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Since the subject is back:

Once a day keeps prostate cancer away?
Study: Frequent ejaculations may protect against disease
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?


Well the most recent study just released yesterday, April 6, 2004, supports a string of studies over many years that masturbation helps to prevent prostate cancer. Sort of feeds into the old maxim, "Use it or lose it". The debate about masturbation on this forum is a very healthy one. Because it is such a powerful human experience it has a prominent place in human consciousness even with those who are uncomfortable to acknowledge such, due to a whole variety of religious, cultural, reasons etc. etc. Because of such prominence, it is and will continue to be a focal point in the evolution of consciousness including projectiology. It is after all, a form of projection, especially when accompanied by visualization technique of mental or other kinds. There is a long standing tradition in many Buddhist monasteries, some refer to it as an occult practice, that monks will masturbate to the pont of ejaculation but stop short of emission. They gather the energy to raise the kundalini, as previously suggested, and use this energy as a vehicle to explore all kinds of realms including what some refer to as the Akashic Records. It is also used, because of the power in such a strong desire, to strengthen the will. Some people have practiced abstinence to forget or overcome some desire that they think is harful, sinful etc. A paper was published at Columbia University, (U.S.)  many years ago by a Dr. Barnard, that claimed retention of semen was a healthy thing to do for both the body and consciousness. Where I am at personally with it, not to over simplify things, but when I have to go, I have to go. Just like urination. When I am relaxing, about to enter a trance technique, and I have to urinate, I urinate. I don't fight that one. I never win. I get up and go to the bathroom. Discovered that a long time ago, allthough, I got to where I could hold off quite awhile and was always taught, holding off is very unhealthy. It's certainly uncomfortable and very attention seeking. The same with feelings of sexual arousal. I can make a decision to feel it and try to use that energy for other purposes, or if it takes my attention so much that it interferes with relaxation,concentration, etc., then I know how to relieve myself. Learned that one a long time ago too. In any case, keep talking about this subject if you want to. It's a healthy thing to do and an important one. Don't be afraid of the subject, and please don't disrespect or put down anyone for "bringing it up."


I find this a valid topic but I did post a topic a long long time ago. Yes it clears your mind. When you get the slightest imagery its very hard to ignore your dingy and your AP is gone!

Neo Schiavo

That's all well and great, but I too am wondering:  is __-nezabaleta-
__ a man or women?

Aargh...nevermind.  But I do have to say one thing--I have never actually thought of masturbating before a projection attempt, and now that I think about it, it does make a lot of sense.  All erotic thoughts and sensations disapear for at least an hour after masturbating, I also notice a feeling of complete bodily "awareness" afterwards.  For example, if I had cut myself earlier and the pain slightly disapeared, after masturbating, the pain becomes "unmasked" and more apparent again.  Masturbation also calms me, but not energetically or mentally, just purely physically.

I really have no problem with the subject of masturbation.  In fact, I think I'll try it before my next projection attempt.


One thing I find interesting is males admit they do it more than females do.

Neo Schiavo

jc84corvette, are you insinuating that I am a male?  Well then...
.'re right!

Diane, show him what he won!

Well Neo, he has just won a two-week dream vacation to the beautiful Phucket Islands!  He will be staying at a five-star hotel and will be given the opportunity to meet rock band Linkin Park!

Sounds lovely, thanks Diane...

Well, now that I've got that of my chest, it's time to settle down a bit.  I do agree with you jc, but to an extent.  Most women who have any inkling of decency usually do not readily admit they masturbate.  On the other hand, I go to high school in Woonsocket, Rhode Island.  Now, "Woonyville" is, for those not in the know, the RI equivalent of the likes of Chicago, Detroit, NYC, and perhaps even LA.  (I am implying that Woonsocket is a run-down dumpster of a city).  Now, at my high school, the girls seem to have no sense of what a women should be.  Even girls only fourteen years-old have nothing else on there mind but sex, drugs, and more sex.  I have met many whom readily expose their sex-life, including one girl who lauded that she just made-out with three diffent guys in three days.  Even one of my friends--who, until recently, I thought was relatively modest--told me the other day she had to go home and "flick her bean."

So yeah, men are more open with that kind of stuff, unless you live in the ghetto, then it's the other way around.  (I guess the polls forgot that minority)


Neza baleta: his messages are spam.

I'll rise, but I refuse to shine.



I never respected the Kinsey report:I thought they were misguided:that job seems to me like studying the color of people's tilets:lets talk about people's sexuality when they really need food on the table

Oh Black Water
Keep on rollin
Mississippi moon wont you keep on shinin on me
Keep on shinin your light
Gonna make everything
Gonna make everything all right



Kundalini:life energy:use your energy in pursuits that benefit yourself and others:like many of my statements this one is amenable to many lesser interpretations:mutual welfare and benefit


This site shares some of the downfalls of masturbation (with ejaculation, and potentially without ejaculation)



To comment on Cezyl's statement about Dr Lin's website (, Dr Lin does NOT believe in complete abstinence, nor does he believe in ejaculating too frequently. According to Lin, frequency of ejaculation is determined mostly by age and health of individual, thus a 40 year old man can ejaculate at a frequency rate of from 7 to 10 days with maximum benefit to health and energy.

However, for the more determined here's a site with info on how to 'go the distance' with storing one's sexual energy, in this case, if you believe the author, for months at a time. Any takers? [;)]

Here's another segment of the same site...
A man's reach should exceed his grasp, or else what's Heaven for?

-Robert Browning


If you guys are so worried about losing energy, why don't you just eat your semen?  Then aren't you just eating back the energy?  Do you see the logic of the energy loss?  It sounds like its more psychological for you guys rather than physical.


I don't hesitate to eat it but when the great moment seems to come, I put a pressure on my perineum to prevent the leakage. (I'm a horny person and my spiritual rocket always ready to launch.)


Thanks for clarifying nitetravler. [:D]

Taalnar. I have never thought about eating my semen to prevent energy loss, or chemical loss. I'll have to ask about that, or read his and other sites more to see how this would work. Thank you for sharing. [:)]


*pours cold water on upstream* [;)]


Originally posted by Taalnar

If you guys are so worried about losing energy, why don't you just eat your semen?  Then aren't you just eating back the energy?  Do you see the logic of the energy loss?  It sounds like its more psychological for you guys rather than physical.

I can't even believe I'm going to entertain this subject but this is a real question: What about when a woman swallows it?  Is she receiving more energy from the guy?  Does that make her MORE POWERFUL???

Please answer with truth on this one. I know if may sound like a joke question but it's not.



If you guys are so worried about losing energy, why don't you just eat your semen? Then aren't you just eating back the energy? Do you see the logic of the energy loss? It sounds like its more psychological for you guys rather than physical.

hahahahhahahah ahhahahahahahahhahahahah hahahahahahahh ahahahahhahahahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhaha hahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahha hahahahha hahahahahahh ahahahahha ahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahah ahahhahahahahaha hhahahahah hahahahahahahhahahahahh ahahahahahahhahahahah hahahahahahahhahah ahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahah ahahahahhahaha hahhahahah ahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahah ahahhahahahahhaha hahahahahhahahahah hahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahh ahahahahhahahaha hahahhahahahahhaha hahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahha hahahahhahahah ahahahhahah ahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahaha ahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahah ahahhahahahahahahhahahaha hahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahaha

thats the funniest thing i've heard this month

i dont think i'd like eating semen. not going to try it.

i also dont think energy is in it any more than a turd


Originally posted by rodentmouse

the only  benefits i derive from masturbating before i lay down is eradicating the chance of me getting an erection when the vibrations start- which is  impossible to ignore, i always "empty myself"  before i try to project.

OMG and here I was thinking I was a wierdo.....


We don't like your attitude, Beavis.
More than half of the human population eat it regularly. Don't be oddball.

Now, I will hipnotize you....I begin to count from 3 to 1, and when I reach the 1, you will be in deep trance, hungry for your own sperm.
Now I begin to count. 3.......................2...............................1.................................
You're in deep trance now.
Now, I order you to eat it. I O-R-D-E-R YOU TO EAT IT......DO IT NOW!
(1 min silence, or perhaps less)
Good. Now, you're see taste like sweetish, if you don't slaps it far and wide. Even had gold in it.
(at least more than other body fluid)


Lord, I.m glad my mother does not know about this web site. ha


Ok ya'll... lets try and keep it clean, PLEASE!  



Yes it's very important. And wash your hands too, especially before cooking.


Jeez, look what happens when you try to have an intelligent, enlightening discussion on matters of great import. [}:)]

I come home from work ready to chow down, log onto this site, read something about eating semen, and lose my appetite. [xx(]

As Khan said in Star Trek II, "From hell's heart I stab at thee..." [:(!]

A man's reach should exceed his grasp, or else what's Heaven for?

-Robert Browning


upstream: We don't like your attitude, Beavis.
More than half of the human population eat it regularly. Don't be oddball.

Now, I will hipnotize you....I begin to count from 3 to 1, and when I reach the 1, you will be in deep trance, hungry for your own sperm.
Now I begin to count. 3.......................2...............................1.................................
You're in deep trance now.
Now, I order you to eat it. I O-R-D-E-R YOU TO EAT IT......DO IT NOW!
(1 min silence, or perhaps less)
Good. Now, you're see taste like sweetish, if you don't slaps it far and wide. Even had gold in it.
(at least more than other body fluid)

If that were true, I could buy jars of semen at the grocery store. Human semen, of course, would cost more than animal semen.

If you're still insistent on eating semen, send me $5 and I'll mail you some of mine.


Dear Sir,

Your offer seems fair, but we consider it to our duty to notify you that you're company have to work hard for our money. The gold cost app. $13.87/g, so for every $5 you offered, we have to get 0.5768 gram of gold from your swipe. Let's it 0.5 gram because our growing friendship has a great value for me as a person.

I'm afraid, that our little business will suffer from the fact alone that a person weighing about 70 kilograms contain only 0.2 mg of gold. The good news is, that according to Skandhan and Abraham (1984), the semen is "the richest source of gold reported in biological materials."

Your brave offer is enough prove to me that you have a gold mine between your legs, so I don't let my investors to humiliate you by checking your spermatogramms. I think, your swipe can produce at least 5g semen (= 4.76 ml thick substance) with every 'aaah' of you. By every time when the dry noise of your hands turn to sloppy our business would yield 1.4285714286e-8 gram gold, which is 0.000019814285714 cents. That takes 25234318,6733958 ejaculation which produce 120 115 litre semen (in app. 80 000 jars).

Sir, my gold reductors are waiting for your camions.


lol. but not as funny as that comment about eating semen

120115 liters of semen. I better get started!

To those who think this thread is too nasty, what did you expect in a thread about masturbation?