How I Got Out For The First Time

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I know I'm ready to exit when I feel vibrations.  At that point I just increase their intensity and vibrate out of the body. 

Vibrations aren't always felt though.  Since I've begun having successful projections (only been a few weeks now) the vibrations have decreased significantly.  I still feel them, but nothing like I did when I started.
be awesome.


Sounds like very good technique to me :) will try tomorrow. I've tried similar things after waking up but i never really gave them time. And once i got vibrations after being awake for 1 minute so i believed it should be that fast.
First and only (classic) OBE so far: 12th August 2009
LDs: Once per week :)


Hi Personalreality, on your blog you say you've been doing energy work prior to your obe's lately. Can I ask what you've been doing exactly?

Love reading your entires btw. And thanks for the tips in this thread - I've been getting closer to an exit with your 'non' method. :)
Focusing on the ringing in the ears really ramps things up for me...just gotta maintain that focus and not get too excited when the vibes kick in. I'll keep you posted.


Dear personalreality,

thank you for using the term "dissociation".

I looked it up and i read (translated):

Dissociation in psychology is the partial or complete loss of normal integration of memories of the past, identity, immediate perceptions and motor control

It fits so perfectly the description of trance meditation.

Now I find it so deceptive to say one has to focus in meditation, while that may appear true on a deeper level, the kind of focus concerning trance meditation is really a state of being in a stable void, as i would describe it, so un-focus becomes a sort of focus.

"He never speaks but he understands thinks higher than a manHes living in The northern lights In winter everlasting He travels around Big drum in his hand And he knows what you have in your mind Theres always wolf within That leads him down And back home"


You know, I've found over the past few months that my paradigm for OBE theory and practice had a lot of little "inconsistencies" that weren't really bad or wrong, but a simple change in perspective regarding some of these things has done a lot to change the way I think about OBEs as a whole and in my opinion fueled the fire of my first exit. 

One of those inconsistencies was using terms like "body asleep" or "paralyzed".  Again, not to say that those terms are wrong, but in my personal experience, they were misleading. 

I remember a long time ago, asking people on this forum how I was supposed to make my body paralyzed, because I couldn't do it and I was sure I'd never project until I could.  More recently I spent so much time and effort trying to make my body go to sleep while I kept my mind awake that my mind would be WIDE AWAKE and my body would be in a light trance.  I've discovered through trial, error, research and contemplation that the way I was thinking about the proper state of mind and body was deceptive and was leading me to do the opposite of what I have learned I should do. 

When you think about it, dissociation from the body is what you really want.  You don't want your body to be paralyzed because let's face it, that's scary!! (and therefore disruptive and distracting)  You also don't want mind awake/body asleep (this has different meaning once you've experienced it) because you often exert too much mental effort to get to that place actively (I think it's more appropriate to think of this as a passively achieved state).  Frank describes this well when he's teaching phasing.  What you're doing when you phase is turning your attention from the outside to the inside, a 180 degree turn.  So, what is your body?  It's the outside.  And what is your "mind"?  For our purposes, it's the inside.  So what you want to do then is to "turn off" awareness of your body and shift to the awareness of your non-physical functions.  I think that the subtleties here are important.  While mind awake/body asleep or paralysis are certainly ways that this state can be achieved, they are not the actual goal (In my opinion naturally).  The real goal then is to dissociate your mind from your body, to "forget" your body, the memories of your body and most importantly the sensations associated, thus dis-associating from the experience of a physical body and an association with the non-physical aspects of your experience.

I also explained this to Eyyoshi recently, I have changed my usage of the word vibration to the word buzz.  The reason is that I don't experience bodily vibrations per se.  What I experience is a buzzing sensation as I actually exit.  I had a misconception for a long time that in order to exit I had to first feel my body vibrate.  I knew and know that everyone feels or doesn't feel different things before exit.  But I still thought that some feeling was required BEFORE the exit.  Now that I have experienced it, it's not that I feel buzzing before the exit, but rather I buzz as I exit.  So the buzzing isn't my queue that it's time to exit, it's just a sensation I feel as I move from one awareness to another.  The way I like to think of it is that while in physicality I'm very focused on the body and when I'm out of body I'm very focused on the non-physical environment.  But when I'm moving from one to the other there's a split second where I'm not specifically focused on either one, rather I'm focused on the actual vibrational frequency of the "light" in between.  Think of it like this:

~~~~~~~~~~  NON-PHYSICAL  ~~~~~~~~~~~~                             
                        PHASE--SHIFT                              |  180 degree shift
~   ~    ~    ~      PHYSICAL     ~    ~    ~    ~    ~

You can see that the non-physical experience "vibrates" faster than the physical.  That's thermodynamics.  The faster something vibrates, the more "transparent" it becomes relative to physical reality.  (i.e. solid --> liquid --> gas --> plasma --> non-physical)  The "substance" of the non-physical (perhaps it's strings) vibrates at a faster frequency than the "substance" of the physical, thereby making it undetectable to our normal physical senses and technological instruments (both of which can detect it given enough development) and allowing the non-physical realms to exist simultaneously in the same space as our physical realm.  So, in the phase-shift (for lack of a better term) there is a transition happening between the frequency of the physical and non-physical.  I mean it doesn't just jump from one to the other, it moves up a gradient of increasing or decreasing frequency.  In that in between space, there isn't any "solidified" object to focus attention on.  All that is there is abstract energy of differing frequency and our awareness moves through it when going from physical to non-physical and back.  And so, with no specific form to focus on, we just perceive the energy and it comes across as buzzing or vibrating. 

Personally I don't experience it on the way back to the physical because I usually black out and am suddenly aware of my body instead of the non-physical.  This happens (I think) because I've "run out" of usable astral energy and so i get zapped back because I can't keep it up, I'm fatigued.  So my awareness has lost.....awareness I guess, of the transition because there's no more energy to fuel the perception of the experience.   
be awesome.


Quote from: 11_Chimp_11 on February 25, 2010, 02:41:23
Hi Personalreality, on your blog you say you've been doing energy work prior to your obe's lately. Can I ask what you've been doing exactly?

Love reading your entires btw. And thanks for the tips in this thread - I've been getting closer to an exit with your 'non' method. :)
Focusing on the ringing in the ears really ramps things up for me...just gotta maintain that focus and not get too excited when the vibes kick in. I'll keep you posted.

I do the energy work that Robert Bruce sets out as a part of a projection process in Astral Dynamics.  I usually induce a light-medium trance and then (in this order, but do it however you want I guess):

1. Pre-stimulate Hands and Feet (simultaneously)
2. Arm Bounce
3. Leg Bounce
4. Whole Body Bounce
5. Whole Body Energy Circuit w. Arms

These are all techniques taught by RB in his NEW Energy Ways System  -->

It's an invaluable resource and most successful OBEers here use some form of energy work because it helps you gain control of your OBEs.  From experience I can tell you that when I do energy work prior to exiting, I stay out longer, my consciousness is sharper, I have better control of my movement and I get pulled into fantasy traps/imagination traps less often.  When I don't do energy work first, I am pulled back to the body very soon after exit and I have less strength to resist the pull of my body.  I mean, what happens when you don't eat food?  You feel weak and its hard for you to function.  You can't think as clearly, you don't have any strength, you might even get the shakes or a headache and if you go long enough without food you can die.  The non-physical experience is no different.  Your form there needs food too, and I personally think that each time a projection ends abruptly (i.e. when you black out or are pulled back to your body) your non-physical form has died from malnutrition and your consciousness is then instantly flipped back to the strongest place of focus which is usually the physical body.  Luckily for us, the non-physical counterpart is invincible, it was just that particular extrusion from the body that has passed away. 
be awesome.



You mentioned that buzzing in your ear you focused on, try setting up some loud fan in your room, that will make your exit much easier (or so I'm told, I'm still at the beginning OBE stages myself)


I focus on the ringing in my ears to achieve a single-minded focus.  I will often use foam ear plugs to tune out external noises so that I can only hear the ringing in my ears.  I feel a buzzing when I'm actually separating from my physical body. 
be awesome.


Quote from: personalreality on March 01, 2010, 14:29:34
I focus on the ringing in my ears to achieve a single-minded focus.  I will often use foam ear plugs to tune out external noises so that I can only hear the ringing in my ears.  I feel a buzzing when I'm actually separating from my physical body. 
What you should try next is asking questions while in OBE state.
Like purpose of the universe??  Or who your soulmate is?? 

Many AP'ers report getting instant answers somehow


Perhaps they get answers quickly because there is a malevolent being feeding them whatever crap it can think up.

be awesome.


Quote from: personalreality on March 01, 2010, 14:59:18
Perhaps they get answers quickly because there is a malevolent being feeding them whatever crap it can think up.

I second that.

And one can only imagine how much damage an astral being may cause to a naive projector with lines like: "I am you from the future! Now listen, so you can make great positive changes and avoid making the mistakes I have made!"
Deception and delusion are so limitless and infinitely dangerous in a realm where anything is possible.

"He never speaks but he understands thinks higher than a manHes living in The northern lights In winter everlasting He travels around Big drum in his hand And he knows what you have in your mind Theres always wolf within That leads him down And back home"


I've been told (not in the astral  :lol: ) that benevolent beings who legitimately want to help will go away if you tell them that you don't want to talk right now, but malevolent beings will resist and say things like, "Ok, but you're missing out on information that could help you ascend" or "No, I'm your guide, I'm always here with you".  These things seems harmless, but a true guide respects your wishes whether its the best thing for you or not.
be awesome.


Exactly how many of these malevolent beings have you guys encountered??!!   :-o


Thank you for this information. I am sort of new to to all of this and been trying to ap myself. The first or second night I tried I thought I had fell asleep, but then had a intense buz shoot through my body. My heart started racing and I felt light like I was floating, but I had no clue what to do after that. It gas been 19 days since I started this and I decided today I would search for a forum that just focuses on ap and things realating to that. I had first started out with a dream forum and got really interested in dreams, then while on that forum I ended up on an indigo forum which is how I came to learn about the astral and that you can go to the astral in dreams. Which it turns out I have been, but I had just thought they were nothing but dreams. I wanted to know how to ap without having to wait until night and then maybe ap, so I contacted a friend who was very happy to hear what i said and also gave some advice.... So I have been trying since then every night and even during the day some.. I have a question. Are you extremely tired from this? Since I started trying to ap I have been soooo tired -o-. Infact I wish I could take nap for about twelve hours + right now.


I'm not particularly tired, well not any more than usual. 

But, I will say that I don't practice at night when going to bed because it's too easy to fall asleep and if you do that over and over then you will program your brain/body to think that when you do AP practice it's time to go to sleep.  That can be a pain to reprogram.

I usually practice in the afternoon after I've slept for 6-8 hours and been up for about 4-6 hours.  Actually, I feel quite rested and refreshed after I AP. 
be awesome.


Quote from: personalreality on March 01, 2010, 18:37:47
I'm not particularly tired, well not any more than usual. 

But, I will say that I don't practice at night when going to bed because it's too easy to fall asleep and if you do that over and over then you will program your brain/body to think that when you do AP practice it's time to go to sleep.  That can be a pain to reprogram.

I usually practice in the afternoon after I've slept for 6-8 hours and been up for about 4-6 hours.  Actually, I feel quite rested and refreshed after I AP. 
Can you AP easily and regularly now without any problems??
If so how many months/years did it take to get good at AP'ing??


:( I was just now trying, but then it got noisy and scared me. Night time while I am suppose to be asleep is the only time there is any quiet here. Just a bit ago while I was trying your instructions, it felt as though everything was shaking, and I had a tingling sensation throughout my body.... (oh now it is quiet lol)


Quote from: personalreality on February 12, 2010, 19:29:53
Listen for ringing/whining sound in your ears
Have you noticed the ringing (or buzzing noise) comes in waves??!!

It does with me



I have only been successfully projecting for about a month and a half, but I've been training off and on for probably 6 years now.  I would say that I have been REALLY training for about 8 months with a 2 month break from last Nov till the beginning of Jan.  In mid Jan I started practicing again and within about a month I had my fist successful projection.

However, I can now AP regularly at will.  By at will I mean that every time I lay down to do my practice I AP.  I can't just stand up and say "AP!" and poof I'm out of my body.  But any time I lay down I can get out, provided I practice under the right conditions.  I have tried to AP a couple times with adverse outcomes, but I really should have known better than to practice then anyway, I was really sore, tired, and my mind was really fatigued.  It's not really that hard once you get the hang of it. 

I have noticed "waving" sounds in regard to the ringing, but I'm gonna say that it is either because you are using your attention to make the sound "wave" OR your heart beat is effecting the sound.
be awesome.


I was told the buzzing noise you hear are your brainwaves.  And if I'm not mistaken brainwaves when measured on an EEG (electroencephalograph) machine look like they happen in waves also.  It could very well have something to do with breathing, except the waves dont match up with the breaths I take, they seem to be much longer  intervals


Quote from: personalreality on March 01, 2010, 22:15:24

However, I can now AP regularly at will.  By at will I mean that every time I lay down to do my practice I AP.

Dear personalreality,

that is wonderful.

So in concluding your writings, am I correct by assuming that you have been able to do so since the time you learned to properly move into that passive, dissociative state without desiring AP and without superficial "effort" other than remaining in "Q-mind"?

"He never speaks but he understands thinks higher than a manHes living in The northern lights In winter everlasting He travels around Big drum in his hand And he knows what you have in your mind Theres always wolf within That leads him down And back home"



Yes, it would be safe to assume that I achieved consistent success when I learned to properly achieve "Q-Mind".  I have been trying, like I said, for years, but only recently (past 8 months or so) has my practice been a disciplined and concentrated effort.  For the years prior to last summer(ish) I would casually try to project at bed time, I may have tried a couple times to use a particular method, but I never really put much effort into it.  At the time I was living the life of the wheeler and dealer, running the streets, slinging drugs, doing lots of drugs.  I had quite a few experiences of OBE type states under the influence of salvia divinorum, DMT, psilocibyn (sp?), LSD, MDMA, opium and marijuana.  But I don't count those experiences at legit OBEs, for reasons of personal philosophy.  I also wouldn't recommend anyone using any of these substances to achieve OBE (except for DMT in the form of Ayuhasca in the proper perspective), you have to combine them and take more than anyone should to achieve a proper OBE and it's just not worth it as I posted elsewhere yesterday.

But in the recent 8 months I practiced a lot of RB methods, got kind of close but no success.  It was recently (2 months) that I used some spellwork (specifically I dressed a candle and made a sigil) to lead me to the answer to my failures and it did.  Q-Mind and Frank's explanation of phasing (though I don't use phasing).
be awesome.


@ personalreality

Yup, your method works.  I last night got to the vibrations part right before exiting I chickened out though because it was dark and I didnt wanna OBE ina  pitchdark room.  I got to the heavy vibrations part with sweaty palms and some faint bright lights.  Very cool!!  Also very weird because this is not what happened with my first unplanned spontaneous OBE.

I'm having a lot of fun with this, greatest thing since sliced bread  :-D


^^ I also tried last night, but I did not AP. I also got some very intense vibrations and every started to shake again.... Is everything suppose to shake?.. I sort of messed it all up, because I decided to jump and check the time. ^^", but I tried again, same thing happened.... -.- and I fell asleep, only to wake up several hours later, 20 mins before I was suppose too. -.-, but I will try again tonight, or maybe when I get home.  I really can not wait ^u^


Quote from: Anemani on March 02, 2010, 10:22:32
^^ I also tried last night, but I did not AP. I also got some very intense vibrations and every started to shake again.... Is everything suppose to shake?.. I sort of messed it all up, because I decided to jump and check the time. ^^", but I tried again, same thing happened.... -.- and I fell asleep, only to wake up several hours later, 20 mins before I was suppose too. -.-, but I will try again tonight, or maybe when I get home.  I really can not wait ^u^
Nighttime is the worst time to AP they say, also its not good to AP after a meal (wait at least 3 to 4 hrs.)
Best time is afternoonish around 4 or 5PM.

Stick with it though, practice makes perfect.  I'm told anyone can do this