely. its significant and makes me wonder whats going on. i realize how fast i had forgotten my dream and ask myself- what did i just dream? i try really hard to recall, reaching for anything. suddenly i remember the local grocers, and the girls of interest.
i am so happy as i go back to bed, i feel confident i will at least remember this much whenever i wake back up.

there's some in-between here. i'm not sure if i ever fell back asleep, or whether i got up to pee a second time. but i am turning from my side and attempting to sleep on my belly. i don't realize i am starting to experience sleep paralysis. i see an etheric emerald green light roughly the size of a fist in the empty space before me, just above my head. all of these ideas are coming to me as i reach my hand towards this translucent green pulsing light(different realities/experiences). my mind starts pleading, "help me god. help me god, help me" as i stretch my arm out.

suddenly i get a very distinct impression or flash of imagery. like everything i had just dreamt, and everything i am currently experiencing- has refracted itself like the collapsing of an illusion. and instead i see/feel this idea of organic/inorganic spiders with these cables of light/energy protruding from them. like they are somehow weaving my holographic experience. with my hand still reached out from my bed, my door swings open. this takes me by surprise. i realize something feels off.

"whose there" my thinking mind is speaking out loud in this astral space. i still feel the green light before me. its dark in my room, and there's only blackness on the other side of the door. but a entity disguising itself as my mother comes swooping in from the blackness. she instantly tries comforting me with words- but i cant quite see her or her face. i am only given the impression that this is my mother cooing me to sleep. i know something is not quite right, and i know this something is not my mom... i feel the very heavy sensation of sleep paralysis-

(now that i'm awake recording, i wonder if it was one of those spiders creating this imagery? the feeling was not quite vampiric, but more like i am being drugged to sleep- powerful acting drugs)

the sleep paralysis was exaggerated to where this heavy sensation was being pressed upon me/around me. it moved with this entity as it walked around the front of my bed and over my left shoulder. it is trying to 'comfort me.' my thinking mind physically struggles with this energy(interesting to note), thoughts of a grunting/rustling is made audible/echoed in this space. i push whatever is now behind my left shoulder off of me. i lean into it and exacerbate the words, "gettttt off!"

the sleep paralysis releases itself and i wake up, realizing everything i had just experience was the in-between state/dream not my usual waking state. it wasn't until my bedroom door had swung itself open did i start to realize something was off(that i was in the, in-between).


A couple nights ago I had a dream as formless awareness of an semi-grassy empty space in Red Rocks, AZ.

There were these stone like mountains on each side and squarely in the center hovering a few inches above the ground were dual rings of silent, static lightning bolts. They made a complete circle and were rotating in opposite directions.

I am still fascinated by this imagery, and decided to try and sit in the rings as a meditative practice this morning. I have had a desire to increase my concentration and this seemed to help. That is, to visualize the lightning rings continually moving around my body, in opposite directions, uninterrupted between long inhalations and long exhalations. That there was no pause or disturbance in the visual of lightning traveling in opposite paths while breathing really did something to my brain.

I'll have to explore more...


Quote from: tides2dust on February 18, 2024, 10:32:28I have had a desire to increase my concentration and this seemed to help. That is, to visualize the lightning rings continually moving around my body, in opposite directions, uninterrupted between long inhalations and long exhalations. That there was no pause or disturbance in the visual of lightning traveling in opposite paths while breathing really did something to my brain.
How did the light/energy transfer feel? I have been able to achieve a pulsing energy/light traveling both directions a couple of times. The first time was a 'freebie'. After that I had to work at it. I still can't describe that feeling, only to say it's wonderful and a bit intimidating in it's intensity.

As to the previous post, seems you did well. It can be difficult to determine if an entity is as they are presented, not only are we challenged by our own perceptions but "look out" we are also challenged by the perceptions of those we meet. Trust your own discernment, as you did.
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


Thank you Nameless. Maybe it was a freebie, I have to practice more with it. It felt good. But that strange something is a peculiar sensation I can't explain either.

I appreciate your interest in my previous experience. It's crazy to me because, I would later find my self posting that the negative associations with sleep paralysis has more to do with the dissociation from the physical senses and falling back on fear.

All of this goes to show I don't know much about these other realms, but I don't think these spiders are necessarily negative. More like, "keepers" of this "matrix."

Maybe a separate topic but I had the thought today that all the perceived good/bad/organic/inorganic- it's all *consciousness*

Even the dense material we call wood, stone, paper, blankets, pillows... Cars. Computers... AI.

I'll keep practicing the lightning meditation. Cheers~


Quote from: tides2dust on February 18, 2024, 18:15:29Maybe a separate topic but I had the thought today that all the perceived good/bad/organic/inorganic- it's all *consciousness*

Even the dense material we call wood, stone, paper, blankets, pillows... Cars. Computers... AI.

Yes, everything is consciousness expressing itself in infinite forms, variations, versions, points of view within infinite dimensions.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


What's wild to me about that. This consciousness. Is this.

An example.

Suppose you're sitting down at a park and deep in contemplation. You are thinking about the special meaning of a white feather as it has appeared in your life. Suddenly, a white feather gently falls before you and catches your attention.

Now, most folks would chalk this off as coincidence. Or, they'd tell you it's nothing more than your brain actively seeking and noticing the symbol making extra meaning when there is none.

But now, as you stand up to leave, a young couple wearing matching sweaters and holding hands walks across your field of vision. You notice something astounding. On the back of each of their sweaters is a picture of a giant white feather.

What are the chances? Of all things that could have happened, on this day- in this moment, the thoughts in your mind are acknowledged by something supposedly outside your control.

But what else does this imply? It implies that the "sweaters" are also consciousness. If consciousness is all there is than the supposed inorganic material or "non-living" materials are actually alive. Everything is responsive when everything is consciousness.

It's a bit of a head-scratcher, but maybe with this belief in mind, the way we touch- speak and interact with the world around us would change.


That's all synchronicity, Tides, nothing is ever a coincidence! Synchronicity is simply you get in what you put out. Sometimes, the manifestations are instantaneous, and we observe them as synchronicities. Sometimes the  manifestations are slower and we don't notice the relevance, but there is always a relevance. But, yes, the energy exchange is consciousness to consciousness no matter in what forms. We can say, the chair is alive, but we have to understand the chair, its molecules, down to the smallest element's consciousness does not perceive the world from the same perspective as let say humans do, so if we sit on the chairs, it wont feel pain the way a biological form would. The subjects is very intriguing, indeed!
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Exactly, consciousness is not limited to the lens of a human personality. In this way, it is more than a synchronicity. It is an active, responsive intelligence. The dissolution of what is perceived as outside ourselves.


in between dreams i have an OBE. the visuals behind closed eyes were incredible. suddenly the ringing comes in fast in my left ear. the body is shutting down too fast. but i am still awake. i raise my arms up and realize i've raised my astral hands out of my body. but i'm still laying in bed. it's a struggle to lift my whole self out from my body. but i do manage to roll forward. i'm a little uncertain whether or not i'm actually awake and now sitting up in my bed or if i've pulled my astral form up. i realize it's the latter as i gently come to a standing position in my room. my body feels incredibly light and i'm gently bobbing- near hovering off the ground. i propel myself towards my bedroom door. usually i can phase my body through the door no problem. that seems to be what i always do once i'm in the space. it's kind of like a mental habit. "roll out of body, phase through the door, glide down the stairs." except this time, i push my head up against the door and am stuck. i can't phase through the door. and suddenly there is a heavy sensation as i am standing upright, like i am going back in time. the entire environment is shifting backwards- like i am semi-hovering at a standstill but the entire room is pulling itself behind me. now there's a zeroing in on my body and i begin to see it like a reflection. as the energy is moving i start to see some kind of pointed leather on my shoulders. i realize i am wearing dark brown leather armor. it kind of reminds me of something a roman soldier would wear. end of OBE.


That was a very interesting Obe, Tides! I still don't understand why we get stuck sometimes... but there has been a solution. That seems like a glimpse of some past life, doesn't it? To reflect. I am so drawn to so many cultures in the world that I feel like I have belonged to many of them! Very nice.
.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


Thanks Tak. I was a bit disappointed in my self for resisting the overcoming sensations normally experienced wile observing the shift from body to non-body awareness. Maybe because of how strong and fast it was. But I am hoping to try again, and resist the urge to resist. Heh.

Also... The dream just before the OBE was pretty interesting. I was a spider-hybrid wrapped in my own silk. That was the deeper layer of the dream. Another layer, as in, a separate dream on top of the deeper dream- was me in the shower. In the shower I was peeling this blue/purple plaster like material off of me and connecting to the deeper layer of the dream where I saw my self wrapped in spider silk. The emotions were profound as I was connecting the dream within the dream.

Very interesting...

This last entry in the post above helped me re-discover an old OBE journal entry. I was amazed... And last night I tried connecting using the CE5 app. I set the intention that, whatever is going to manifest... Please manifest in my backyard.

It was the same energy as the presence in my backyard recorded 9/22/22

Here is last nights...

I almost resisted the sudden toning in my ear and overcoming sensation of going back to sleep. But I did not. I tried pushing myself out of body and looking around my room wondering if anyone was with me. I quickly went out to my backyard and noticed something that did not belong... A dalmatian puppy on a bench. I said hello rather loudly, excitedly- and everything ended.

And the journal from September 22nd-

Quotethe OBE- with something that has never happened before... A golden statue appeared in my backyard. It was terrifying- it was amazing. It was a statue but it was alive. It changed shapes. Despite rain the sun was shining on it and it didn't get wet.

Here's the details to the best of my ability- they started fading even near the end of the experience.

After falling back asleep I had an OBE. There are too many details to recount. I managed to catch the last few. It started with going downstairs towards my Dogs, they were happy to see me. I knew I was out of body and they saw me all the same. Many dream like concepts were playing out during the OBE, like I was having both an astral experience in my house while separately dreaming things and details about my family around me. I could dive into either experience. For example, in the dream I remember everyone in my house being awake- the lights were on upstairs with my Sister on the phone going over a job interview- I saw me drinking her water in the kitchen and being disgusted she had cheese inside the water bottle? I tried focusing instead on the OBE and not the dreams swirling around me. I glide outside with the dogs to play in the backyard. Once in the backyard the dogs were playing with each other- it was cloudy and there was a light rain. In the center of the backyard was a golden statue with light shining down on it- the rain was not touching the statue. There is no golden statue in my backyard. It was as frightening as it was beautiful. Simultaneously... I could feel a part of me still in my bedroom and see a light in my peripherals from the perspective of my room(despite being in the backyard). I thought there was this nonexistent lamp on in my bedroom. I am recalling in flashes now... Every time I glanced at the statue- it changed shape, but still a golden statue with the sun shining down on it. It became two things and my dogs, tumbling and playing about- turned into the two entities portrayed by the statue. I look up and the statue changed again... From two siblings, to two friends... To one tall and one short... to Brothers and Soldiers... The dogs had become all these things. Lastly, it became a Mother and Daughter to details on the child.

"This is Lei Fong" It said to me. We weren't speaking English- but telepathically?
Last of the dynasty...? A cabal has infiltrated their people... A great war has been relayed to me. They are desperate for help. I am being offered to accept this child in my lineage. Along accepting her I am promised certain- spiritual gifts... ? It's all starting to fade now... Somehow I start retracting back to my physical body... But before ending the experience- A larger aspect of my self pulled through the entire scene- like there was even a third aspect of myself watching as an observer. This larger self spoke with its voice in a way I never heard before and said,
"How do I know?"

I wake up...


I have been really thinking more, and more about the experience form 2022. I tried using the CE5 app and connecting again last night with the dalmatian puppy manifest in my backyard.
I believe I am receiving answers to what "Lei Fong" has shared with me...

This is another being captured by omCasey named Mahri...

BTW. I feel so much love looking at her. She really moves my Soul. I may be biased to think she is a princess. I *DO* think she is Polynesian.

I just woke up from a dream of being hunted by archers. Archery was a very big weapon choice in the dream. Skilled archers.

What was strange about the dream was, there was a *constant* mongoloian throat singing in the background as I was being chased by enemy archers.

Even stranger is that the singing was a sanskrit chant.

"Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu" and it grew louder and louder until it woke me up.

I think I was witnessing something...

Separately, I've had an OBE that made me feel connected to someone Hawaiian or Polynesian. A male figure. Like they were serving as a spiritual portal for interesting phenomenon. 

I found more of my journal around the thoughts of Lei Fong...

QuoteNotes... I could not see what these beings looked like. I just know I was visited. The language was a type of telepathic communication. It was a lot of information to be spoken in English but I understood it in English. This great war was more like an infiltration. Like they were presently being destroyed- a cabal has infiltrated their ship? Feels like entities physically dying around me. This was a desperate plea for help. And I am being shown this child. This child is the key to preserving a dynasty. I am being asked to accept this offer and it begins to feel like a trade- like I will be rewarded some kind of gift. My intuition or higher-self is stand-offish. What they're showing me feels real. But I am hesitant. And as if a higher authority within myself stepped forward ending the OBE... "How do I know?" Was said in the most powerful way. I can't express it. Like it either chased off deceit or it was meant to be a question to remember. I think Lei Fong was the name. I know they specifically used the word Cabal.

The statue had such an interesting feel I've never experienced that before. Am I being deceived? Are these answers to my prayers? Do I accept the offer? Do I help? Why would I be tempted with spiritual gifts? A really interesting dream/OBE... Perhaps answers are in here, but for now- just questions... Maybe time in stillness will help.

Alright... Not sure how but I feel information is coming that the dynasty might be referring to the Mongoloid race and that there is some trace element found specifically in Polynesia. Maybe a past life connection, or maybe a present connection with someone or something I have not yet met in this life.

I look at Mahri and continually get the impression she is Polynesian. Is she the last of her dynasty?

And I have to say, I have no problem accepting a daughter. I really think I've been prepared in ways I can't go into all the details at this time. But she has been there, on the other side, with a keen interest in me. I wonder if I'm being shown a part of her akashic record.

I am somehow connected to her. We are all, somehow connected.

The sanskrit chant literally translates to, "may all beings be happy"

My Daughter is one of pure joy. This might be the gift I was being propositioned with...