What is Astral Projection?

I cannot answer this question without first answering the question, “What is this physical reality?”, because the answers are so interconnected.

I tell you people this:  You are a bit of consciousness called an “awareness”.  That awareness projects towards this physical reality, towards your physical body.  You are – literally – consciousness projecting.  

When you fall asleep at night, that awareness then projects to “somewhere else”.  I usually call this “somewhere else” the *non-physical*.  We humans incorrectly call that act “dreaming”.  It’s not, it’s simply you projecting your awareness to the non-physical, yet doing so unaware – I call it having a “dream awareness”.

So then what is “Astral Projection”?

When most people say they want to experience an Astral Projection, what they’re unknowingly actually saying is that they want to experience the “non-physical”, but with the same awareness they have during their waking life.  I call that your “waking awareness”.  It’s the knowledge of who you are, what you are, with all of your physical life memories intact.  When you are non-physical AND you have your full waking awareness, then you have what I call an “astral awareness”.

So, Astral Projection is then experiencing the *non-physical* with an *astral awareness*.

Well then, so what is a Lucid Dream?

What most people call a “lucid dream” is an experience in the non-physical, but the only thing you know is that you are non-physical.  This is you having a “lucid awareness”.

EVERYTHING is a projection.  How it’s labeled isn’t based upon some subjective experience of *where* you think you are – it’s based upon *how much awareness you have* in relation to your waking, physical life.

Furthermore, the level of your awareness is directly related to the amount of subconscious control your experience has.

With a dream awareness, your subconscious mind is 100% in control of your experience.  Your subconscious mind is completely driving your experience and since you don’t know any better, you’re just going along with whatever is happening.  

With a lucid awareness, your conscious mind has now come into the picture a bit.  This seems to be why you can control and manipulate what is going on around you.  You are semi-directing what your subconscious mind is generating.

With an astral awareness, your conscious mind is now in 100% complete control.  Your subconscious mind has been pushed to the back burner, sort to speak.  You can interact with consciousness on a more complex level.

Does this make sense?


How to Access The Akashic Records or Contact Your Spirit Guides

What most people have to realize is that the “akashic records” isn’t a place… it actually isn’t any “THING” at all. It’s not a “place” which you “go to”. It’s more akin to a huge database which collects and records data. Consider it a record of everything that HAS happened and everything that COULD HAVE happened… along with a potential for anything that COULD happen in the future. But mostly the first two things, because those are the more concrete things which can be recorded.

First off, remember… everything is consciousness… and that means YOU ARE PART OF CONSCIOUSNESS TOO! As such, this means that you always, at anytime, have direct access (although it might not seem that way at times) to it. All you need to do is learn to listen to it.

Through our non-physical experiences (what humans subjectively call a “dream”, “lucid dream” or “astral projection”, or any of the various other labels we use -> because, meh, they’re all the same thing anyway) we have more direct access to this information. While we’re experiencing this physical reality, we DO have direct access to it as well, but it’s only accessible through the same filters which our consciousness currently experiences this physical reality through. Meaning, you have to put up with all the interpretations and snap judgments your consciousness makes on a secondly basis. So, how do you go about to do this?

FIRST, you meditate… focus your mind. Unless, that is, you’re a person who is always in a focused state of mind… then you can kind of just shift your attention towards that focus.
But let’s face it, most people are absent minded these days. So, meditate… focus your mind for a few minutes… push away as much physical-ness from your awareness as you can. THEN, ask your question. Say it out loud… think it… do whatever you want… just make sure the Intent behind your question is strong and with a powerful purpose. THEN, sit back and wait for an answer.

This is the most important part of this process… your answer will most likely *NOT* be something verbal. Don’t get me wrong, it COULD come to you in a neatly verbal reply which you “hear”, but it probably won’t. As such, you need to listen intently to your body. The answer could come as a change in temperature… a breeze… it could be in the form of a memory popping into your mind… the point here being, remain COMPLETELY OPEN to *HOW* the answer comes to you. Don’t judge it, don’t analyze it, just accept it into yourself, however it comes.

That’s how you access this stuff while “physical”. This can be used to do more than just gaining access to the Akashic Records, or contacting your Spirit Guides… you can do anything you want with this really. Speak with your Higher Self, talk to other people’s Higher Selves… contact animal guides… your subconscious… anything. Keep in mind though, that all of those things are, pretty much, the same thing anyway.



Societal Intent

This article was posted today on the Toronto Star, I wanted to comment on it.


I’ve mentioned some of this before, but it never hurts to repeat things again and again! šŸ™‚
Thereā€™s a thing called ā€œIntentā€, I speak about it a lot in terms of spirituality and astral projection. What is the Intent behind the action youā€™re doingā€¦ is it positive or negative. This is on a personal level. Each action that each of us does throughout our lives has an Intent behind it.

Likewise, society as a whole also has an Intentā€¦ every action that plays out on a larger scale, such as our interactions between each other is the ā€œSocietal Intentā€. Part of living and growing spiritually is purifying your Intent so that the choices you make are based more on a positive Intent than a negative Intent. As each person purifies their own Intentā€¦ the Societal Intent also becomes purified just a little bit more. What this really means is that how we treat each other online in an anonymous situation is directly reflective of our Societal Intent.

When I say ā€œpurifiedā€, I mean that you begin to make choices not for self-serving or greedy reasonsā€¦ but you make a choice because itā€™s just the right thing to do. For example, the famous ā€œwallet scenarioā€: You see someone in front of you drop their wallet and not noticeā€¦ you pick it up and youā€¦

1. After noticing that a few other people around you see you pick it up, you figure you might as well give the wallet back or others might think youā€™re stealing.

2. Orā€¦ you pick up the wallet and immediately give it back to the owner.

In both scenarios, you end up doing the right thingā€¦ you give the wallet back to itā€™s owner. The question is in WHY did you do it. What was you Intent behind the action of giving the wallet back?
In the first one, you gave it back because you were fearful of the reaction of others around you. In other words, you acted out of fearā€¦ fear that your reputation would be tarnished or worse.
In the second one, thereā€™s not an eyelash battedā€¦ you give it back without a second thought, because itā€™s just the right thing to do. You donā€™t even have to think about it.

Thereā€™s a measuring stick hereā€¦
If you have to think about why youā€™re doing an action, then chances are good that itā€™s not coming from a good place.
Itā€™s also the difference between ACTING nice and BEING nice. The first youā€™re ACTING nice. The second youā€™re BEING nice.

Thatā€™s not to say that the first one is such a bad thingā€¦ if you want to focus on growing spiritually, then you have to start somewhere. When you do it enough, acting nice eventually (usually) leads to being nice. Itā€™s hard to change our thinking and perception of things, but itā€™s entirely possible and is well worth it. J


Best Method For Astral Projection: Paths to Spiritual Growth

There is a single, sure-fire way to be a successful Projector: Spiritual Growth.

Spiritual growth has many other terms describing it… increasing the quality of your consciousness, becoming a better person, spiritual evolution, lowering your entropy, etc. If you want to be sure to succeed with Projection, then you’re going to want to aim at becoming a better person. This has the rather effective side effect of making all of those other psychic and metaphysical activities occur naturally!

So how does one grow spiritually? That’s the big question…
You’ll hear lots of stories from many people about what you NEED or MUST do, but the jist is usually that they tell you that you need to meditate everyday in order to grow spiritually. Well, I’m here to tell you that there’s absolutely NOTHING special you need to do in order to increase the quality of your consciousness.

It’s really simple: spiritual growth happens through your interactions with other consciousnesses in this reality. There’s nothing else to it.
What I mean is that you need to interact with other consciousnesses (people, animals, etc…) in a Loving and Caring way. It means to be NICE to everyone and everything regardless of who they are. This SOUNDS easy, but then think about someone who really grinds your gears… now, be nice to that person.

Now, the misunderstanding with spirituality is that you must be nice to everyone ALL OF THE TIME. This isn’t the case. Being spiritual doesn’t mean you allow people to step all over you… or you allow people to treat you poorly. Being spiritual means treating yourself with love and respect as much as anyone else, and you wouldn’t allow anyone else to be treated that way, so you shouldn’t to yourself either.

What you’ll quickly find, as I did, is that doing this on a constant basis really changes your perception of life. This has the secondary effect of bringing beneficial things to you in order to help you further grow! This includes metaphysical things like seeing auras and Projection! As you begin to lower your entropy, you’ll begin to notice these things naturally occurring to you!

Let’s talk now about the paths you can take to spiritually evolve.
There are, essentially, two paths to growth. You can grow through Love, or you can grow through Fear. A good analogy for these two paths is the Force!

We’ll start with the dark side (Fear-based growth). The dark side is limited in their growth potential, they can only become “so powerful”. An individual who spiritually evolves by Fear, uses control over others and control over themselves in order to evolve… they control themselves by controlling their emotional reactions to other people, this makes them “look” nice, but they’re really not. They’re only acting. These people are quite easy to identify, because they have issues with other people and the beliefs they hold. They usually think that their beliefs are the only true way to do anything and everyone else is wrong. They also attack those they disagree with. The problem with people who increase the quality of their consciousness with Fear is that to the less spiritually initiated individual, they look very powerful and very strong. It’s easy to get caught up in these kinds of individuals. If you can identify the Fear-base individual, you can put yourself in to a good position by staying away from them. They’re only interested in themselves and not really interested in helping you or anyone else.

Now, let’s talk about the light side (Love-based growth). The light side is almost unlimited in their growth potential, they can become “extremely powerful”. An individual who spiritually evolves by Love, guides others with a caring hand and helps them to lower their entropy as well. These people are easy to identify as well, because they allow everyone to be as they are. They understand that everyone has their own opinions, their own experiences and their own beliefs. They accept this and don’t try to force their opinions upon others. These are the individuals you want to befriend, as they truly have your best interests at heart.

Here is an example to illustrate my point…
You’re walking down the street behind someone who accidentally drops their wallet, but doesn’t realize it! You quickly pick up the wallet. While picking it up, you notice someone sees you do it. Your thoughts are now that you better give the wallet back or that individual will think poorly of you or might notify the actual owner of the wallet. So you return the wallet out of fear that they’re going to think poorly of you. This is a fear-based choice. This is someone who grows from the dark side. They did the right thing, but they did it entirely for the wrong reasons, yet they still LOOK like they’re good.
In comparison, the Love-based individual would pick up the wallet and, without giving it a second thought, flag the individual down and give them their wallet back. They didn’t think about it, they just did it, because it was the right thing to do.

These are the paths to spiritual growth. Through them, you’ll quickly notice that all metaphysical doors, including Projection, slowly begin to open to you. These occurrences will begin to be a natural part of your life.

Astral Projection and Reality Realizations

On the Astral Pulse today, someone relayed an experience they had and then asked if it was an OBE or not.
This is my response…

There are some realizations that people need to make…

A lot of Projection-talk revolves around the term “Out of body”.
There is no such thing as “out of body”… there simply is no body. Ever. There is only consciousness.

While you identify right now as being physically awake and experiencing this physical reality, your consciousness is merely PROJECTING here.

You’re projecting right now. You just don’t recognize it as such because you’ve been taught that this physical reality and this physical body you “inhabit” are the only things that are *REAL*. This is a… I was going to say a lie, but it’s not a lie, because a lie is when you say something which you know to be false and nobody really realizes or understands this truth yet, so it’s not a lie. It’s just a confusing afterthought that nobody really considers.

You’re taught that all of this stuff you see and experience around you is real… you’re never taught to question any of it, but REAL is simply whatever you experience. Whether it’s in this reality or another reality, real is simply that which you experience.

You might be reading this and feel like you’re really confused about what I’m talking about here and you probably have no idea what I’m talking about at this point, but that’s okay, because if you keep at this long enough, you’ll experience this for yourself and you’ll eventually KNOW. You’re also probably very confused right now too, because you probably think I didn’t even remotely answer the question asked.

When in actuality, the answer is laid out all too clearly here.

The Many Kinds of Astral Projectors – Bedeekin

Bedeekin made this hilarious post on the forums a bit ago, and I really wanted to share it with everyone!
Taken from: http://www.unlimitedboundaries.ca/forums/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=30

So far… this is a great collection of peeps on here Xanth. You seem to have brought a balance to the force. It\’s made me see more clearly the different views of individuals that can be placed within specific groups… just like physical reality. Here is my list of \’Types\’.

The Lucid Dreamers… These generally stick to the idea that all nonphysical experiences are Lucid Dreams. Whether it be from Sleep Paralysis or through a dream. They tend not to theorise too much and it seems to be a 50/50 on whether there is more to it than a chemical reaction of a meat based brain. They usually do it to do cool stuff like fly and be superhuman. It\’s cool to control your dreams right?

The OOBErs (Out of Body Experiencers)… these tend to stick to the idea of a RTZ projection being the only true one. They relate \’Astral Projection\’ as a different animal more closely related to dreams and stick to their guns that they actually externalise a type of second (ethereal) body or soul. OOBEs rule!! This group gets upset quickly… generally by the APers.

The APers (Astral Projectors) … These class themselves as spiritual generally speaking. They use a system that relies on an esoteric view originally defined by the theosophical movement that combined many eastern philosophies into one big westernised mass. They categorise different types of projection into specific subtle body types. This is a popular view with lots of props and metaphors… like crystals, energy work and chakras etc. Usually taken on board by the modern newbie.

The love and lightworkers. These are more closely related to the APers but go that one step further by fully embracing the cosmic super-galactic oneness attitude.. they tend to wear dream catchers around their neck and are a modern version of the hippie… they are generally vegan and sign off a post with \’namaste\’ or \’Love and light to you and yours\’.

The Magicians. These embrace the black magic or Wiccan view. Will use spells to ward off demons.. or incantations to manifest them. Horoscopes and tarot cards are essential accessories. Prone to write long posts with symbols and diagrams of sacred geometry. Usually have a poster or avatar of a pentagram or Aleister Crowley holding his fists to his face.

The Hardcore Materialists These are of Russian origin and flatly point to it all being nothing but \’meat brain\’ materialism. They will announce how amazingly mind expanding it is, but \’meat based\’. How you can use it to learn new things, but \’meat based\’. How you can find lost objects, but still \’meat based\’. Will produce very dodgy documentaries and try everything in their power to promote it as \’meat based\’. Everything is \’phase\’… apart form the \’meat based\’ bit. Will use pretty \’meat\’ to promote their materialism.

The phaser A relatively new and balanced group of individuals that use meditation to project. Prone to being a bit too vague for the newbie with words such as \’passively observe\’ and \’surrender\’. Previous to learning about phasing, they will have tried every other method in the past but failed. Because of this it\’s the best method for everyone.

The My Big Toeists Devout followers of Thomas Campbell. Usually over the age of 40. They use very frustrating circular argument for those who dare to contradict Tom Campbell and his theories. Can be seen in Campbell lectures throughout the world. Can be misconstrued as a cult to the outsider. Would happily have a copy of MBT in every hotel room in every country. Everything is DATA.

The armchair APer They will have read EVERYTHING… but just don\’t seem to project. However. This doesn\’t dissuade them from telling actual projectors what it is and the best way to do it. Prone to YoYo thinking due to their noncommittal attitude and whatever book/website they are reading at the time.

The Newbie aaaah… the newbie. Has also read everything they think they need to know before they attempt projecting only to realise it\’s not as easy as getting a phone app. Will vehemently try every binaural beat there is and will say \’almost there\’ frequently. Will have success and want to know if they succeeded. It\’s all open ground… demons, silver chords and possession is entirely possible.

I will say.. it takes one to know one… I have been a few of these in the past.. and I hope it made you smile a little.

There are probably a few \’groupings\’ I missed.

If anyone has any other groupings they want to add, please feel free to leave a comment or join in the thread on the forums! šŸ™‚

The Original Unlimited Boundaries!

Just over 10 years ago, I had created a website called Unlimited Boundaries. Ā It was hosted on an ftp server of the ISP I was apart of.

Well, I was stumbling around the internet a little while ago… and I found the site. Ā I\’m surprised it\’s still operational as I closed that ISP account a very long time ago.

Anyway, for your enjoyment and for pure entertainment, I give you…


Please enjoy, and have a laugh. šŸ™‚

Support for Tom Campbell\’s MBT from the National Post

So, I was browsing the news this morning and I came across this article that would seem to support Tom Campbell\’s argument that \”belief\” can change reality. Tom relays an study done that shows this exact nature. The experiment was that children in a class would do worse if the teacher was told beforehand that they would. The belief that the teacher believed that the children would do worse, came true. This wasn\’t an isolated case.

National Post Article

Very interesting. šŸ™‚
It\’s nice to see some of Tom\’s ideas and concepts which support My Big TOE, are actually being supported by today\’s science and studies.

Morgan Freeman\’s Statement

Morgan Freeman\’s statement about these random shootings….

\”You want to know why. This may sound cynical, but here\’s why.

It\’s because of the way the media reports it. Flip on the news and watch how we treat the Batman theater shooter and the Oregon mall shooter like celebrities. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris are household names, but do you know the name of a single victim of Columbine? Disturbed people who would otherwise just off themselves in their basements see the news and want to top it by doing something worse, and going out in a memorable way. Why a grade school? Why children? Because he\’ll be remembered as a horrible monster, instead of a sad nobody.

CNN\’s article says that if the body count \”holds up\”, this will rank as the second deadliest shooting behind Virginia Tech, as if statistics somehow make one shooting worse than another. Then they post a video interview of third-graders for all the details of what they saw and heard while the shootings were happening. Fox News has plastered the killer\’s face on all their reports for hours. Any articles or news stories yet that focus on the victims and ignore the killer\’s identity? None that I\’ve seen yet. Because they don\’t sell. So congratulations, sensationalist media, you\’ve just lit the fire for someone to top this and knock off a day care center or a maternity ward next.

You can help by forgetting you ever read this man\’s name, and remembering the name of at least one victim. You can help by donating to mental health research instead of pointing to gun control as the problem.\”

I wanted to comment on this…
This event and all of the preceding mass killings in our society are PRIME EXAMPLES that we create the very world we live in.
Morgan Freeman is quite correct. The demands of our society have created a media which begs for these kinds of actions to take place. Why? Because, we, as a society, ignore everything until we\’re shocked into paying attention and the media outlets know this. We have created the very world we asked for.

The need to rise above the mess we\’re created for ourselves has never been greater. It\’s unfortunate that you can\’t change the world directly, but you can change yourself, and that\’s where the change has to occur. \”Be the change you wish to see in the world\”. That single statement holds so much truth… it\’s a simple truth, yet completely overwhelming as well. All it takes is \”action\” upon yourself to initiate it.

The first thing you can do is what Mr Freeman suggests above… ignore everything about the shooter and mourn the victims. They\’re the ones who won\’t be able to live and grow in this world, learning the lessons they should have learned. Make sure the cowardly shooter remains a sad, lonely nobody. Give your love to those who need it right now.


Tom Campbell speaks about this reality potentially being a school-room of sorts… he jokes about how we should probably view it as being akin to a kindergarten classroom instead of some kind of place of higher learning. All jokes aside, I\’m wondering how close to the truth this is.

And more to the point… I\’m thinking it\’s not only supposed be this way, I\’m wondering if it\’s supposed to STAY this way.

I sit here wondering what it would be like to live a physical life in a reality which is more spiritually aware, where the consciousnesses which inhabit it know of their true origins, and I\’m forced to wonder just how \”productive\” such a reality would be to live in, in terms of increasing the quality of your consciousness. Learning by first hand experience is probably the best way to \”grow\”… which would make this physical reality *THE* best place to learn about how to move towards Love.

The discussions we have here (in the MBT facebook group and Tom\’s forum) regarding MBT and who\’s right and who\’s wrong… they\’re ultimately 100% meaningless. They\’re designed to assist us in guiding us towards the ultimate truth: Love. I think I\’ve finally found the truth to Tom\’s message, and I don\’t think it has anything to do with the content of his TOE.

My Realization

So I\’ve come to a rather perplexing conclusion about my Projection practices over the past several months.

I\’ve been listening a lot to spiritual teachers such as Adyashanti, and even the less \”spiritually-inclined\” such as Tom Campbell lately… and this is what triggered this particular realization. I feel I\’ve had some significant transformations over just these last couple weeks that lead me in this direction.

I\’ve found that the more I\’ve been delving into my spiritual side… the more I\’ve been growing… an the less active I am in actively practicing astral projection.

For example, I really doesn\’t bother me if I project anymore, it\’s simply phased out as a desire within myself. I tried practicing this morning because I had the day off work, and I found myself not really caring if I projected or not. Not because I was lazy or anything, but because I genuinely had no \”want\”… that\’s not to say I don\’t project anymore, I have enough spontaneous projections that happen to me now, they almost seem to be happening on their own accord now and with greater frequency too.

Is anyone else finding this? As you experience the non-physical more and more, your attention is drawn more and more to the physical? Everyone goes through a cycle from time to time where they lose interest in projection and then one day pick it up again… this isn\’t it. I\’m well versed in that particular cycle, as I\’ve gone through it many times prior. This is more a fundamental shift in being *me… or more appropriately, it\’s a fundamental shift in my *being*.

That\’s not to say I\’m not going to continue sharing my thoughts and ideas here on my website or anything crazy like that… hehe Although, I think my posting might \”open up\” a bit to take on more of a spiritual turn and I guess I\’ll finally able to fully utilize my website name: Unlimited Boundaries. I knew I chose it for a reason… because it was quite limiting only talking about Astral Projection. LOL

Consciousness Experiences – My Simple Truth

This isn\’t going to be a long post…
It\’s a really simple truth. I just wish more people would open their eyes and realize it.

I know this is going to sound like me beating a dead horse, but… here is my truth: There is no physical and there is no non-physical. There\’s just consciousness having experiences from different perspectives.

Once you stop trying to separate physical from non-physical and begin to look at things *TOGETHER*, all the answers regarding your experiences become obvious… they become so clear. Everything becomes so… completely… clear!

Mind Quietness – An Experiment!

I have an experiment that I\’d like everyone to try. If anyone would like to volunteer, you only have to do the following and report here via comment or on Facebook your results.

I was meditating on the train the other morning, during it I was attempting to observe my Mind Chatter as it was happening. I made a kind of discovery in regards to myself and how my mind chatter works in conjunction with my breathing.

I found that if I hold my breath, the \”mind chatter\” is expressed much slower in my mind. What I mean by this is that the chatter happens much slower (sometimes at a complete standstill) than if I was breathing normally. When I hold my breath, each word that occurs seems to have a long break in between and feels like each word is struggling to be said. Whereby if I\’m just breathing normally the chatter happens at normal speaking speed with no struggling occurring.

I found this rather intriguing and wondered if everyone/anyone else is like this as well? Obviously, it\’s ineffective and useless to attempt to hold your breath for extended periods of time in an effort to meditate \”mind-chatter-free\”, BUT, as a result of this, I was now attempting to keep the mind chatter at bay by focusing on the quietness that occurs between my breaths.

So give this experiment a quick try. Try to \”observe\” your mind chatter while you\’re breathing normally and when you\’re holding your breath and see if you notice a distinct difference between the speed of the two. As I said, for me the mind chatter was expressed significantly slower (sometimes completely stopped) while I was holding my breath.

Feel free to post your findings here or on facebook. šŸ™‚

The Feeling of \”Mind Expansion\”

I take the train to and from work now. It\’s a wonderful little bit of my day that I\’m learning to really enjoy. Why you ask? Cause it gives me 35 minutes twice a day to meditate! If I can\’t meditate at work, this is the next best thing. šŸ™‚

Anyway, onto my post…
I was meditating on the way home from work tonight and a thought popped into my head regarding the feeling that I get I call \”Mind Expansion\”. It actually feels like your mind is really expanding. But I came to realize what that sensation really is, because I noticed it tonight at the same time this \”other\” thing occurred.

What occurred was a 90%+ reduction in my five physical senses. Well, I was ignoring them. But at that exact moment, I began to feel that \”Mind Expansion\” sensation happen. I never really consciously put two and two together about this.

The \”Mind Expansion\” sensation is also the beginning of removing yourself from this physical reality. Point Consciousness. From there, all of consciousness is your playground. šŸ™‚

The History and Science of Astral Travel – Anthony Peake

It looks like Anthony Peake will be a guest at what looks to be a very informative event.

Out of body experiences (OBEs) are those curious, and usually brief experiences in which a person\’s consciousness seems to depart from his or her body, enabling observation of the world from a point of view other than that of the physical body and by means other than those of the physical senses. Thus, an out-of-the-body experience can initially be defined as \’an experience in which a person seems to perceive the world from a location outside his physical body\’.

The sensation of leaving the body behind and encountering another level of reality is of the greatest mysteries of the human experience. In his talk, Anthony Peake will expand and elucidate on his research into different experiences linked to astral travel ā€“ including the Near-Death Experience, Lucid Dreaming, Remote Viewing and Dream Yoga. He will show how all of these are all elements of the same phenomenon. This tells us that the universe is far more complex than we can ever have imagined. Anthony Peake will also refer to the history of this fascinating subject and will show how recent discoveries in neurology, consciousness studies and quantum physics present a challenging new model of how consciousness interfaces with ā€˜realityā€™.

Anthony Peake

Anthony Peake is a member of The International Association For Near-Death Studies, The International Association for the Study of Dreams, The Scientific & Medical Network and the Society for Psychical Research. In January 2011 he was offered, and accepted, a research fellowship at the Giordano Bruno Global Shift University. He has also recently been listed as one of the 200 ā€œVisionariesā€ for the 21st Century. He is the author of several books including The Out of Body Experience

Details, including date, time and location can be found at the link below.


Tom Campbell\’s \”My Big TOE\” and Forums!

I\’ve been watching a lot of lectures done by Thomas Campbell, author of \”My Big TOE\”… I\’ve also been reading said book.
I\’ll just point out that this isn\’t DIRECTLY about Astral Projection, but he does speak about the very nature of the reality we exist within… and the other non-physical realities that we also exist in.

Suffice to say that his TOE (Theory of Everything) is very concise and answers a lot of questions about our reality. It even answers questions that science hasn\’t been able to find answers for! That\’s a +1 in my books for it. LoL

In any case, I highly advise that you pickup and read this book. He\’s written it in such a way that anyone, physicist or not, can understand his model.

I\’ve also signed up and started posting over on his forum… I suggest if you have any interest in his work to do so as well. šŸ™‚

See you over there!


What is the Physical?

What follows is me just… thinking outloud.Ā  šŸ™‚

I was reading more of John Magnus\’ book last night, \”Astral Projection and the Nature of Reality\” and I got to the part where he\’s explaining what he feels the \”Physical\” is.Ā  He also has it posted on his facebook group page too.

It really got me thinking about the wider reality and how the physical is situated within that reality and all of the connective layers therein.

What if this physical reality is nothing more than just another \”astral environment\”.Ā  Sure, this reality feels very solid, and it\’s very much more resistant to thought-changes, but in the end, this is just one large, collective astral environment created out of the energy of the nonphysical as a place to learn and experience.

In the near future, I predict that quantum mechanics or some other branch of science will end up figuring out that the base material that everything in this physical reality is comprised of is this astral/nonphysical energy.Ā  Or, perhaps we could say… consciousness?

Then I got to asking myself what is the place that we dream, how does it connect and how do we enter this physical reality to begin with?Ā  What is the nonphysical area of consciousness where we do our dreaming each night and where we \”astral\” project?Ā  What if through this area we are connected to the collective consciousness area OUTSIDE of this physical reality.Ā  Perhaps to exist within these physical bodies, we\’re required to kind of \’drill\’ our consciousness through the outside barrier connecting to these bodies using a \’tunnel\’ of sorts.Ā  This tunnel is the \”astral\”… a thin strand of nonphysical reality that we pull into this physical reality that serves as a connection to the rest of the consciousness continuum.

What if we thought of the physical reality as being a balloon.Ā  How would you place your consciousness within the balloon?Ā  Well, there would be connecting points within the balloon already, we call them our \”bodies\”… then you would pierce your consciousness through the barrier of the balloon taking a small stream of nonphysical \”connective\” energy with you which would keep you linked to the collective consciousness.Ā  You\’d drill further into the balloon until you came into contact with your \”body\”.

So then, once our physical bodies die… this strand of nonphysical \”connective\” energy would retract back to the astral, hence removing the \”dream\” area permanently.Ā  We would have no need of this \”astral tunnel\” after the fact.Ā  However, would it then be possible to perhaps, albeit temporarily, push our way through that barrier just to visit this physical reality as, say, what people would refer to as a \”ghost\”?

So, it makes sense to me that this entire physical reality is simply an astral construct.Ā  A construct that is comprised of the base material of the nonphysical reality.Ā  I mean, as we try to break down matter, we find that it\’s less and less dense the deeper we go.Ā  How far down the rabbit hole does it go exactly?

Any of this make any sense?Ā  šŸ™‚

Question regarding Birth Choice and Birth Defects

I had an interesting thought the other day as I was thinking about how we come into this world and how we choose certain aspects of this life.Ā  I fully believe that we work out a \’basic\’ path for ourselves, but whether that path gets fulfilled or not is entirely upon our life choices WHILE we\’re here.

But then I got to thinking about people who are born with what we, humans, would call birth defects.Ā  Some of these people, literally, can not care for themselves as they get older and require outside assistance.

My question is do we CHOOSE this kind of life for ourselves?Ā  Or, upon entry to this physical reality, do we expect perfectly working physical bodies?
When we project, we have perfect forms.Ā  Did we expect this to be in reverse when we came here?Ā  Or, one could ask if there are imperfect nonphysical forms?

If we choose that kind of life for ourselves, then there must be some kind of value sought by your nonphysical consciousness.
However, if these defects are unwelcome by our nonphysical consciousness, then something PHYSICAL, here on this planet, is causing these defects and they go against our chosen path plan.

I\’m curious what other people think about this.

Are birth defects caused by choice or by physical environmental factors outside our nonphysical nature?

My Solution to \”Night Terrors\”

I was in my local occult bookshop the other day and I overheard one of the customers talking to the lady behind the counter asking about how to deal with night terrors.  She continued relaying her, of what I could only believe was her son\’s, experiences to the employee which included things like seeing people standing in his bedroom upon waking.

The store worker, in true pagan fashion dealt out a few of the usual \”cures\” that one would expect… a few particular crystals in a pouch under the pillow; smudging the room with sage (in a clockwise direction, apparently is best); and also shaking out the negative energy that the bed\’s mattress has collected.

Personally speaking, as someone who has suffered from this particular thing and has learned to live with it… I think those particular suggestions are quite silly.  But, really, I would suggest them to someone if they had tried everything else first, because in the end, if it works… then it works.  Who cares how silly it is right?

Well… now I find that I\’m kicking myself because I didn\’t speak up and offer some advice to this lady and her son.  I wasn\’t about to contradict the advice given by the lady behind the counter, but I also wanted to provide an alternative solution that maybe she didn\’t or wouldn\’t have normally considered.

My suggestion would have been this… I believe that what we see upon waking are the last remnants of our time in the non-physical (in this case, Focus 2 oC).  These last remnants are bleeding through into this physical reality (Focus 1 oC) as we wake up, since while our minds are \”Here\” when we wake, there is also a small part of our consciousness still \”There\” as well.  I\’ve come to call this a \”Focus Overlay\” experience.  Now, obviously, I wouldn\’t go into this kind of detail explaining to someone else I just met in a bookstore.  hehe  I would have said that the moment her son comes awake, part of his mind is still connected to the dream world… and that can sometimes slip through into his waking vision from time to time.

I would have suggested that he started a dream journal trying to identify and work through what the subject of the \”night terrors\” are.  Get at the root of the problem and not just attack the symptoms of them with \”crystals\” or \”smudging\”. Also, learning how to have lucid dreams in an effort to confront that which is terrorizing you is another great result of keeping a dream journal.

I mean, I should also probably be doing the same with my own particular \”hypnopompic visitor\”… LoL

On a side note, while I was there, I did pick up a book called \”Astral Projection and the Nature of Reality\”, by John Magnus, referred to me highly by Personalreality of the Astral Pulse forums… so far it\’s turning out to be a VERY good read. I find that his ideas of astral projection really resonate with my own. I\’ll have to write a review for it sometime soon after I finish it.  šŸ™‚

Where is Frank Kepple?

So, once in a while I someone asks me where Frank went…

To be honest, I really don\’t know.Ā  I\’d personally love for him to still be alive, but personally, I think he\’s not with us anymore in this physical reality.
Before his disappearance he was complaining of health troubles.

Apart from that, I don\’t know what happened.

I just wanted to put that out there.Ā  šŸ™‚