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Messages - LightBeam

Welcome to Dreams! / Re: Jumping Dimensions
January 17, 2024, 18:08:11
Quote from: Tak on January 17, 2024, 12:23:39T How fascinating this concept (new to me) about simultaneous dreams, something that Tides has described a lot, I had never read anything similar. Have you searched for more information about it or why it happens? Does this happen to you very often or is it an isolated phenomenon?

Hi Tak, I've always has "theoretical" understanding of simultaneous perception through knowing and downloads, but have never until that night experienced it first hand. Typically these experiences occur in the non-physical where our physical filter are removed to some degree. In my view this is how the oversoul perceives. All of its fragmented personalities and their infinite versions all at once, simultaneously. And it makes complete sense to the oversoul. I believe while each fragmented personality experiences their limited reality it will be very confusing if they experience anything like this. For example if I am to experience right now while awake here another personality of my oversoul, I will probably get scared, act irrationally and be labeled schizophrenic. My physical brain will not be able to translate the experience to make sense. But on a higher vibratory level it makes total sense and we are able to. When I experienced the 2 stories simultaneously I was no longer thinking only as MVB (my name initials in this reality). I was thinking both as MVB and that other personality, not in a separate but synchronized manner, but at the same time I knew each of their distinguished experiences and personality trait and I knew that each of them was me. But I perceived the me as something more. In the same manner ALL THAT IS (God) perceives itself as all characters and everything ever in existence with all of their experiences simultaneously. In my view God is the only point of view where time does not exist. Everything exists now. But all other fragmentations like oversouls and down to personalities do experience time and space in order to create continuity in a form of stories. So, time does not exist on the largest of scale of existence, but the concept of time is implemented and experienced by fragmented spirits to be able to create and perceive stories. The stories enable learning.
So, bottom line, experiencing multiple characters and stories simultaneously is a very natural thing and an attribute to every spirit, but within the densest of frequencies filters are placed to prevent that perception for obvious reasons. Each point of consciousness regardless of variations of perceptions is a part of ALL THAT IS and exists within it already, regardless if they may experience separation at times and inability to perceive it all. Every point of consciousness has the ability to perceive itself as God in its complete sense, not just as a "part", because when we remove all filters, we find ourselves to be God because there is no separation on that level, no parts, just ONE homogenous thing.
You can try asking before bed for you to experience this during dreaming, or during APs you can give a command and see what happens.
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: Jumping Dimensions
January 17, 2024, 09:23:01
Yes, totally! While I was watching them take off with the rocket, the scenes of Earth from space, I was thinking "OMG, I experienced and felt that just last night. It's so fresh in my mind"
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: Jumping Dimensions
January 17, 2024, 00:26:58
I'm glad you liked it, Tides!
I just finished watching Interstellar! So much suspense and unpredictability, which I like. Very trippy towards the end. Overall, extremely well made! Now, I don't know what to expect from my dream adventures lol, as the movie contained so many interesting and unusual elements that are now stuck in my mind.
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: Jumping Dimensions
January 16, 2024, 16:16:12
hi Tides, I haven't seen Interstellar, but I will add it to my watch list and watch it tonight. Dungeons and Dragons is very adventurous and well made. I love it! It's free with Amazon Prime for those who have it.
Welcome to Dreams! / Jumping Dimensions
January 16, 2024, 14:14:43
Last night was one of those wild dream marathons. Possibly my mind was influenced by watching the movie Dungeons and Dragons before bed haha. My dream was endless quest jumping dimensions and going into space.
Me and a few other people who I don't recognize from waking life were tasked to find a baby from a specific version of Earth in terms of dimension and take that baby to another Earth version dimension, because that baby when grows up saves one dimension but destroys another and we had to swap it because the opposite corrections were needed for each dimension. I dont know if that makes any sense to you haha. we used a machine to travel through dimensions that looked like a flying motorcycle. We reached one of the dimensions and went into a dark village. One of the people who were with me found the baby. I asked "is that the right baby" and she said "I know who this baby will be".
But simultaneously with this another scenario was playing, like I was experiencing two realities at the same time and being two different people at the same time without being confused. I have never perceived anything like this before. so I was having two dreams as different character and different scenarios but overlapping within my mind. IN the second scenario I was asked to go to the International Space Station to observe something. I agreed but was concerned that the rocket was very primitive. I agreed though and had the whole experience as an astronaut, taking off, flying though space with the rocket, being in the ISS, space walking with a suit, and then returning back to Eath with the capsule. I really feel now in waking state like I am an astronaut haha and know all about it.
Quote from: Tak on January 16, 2024, 13:32:57I not only consider that having a negative view of the world is now a limiting factor for the development of the Non-Physical experiences, but for daily life, since these bring quite devastating emotions

This is absolutely true!
Regarding what is our purpose. In my view this is the simplest thing. Our purpose is to CREATE a purpose. What do you want to create while experiencing this reality? Who do you want to be? How does the best version of you would behave and react to challenges? Go ahead and start behaving like this version that you want to be and then your reflection on the outside world in form of experiences will align accordingly.
Quote from: Xanth on January 12, 2024, 19:08:54Honestly speaking?  I don't think I'd have agreed to a game as rigged as this one... LoL

haha, that is the ENTIRE point. To think that way with all the filters we have imposed and gain such strength to think otherwise as we grow. Only the bravest of souls choose that. Be proud of yourself, all of you  :-)
All valid points, EV! It's a tricky thing to exist in such reality where your physical vehicle is exposed to various potential harms. The survival instinct which we have integrated out of necessity kick started all these conflicts. But it's a part of the game we have designed and we have agreed to play, so I am not invalidating the current aspects of Earth's life and human development. Just observing and finding it fascinating how souls have decided to go about learning.
The current situation demonstrates that humans need to evolve further to eliminate greed, selfishness, violence, etc from their personality traits and increase love, compassion, equality, unity.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Your wildest dream
January 06, 2024, 22:24:53
That is absolutely beautiful, Tak! Amazing adventures, and more to come.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Your wildest dream
January 06, 2024, 14:19:12
Do you have a wild dream that is so far fetched you think it's impossible to manifest? I dare you to let go of the belief that it is not possible or not probable and just feel as it is now. How does that make you feel? If you can practice this every day and manage to hold that feeling of incredible joy for 15 minutes of already having it, it will unblock many energy flows within you and it will manifest many joyful events in your life. The only requirements is for you NOT to analyze HOW it happens. I will give you an example with my wildest dream.

I dream of having my own castle. Preferably somewhere in England, Ireland or Scotland because these places have the richest history of kingdoms. I want to renovate it and perhaps let people tour it, feeling like they have stepped back in time. Every day I think about it and I feel like I am truly the owner of a beautiful castle. I imagine walking in the huge ball rooms, hallways, astronomy tower. I go down in the dungeons. I walk in the gardens.
Now, I do not think or analyze in which way do I acquire the castle. I never say, well this is an exciting thing, BUT I need millions of dollars which I dont have. I need to win the lottery or something. So, we have to forget that BUT. Forget what are the only ways we think to get what we want. Because we don't know what are the ways, we only assume certain things and we block every other possibility, thus inserting that impossibility factor within the equation. And know that even if this remains just a feeling, you have already won, because the feeling itself brings you joy. Just have fun, no insistence of an outcome, just feel. 
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / One of my lessons
January 05, 2024, 14:26:03
I just realized yesterday one of my lessons. The moment I made that realization I felt a huge burden lifted.
People tend to come to me seeking advise about life problems. Depending on the person I communicate my suggestions in a manner in which they can understand. Many issues come from the ego part of the human self, unable to forgive, unable to let go of the past, unable to find the self worth, blaming everything else and never looking within themselves. I provide the best action plan and explanation as to why things happen in their lives. I give them directions on how to look for answers and become their own guides. But most of the time none of them get it, or they may seem to get it but do not take any actions. I found myself really wondering, how in the world they dont get it, how many times do I have to repeat myself. And I get frustrated that they dont seem to be improving. Because I truly want to see them happy and make important realizations about themselves so they can feel the same freedom and happiness I feel. There is one friend which I have counseled for three years now and have repeatedly directed her to let go and forgive. I can see clearly the cycle she is stuck and why is she stuck, but she is unable to let go, stop defining herself by the past and truly forgive. Finally the other day, she said to me, wow I now truly get what have you been telling me all these years. I felt in my heart true forgiveness and I felt myself as a new person and guess what, so many people that I havent even heard in a long time are reaching out to me to apologize and reconcile.
At that time, I realized that I should not be concerned about anyone's progress, as knowledge that I provide may lay dormant until they are ready to understand it, but that doesnt mean I have failed if I dont see results ride away. I have to relax and let them follow their choices. If they come to me for advise, my job is to provide the guidance and then let go. I didnt realize that I was carrying their burdens because I was holding that anxiousness to see fast transformations. Now, I have let that go completely. I no longer feel the urge to find out if they progress or not. I pictured my own guides and I aksed myself " do you think your guides are sitting biting their nails every time you dont recognize their sign posts? Absolutelt not."
It seems like a very intense SP, Tak! The experience translates into energy adjustments in my opinion.
You think very maturely about the current situation on this version of Earth. We have to respect everyone's choice of learning. If someone has chosen to experience war, let them. They dont want interference. There is plenty of guidance all around them from all beings that wish to help. But it's up to the experiencer when and how they are ready to receive that help after they have gone through what they have created for themselves and completed the lessons. The question for each of us is why have WE chosen to be on this version of Earth and observe or are affected in some way by the current global events. Surely there are lessons for us as well.
Happy Holidays, my very special friends! :-)
Welcome to Dreams! / Giant
December 21, 2023, 12:40:24
I thought this dream may be an interesting read.
It was very vivid but I did not gain awareness. I was driving on a small residential street at night. There were a lot of people walking. I noticed an energy field ahead. I could see its outlines. Everyone who crossed that field fell on the ground, sort of like fainting. Then I saw the people's bodies being picked up by something invisible and then completely disappearing from view in mid air. I pulled over because I didn't want to enter the field. There was a large house on the side of the road, I got in and an older gentleman told me that a giant was kidnapping people and taking them to another dimension. He told me to turn back. I said, no, I have to try to save these people. I decide to let myself get kidnapped so I can get into that dimension and think of a way to rescue everyone.  I walked into the field and the giant became visible to me. He was picking people up and putting them into his bag. I made sure he saw me. He picked me up, put me inside his bag. Then instantaneously as he was dropping me into the bag I found myself into that dimension. Like the bag was a portal. That world was absolutely beautiful. The people were flying and laughing. I asked them if they were the kidnapped people from Earth and they said yes. I told them we needed to get out and return to our world. But they said are you kidding me, look at this place, we don't want to go back. I was surprised they forgot so quickly about their families that they left. I realized no one needed rescuing and with a single thought I returned to the side of the road next to my car.
If I may I would like to use Xanth's story to point something out. It appears that at the moment of the breakdown, Xanth you knew that you were done with this. One way or another you knew that it was ending and you could go no further. And knowing supersedes believing. Knowing is absolute in the moment of manifestation.

Quote from: Xanth on December 20, 2023, 15:07:11Story time!  :)

Ten years ago I used to work in downtown Toronto for an Interior Design firm.  I was the office administrator.

Long story short, the owner of the company was a psychopath... I managed to stick it out there for a couple years.  Obviously, I started to look for a new job.  It wasn't until I had a complete breakdown in the bathroom one day when I pleaded for the universe to help or I don't know what I would have done.  I even pleaded to a god.  Those who know me know how "not me" that is. 

Anyway, my pleas of help were answered a short time later when I got the job I currently have.  It saved my sanity.  I can only assume that the intense Intent I put out into the universe was being listened to... and for that, I am eternally grateful.  :)

When we hit that rock bottom, there are only two options, to propel ourselves up with such speed, or to give up. Our own strength and determination paves the path. But in the cases of rock bottom, the intent is so strong and explosive that typically produces very fast changes. I'm glad you were able to initiate that shift.
Great, Adrian and Volgerle! Feelings are the reflections of beliefs. Feelings can lead to the beliefs that trigger them and this is how beliefs can be identified. This is a good tool for negative beliefs. If anyone can not feel excitement then they have to analyze what feelings do they have and through them track what beliefs trigger them. Form there, analyze why the beliefs are there, where did they come from. What do they serve, what lessons. Is there anything that the person needs to change to complete the lessons and let go of the old beliefs as they no longer serve. Replace them with beliefs that reflect who does the person wants to be. Take actions to start behaving as that preferred personality.

But in general, we should follow our bliss every moment of every day. Not only passions about job, hobbies, purpose, but evaluate what is the option at any given moment of the day that will give you most excitement. For example, when you get up, do you think if you put on some music and start dancing while brushing your teeth will give you more excitement than to do this in silence feeling it as annoying routine. Make it interesting by adding elements of things that will amp the excitement.
If you are stuck in traffic, think about the magnificence of the multiverse, see yourself as an important part of it and that you are actually in it and not separate from all that magnificence.
Think about what can you do every moment to increase your excitement.
Be in the moment if you are in a beautiful moment, stop and think how amazing it is to be in that now and soak up every ounce of excitement.

If there are challenges, bring all of the feelings forth, don't try to suppress them. Process them in whatever way you feel, and always ask what is this serving me. What does the higher mind is bringing my attention to. What do I need to address. When comes to other people's involvement in your reality as a collective challenge, always respect their choices to go through their own lessons. No one is aware consciously that they are making decisions on a higher level, so it may not be apparent to anyone why is something happening, but it is always made as a choice on a higher level. If we have this knowledge at least we will go through the challenges with a degree of understanding and the suffering may be lessened.

So, amp everything that excites you and let go of the way you think the outcome should come about. Watch for post signs, synchronicities and follow them, take actions.

I have mentioned this many times throughout the years here, and I felt that someone needs to hear this now.

Many law of attraction concepts speak of positive thinking, intent and focus, but not all describe a key element -no insistence of an outcome/timeline and no insistence in which way the desire should manifest. Insistence is a highly limiting energy. It often comes with a secondary feeling of anxiousness and predicted disappointment if the outcome does not happen per set expectations and deadlines. There is fear in a sense of the unknown future. Will it happen or will it not. All of this creates resistance in terms of energy flows.

In my experience and careful evaluation of patterns that have manifested in my life, I have made the following conclusion:
Things manifest faster when only the excitement of how would it feel to have something is present, but not the condition to happen when and how. I only let myself feel. That's it. I don't insist on outcome or plan how can this be achieved. I surrender to the higher power and let it decide how and when to bring about the thing I feel excitement about. My job is to turn up the excitement volume and to feel as real as possible. Because I actually know that somewhere this IS real, and if we are multidimensional beings, that frame of reality I am tapping to is all mine. So, I know that it is real. Act and behave as if you already have it,  but do not be on the lookout for outcome. Just feel. The joy of feeling is what's important. It's not about faking good feelings. It's about knowing that nothing is impossible and trust that energies will bring that which reflects your vibration and your beliefs. Examine your beliefs if anything may be limiting and ask why do you have that belief. And know that beliefs are not facts and not something permanent. They are just tools. Know that they can be changed to serve you. Just because someone believes in something and presents facts to you doesn't mean that you should believe in the same thing. Facts mean nothing when comes to the nature of creation. There are many paradoxes that we do not understand but they can co-exist simultaneously, thus making nothing impossible. Just surrender to the infinite possibilities and let the higher mind arrange in what way your desire will come through. Trust! If you insist in only one way, then you are blocking a million other ways which may be more beneficial to you and you are not believing that any other way is a possibility blocking much of the energies.

Last week my team was chasing a very critical deadline. One of the VPs said to us, this must happen, because it's make it or break it. Well, I decided not to buy into that and just to let myself be filled with the feeling of success. That's all. I did not stress and insist on making that deadline. I just amplified the feeling of success. I let myself flow with the natural circumstances, taking actions along the synchronicities I was noticing. I also knew that I wanted to shift into a version of a reality frame in which my team members and everyone involved in that deadline would be on my wavelength thus manifesting collectively without fears. I imagined myself into that frame of reality. Well, we met the deadline and everyone called it a miracle, because all analytical data was pointing towards less than 1% possibility of success. I did not buy into that statistic because even a fraction of a percent to me is still a possibility and I amplify it simply by knowing, not through forcing it to amplify out of fear of the opposite outcome.
Quote from: ZenKadima on December 15, 2023, 18:55:13although I doubt that being so powerful would grant an innocent request like this, that makes me a little sad.

Do you feel worthy? Saying the word doubt sends a resonance throughout your energy and God reflects in back to you. God does not think the way a personality thinks. It's an energy that gives back what you give out. Prayers should be expressions of gratitude of something that you already believe you have and not something that you wish to get. Do you understands the meaning of the verse from the Bible "your faith has healed you". That same principle applies in all areas of life.
Do you know that you are a part of God. God is not a separate being, is nether male nor a female, it has no personality but is ALL THAT IS. God would not be ALL THAT IS if you were not a part of it, so you have the power. Knowing this empowers one's self to see thyself as equal to everting and everyone and to God, because of the highest level we all perceive ourselves as God. We may be even younger than you in physical age and many members here are females. So elders may mean to you more experienced but know that you have the capabilities of finding all answers. You have to trust yourself, trust your power, let go of all tension and fears, and perhaps the information you read from anyone will start arranging the way in which you will start seeing the picture of the puzzle. Let go and allow. Listen to your intuition. There is no one truth. Everything is ever changing according to your needs as a personality and so are your truths. Just play with whatever information you think resonates with you and see what adventures leads you to. Just have fun. :)
Welcome to the Healing place! / Re: Little Vinny
December 12, 2023, 21:21:15
Oh dear, I am so sorry to hear that! Sending a prayer for a miracle for little Vinny. Surround this little precious baby and his family with loving and healing energy!
This weekend I went to a psychic fair in my area. I had three tarot readings by three different people and a session with one person who claimed she did automatic writing and channeling messages from angels. Up until then I've had several psychic readings not only cards but with mediums as well, and they all were getting things right. But this time all four people whatever they were saying was exactly the opposites of who I am and my past and current life, even funny things about the future. I went to the fair with no expectations but just to have fun. And boy did I have fun looking at these psychics' expressions when I was telling them, no, that's not it; no, I have plenty of confidence; no, I have no hearth ache at the moment; no, I was very connected to my mother; no, I had a very happy childhood lol. They didn't know how to handle all the discrepancies haha. The one with the automatic writing, I thought she will write words, but no she just kept drawing lines and circles and kept asking me to ask specific questions. I said, no, I want you to tell me what the spirits are saying, and then she would freeze. It's easy to find something to say in response to a specific question, this is no psychic. When I asked specific questions, she got everything wrong, not at all aligned with me and my life. And then, when they ask if you are married or in a relationship, if you say no, they go all in with the drama of the hearth. I told them, look my goal is not to find a husband haha.
The interesting thing is that as much fun as I was having, at some point I thought if I should worry about what they are saying. If there is a possibility I am not seeing or admitting something negative about myself, do I lack confidence, do I need to have someone in order to feel fulfilled because one of the psychics said this is how it SHOULD be. The natural thing is to be in a relationship in order to be happy. But this is her belief. Then I realized that I no longer buy into other people's belief systems. They can no longer influence me. I stand strong in my power and I know it for a fact. Who better knows me than me. I saw again how the collective interaction works. People feed on each other's beliefs without even examine them. Children buy into their parents beliefs, we all buy into the society's beliefs, but it's important as we see more from a higher stand point how this game works and crack the code, we can change the entire pre-programming. And this is one of the greatest's tests we have set up for ourselves. Know your own power the way you know the sun will rise tomorrow. Have no doubt, only follow your bliss, and you will never be affected by any negativity that happens around you or on a global level. You may keep observing it, but you will not react to it with such emotional involvement and you will feel true freedom.
Quote from: Frostytraveler on December 07, 2023, 12:28:31Interesting update: Shortly after the above projection for three consecutive nights, while in the hypnagogic state, I have heard a distinct soft spoken "Hey...Hey". Woke me up quick. Is this likely my brain playing tricks on me, or is there any meaning behind this? Now and then (as most experience) I have heard my name called out, even while fully awake. This happens maybe twice a year, but never this distinct and three nights in a row. It is interesting due to the timing. Any comments?

Unconditional love is the strongest energy type that raises our vibration. Through it you have established a strong connection to your higher self and other dimensions, and you are experiencing the synchronicity and connections you have created. Great job!
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: This
December 06, 2023, 19:24:11
Love it! We have to keep reminding ourselves how brave we are to have chosen to come here and be proud. Every experience regardless of what it is counts towards tremendous growth.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Biological Children
December 05, 2023, 19:59:48
For those who desire face to face socializing with like minded people and make friends, there is a website where you can find groups of all types of interests getting together. There are book club groups, people that organize hikes, people who are interested in art, and there are groups for meditation, yoga, healing, maybe even astral projection in your area.