Somethin VERY different !!!!!!!

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Dark Knight

I've got to add something to what Tayesin has said.

For those of you who are not familiar with me, I'm an OBE grey contactee. I had plans for writing a book of my own with regards to empathic healing and awareness. Well, that went out the window when I fell under psychic attack and demonic possession...I believe by the entity Tayesin describes. That was five years ago and still going. Tayesin is getting ready to try to see what is happening to me since everything I pick up is Neg influenced and unreliable. He works through MSN Messenger. As I was downloading it Sunday, US Eastern Standard Time, my hard drive suddenly, physically crashed. I was already annoyed because I knew it was going to have to pay to get it fixed ($233, a fortune for me right now if you knew what's happened to me). Apparently more was going to happen later than night.

Sunday night/Monday morning US Eastern Standard Time, I believe the greys tried to pick me up. Got the usual buzzing in my skull that comes whenever they come. It was stopped because I woke up, (or something forced me awake, not sure). They wanted me to go with them... they also wanted me to speak with another contactee that was allegedly there. I said, "No, I'm not going to do this. My brain is all screwed up from all the Neg enforced channeling, brain washing, manipulation, etc. Every time I have contact, it's Neg tainted and very hard to unravel/remove." I told them if they wanted to talk to me they would have to go see Tayesin and speak to him first.


Hey Tayesin,

even if it would only be a dream it would have a lot to reveal... but anyhow these entities (red dots on the globe) are not in the physical world, only in the astral world. Do I understand you correctly?

As to you Dark Knight, may I suggest you to light a candle and ask these entities to leave you alone ! Or make a prayer to God to chase these entities and help you while you light the candle (depending on your belief system of course). It seems that prayers work, even if it is only the power of your will, since the will can be very powerfull. I even once praid for a 'witch' who practiced too much and got into a very bad situation (psychologically speaking). She was drained from her energy and was almost suicidal. She was not afraid to attempt to hurt herself. And it seems that a candle with a prayer helped her, at least that what she said. She is now probably back to wicca practices...

May the Light be with you!


Hi All,

Dark, thank you for sharing with absolute honesty, I do appreciate it very much.

Shaman, This was not a dream as I was not sleeping.  I was simply responding to the invitation, although I would have thoroughly prepared for the journey as usual except this time I was told we did not have time for the preparations.  

The thousands of red dots on the world hologram showed where the physical real-time bases of this race exist in our world.  So I would think that this little fact alone says much about the events to very aware and very prepared my friend.

Love Always.[:)]


Dear Tay,

What are these Reptillians going to do to us?

Is the "commitee" at the meeting humans allies?

How do I prepair?

Tay my msn is Pleas contact me


I would have stayed for the whole meeting if I were you Tay, I forgott to add that [:I]



ya and just what the hell are the people who dont know about this going to? this is similar the war topic, everyone is woried about it and wondering what to do. well how do we prepare for this, will it even involve those who dont believe? t

"Only those who have dared to let go can dare to reenter." - Meister Eckhart


Originally posted by Tayesin

Hi All,
I had the most interesting experiences yesterday and last night so I decided to share them with you.  It is a bit long but interesting anyway.  So here goes........

Monday 29 September 2003.

Approximately 5 to @ 6 pm.(AEST)

   While online I got a tightening sensation that signifies to me some sort of presence or communication.  I tried to block it with a screening method but it only dulled and did not stop completely.   So I opened to it and asked to be shown who or what was attempting to communicate with me,  at first I could see the eyes of a typical alien,  who said,  "We are ready to work with you now,  you must project to us in order to meet."   I agreed that I would do it that night and expected the communication feeling to end, but it did not.   Again I opened to see who was there and saw a man about 45 to 50 with dark hair who said,  "Why are you interferring with what I am doing?"   I answered,  " I am only trying to help those who have asked for help."   He then said,  "You will lose,  you're going down."   Then he too left,  I felt he was the man responsible for some of the psychic attacks that some forum members are having.   The feeling of contact did not end there either,  so someone else was in touch with me at some level.   I did not have the freedom to pursue it any further as my daughter required my attention at the same time.

   Today, 30th September I received a private message form a member of the Astral Pulse Forum who wanted to know if I had helped him to get out of body.  I read the message and he said, "Sunday sep28 night (technically monday) around 3am eastern time.   I met an entity that claimed to be you. It gave me lots of energy,  helped me get out of body, and showed me some things that would be very hard to describe. I dont remember either of us having any form.   We were more spread out. If that was you, can we do it again?   It was more like sharing energy than you giving it to me.   I produced the most energy I've produced in many months and gave some to you and whoever else was around. If that was you."

   This seemed to answer the question of who else was in contact with me at that time, as I had checked on the world clock to see what time it would have been here and it was within the time-frame that I felt the communications happening.  

   So now back to the previous night..... I waited for the night when I would be able to give my full attention to the first contactee.  At 9:15 pm my time,  I sat and began to prepare to journey out and see what the Alien wanted from me.   One of my Guides came and said,  "We do not have time for that,  we are late already.   Just project your awareness,  let's go."   I did as he suggested and was soon approaching the largest 'ship' I have ever seen,  it was massive,  about the size of the first ships depicted in the movie "Independence Day".

   I wanted to check it out but had no time for frivolities !   My guide led me in and the first thing I noticed was a human male dressed in a uniform who bowed to us.  I questioned why a human was aboard this ship and was told,  "This is a Federation Ship,  there are all kinds on-board."   We quickly moved on to something I would describe as an elevator,  and entered it while my Guide said he would wait for me to return.   The elevator rose at phenomenal speed and very quickly came to a stop,  the door(s) opened and there waiting for me was a tall,  pale-grey Alien who telepathically said,  "Come with me,  we are ready for you now."   And he led me to what looked like a normal office type board room,  with oval table and chairs all around it.   One other being was waiting and he refused to speak with me,  I got the feeling from him that he was not particularly friendly to us humans.

   I waited just a couple of seconds and then heard my name called,  and noted also that it is not the name I have in my current life.  One wall of the room slid open to reveal a huge auditorium sized room,  circular in shape,  with seating around the outside and what appeared to be a gigantic round table in the middle.   I heard,  "Please take your seat",  and immediately knew what seat was mine,  I could see it clearly,  as if I had sat there many times before.   I made my way around the circle to my seat and calmly sat while waiting for the meeting to start.   It was extremely quiet, except for my thoughts.  I was reminded to screen my thoughts as it was like I was yelling out in the room !!  I tried to do so,  while the meeting started.

   A being from a race that I had seen once during my first kundalini awakening stood up and approached the table at the same time that an approximately thirty foot diameter hologram of Earth appeared above the table.   What took my attention was the thousands of red dots all over the globe.   The being who had stood up began to communicate to the gathering,  explaining that the red dots indicated where the underground/undersea bases existed for the Reptilian's.   And that their plans for processing the human inhabitants was well advanced.   This meeting was to find a way to deal with the threat that would not cause an escalation in hostilities.

   One being suggested simply attacking and destroying the Dark Forces,  but that was answered with,  "Should we choose that option,  the Reptilians will respond with a full-force attack upon that world and us.   We do not have sufficient numbers here as yet to deal with that kind of situation."   Another being asked,  " Could we not destroy them one ship at a time when we see them ?"   And the answer was,  "That action will provoke them to a full-scale attack also.  What we do to deal with this situation must be very well planned and not make any provocations."   Then I was asked to stand and give the message that I had received four years ago when talking with a Reptilian emissary at a place I call the high ground.   I did as they had asked and took my seat again.

   The meeting continued.   I learned that these Reptilians were actively working at bringing about the Armageddon scenario as described in the Bible, that they were also actively involved in producing some large Earthquakes around the planet and that they are here in massive numbers.....although the larger main force is on standby within our Solar System in 'cloaked ships'.

   Then I was told that my services would not be needed for the remainder of the planning session and I could return to my world.   I left and met with the tall pale grey one who spoke with me about a number of things that are happening in my life and left me with one overriding thought as we reached the elevator.   He said,  "Remember this.",  then gave me a huge input of pure Loving energy while saying to my mind that I must remember this is my weapon.   I then entered the elevator for the quick trip down and found my Guide waiting as he said he would.   We returned to my place and I spent some time talking with my Primary higher-self Guide to ensure that I understood what was going on in my life and to know that I am strong enough to deal with the dark-haired man who had threatened me during the earlier communications.  

Elapsed time, 35 minutes.

Told you it was different hay, LOL

Love Always. Tayesin.[:)]

Sounds like too many episodes of star trek to me.  Sorry if that is too frank for you, or if you think I am rude for saying this.  But I would guess this is more like a demonic deception feeding your interests.


Hey, did you happen to notice of one of the dots was in the USA, like near Florida.  I just heard a report that a earthquake happened a during the day.

Really interesting, maybe this is what people are expecting to happen soon.
Thou shall not kill, remember?  What kind of church man are you? - Vash, Trigun

I will destroy Naraku with this Tessiaga! - Inuyasha, Inu-yasha

Truly, if there is evil in this world, it lies within the heart of mankind. - Edward D. Morrison


Tayesin Today, 30th September I received a private message form a member of the Astral Pulse Forum beavis who wanted to know if I had helped him to get out of body. I read the message and he said, "Sunday sep28 night (technically monday) around 3am eastern time. I met an entity that claimed to be you. It gave me lots of energy, helped me get out of body, and showed me some things that would be very hard to describe. I dont remember either of us having any form. We were more spread out. If that was you, can we do it again? It was more like sharing energy than you giving it to me. I produced the most energy I've produced in many months and gave some to you and whoever else was around. If that was you."

You can use my name when you talk about this. I sent the PM because I wanted to figure out what happened before posting about it here.

Here's what happened:

I had been doing a little telekinesis and gradually I got a weird feeling that made me stronger. I think it was my spirit. As it got stronger, so did my telekinesis, until the walls and floor (for a few seconds) had 4 inch high waves moving through them. I layed on my bed and tried to project. I heard voices around me and one sounded familiar. I asked who it was and it replied "Tayesin". I asked if I ask Tayesin tomorrow if this happened will he remember and it said yes. Tayesin and I shared energy. Each of us had a slightly different kind, which I think is normal. He helped me fly circles around my physical location. It was as if there were thousands of other physical locations very similar to mine but different by some small detail. They became more different the farther I went away from the center of the circle. I didnt see them as separate locations, but as one continuous multidimensional combination of many physical locations similar to mine.

Dark Knight


Something about red dots is jogging my memory of what happened to me during my data download last Feb/Mar and it's driving me nuts. I have the vaguest of memories of being shown a globe of the earth with red dots and white dots, but I can't remember what it was supposed to signify.

Also, I checked, Australia is 14hrs ahead of where I am in the US. My experience happened at ~12:30AM US Eastern Standard Time, which would have been 2:30PM Australian EST (if that's where you are). You're experience happened a couple of hours later.

So are the United Nations, CD-ROMs, DVDs, and the possiblity of going to an all Hard Drive system for music/movies/entertainment too Star Trekky...


Hey guys I found something really interesting, it is a interview with a reptilian being and some of the stuff that Tayesin said about them in his projection was exctly what this interview has.  Here look at it.

It says that they are friendly though and gave a history that is able to be backed up, she says she has some sketches of the alien, but since they don't want to be exposed she has to keep them hidden until later.
Thou shall not kill, remember?  What kind of church man are you? - Vash, Trigun

I will destroy Naraku with this Tessiaga! - Inuyasha, Inu-yasha

Truly, if there is evil in this world, it lies within the heart of mankind. - Edward D. Morrison


Hello All
I thought I'd add this to the puzzle it is a dream I had on friday 26.9.03
I dreamed of beening  in an underground mine, found lots of crystals. Now above the landscape is
barren. The recently flooded area now dry exposed many good gems and crystals I am one of four ppl
split into two teams looking . At one stage I find a small circle of quicksand but in the middle it is round clear hole with a ladder going down only a metre. It is an ancient opening   to a Alien underground base
that was once miles deep in access. but I only ponder about this and don't try and enter I just
jump up and down twice on the metal door/ opening.
I begin to think about the crystal I saw on a rock cleft and how I wished I went and picked it
up before as it was later found by the other team. My thoughts aren't for profit but the
joy of fossicking but this crystal seemed as though I should have found it, as in calling me.
The under ground base also felt as though it was one of the reasons why I was in the area
fossicking. Before waking I rehash the dream as to remember it.

I just thought it might be useful sometime in the future to have recorded it here and now.


"What are these Reptillians going to do to us?
Is the "commitee" at the meeting humans allies?
How do I prepair?"

All good questions J.C.  I don't really know what the 'Reptilians' have in mind.  I got concepts from the meeting and from the emissary I had met.  "They consume all things energetic, and humans are a good source."  Other than that I put no connotations to those words.  By the way,  I do not feel comfortable with the word 'Reptilian',  as it brings all sorts of connotations with it.

I have no idea at the moment who all the meeting members where or their affiliations, it is something I will have to investigate over the next few contacts.

All I have been getting is we need to prepare ourselves by staying more focused and aware, to get healthy in mind, body and spirit.  I have been told I will do this by returning to nightly journeys with the Guides, and returning to living a more healthy lifestyle.

Would have loved to stay at the meeting by the way, LOL.

T.K.,  I don't have all the answers to your questions, so your guess is as good as mine with what happens if this scenario does get played out.  

PunkYou, That's okay, I am glad you gave your opinion.  I would be small minded if I took offence at your words, who knows, you may be correct.

Beavis, thanks for coming forward and owning that.  This is my first opportunity to read about your experience and I have to say it seems like an excellent time was had.  I have no recollection of doing that, but I know too that parts of me do some things like this that I am not aware of.  This time I was able to feel a strong connection, so hopefully that may indicate a growing awareness.  And that would be good.

Dark, looks like this has tweaked a few buttons in here.  LOL at "is it too Trekky?"

Van-Stolin, thanks for the link.  It would be interesting to see if this info is anywhere else.  Maybe it would be affirming that this is real or that I am crazy.   I can live with the last one.[:P]

Hiya Krome,  mate,you been having interesting dreams!  So many similar threads or themes in your experiences.  I suppose we may find out soon enough.  Thanks for sharing your dream.

I am really trying not to overthink this experience for myself, which is why I threw it into the middle of this forum to be bounced around.  It's a big think-tank in here, so it is the place for these things.  Thanks everyone.

Love Always.[:)]


Van-Stolin, interesting link. I read both parts. She says the "Reptile" race evolved on Earth, so why does the reptile woman refer to Earth as "your planet" instead of our planet. It reminds of of fictional stories written by Brian Lumley about subterrain Reptile races.

Tayesin, interesting experience. I wonder what message you told them, or do you remember? Get both sides of the story before you choose sides. [;)]

Aliens ... wars ... hmm ... well ok ...
Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way.


I think she was trying to releate and not try to confuse people who would be reading it.  At one point she does say that this is 'our planet, not yours it never was.' also the humans being enginered by aliens is also mentioned in the whole Niburu(tenth planet) thing.  It is in the astral experience section.  I found it very intesting and many points are true like the quick evolution of humans had with just 3 million years, but for mammals to first appear it took like 169 million years, I find this strange.
Thou shall not kill, remember?  What kind of church man are you? - Vash, Trigun

I will destroy Naraku with this Tessiaga! - Inuyasha, Inu-yasha

Truly, if there is evil in this world, it lies within the heart of mankind. - Edward D. Morrison


At one point she does say that this is 'our planet, not yours it never was.'

True, she does refer to it as "our planet" at times, but there are other times when she says "your planet", maybe just once or twice. I just find the inconsistancy odd as a native to this planet would not think of it as another's planet and not their's. Though I do not think that this originally took place in English, it does not read like English was the original language. So the error could be on the part of the interpretor or the auther.
Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way.


True, she was talking in english and said that they had there own language and it was hard to say certain things in english and that we didn't have words for others, maybe she didn't catch the mistake of when she said 'your planet', but I still think it was more of a time context.  If I remember correctly she only refered to the planet as owns in the here and now.
Thou shall not kill, remember?  What kind of church man are you? - Vash, Trigun

I will destroy Naraku with this Tessiaga! - Inuyasha, Inu-yasha

Truly, if there is evil in this world, it lies within the heart of mankind. - Edward D. Morrison


I would have to agree with punkyou. No offense, but if demons can keep you deceived than they have you just were they want you.


well if thats the case, then there is no fighting back is ther? that sux, damn demons! why devil?! WHY?! why did u have to turn evil, if you wouldnt of did that, we would all be perfectly happy! excrement!
"Only those who have dared to let go can dare to reenter." - Meister Eckhart


Thanks for answering my questions Tay! [:)]

Von, very good link you gave us! Thank you.

Tay keep us informed of other meetings and what not. Wouldnt there be a way to invite your self and learn more about these beings?


I strongly encourage EVERYONE to visit the link von gave you. It gives A LOT of information about the reptilians.

According to Lacerta, dinasours died because of two alien species figting in the atmosphere. Makes sense.

Lacerta also says that her species walks with humans and in large crowds. They do not need any make up or costumes. They simply tell your mind that "Im normal, there is nothing diffrent about me, I am just like you" AKA Telepthy. This is VERY interesting and I belive it, the only thing im having problems beliving is humans were created  by the "Illojiim" via genetic enginering. Reason is I am Roman Catholic.



I am sorry for my many consecutive reply's but I get ideas minuets after I reply. LOL


Where is the year 2000 interview? It been 3 years.


I was wondering that myself, I think that either she hasn't posted it or maybe she wasn't allowed to post it, or maybe since no one even saw it or they just didn't bother to respond she decided that we are really that ignorant, which I agree in some cases.
Thou shall not kill, remember?  What kind of church man are you? - Vash, Trigun

I will destroy Naraku with this Tessiaga! - Inuyasha, Inu-yasha

Truly, if there is evil in this world, it lies within the heart of mankind. - Edward D. Morrison


In case anyone cares, my genetically engineered bull$hit detector gave me a red flag on that article. I'm not doubting the writer, but the "reptilian".

If anyone here is serious about UFOlogy, and the study of the contacts of the 3rd kind in particular, that person will confirm that we have a classic case here - an alien being contacts a single person and gives an absurd pep-talk, which usually contains following themes:

-humans are dumb, worthless and insignificant
-everybody except me is a liar
-all human knowledge about anything is WAAAY off
-i'm telling you teh truth!
-we are good, and they are bad
-listen to me carefully, because I give you teh ultimate truth here!
-some REALLY bad things are going to happen REALLY soon
-did I mention that speak teh truth?

Such speaches usually contain little or no factual information. If there is any, it is usually complete nonsense (the being conveying this information knows that information is invalid, yet the contactee is not aware of that).


Ok, how does it not have proof, it looks like it was pretty backed up to me.  The reasons about the skeletons not being found and other things.  Pressing the subject of 'truth' is found in everything so you really don't have much there, but it also says that you didn't have to beleive it if you didn't want to, while many people try to totally convince you this is real no matter what.

Not bashing religion or anything, but are you very religious?  I would see most peoples problem with the whole 'humans are genetic enginered thing', but really think about it.  If evolution for humans took place and not God creating us, do you really think that it took 3 million year for humans just to evolve, but it took 168 million for the first mammal to appear on Earth, some part of that doesn't fit to me.
Thou shall not kill, remember?  What kind of church man are you? - Vash, Trigun

I will destroy Naraku with this Tessiaga! - Inuyasha, Inu-yasha

Truly, if there is evil in this world, it lies within the heart of mankind. - Edward D. Morrison