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Messages - LightBeam

If we agree that everything is One, then what we perceive as hierarchy on expression level is a simulation. Everything is truly equal and equally valid and it exists as One(no beginning and no end). Again, I am bypassing the entire compartmentalization and zooming out straight to the highest point of view.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: AP Interview
October 27, 2024, 15:31:49
hi Traveler,

Here are my experiences

I meditate about 10 min in the morning to set the right mindset for the day. I focus on gratitude and anticipate great things to unfold. My perspective on existence had set from the highest point of view and now I can focus on things, receive knowledge downloads with my eyes open, while I go about my day. I dont need long meditation sessions. I feel at peace at all time and I feel connected to everything at all time. I do Tai Chi a few times per week for about 10 min to feel the energies around me and move them in synchrony with myself.

When I attempt to AP sometimes I use specific commands of what do I want to experience and sometimes I ask to be taken where I am needed or experience what I need to experience.

Diet definitely plays a big part at least for me. I have noticed the patterns way too many times now to ignore. When my brain is healthy to transmit the NP messages I have more AP experiences. Healthy brain means free of substances, sugar, heavy foods, heavy carbs, etc. The body also needs rest from digestion. For me intermittent fasting along with nutrient dense food is a great combination. Exercise is also essential as well as walks in nature to connect with Earth. In addition, following my passions every moment of every day, choosing to do what I think would most excite me (something that I am capable of doing) at any given moment keeps me in positive state of mind and brings me joy. I will give you a simple example. When I brush my teeth, I don't just go through the motion. I put on some music and dance while brushing. Even if you think that you have to do chores, errands and they may seem annoying, try to find positivity within these actions. Think that you are so grateful to have legs to walk to the grocery store. Think that you may be serving someone while stuck in traffic in some way, or testing your own patience and gratitude. Start thinking of something exciting that you anticipate while stuck in traffic and that would be the perfect opportunity to manifest positive things because there are no distractions. If you look at everything that is happening form a positive perspective and find the benefits for you and others, then you will go through life happy.

I have been APing for over 20 years. The greatest obstacle I think for everyone is fear. But you have to face it, otherwise there will be no progress. Within fear you will discover more of yourself and will become stronger, braver and confident. So, see how fear is a positive thing because it teaches you.
MY AP method is imagining places and feeling motions 10 min before falling asleep. I can not AP through phasing or meditation. I tried for 10 years and it did not work. I thought that was enough time and I moved to a different technique which worked ride away. And because my energy is awaken during deep sleep in the middle of the night, I don't have issue with awareness or refocus. I have very clear and strong awareness which allows me to explore the NP for a long time because my body is deeply asleep and will not pull me back from external senses stimuli. I do the motion technique a few times per week. It does not produce AP results every time I do it, but that is perfectly ok. I know that with this tempo, I can have at least 5-8 APs per month anyway. I do thing as I feel. I don't force or push anything. If I lose my desire to do the technique then I have to ask myself why have I lost my desire. You have to find the root case for all problems.

With any obstacles in life, not just AP,  you have to ask why have I created this and what is it teaching me. 

Great post, Tides! That shows how all of us have so many points of view and experience things differently. The infinite diversity of the multiverse enriches the overall experience.

Existence is so fascinating and so cleverly designed. God as expression questioning its own validity :)
The illusionary fragmentation and multidimensionality of consciousness is so convoluted. I do understand it somehow, at least form my point of view. I look at everything from the highest point of view. The View of All That Is at its entirety. Since I realized that I am God having a human experience and so is everything that exists, I became a different person. I feel divine and strong at all time. I am in a state of gratitude at all time. I smile just sitting still for no apparent reason, just knowing who and what I am. My whole being is overflowing with joy continuously, feeling one with everything. I know my own power. I feel capable of helping others. I react to challenges differently with a positive attitude and always understand the reasons and the lessons. And my challenges now feel more like adventures and exciting opportunities. And most of all I feel unconditional love towards everything. With unconditional love, there is no room for resentment, judgment, anger, disappointment, greed, jealousy. I understand why things happen in the world the way they happen. I can see everyone's roles, the purposes and how the games are played out. And all this is because I have lifted way above the 3D character, even bypassing the higher self, going straight to the mountain top. There is nothing complicated, just as simple as The One is the All and The All are the One.

When I was little I remember telling the pastor and the people from church "But Jesus was a teacher. He was God, yes, but he wanted us to remember who we are and become like him, like God, because we are God, but our power is dormant unless we know we are God. Jesus is our equal.
I think they wanted to exercise demons out of me haha

We exist as the entirety of all ALWAYS. The Illusion of fragmentation is created by veils. Put a few veils and everything disappears from view and awareness but a fragment. But that "fragment" that is cloaked is still its original thing. It does not go to a separate place away from its entirety, it never becomes anything separate. Remove a veil and the awareness of its entirety becomes visible. Everything is aways there. This is where the concept of illusion comes to play. One veil and you are a higher self/larger entity, put another veil over the first and you are a character, put another veil over and you are a cluster of cells, put another veil over and you are a subatomic particle, and so on and so forth. Start removing veils and at some point you remove as many to shed a physical vehicle. But may be still a few veils left where when you die physically you experience from the perspective of a higher self. You may put over another veil to become different character. And the journey continues through simulated time/space. When the last veil is removed you are aware of your entirety of All That Is, and that is the highest point of view of true timelessness with no beginning and no end, where everything exists in one infinite moment.  Then you decide to dive again into characters to experience the thrill of rediscovery, and so on and so forth for infinity. Isn't that exciting :)
Quote from: Adrian on October 25, 2024, 05:03:55God Became Me That I Could Become God, Therefore I Am God

God Is All, I Am God, Therefore I Am All

God Is Mind, I Am God, Therefore I Am Mind

God Is Light, I Am God, Therefore I Am Light

God Is Love, I Am God, Therefore I Am Love

God Is Infinite, I Am God, Therefore I Am Infinite

God Is Eternal, I am God, Therefore I Am Eternal

God Is Perfect, I Am God, Therefore I May Realise Perfection

God Expresses Through Me, As Me, Therefore I Express Experience

God Is, Therefore I Am

And So It Is.

That is so cool, Adrian! I have this as knowing not just believing or having faith. To me this is an absolute fact and I experience it as reflections in my everyday physical life.
Here is something simple to understand "You are God having a human experience" :)
Quote from: Nameless on October 24, 2024, 19:40:59For if it is an illusion then I must ask myself, what is an illusion?

I'll give you an example which can serve as analogy on many levels. I go to Disneyland and enter the Star Tours ride. The experience feels very real, but it actually is a simulation that we are in space on a spaceship lol. The way I know the Star Tours ride is a simulation, The same way I know that this physical reality is a simulation. Don't ask me how I know haha. I just do, cant explain. But the experience is real. All experiences are real, but the definition of game simulation/staged plays is probably different for all of us and we understand it differently.
Quote from: Adrian on October 24, 2024, 10:36:34Will continue to read this topic tomorrow and comment as appropriate, but regarding:

I am not familiar with ideas promulgated by that book, but that quote could be more accurately be phrased as:

"God is everything, but not everything is God-like"

and to continue, not everything is God-like because it has forgotten that it is God and perceives itself as not God, thus creating an illusion. This is where these simulations feel real and the experiences are real, but the reflections are simulations for learning.

I like to keep things very very simple. All That is IS All That Is. Nothing is outside of All That Is, otherwise it would not be All That Is. 

The parts that perceive individuality are exactly where they need to be at any given focus with specific amount of knowledge. That creates the thrill of re-discovery as if it's something new. Otherwise there will be no thrill.
Exactly, Adrian! I understand the function of the ego. It protects, but it has no visibility outside of its character. Character experience is necessary as we have discussed here many a time. However, it's very beneficial to go through the motions of dense experiences as individualized characters, but at the same time KNOWING on a large scale who and what you truly are is incredible.  Characters seek protection and help outside of themselves because they have created the illusion of separation and they can't experience the power of the Oneness. And that is perfectly fine, it is the design of these realities. It's just when you know that you are the Oneness (not in egoistical superior way, but all of us and everything together) is a game changer of how you experience these realities, the joy and fearlessness, the understanding of why things happen they way they happen. This is truly so freeing. At least for me. And again, the fear of losing the personality is also an illusion. It is never lost, it is enriched with perceiving everything all at once.
For someone that have experienced the Oneness from the point of view of All That Is, I know (not just believe) we can perceive this and that, not this OR that. We can perceive being ALL THAT IS. We are not only what we think we are at this focus. If we shed all filters that we have imposed as a single expression we perceive ourselves as God. There is no dissolvement of personality, but you are able to observe yourselves and everyone/everything all at once. I know this is not easy to  be understood or comprehended from a character point of view. Some day when we become in spirit we will understand the true nature of existence and expressions, wheat they are, their purpose, but ultimately creation has no beginning and no end, we were not created afterwards by God as a bi-product. We all compose the completeness of God. We can not experience the power of the oneness because we have created the illusion that we are something small and separate.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: ASTRAL PRISON
October 23, 2024, 10:38:07
hi markenarten,

Could you please share what the QHHT session revealed about this issue?
Remember that our personal reality is a reflection of our beliefs. Change your beliefs and you will change your reality. In order to change your beliefs you need to ask yourself why have I created this challenge? What is it teaching me, why do I think this situation serves me, to learn what, to change what type of behavior?
Ask yourself also, do I believe I am worthy, do I believe I have power, am I judging others, am I not forgiving people that have hurt me, am I afraid of something, if yes, what am I afraid of and why.

Also, you may want to check with your doctor about your sleep and ear ringing as these may also be cased by a medical condition.
I am posting my experience since it is a continuation with my previous CE5 Contact app experiences posted here.
As I had mentioned before I dont use CE5 often. I feel like these should be very special occasions when I feel someone is calling me for experience. A few days ago, I had a thought popped in my mind to turn on the app and play the crop circles tones and send an invite. I did this before bed. I have no recollection of any dreams or experiences, none at all. I experienced again loss of time, but when I opened my eyes in the morning what seemed like a few seconds from the time I fell asleep I felt violent vertigo by truing my head. I thought I was experiencing sleep paralysis, but I realized that I was fully awake. I got up and every time I bent to get something from the floor, the room would start spinning and I would lose balance. I have NEVER in my life experienced anything like that and I got a little scared. I said "where the hell did you take me last night and how many worm holes did we go through lol". Now, the timing may be have been a coincidence with a medical condition that people experience when calcium crystals dislodge and start floating into the inner ear causing vertigo. I don't know, but my first thought was a wild space ride haha. Then I said, well, now you have to tell me how to fix this. A minute later I am holding my phone and the first article that pops up explains the Epley maneuver. I apply the exercise and within 2 hours the vertigo is gone. Kind of unusual outcome this time of the CE5 Contact invite lol.
Haha, that's trippy! It sounds like a matter fabric glitch. Like a film roll with a scratch that keeps flipping to the same frame over and over lol.
If you want to be entertained find the movie "Free Guy". When I watched it on the big screen and I saw the portrayal of being inside a video game but not knowing it (seeing the fabric of the environment), I felt claustrophobic for a few minutes. Almost wanted to get out of the theater because I knew where we are is very much a designed fabric environment and I felt that the fabric will crush me. I wanted to get out of it and feel free. It was a very weird feeling. After that when I watched it on TV it did not have that effect, but it's a very good and funny movie.
Quote from: Frostytraveler on October 03, 2024, 06:58:14Even today manifestation is a tough one for me, but I understand it and don't discount its validity. For me and based on my experience, there is a set path that has little deviation ability no matter how much we are aware of this path, and no matter how much we identify certain obstacles we end up having to face them. Let's call this the trunk of the tree, the main track we are on. This is the path and experiences we may have agreed to before coming here. Then there are the variants we can alter, let's call these the branches of the tree. This is where the power of the mind/consciousness comes in, manifestation, the theory of like attracts like. Others may have a different experience altogether and were successful at changing the trunk, which is no easy task.

That appears to be the case. Each personality has its own unique theme that is chosen by the lager spirit along with main lessons, challenges, agreements to interact with certain people, etc. It's like designing a video game and choosing your avatar. The designer of the game knows that once the avatar is activated, it will have no direct awareness of being the designer. It will only perceive itself from a narrow standpoint of the avatar with its chosen characteristics and environment. The designer always leave open doors through which the avatar can receive information, but it will be up to the avatar to understand it. The avatar may learn how to click out of the game periodically and become aware of its larger self. Regardless, of what may appear to be learned or not, ALL experiences are valuable, and certain lifetimes serve very narrow set of experiences. Someone may be a potato digger all their life, and that is perfectly ok. This is what the spirit wanted to experience.
Each theme has its purpose. We have to understand what the purpose is to be at peace with who we are. If we try to be someone else and dislike what our current expression is, then we deny our own creation. We cant change our theme, but we have the free will to experience the theme in variety of ways. There is always room to become the best version of ourselves. For example, currently I am not a fairy, I cant change my current theme being human, but I can pull the feeling being a fairy from another life and enjoy the echo. During AP I can experience being a fairy first hand and I have. I have experienced being many things, beings, elements, etc first hand. But while oriented towards the physical we have to play the role of this expression. We have to be proud of our uniqueness, as nothing else can replicate it. We can add soooooo much to our current personality, or remove believes that do not serve us. WE just have to take actions, change our perspective and change our behavior according to what we envision the best version of ourselves is.
Sending love and comfort to the people who are suffering. I believe the power of the collective manifests faster.
Quote from: tides2dust on October 02, 2024, 14:30:43It sounds like mind and consciousness may not be the same thing.

In my view everything is consciousness, the only difference is perception :)
I wanted to add a little more to the story.
I absolutely LOVE revisiting with my mind sweet memories, even during APs, I often go back to my childhood home and experience wonderful times with my family and neighbors. Well, during AP this is my main focus at that time, so I can say it is the Now for my experience, because I am actually experiencing it first hand.
Anyway, daydreaming, feeling what would feel to be or have something that hasn't come to frame yet is also very wonderful. Anticipation of something gives us joy as well. But that anticipation is also part of the present moment and we are submerged in it, feeling it in the now. These are examples for joyful experiences with gratitude that involve past or anticipated future events, and when used in a balanced way, they create positive expressions. But we have to know how much of it to pull into the current frame so that we don't constantly occupy the past or the future and forget to live. Even meditation or focus too long into something that is not the physical present throws off the balance.

Here are examples of unhealthy use of the ability of the mind to wander through time and space: (not my story, but this is a common typical day for many people)
I wake up in the morning, thinking about what's going to happen at work today. I dont even remember how did I brush my teeth, how did I get dressed. It was all automatic. My mind was occupied about work, will there be any traffic, what will I eat for lunch. Then lunch comes and while I am eating I am thinking what should I cook for dinner. I am sitting with my co-workers in the break room. Everyone is talking and laughing and I am on my phone checking Instagram and Facebook. I missed the enjoyable time with people, and instead I am scrolling like a maniac out of habit that creates more anxiety (people are not even aware of it) than enjoinment. Then I get home, I am eating dinner, and my mind was on that presentation that went really bad today. I missed to enjoy the flavors of the food and to create a timeless pocket just for myself to submerge into that moment, appreciate that I actually have food, as many people don't, to appreciate my beautiful house, to give attention to my co-workers and enjoy their companionship. Not to mention when people go on vacations, they keep scrolling their phones and they barely notice the beauty around them. Then when they get home they start looking at photos and trying to catch that enjoinment through the images, but the moment had already passed. They missed to submerge into that moment and extract every ounce of joy out of it while it lasts.

This year when I was on vacation, I got into the warm sea knees deep. The waves were gently splashing. My feet were half buried in the sea floor. I felt nature as part of me. I observed the vastness of the water, I felt its power. The sounds of the seagulls and the people laughing and enjoying themselves, the sound of the waves, all that formed one incredible moment of blissful joy. I truly felt I was IN the now with full force. The feeling of gratitude was dominating strongly and at times I could not even comprehend that much joy. I felt that my mind was too small to contain what I was feeling. 

Excellent point, Tides! Yes, everything exists simultaneously from the highest point of view of All That Is. I was referring experiencing the now from a personality's perspective, where the experience of time is real. Technically an illusion, but the experience is real. That very experience is what I am speaking of. Although we as physical personalities can think and recall other events, we are only capable of actually experiencing one frame at a time. This illusion of time was created by consciousness to be able to experience continuity and a story to be able to rediscover itself from different points of views. Just like turning your TV. Even if you are able to play several channels at the same time on your TV, are you able to focus equally on all programs with the same attention and perceive all the details from all channels. Probably not. What we typically do is turn one program at a time. If we watch one program, but keep thinking what the other programs are, were or will be, we miss the details of what is currently running in front of our eyes. That's my point. Don't miss to observe your current program with all of its details, because it is in front of your eyes for a reason. 
Quote from: Frostytraveler on October 01, 2024, 12:18:22It goes to show you how posting a new thread, responding to posts, and even passive reading on The Pulse "directly" impacts all aspects of ourselves. Everything is connected, including us.

It truly does! That's why I post as often as I can whatever comes to mind, even if no one is interested in reading or responding. I notice that my own personal reality and growth are affected in a very positive way. It's sort of journaling, and not only for experiences, but for any philosophical thoughts that come to mind.
Quote from: Frostytraveler on September 27, 2024, 12:02:41I do watch a lot of YouTube spiritual videos and wanted to create a thread where we can all share them. I will start this thread off with a comedic one that caught my attention. It's on lucid dreaming.

This is hilarious! Everyone, if you dont have time to watch the entire video, please watch the first 3 minutes. I have never seen AP skit before. I guarantee you will laugh hard :)
Thank you both for your comments! Beautiful video, Tides! I was actually checking the other day for local cruises for whale watching. I will try to establish a connection and see if any signs that they understand me present.
I think dolphins and whales have a special role on Earth. Perhaps you can ask before falling asleep to connect with the whale consciousness on Earth and see what dreams/APs you will get.

Well, here is a funny story. At times when the weather is so hot ants tend to come inside. Last month one day I walked into my kitchen and thousands of ants were all over the counter and the floor. I was like, oh shoot, what now. I took a moment to ask for guidance on how to handle the situation. A thought popped in my head to use my ethyl alcohol cleaner and only spray them. I dont use any chemicals for cleaning. I buy in bulk ethyl alcohol for cleaning and I pour it in spray bottles to clean my house. If ethyl alcohol can be ingested, then I can safely breathe the fumes and have it touch my skin lol. So, I sprayed them and walked away, I thought I killed them and later I would have to wipe them out. But luckily, a few hours later they were ALL gone. No killing. They may have gotten a little drunk, but they left haha. So now I know how to handle ant infestation.
I like to give examples with my own life when I make certain realizations. They may be helpful to someone who reads them. :)

In my view, intuition is the language we have set up to communicate with our higher self, guides, and anything non-physical, and even physical actually, because the physicality is just another form of consciousness. So, really all the information there is can come though our intuition. But only if we let it come through. Sometimes we dont even realize that we are blocking it due to ego, fears, beliefs, etc. But, it wants our attention, and if we ignore to understand the messages, it may escalate to a full blown challenge to get our attention. I have learned to ask, "what are you trying to tell me" when I experience out of the blue unexpected challenges. And the challenges are not even related to the nature of the message, but it wants my attention so I can open that channel and listen.
Afterall, it is me from a higher perspective that is creating the challenges to attract the attention to the "little me" who is wrapped around all these filters. That was the bargain, terms and conditions when an expression of the whole is experiencing temporarily the illusion of separation for learning purposes.
But lets go back to my example. There have been series of challenges at work that are not typical and have been progressing to a point where I am starting to get seriously concerned. Yesterday, I finally asked "thank you for this opportunity to learn. What are you trying to show me. I am listening". Immediately the strongest thought popped in my mind "Check your to do list". Ah, I knew exactly the meaning of that. I have a do do list of things I need to accomplish, from errands, to financial investments, to furthering my career, to learning new things and most of all expressing my knowledge to the world in a form of a book, I have been working on for several years and I have been procrastinating. I've had this nagging feeling for a long time to get on with it and not delay any further. So, last night I sat down, finished some educational courses that were pending, started writing my book again, scheduled my errands, appointments to be done within the next week, etc. I felt really good. It was after midnight but I felt happily tired. This morning at work there was not even the slightest sign that we had all these problems. Like I had shifted to a reality where they never existed, because I resolved my procrastinating issues.
So, listen to your intuition and hold yourself accountable :)
I'm glad you are experiencing again the non-physical. How exciting! I find that the more I talk about it with like minded people and think about it during my daily routines (life goes on :)) the more I am in tune overall and have frequent experiences of all sorts while asleep and awake as well. That's why it's important to me to come here and feel the complete freedom to express myself and as a bonus to also perhaps help people if they find my experiences and input informative.

I also wanted to challenge you on the statement "life is hard" :)
For fun, try to change the definition and tweak it a little. Try looking at this way "Life has challenges that help me learn and grow. What am I learning from these OPPORTUNITIES". If you replace the word hardship, pain, challenge, with the word Opportunity, you will feel immediate shift on how you perceive life. And when you change your reactions towards "opportunities" the more your manifested reality will change to match that reaction. Find the positive within every situation, the lesson, the strength you acquired with every step. And most of all feel extremely proud of yourself that you are so brave and resilient to you have chosen to enter a very intense school :)
My sincere condolences to both of you, Jen and EV! This is the most difficult and painful challenge of this reality. Loosing loved ones can be incomprehensible for a period of time. It happened to me when I lost my dad, then my mom a while back. Also losing pets was extremely painful for me. Over time, we accept it. We know they continue to exist and we are together, as we are multidimensional, but still we miss the 3D existence and interactions with them. I hope you find comfort. You can ask them to give you signs that they are with you and they are ok. I had done this after losing loved ones. And every time I had a sign from each of them, letting me know that they are ok and happy. After my dad passed away, I was absolutely crushed to a point where I could not function. As I was laying on the couch and crying, I had the radio on and suddenly the host interrupted the program and said " a very special song request". Then my dad's favorite song started playing. I have never heard this song on the radio in my life because it was a very old song from his youth that most people had forgotten. This was NOT a coincidence. I knew that was his message to me that he did not want me to grieve so much. Later I had many APs with him that gave me the greatest comfort.
Shortly after my mom passed away, I went to pick up some food from the local restaurant because I did not feel like cooking (which is unusual for me. I love cooking). I was looking at the menu and selected a pasta dish with Bolognese sauce. When I picked it up I opened it and it was Pomodoro, not Bolognese. I told the server that they made a mistake, but he said, no, you said Pomodoro. Another person also confirmed that they heard me say Pomodoro. I tried to recall what I said 20 min prior when I was ordering but I could not recall at all how did I order my food. This again is very unusual for me because I have a very sharp mind and memories. Then it clicked "OMG, this is mom's favorite pasta dish". I smiled and I knew that she made me order Pomodoro to bring my attention that she is with me.
Thanks Frosty and Traveler! I agree, the more dialog goes on, the more additional information would unravel. Even if you say just a few words to encourage someone or agree/disagree, provide your opinion, would help with the conversations. When you become a part of the group and join the conversations you will feel less alone, because the truth is not many people express these types of thoughts to their regular friends and family as this is not something widely spread and many people feel isolated or misunderstood.
Thank you for sharing this story, Lu! I love miracle stories. But, lets look at the definition of "miracle". Humans perceive it as something unusual and rare. Well, this very belief that it's rare prevents people to experience "extraordinary" things at a higher rate and attach the same probability as they know without any doubt that the sun will rise tomorrow.
I posted an interview with Joe Dispenza a while back here. I heard from him the expression "Learn how to meditate with your eyes open". I immediately understood the meaning and since then I feel I have shifted and I am in constant state of inner connection. It's quite extraordinary. I also took his course. Hours and hours of hyper drive intense learning. The way he explains things is unique and it's relatable to the physical/physiological laws where people can actually make sense how things work. He is my top 5 list of influential teachers.

Tak, it's great to hear that you keep discovering exciting things on your journey! I love reading stories of growth and adventures! :)